90% Naruto (part 1) : The Second son / Chapter 27: Chapter 28 : Assassinating Danzo

章 27: Chapter 28 : Assassinating Danzo

"Captain, it's good to see you again. When the Godaime explained to us that you were with the village from the beginning I was deeply relieved after all these years." An eagle masked anbu said to Itachi who looked at him nodding slightly.

 "It's also good to be back in the village and to see you again Washi (Code name: eagle). Has the Godaime informed you about our mission ?" Itachi asked him calmly.

 Washi: Absolutely, we'll be outside to prevent their escape attempt or completely intervene in the event of a fight.

 "You, you are a Hyûga…" Obito said to Washi who looked at him attentively before nodding slowly.

Obito had seen the chakra gathered at his eye thanks to his Kagura mental eye, it was as if he was observing Hinata or Neji.

 "You're as insightful and intelligent as people say. Are you confident for this mission, little one? The root members are dangerous..." Washi said to Obito who smiled behind his mask.

 Obito : I have my assets , abilities that I haven't shown to anyone yet. Our mission is to get rid of Danzo, what about the others we'll see ? If these guys are strong then an extermination will be the same stupidity to repeat as with the Uchiha, this will lead to the loss of powerful ninja potential and therefore the overall power of Konoha.

 "You want the root to remains ?" Itachi asked him and Obito nodded calmly.

 "The Root's activities , although dubious, have contributed to the stability of the village whether we like it or not. Not everything can be done in the light, the shadow also has its place and it's the way of doing things and the direction that must change, not the objective. If Danzo falls then I'm counting on you to take charge of the organization." Obito said to Itachi who looked at him intently without saying anything, he knew Obito was right all round, the root's activities were necessary but the organization needed new direction.

 Itachi told him that they'll talk about it later and they headed towards the root area behind the hokage mountain. Once there, Washi's byakugan allowed them to locate the sentries outside the various entrances.

Several anbu were there in support and the operation was led by Itachi who transmitted the signal by earpiece to neutralize the various sentries and they took action.

 They knocked out 5 enemies in their area with Itachi and Obito but there was only one enemy left that Obito hadn't even knocked out but subdued, he was currently standing on his knees in front of Obito who was holding him with one hand by the throat, squeezing so hard that no sound could come out of the poor shinobi's mouth.

Obito dominated him here only by his physical strength, he was nevertheless an adult man but the Uzumaki prodigy was an anomaly both physically and in all other aspects.

 "Are you sure you don't want to let me do this?" Itachi asked him and Obito told him that he was in charge. He performed two mudras with one hand and the enemy was directly placed in a powerful genjutsu from Obito. When Obito left him, the man stood up before starting to calmly walk towards the entrance of the lair before disappearing from their sight.

 "Don't doubt my genjutsu skills Itachi-san, I know your sharingan is powerful but I've my skills." Obito said with his eyes closed monitoring the man he released through his mental eye, he saw him walking normally among some other chakra signatures without alerting them.

 Itachi: How much have your genjutsu skills progressed ?

 "The current top genjutsu user in Konoha is the Kurama clan prodigy, Yakumo Kurama. You know this clan well, right ?" Obito asked him nonchalantly.

 "Of course, how could an Uchiha not know them ? Their clan is renowned for easily matching a sharingan user in genjutsu and even surpassing us at times. They're not numerous but formidable and unfortunately for them, their physique is much too weak. It's rare to see a Chunin rank Kurama because of this." Itachi responded solemnly.

 "I'm the equal of their current genjutsu prodigy, her name is Yakumo and she was on my genin team. According to his clan, there has never been a genius of his caliber in generations but I am the only one who can match her and-(stops)" Obito responded with his eyes still closed but he noticed something that cut him off.

 Itachi : What do you see?

 Obito said nothing at the time and when Itachi called out to him a second time, he quickly came to his senses.

 "I...there inside, far away in an isolated place there is someone who has a portion of Shisui-san's chakra signature..." Obito said slightly unsettled, there was a mixture of surprise, confusion but above all sadness in his voice.

 Itachi : It must be Danzo.

 "Can you explain that to me?" Obito asked him and Itachi told him that he would explain it to him when the operation was finished because it was quite long.

Although feeling his anger rising, Obito just nodded and waited. Seconds later, he told Itachi that the man had arrived at his destination and Itachi gave instructions to Washi before Obito placed his hand on his back.

 ( Inside)

 The root man under Obito's Genjutsu arrived in front of the large metal door behind which Danzo's office was located. On the sides of the door, he had Fû and Torune who was still only 16 years old.

 "I have an urgent report to make to Danzo-sama regarding young Obito Uzumaki." he said and as the two guards looked at each other, Danzo's voice was heard inside asking them to let him in and they complied with the request by entering with him into the room where Danzo was .

 "Speak...quickly..." Danzo ordered calmly but the moment the shinobi wanted to speak, Obito who had placed a beacon on him from the beginning appeared near the man with Itachi and things happened quickly... Very quickly . 

Itachi turned around and looked to place Fu and Torune in an immediate genjutsu that completely paralyzed them, Itachi's sharingan in base state for some reasons was drastically more powerful than any 3 tomoe sharingan of all generations and his genjutsu even with three tomoe was powerful enough to easily affect experienced elite Jonins. (Itachi's eyes in this reality are much more powerful and special than in the main reality and I will explain.) 

 Obito for his part immediately unleashed one of his hidden assets that he told Itachi about, adamantine chaînes.

They reached Danzo without the latter being able to do anything because everyone in this room had been taken by this cruel surprise, Tobirama by creating Iraishin had created the ultimate surprise attack technique .

Completely overpowered by the chains, Danzo tried to mobilize his chakra but it had become a completely impossible task for him as if access to his chakra had been locked, he wanted to use his sharingan but this required the now impossible use of his chakra.

 Furthermore, to Danzo's great fear, he felt his chakra being dangerously absorbed by the chains at crazy speed without him being able to do absolutely anything about it.

These chains were hereditary among the Uzumakis and Obito was an anomaly, his chains in addition to completely sealing the chakra of his target could absorb it. 

The duo had developed this strategy for the purpose of assassination, not combat because their only objective was to kill Danzo with as little problem as possible.

Obito knew that the old man was a friend of Hiruzen and had seen in training how strong the Sandaime was. It was possible that Danzo also hid certain assets through his Ninja experience so Obito bet on immediate neutralization rather than confrontation.

It wasn't because he had confidence in his strength that he was going to neglect the experience factor in a fight between shinobis.

 "I can see it more clearly now, his right arm contains a large concentration of chakra and he has placed a sealing system on it to hide something. Shisui-san's chakra, it was indeed on him..." Obito said coldly using his mental eye.

 "Itachi…and you…those chains…the Uzumaki kid…!" Danzo said weakly and contemptuously as he was drained of more and more of his chakra.

Itachi stepped forward and with the clean swing of a kunai, he sliced ​​the blindfold on the right side of Danzo's face to reveal what he was hiding, a sharingan.

 "I finally have the opportunity to make you pay for what you did to Shisui, you old monster. This eye doesn't belong to you..." Itachi said before gouging out Shisui's eye to Danzo's weak moans.

He then undid the seals on the old man's arm to see the arm completely white and strange, encrusted with eyeballs all possessing the sharingan.

 Obito: Disgusting...that was his interest in the Uchiha massacre.

 "The eyes of my clan...I contributed greatly to this atrocity..." Itachi muttered in a daze upon seeing that arm.

 "Ah…eheheh…my death may have come today but…but that doesn't change what you did…Itachi. The…the root…it will survive…" Danzo said weakly in a haughty manner

 "I told you that I was going to kill you if you went after Sasuke, it's over for you, Danzo." Itachi said before slicing his arm with the edge of his kunai, he then looked at Obito asking him to finish him.

 "Thank you for bringing the hatred of the villagers on us, I lost an eye but it made us stronger." Obito said before he brought his hands together and the snake like chains started to move to squeeze tighter and tighter painfully breaking Danzo's bones who spat blood out.

Suddenly, the tip of one of the chains violently pierced his heart and another pierced his skull, killing Danzo under Itachi's impassive gaze who didn't fail to find his chains frightening.

They were the enemy of all chakra users and in the hands of someone like Obito, they were even more dangerous weapons.

 After recalling his adamantine chains which disappeared behind his back, Obito placed two high quality chakra seals on Fû and Torune to neutralize them while the Fuinjutsu symbols spread over their bodies.

Itachi gave the signal to Washi and the anbu outside attacked to neutralize members of the root much less numerous than them, things had happened quite quickly especially that Itachi and Obito joined them to capturing. The decision of their fate would fall to Jiraiya the Godaime who had put an end to Danzo's actions.

 They reported to the hokage who subsequently expelled Koharu and Homura from the village council for all the atrocities of Danzo whom they had supported.

That same night, the two old shinobis were found dead in their home and of course, it was the work of Itachi and Obito.

Later that night, Obito attended Itachi who prostrated himself in tears in front of the grave of his parents whom he had killed himself. The regrets of having done things wrong and the guilt gnawed at his heart.

 He had already told Obito everything including the details of what he knew about Shisui's death the last time they saw each other before his suicide and the eye he already possessed.

 "We can't change anything about the past, the best we can do is do what we can for a better future. I don't know what you plan to do now but if you're thinking of going in search of Sasuke then I advise you to be patient.

The masked man seemed extremely confident according to Kakashi and if he said out loud what he planned to do then he had the assurance that no one would be able to find him for the next 8 years. Sasuke will eventually show himself because he has his revenge on you to take, so the best thing is to wait.

You pushed him deep into darkness so during these eight years, we'll do what is necessary for your health and you'll think of every possible solution imaginable to bring Sasuke back to his senses later otherwise I'll kill him myself ." Obito said calmly patting him on the shoulder as Itachi looked at Shisui's eyes now preserved in a little Storage jar with a special liquid in it. 

Itachi confessed to him that he already possessed his father Fugaku's eyes which he had taken to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

"If he wanted to, my father couldnve defended himself. He also owned a mangekyo but he preferred his son to his clan, he told me that I was a good son and that he was proud of me before I took his life" Itachi told him sadly and Obito stood there without saying anything. What could he say? 

 Obito told him that he knew very well what to do with his best friend's eyes, what Shisui himself would've wanted him to do with his eyes after his death because his own eyes were killing him.

 Itachi's eyes were so powerful that they ended up making him sick and he took medicine which gave him slight relief but mostly burned his lungs little by little. Why were his eyes so dangerous to himself ?! It was all about the very base of the Uchiha's power, emotions. 

 The power of the sharingan evolves especially through negative emotional shocks, the Uchiha could demonstrate unparalleled love and loyalty like Itachi for the village to the point of being blinded but if they felt pain or hatred by being betrayed or losing a loved one for example, the emotional shock was multiplied and caused the sharingan.

 The evolution of this Dojutsu then depended on the negative emotions that the wearer could feel. However, Itachi's case was delicate, the power of his eyes was unparalleled and never a Uchiha had such a powerful eye.

The pain and sadness of being forced to kill his entire clan and his own parents weighed on his mind for all these years even if he didn't let anything show on the outside.

 If other Uchiha's source of power was their hatred, his was his guilt and the terrible nightmares that came with it, but Itachi all this time avoided sinking into darkness and tried to contain this power which even destroyed him physically.

The logical path for an Uchiha with a mangekyo would be to graft another mangekyo to awaken the EMS and avoid being destroyed by the power of his eyes but Itachi avoided doing this out of guilt even though he already had Fugaku's eyes that he could have grafted on. In the end, his atrociously great power had turned against his own health.

 To say how powerful his eyes were, his Susanoo had super-powered weapons that were close to Hagoromo's weapons. No Uchiha had achieved such eye power.

 *** The fact that Orochimaru recognized Yata's mirror and Totsuka's sword in the manga is a huge Bullshit that only served to show that they were powerful weapons. It would have been consistent for him to recognize them if they were legendary artifacts that Itachi had taken out of a storage scroll for his Susanoo to use, but they are weapons made of chakra that appear with this Susanoo, that means that they belong to his Susanoo exclusively and this nigga Orochimaru had never seen Itachi's Susanoo before. ***

 That evening, he decided to change things. Obito was right, the past was the past but he could always change the future and he couldn't do it by mistreating himself like that. He vowed to bring Sasuke back on the right path when they met again, he was going to do what was necessary for that and the starting point was his own health then the awakening of his EMS thanks to Shisui's eyes .

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


