56.66% Naruto (part 1) : The Second son / Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : Results and reorganizations

章 17: Chapter 17 : Results and reorganizations

Konoha had completely become a battlefield but fortunately for them, most of the opponents there were only Chunin level. They not only faced Suna's ninjas but also those of Oto who weren't very strong but many, most of them were Genin level so they were manageable.

100 clones of Obito, each with as much chakra as an elite chunin, were more than enough for him to shine and achieve feats because with his fight IQ and his know-how, each of his clones with a chakra of Chunin level was as dangerous as a special Jonin.

 Obito was everywhere, they saw him fighting alongside the other ninjas of the village and even planning attacks but helping civilians in the village or ensuring their safety, he didn't like them but it was his duty and people recognized who he was, he could see the shame and embarrassment in the eyes of some.

 One hundred clones of Obito represented several times the same number of enemies killed, he killed hundreds of enemies and when two of his clones came together, they worked as a perfect duo.

He played a heavily important role in the village's defense and greatly facilitated the battle for Konoha. There were certainly losses but not as many as in the main reality, much less in fact and it was Suna which was the most affected between them.

 However, he was not the only one to stand out because Lee and Sasuke were seen eliminating the three enormous snakes summoned by Orochimaru which had caused a lot of material damage.

Shino had overpowered Kankuro more successfully because Kankuro's puppet this time was the capture type one and against Shino it was a great disadvantage.

 Karin, for her part, had managed to neutralize Temari quite quickly thanks to her use of the extremely precise Shunshin, granting her phenomenal speed in the middle of a fight, but above all thanks to the chakra sealing tag that she had performed on Temari. 

Karin would've killed her coldly and without hesitation like Obito did with Baki but Shikamaru intervened and pleaded for her to be spared to serve as prisoners of war who'll help Konoha gain the advantage if there is negotiations, Karin also recognized this fact and spared Temari.

 No one had seen Yakumo but something strange appeared, a huge illusory cat appeared out of nowhere and when the enemies listened to his meows, They started killing each other. 

Kakashi like several other Jonins witnessed this but only Kurenai knew who was responsible for it. Somewhere on one of the roofs, a somewhat tired Yakumo was sitting with a paintbrush and a painted picture of a large gray cat in the middle of the village streets.

 Konoha was able to manage this crisis and kill the enemy but were unable to do anything about the large chakra barrier in which the Hokage was trapped. No one knew what was happening there but Obito didn't care about Hiruzen's fate, he really hated him and had priorities elsewhere.

As the battle was in full swing, earthquakes were felt and those on the rooftops could see two large monsters fighting in the distance, one giant khaki tanuki with marks on it and the other was a large orange toad.

 It was Chukaku who faced Gamabunta because like in the main reality, Naruto had met Jiraiya while his brother was training elsewhere.

They had not met by pure chance but Jiraiya had come to the Senju domain to meet him, he had hoped to also meet Obito but he was not there.

Jiraiya had observed Naruto training with Hinata and given the boy's skills, he didn't know what to teach him so wanting to act as godfather, he told him that he would give him an apology gift and it was the summoning contract.

This Naruto being less stupid and more informed than in the main reality had quickly understood who Jiraiya was and the usefulness of summons so he accepted, he had summoned Gamabunta in just two days to Jiraiya's great shock.

 The Sanin had left the village two days before the final phase of the exam, he wanted to teach rasengan to Minato's children but Obito was absent and Naruto seemed to be focused on improving his taijutsu to face Neji, he wanted to beat him on his own domain to avenge Hinata.

 Hiruzen told him that the children were aware of the identity of their father and knowing that he had a godfather rejoiced Naruto a little but nothing more, Jiraiya had to do what was necessary on his part to get closer to the boys but didn't even know how to do it.

 Gamabunta and Chukaku clashed when suddenly, Naruto transformed the grandmaster toad into a Kyubi to grant him fangs and claws, several people watched this in panic and Yamato rushed there believing it was of the real Kyubi but one of Obito's clones told him that everything would be fine and to trust Naruto.

 Concerning Hiruzen, not everything went as in the main reality as Orochimaru strangely couldn't summon Hashirama's soul for the Edo Tensei so he brought Tobirama back alongside someone else, Sakumo Hatake. Hiruzen despite his old age was able to face these three especially since Orochimaru really fought hard, it was Orochimaru who faced four tails Naruto in shippuden not this weak bitch who faced Hiruzen In the first part of the manga.

In the end, the conclusion of the fight was the same and Hiruzen fought fiercely but had a much too tender heart and repeatedly prevented Enma from killing Orochimaru in this fight. He summoned Shinigami to seal their souls and Orochimaru's arms before taking his last breath after his soul was also taken away.

Orochimaru escaped with the Sounds Four, leaving behind Kusanagi's sword that Enma took with him at the time Hiruzen died and the summon was cancelled . 

Naruto for his part was able to wake Gaara up and questioned him, Gaara neutralized and exhausted told him about his childhood and Naruto did the same, he pulled out his talk no Jutsu and this bastard was convincing enough for Gaara to start crying .

Obito's main body arrived there with Yamato and they found Naruto carrying an exhausted Gaara.

he knew Obito's skills in Fuinjutsu and begged his brother to strengthen Gaara's seal because his demon was literally keeping him from sleeping and after a bit of hesitation, Obito completed the seal on Gaara's stomach which quickly felt the difference.

 Seeing that their attack was a dismal failure, Suna' ninjas began to retreat with what remained of the Oto ninjas but Obito's clones weren't going to let them leave like that after this betrayal.

Fifty of his clones as well as more shinobis from Konoha chased them down and a massacre took place with each of Obito's clones being able to use Iraishin.

Obito had caused a lot of deaths, he was merciless and there was no trace of hesitation in his actions to the point of frightening even the other Konoha ninjas, Suna had plotted against Konoha and because of their attack, Konoha had lost people so they had to pay painfully.

 Gaara, Temari and Kankuro were taken prisoner like many injured Sunagakure ninja and later, the Hokage's death was announced. . An assessment was made and if Konoha had had fewer deaths, there were still many injured civilians.

 Days later, there was Hiruzen's funeral and the vast majority of ninjas came dressed in black to pay their respects but Obito was absent.

At that moment, he was in front of his parents' grave with flowers for his mother, he didn't know them but they were still his parents so he came to pay homage to them.


 In Suna, not far from the village, they made a macabre discovery, it was the rotting body of the Kazekage, they understood that Orochimaru had played on them and killed Rasa before pretending to be him.

They later negotiated an armistice with Konoha which allowed them to come and recover the corpses of their men but the fate of the prisoners will have to be decided by the next hokage.

 Now Suna was completely vulnerable and the most powerful ninja there was Lady Chiyo. They couldn't seek open conflict with Konoha because they would be exterminated but above all, they prayed that the other villages wouldn't know how vulnerable they were.

Meanwhile in Konoha, the village was recovering from the damage of this battle and the villagers were awaiting the appointment of the next hokage and in the upper echelons, things were quite turbulent.

Danzo was lobbying to be elected to succeed Hiruzen but the late old man had already planned this kind of thing and had made his last wishes to Enma, the only witness present of his last moments and long-time companion.

In his words, Hiruzen planned to live long enough to see Tsunade return to the village in order to make her or Jiraiya whom he also wanted to see return to the village for good in order to appoint one of them hokage.

 These two names weren't small, they were two of the three legendary sanins trained by Hiruzen himself and they were much more recognized than Danzo who was in the shadows.

They were powerful ninjas and the council agreed that they were good candidates but Koharu and Homura were on Danzo's side so they hatched a petty plan to give him a chance.

They knew that Jiraiya didn't want to become Hokage so they proclaimed that if within a month Jiraya or Tsunade didn't take over the position then Danzo would be named Hokage.

 (somewhere in the village)

 "Thank you very much Kinoe sensei, you've done us a great service..." Obito said as Yamato had just finished constructing a wooden building, it was actually Teuchi's new restaurant, the old location was destroyed during the Battle of Konoha so Obito had a bigger place built for Teuchi who was like a father to him . 

Obito gave Yamato a certain amount of money for his services, he had tried to refuse this remuneration but Obito insisted, they were ninjas and he had not used his chakra for nothing.

Despite himself, Yamato had to accept the money and it was nothing for Obito who was very rich.

 Teuchi and Ayame were in tears to thank Obito who only smiled, he never forgot those who had been good to him. Yuko was very moved by this scene while Naruto and Karin arrived happily.

Naruto unwrapped a large scroll printed with seals and performed several mudras before placing his hand in the center and immediately, restoration materials appeared.

Everything fancy for a restaurant was there, they had bought all these belongings and sealed them in a storage scroll made by Naruto himself. 

 A number of things had happened during these last few days , Kakashi and Sasuke were sent to the hospital after a confrontation with Itachi who was passing through the village with Kizame.

Unlike the main reality, Sasuke was there this time but was cruelly beaten by his brother without the latter even using Tsukuyomi against him, he didn't have time to do it because he had to face Gai, only Kakashi was sent into this cruel illusion that caused him serious mental damage.

Itachi and Kizame were able to escape, but Sasuke and Kakashi needed urgent care. That day, Obito wasn't there but was in the land of waves where he took advantage of a mission to replace his clone with another to oversee Gatou's affairs managed by Ryo as he did regularly and now that he had Iraishin it would be easier to come here quickly.

On his return A week later, he was challenged by Sasuke barely out of the hospital and he calmly told him that he wasn't interested but that didn't please a frustrated Sasuke who attacked anyway and Obito who hardly enjoyed it gave him a severe beating despite his three sharingan Tomoe.

Sasuke attacked with the intent to kill but it wasn't enough, he deployed his cursed seal but it was only the first form and it was useless against Obito much stronger than him physically who broke his arm. If Naruto hadn't intervened to save him, then Obito would've killed Sasuke who had attacked him with murderous intent. 

 To say Sasuke was frustrated was an understatement, he had realized how weak he was since the final phase of the exam especially against Itachi , Naruto's punching speed was shockingly fast and Lee's overall speed in addition to his punching strength were a shock to him because even though his sharingan could discern many of their movements, his body didn't have the speed to keep up and if he used chakra to increase his speed then he would quickly become exhausted facing them.

The worst for him was Obito who beat him with insolent ease, he was a monster who lived in another dimension of power despite the fact that they were the same age .

Sasuke was strong and very talented but Obito was a complete monster, this defeat increased this frustration which began to corrupt his mind and give him dark thoughts. During his stay in the hospital, he began to have a series of strange dreams, they were like memories that he had never experienced in this life and that he couldn't describe. 

Similarly, Naruto strangely had the same type of dream that he didn't remember clearly when he woke up.

It was the work of their reincarnation, they saw very slight fragments of the lives of Indra and Madara for Sasuke but also of Asura and Hashirama for Naruto. 

** It's a different reality and despite the respect I have for Masashi Kishimoto, his vision of the principle of reincarnation bothered me in this manga and brought a lot of inconsistencies. How It Is Possible to Invoke Hashirama's Soul by Edo Tensei if Naruto is his reincarnation as he was the reincarnation of Asura? 

Reincarnation is a simple principle, one and the same soul that will be reborn again and again in several lifetimes but with different experiences, it's a simple principle. You don't have to be a Buddhist to understand the concept and it's this concept that I prefer even though Madara and Hashirama will have their roles to play in the development of Naruto and Sasuke in this reality. ***


 Obito and his loved ones were enjoying Teuchi's new restaurant who decided to make them their favorite dishes. They had a great time when Jiraiya entered the building whistling enjoying the decoration.

Obito, like the others, was enjoying a large bowl of ramen and because the fringes of his long hair bothered him, he tied them up showing completely his one-eyed face .

Jiraiya saw Naruto and he noticed Obito near him, redhead with whisker marks on his cheeks like Naruto, it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was his twin brother, his second godson and his footsteps hesitated for a split second when he saw that the boy was one-eyed.

The others noticed him so Teuchi and his daughter greeted him with respect while Naruto loudly greeted him as "pervy Sage", a nickname which amused the others and annoyed Jiraiya who asked him to don't call him that in public.

He and Obito looked at each other and he walked over...

 "You must be Obito, you've become a celebrity in the village. Did Naruto tell you who I am...?" Jiraiya asked Obito who looked at him without much emotion.

 "You're Master Jiraiya, the Toad Sage and one of the three legendary Sannin. Thank you for teaching my brother Summoning Jutsu…" Obito responded with respect.

 "Finally, one of them knows how to address a shinobi of my build (he said proudly). Did Naruto also tell you who I was to you according to your father's wishes ?" Jiraya asked .

 "Out of respect for you and to avoid any conflict between us in the future I prefer things to be clear now, you aren't our godfather, not after 13 long years without denying yourself and even taking news of the children of your late friend and disciple, the sandaime told me about your friendship with our father.

Gathering information cannot take 13 long years non-stop but I imagine that your more cheerful side activities prevented you from returning to the village to find out how your godchildren who were mistreated by the villagers were doing." Obito said looking him straight in the eyes as a silence reigned in the room and even Naruto didn't say anything.

 Jiraiya: (sighs) The old master warned me, I understand your resentment kid but-(interrupted)

 " Resentment ? Think again master Jiraiya, I don't blame you. My brother and I are shinobis, suffering has been part of our training since childhood but people have been there for us. Teuchi the owner of this restaurant is the closest thing to a godfather for us and he has always been a great comfort. He didn't have to be a legendary Ninja to have pity and sympathy for two abused children but just one person with a big heart and that was enough for us." Obito told him and Jiraiya remained silent, the kid was totally right, he had practically betrayed Minato and had no right to be their godfather after all.

 Naruto broke this cold mood and happily asked Jiraiya why he was there and Jiraiya told them that he had an extremely urgent mission that concerned the very future of the village : Find the next hokage which was Tsunade Senju.

He told them that he had selected them to help him in this mission and that he also wanted to teach them a special technique created by their father Minato.

The boys accepted without problem because putting their feelings aside, they were shinobis and if a higher-ranking Ninja selected them for a mission concerning the well-being of the village, they had to obey.

 Jiraiya told them that they were leaving now and to go prepare their things but they told him that they still had what they needed with them and that they could leave now .

The Toad Sage wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to them, even if for them he'll not be a godfather as he had promised Minato, the least he could do for his children would be to become at least a mentor. After light preparations and a few words to the others, they left the village in search of Tsunade and as usual, Obito left a clone in the village .

*** I'm sorry for the delay in updates but I have to manage my work and take care of my nephew, the only times I have to write are when I'm tired with sleep in my eyes. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm trying to improve and if some events go too fast in the story it's because I want to move forward quickly without having much time to write. Plus I have paused stories that I have to finish, I hate hiatuses 😣. Have a great day or...night👋🏾. ***

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


