18.18% The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed] / Chapter 12: Return and Reunions

章 12: Return and Reunions

Chapter 12. Return and Reunions

Harry stood beside his mother's bed on which she was sleeping peacefully. Albeit a forced slumber due to his sleeping spell.

For him, it was a year since he cast the 'somnus' spell and put her to sleep, but for her, it had happened just a few minutes ago. She would be angry at him and would ask for an explanation.

Name: Lily Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 51

HP: 2550

MP: 5100

Affection: 100

Obedience: 20

Thoughts about you: Love, Pride, Confused anger

As he thought about it, he realised that he didn't really have to put her in a forced sleep in the first place. He could have just gone to the living room and could have jumped to the other world without her knowing, because when he would have come back, not a single second would have passed.

'Then again, in hindsight everything is clearer.'

He couldn't remember why he did it, but he must have had some reason.

Not wasting another second on cursing his past self's supposed stupidity, he placed his hand on her face and caressed it gently. He drank in the sight of her. It had been such a long time since he last saw her, he could have just stood there and looked at her fondly for all night if he wasn't in a hurry to bring back his sister from the dead.

He shook her shoulder. "Wake up, mum."

Her eyes snapped open and she sat up awake instantly.

"Harry! What..why did you curse me?" She asked angrily.

Hearing her voice, even if it was angered right now, was enough to make him cry in joy. When was the last time he heard her call his name?

He wanted to hug her and cry his eyes out and tell her all the bad things that happened to him. He wanted to feel her embrace and her sweet reassurances. He wanted to be a little boy to see his mum placate him, to see her inspirit him. But he suppressed that urge and grabbed her by the shoulders.

Now wasn't the time to rest.

"Listen carefully, mum. What I am going to say might seem absurd to you, but it is really the truth. The reason I put you to sleep was because I was going to resurrect Iris. Yes, I was going to bring her back to life. Don't ask me how I have that power. I can't tell you. Not yet. But soon I will tell you everything.

"I will tell you all the reasons for my different quirks and there won't be any secrets between us. Just be patient in the meanwhile. After forcing you into slumber, I decided to go against my decision to keep the power of resurrection a secret from you. Frankly, it was unfeasible and stupid and because I wanted you to be with me when I revived Iris. You deserve to be there. Now, come along with me and see the miracle." Harry answered hurriedly and jogged out of the room, followed by a frantic and utterly confused Lily Potter.

Harry led her to Iris' room where they both stopped beside her dead body. Lily was fighting back tears while Harry was feeling deeply ashamed. He still remembered vividly the memory of him leading his sister to her death. He didn't think he would ever be able to forgive himself for that blunder.

She looked at peace as she lay on the bed. Her arms were crossed on her stomach and her red hair flared around her neck and shoulders. If he squinted hard enough, he could have imagined her as alive. But there was no need to squint or dream when he could turn it into reality.

"Repair. Revive." Harry mumbled as he took a step back, away from the bed. A golden orb of light flew out of the floor and hung above Iris' body. Lily gasped in amazement as the warm sphere of light moved towards the still body of Iris. A second later, it sunk into her chest, it merged with her body, making it glow.

Then the glow was gone.

Iris sluggishly opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She yawned silently and stretched her arms above her head before she noticed them.

Name: Iris Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 16

HP: 800

MP: 1600

Affection: 90

Obedience: 50

Thoughts about you: Love, Admiration

"Harry, mum? What are you doing… here? Wait! Where are we? What happened? Weren't we on an adventure in Hogwarts, brother?"

She didn't get to ask any more questions as Lily collided with her then and brought her tightly in her arms. Iris was confused why her mother was crying so much. She hadn't ever seen her in this state. She hadn't ever seen her cry so loudly and painfully.

Her own eyes started filling up at the sound of her mother's heartbreaking sobs. She held onto her and let her cry and shed tears herself. When they moved back, Lily wiped her eyes and cupped her face before planting a kiss on her head.

"You are alright now. Harry really did a miracle. I can't believe it." Lily smiled, her emotions jumbled with relief and joy. At the mention of his name, they turned to look at him.

He was still standing a step away from the bed. His fingers were curled in fists and his hands were tucked to his sides. He was pressing his lips, biting back tears. As soon as her green eyes landed on him and her lips curved in a smile, he lost the battle. He fell down on his knees and hid his face in his hands, muffling his cries. But they could still hear his desperate pleas.

"I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry…"

He kept on chanting that phrase between his hiccups and weeping. Lily quickly climbed down the bed and wrapped him in her arms, trying to comfort him.

But he was inconsolable. He kept on crying and asking for forgiveness. Even Lily was confused why he was crying so badly and why he was being sorry. Iris too didn't know anything about it and looked on helplessly at him.

"Harry! What happened? Why are you crying? Why was mum crying? Someone for fuck's sake tell me what happened before I go crazy." Iris yelled finally when she couldn't bear to hear his heart-wrecking sobs anymore. It made her want to curl in a ball and cry herself tearless. It made her so sad that being angry seemed easier.

"Language, young lady." Lily rebuked her mildly. At that, Iris ducked her head sheepishly while Harry snorted and fell into a laughing fit.

Iris groaned and looked pleadingly at her mother.

"Mum, what is happening? Why is Harry acting like a lunatic? One second he is crying and the next he is laughing. Wow, now he is crying again. Merlin! I am going to follow him into madness." Iris grumbled hopelessly as they looked at him.

He was lying on his side on the floor and was crying silently. Lily picked him up and laid him down on the bed where the two female Potters sat by his side and implored him to tell them what had happened.


After Harry told them truthfully what really happened in the chamber with Voldemort, all the blood left Iris' face.

She touched herself frantically, trying to reassure herself that she was indeed alive. After Lily calmed her down and they two huddled against each other's sides, they stared at him. He couldn't meet their eyes and lowered his head, feeling ashamed and apprehensive.

Instead of a sharp slap, his mother's gentle fingers pushed his chin up so he would look at them. What he saw at that moment, he wouldn't ever forget. Their eyes were far gentler and kinder than he deserved. Their lips had an understanding smile as they finally figured out the reason for his hysterics.

"It's okay, son. Iris is fine now. You don't have to punish yourself anymore. Let it go. Forgive yourself." Lily said softly and ran her fingers through his hair like she always did. Harry shook his head, though he was already relaxing subconsciously at the familiar gesture.

"How can I, mum? Whenever I look at her, I feel this strong urge to hide myself from her and keep her safe from me. I was the one who took her to her death after all. How can I forgive myself for leading the one I loved the most to her death?" Harry asked morosely with glassy eyes and an angry face.

Before Lily could reassure him, Iris moved in between them and glared at him with burning eyes.

"Don't you even dare to think about trying to distance yourself from me, Harry. I forgive you for my death. It was a mistake, sure. But it doesn't matter anymore. And since it was my death, my forgiveness trump yours. You don't need to forgive yourself or do any of that stupid thing when I have already done it. That's final." Iris ordered authoritatively.


"That's final!" Iris reiterated loudly and narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to go against her wish. She opened her arms and quirked her eyebrow, telling him to get to it.

Harry gave a watery chuckle before moving into her arms. She held him tight and kissed his cheek.

"You are fine. I am fine. We are fine." She mumbled softly as she cradled his head.

Harry nodded, burying his face further in her neck and hugging her firmly.

He was finally home.

Lily smiled at them and wiped her own eyes. They didn't protest when she pulled them both in her embrace.

At last, the Potter family was whole and happy again. For the two of them it had been just a few hours since a catastrophe happened. But for one of them, it had been more than a year since he talked with his family, since he hugged or kissed his family.

The ever present guilt wasn't gone totally but he didn't feel lonely anymore.

"What will you tell others the reason for Iris' sudden resurrection, mum? I don't want to reveal that I can revive the dead." Harry questioned her when they sat contently on the bed after all the drama was over.

"It's fine. It hasn't been more than a couple of hours since Iris died. Sometimes wizards and witches have been noted to come back to life after being declared dead for more than half a day. It is not common of course. It is rare. Very rare.

"Most of the time it is because the patient goes into a unique state when their magic is heavily damaged. In this unique state, a person looks and feels dead because their magic has dwindled into nothing. They aren't receptive to the magical treatment and are thus declared dead.

"It's almost like a coma but with no indication that the person still lives. Their magic goes into hibernation to keep the body functioning. Still, few patients have come out of this dead state and lived normally again as their magic starts working again, as they start breathing again.

"That is the reason why in some special cases, even after death, the corpses are held by the medical staff for at least a day or two to see if recovery is possible. We will go with this explanation even if it isn't the truth in Iris' case. Now, you both stay here and I will go and inform the school." Lily explained and slid off the bed. As she reached the threshold of the room, she turned her face and looked at Harry.

"Someday, Harry, you will have to come clean with me. I don't like it when my children keep secrets from me as if they don't trust me. I won't ask you to tell me how you revived Iris since you asked me not to. I will respect that. But please, you don't have to hide anything from me, you can tell me anything. I won't ever judge you or belittle you. You just have to trust me." Lily whispered somberly and went away.

Harry winced at the parting remark and glanced at Iris who too was frowning thoughtfully.

"What mum said is true, Harry. You shouldn't keep secrets from your family." suggested Iris.

"I know, Iris. It's not because I want to, but because I didn't have another choice. Thankfully for us, now I can reveal my secret. One person at a time. You will understand what I mean in a minute. Wait a second." Harry told her as he clicked on the party system.

Iris gave him a curious look but held her silence.

Current Members(0/1)

— [None]

'Isis, add Iris to the party.' Harry commanded the system mentally.


Do you want to add Iris Potter to your party? Once she is added she won't be able to be removed unless she dies.


Isis' perfunctionery notification came up. Harry clicked on yes and there was a soft bell sound. If the way Iris' eyes widened was any sign then she heard it too.

Congratulations, Iris Potter is now added to your Party.

Current Members(1/1)

[Iris Potter]

Shared Perk(0/1)

— [None]

Shared Skills(0/2)

— [None]

— [None]

Harry gasped in surprise. This was good. Too good. He could now give Iris one Perk and two Skills.

Note: The basic perks like [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body] and [Observe] and [Skill Create] can't be shared.

Well, even then it was a great feature nonetheless. With this he could easily make her powerful swiftly.

"Iris, do you feel anything different?" Harry enquired excitedly.

She shook her head. "No. I did hear some bell sounds though."

"Okay. Let me tell you the truth now. All of the truths." Harry began and told her everything about the game system.

He told her how he needed to complete quests to level up. He informed her how he was actually very powerful. He didn't go into the details. There was no need to tell her that he basically murdered hundreds of people for a level up. She would eventually come to know that, but it didn't have to be today.

He even revealed that he went to another world and stayed there for a year to become powerful. She could hardly believe him when he said that he met the personification of Death who told him about the Creator and Isis.

"You are telling me that there is a Harry Potter, your variant, who is actually the Creator and the ruler of the multiverse. And that he gave you your gamer power because otherwise our family would have been enslaved. Also, your system is a sentient being who is another Harry Potter, but a female one who once rebelled against the Creator. Her name is Isis. Also, the Creator expects you to become his equal and be the co-ruler of the univ— I mean multiverse. Is that all?"

"I am probably missing something, but yeah, that's it for now."

"Harry, I need a few hours to process all these before I can even start asking questions."

"Okay. Take your time. We will talk again tomorrow and then we will assign you your Perk and Skills."


Harry sat on his bed in his room, alone. He needed to do one more thing before his Necromancer journey could be concluded. He closed his eyes and prepared for the spell.

[Soul Searcher]

He searched for the soul of Voldemort. His brows furrowed in confusion when instead of various soul pieces as he expected, there were only two and both of them situated at the same place.

In the Albanian forest.

Harry opened his eyes and ended the spell. He shook his head disappointedly. It was far too optimistic to think that his trick would work. Just because Voldemort of another world had made horcruxes didn't mean it would be the same here.

Voldemort of his world currently didn't have any horcruxes. While he did shred his soul in two, it was done differently. It was not a horcrux. It eerily felt similar to a horcrux, but it wasn't one.

Something strange was going on with Voldemort. For the brief moment when he saw his soul, he easily recognised that the Dark Lord was still more powerful than him. Easily surpassing him. Somehow being a maxed class Necromancer wasn't enough to challenge Voldemort. Go figure.

It was a frightening thought. How much more powerful did he have to become to challenge the Dark Lord? What was the required power level which would let him kick Voldemort into oblivion?

It was frustrating to think that all that one year of grinding didn't help in making him powerful enough to take care of his Voldemort. Well, he could send his undead and army, but he wasn't sure if it would do anything other than notifying Voldemort that someone was after him and knew where his lair was.

No, he wouldn't be offensive now when his own strength wasn't greater than Voldemort's. He would bide his time and would strike when the chance of losing was zero. He needed to be careful, otherwise a new tragedy might play out. And he wasn't in a mood for more tragedies after Iris' death.

He laid down on the bed and tried to sleep. It was no good worrying over the future. Something would happen to tip the scale. Maybe a new Class or maybe an overpowered Perk. Something would be given to him by the game to make him exponentially more powerful than Voldemort. All he had to do now was wait, keep on getting stronger and be alert for danger.

Making his sister stronger was also a new goal. If she became strong enough to protect herself or escape dangerous situations then he would have one less thing to worry about.


It was the morning after the tragic Halloween which thankfully wasn't tragic anymore. Lily and Harry were already at the breakfast table, waiting patiently for Iris who soon came stumbling into the kitchen and took her seat beside him.

"Good morning, Harry. Good morning, mum." She greeted them cheerfully. They smiled at her and returned her greeting. They ate their breakfast in silence. And when they were done, Lily cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Iris, Madam Pomfrey will be here in a couple of hours to check up on you. The school staff was immensely grateful and relieved to hear that you weren't dead. Maybe that's why Dumbledore easily agreed to give you both a small vacation. You and Harry are on holiday. You will go back to Hogwarts after Christmas. I can teach you whatever you will be missing in the meanwhile." Lily informed them.

Iris furrowed her brows in confusion and asked, "Okay, mum. Any particular reason why we are getting a vacation? If it's about my health then don't worry, I am absolutely fine."

Lily shook her head.

"No, it's not about your health. It is for me. I can't bear to see you go just after last night. I need all the time available to get over the fact that you were dead and are fine now. If it was up to me then you both would be homeschooled instead of getting your education at Hogwarts.

"But I shouldn't do that. I shouldn't let fear rule my decisions. Anyways, it won't matter where you are if Voldemort ever attacks again. Better you be under Dumbledore's care than mine. He is more powerful and more capable of keeping Voldemort at bay. And after last night, he will be more careful and protective of the school." Lily thought out loud.

Iris shot her fist triumphantly.

"A vacation! Yes, that's what I needed after the monotonous life of school. Thanks, mum." Iris grinned, looking at the positive side. Harry chuckled and shared a look with Lily.

It was nice seeing her smiling and full of life.

"I hope you are not ignoring the ' I can teach you whatever you will be missing in the meanwhile' part. There will be studying too, young lady." said Lily with a smirk.

"Do we have to? After I woke up from the dead, I realised that there were better things to do than study. Life is too short and fleeting to waste it on studying and homework." Iris said sagely, nodding to herself.

Harry and Lily just gave her a deadpan look.

"Fine! We will study too." She pouted when she realised her mother wouldn't fall for her act.


After Iris left, Lily held Harry back. She looked reluctant and hopeful as she stopped before him. She took his hand and led him to her bedroom. Harry was curious to know what this was about. She closed the room and asked.

"Harry, can you revive James like you did to Iris?" She enquired in a whisper.

Harry felt his heart tighten in a painful knot. He didn't want to let her down, but he had no other choice. "I am sorry, mum. I can only revive those who died in the last five years from the current day." He revealed softly.

Lily sucked in a sharp breath and fought back tears before nodding slowly.

"I see. Okay… no problem. Thank you." She mumbled, biting her lip as tears fell down her cheeks. Harry closed the distance between them and put his arms around her.

Lily held onto him like he was her lifeline after her hope was dashed.

"I am sorry, mum. If I had the power to revive Dad then you wouldn't even have to ask. I would have already revived him."

She just pressed her face on his head in response.

"Though I can call for Dad's soul for once so you can properly say goodbye to him." Harry added after a minute.

Lily's body stiffened as she pulled back and looked at him vulnerably.

"You can?"

"Yes. But it will be just for a brief time. Do you want me to?"

"Yes. Please." She answered eagerly. Harry gave her a small smile and used his spell.

[Soul Searcher]

After using that, he prepared to leave the room.

"Why are you going? Don't you want to meet him?" Lily couldn't help but ask dubiously.

Harry shook his head.

"No, mum. I don't. It is better this way. If I see him now it will just hurt more and will make me go down the spiral of 'what ifs'. I think the 'all happy and wise' imaginary version of dad in my head is all I'll ever need." Harry said as he closed the door. Though he heard her amused chuckle before he went away.

"James? Wise? Haha."


In the afternoon when Harry and Iris finally got some free time, they discussed Harry's adventure in detail. They lounged on Iris' bed while she gave him many tearful hugs and kisses as he told her about his stay in the other world.

Funnily enough, she was most perturbed that he was technically a year older than her now. Which she instantly denied.

No, Harry was still her twin and would be considered the same age as her. It didn't matter that he went frolicking in a different world.

All that mattered was the time he spent in the original world. So, by that explanation he was still her twin and not her elder brother. That was the final decision the committee issued. The committee in which Harry had no power and Iris was the boss. He just nodded at all the right times while she ranted and gave explanations against him being considered older.

"Did you get it?" she asked in the end.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good." She nodded triumphantly with a victorious smile. Harry couldn't control himself anymore and tackled her into a hug and tickled her mercilessly. Iris laughed and tried to fight out of his grasp.

"Harry! No!" She complained between her giggles as he pulled her close and blew air on her neck. She shivered and elbowed him hard, finally freeing herself. She glared mockingly at him and picked up the pillow.

"You brought this on yourself, brother. In your next life, be extra careful with whom you start a fight." She smirked and smacked him right on the head with the pillow.

It did nothing to him. He just sat there with gleaming eyes and crossed hands. Iris huffed annoyedly and dropped the pillow before jumping on him and trying to headlock him.

Fifteen minutes later they both were lying on their sides face to face. Iris was panting loudly while Harry hadn't even broken a sweat. He smiled amusedly at her as she still glared at him. In her own words, his gamer power was grossly unfair, which he didn't deny since his body was incredibly strong and agile. A normal 11 year old girl was hardly an opponent to him.

"We should really start the main conversation, Iris. Let's give you some extra powers which you can get for becoming a party member." Harry offered, scooting closer so they were cuddled together.

Iris hummed thoughtfully and nodded. She curiously asked. "What have you got?"

"Let's give you your one Perk first. Here are your options." Harry said and brought up his character stats to see all of his perks.

"You are looking at the system board, right?" Iris asked excitedly when his eyes stared at something invisible.

"Yes, yes. Now shut up and let me see." He responded absentmindedly. Iris bit back a retort and kept her silence.

Character Sheet

Name: Henry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Lvl: 300(Max)

HP: 15,000 (10 per second)

MP: 30,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)


[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Mana Manipulation]

[Army of the Dead]


[Master of Dead]


[Soul Searcher]

"Hmm. There is [Peak Body] which makes your body fit and healthy. There is [Teleportation] which you have seen me using. There is also [Inventory] an infinite space to stuff your things in. Then there is [Increased HP regeneration] which will exponentially increase your healing factor. There is the [Killer] Perk which will force weaker people to obey your commands sometimes. Not a useful one right now for you. There is also [Increased MP regeneration] which will make you magically powerful. I do not recommend the [Unlimited Money] Perk since it won't strengthen you. Oh, [Shapeshifter] might be a useful one. It lets you change your face and body, just like a Metamorph. Though with it you can also change in any animal, definitely better than a Metamorph. I don't think [Death's Favoured] will do you any good. And the last is [Reviver] the power to bring back the dead. But it has limitations. You can't revive the ones who are dead for more than five years. So, what do you want?"

Iris looked totally lost as he quickly went through each Perk. She took out a pen and notebook from the drawer and stared at him.

"Now repeat that, but slowly."

That's what Harry did. He then told her about his every skill, Necromancer and Mage combined.

"I need some time before I choose. I don't want to hurry and regret it later." She told him after his explanations. "I will tell you tomorrow morning."

"Fine. Let's postpone it for tomorrow." Harry sighed.

As he went to his room, a sudden thought made him stop in his tracks.

'Hey, Isis. Will Iris be able to use [Reviver] without [Death's Favoured] Perk? Or do those two need to be used simultaneously?'

Yes, Iris can use [Reviver] without [Death's Favoured] Perk. Since you already have the protection against the Gods of Dead, as an extension, any member who joins your party is included in that protection.

'Okay. Thanks. I think I have an idea to use this broken system. Though if Iris doesn't choose [Reviver] then I might have to wait for sometime to use this loophole.'


That night, Lily was in a good mood, humming and smiling at them as they gathered for dinner.

Actually, she was in a good mood since the morning, noted Iris. She shrugged after staring at her mother for a second longer. Good for her.

They joked and laughed as they talked during the dinner. But Lily gave them a surprise in the end.

"Yes, you heard me correct. From tomorrow onwards you both will come with me for jogging and after that we will practise fighting and duelling. It has slipped from my mind, but even now is not too late to start your training. Be here at 5:00 in the morning. Now off you go, Harry, you wait behind." She said sternly. Iris grumbled underneath her breath about sleep killers as she left the room.

Harry chuckled at his sister's antics before turning towards his mother who quickly approached him and engulfed him in her arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Harry." She laughed happily. He was tapping her arm desperately as she smothered him between her breasts.

"Air!" he gasped. Lily held him for a few more seconds before freeing him from her grasp. He shot her a dirty look as soon as he stepped back.

"You always do that on purpose."

"I don't know what you are talking about." She smiled 'innocently' and gave a loud kiss on his cheek, her eyes bright with fondness and love. He shook his head at the sudden remembrance of the other world's Daphne who too used the same smile after her mischiefs.

"I see that you are happy to say goodbye to dad." Harry said, concentrating on the real topic and ignoring the fluttering nostalgia in his chest.

"Yes. It was good to see him and know that he was at peace. I even convinced him to go for a rebirth instead of waiting for us for decades. I feel so free tonight. I always felt guilty that I was given a chance to live while he died protecting us. It was unfair to him. Now that I know he will live again somewhere and sometime, I don't feel bad at all." She smiled softly, her eyes unseeing as she recalled her reunion.

Harry didn't totally understand her perspective, but still felt happy that she was happy.

"I am glad to hear that you are okay, mum. I feared that you might get sad because dad couldn't be revived."

"You are too young to worry about me, love. But I am flattered." Lily smirked and ruffled his hair. "Now go on. Don't stay awake late. Tomorrow we all have to wake up early."


Harry went to his bedroom and found Aura sleeping in his bed.

"Oops. I forgot to introduce Aura to them. I hope mum doesn't have a problem with me having a pet, an independent cat who comes and goes as she desires."

He climbed on the bed and pulled Aura against his chest before going to sleep. The cat didn't fight against his grasp and cuddled into him.


"I hate both of you." Iris was panting loudly, stooping over with her hands on her knees. They had just finished their morning jog and were outside the Manor's entrance. Lily too had a sheen of sweat on her skin while Harry was the only one who looked as fresh as ever.

Lily gave him a strange, but a proud look for not feeling exhaustion after just a mild jog.

"You will get used to it, Iris. It was your first day. Everyone feels like that on the first day." Lily chuckled dryly.

"Right. Everyone really does feel like strangling their physically fit family members in their sleep. I thought I was being dramatic." Iris responded sarcastically.

"Let's keep the strangling to a minimum as you both are going to duel now. Go on then, let me see how much you already know." Lily said with an eye roll and walked to the side. Harry and Iris stood a few yards away as they drew out their wands. Harry confidently and Iris reluctantly. She knew she was going to lose. She was well aware of how extremely powerful he was.


Iris sent a few spells she knew as quickly as she could. A tickling charm, a ray of harmless light and a knockback jinx.

For Harry, these spells flew towards him as if they were travelling through water. He weaved through them all the while running towards her.

In a few seconds, Harry ducked under her desperate arm swing which she threw since he was too close for a spell fire. He slid behind her before slapping on her butt and dancing away back to his position, effortlessly dodging her annoyed spells which just angered her more.

"Stop!" yelled Lily.

Iris did stop her spellfire, but then decided to chase Harry around their house. Harry kept on laughing and teasing her while she screamed murder and tried to catch him.

Lily sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"The only thing I learned is that Harry is very fast and Iris is quick to anger. Well, something is better than nothing I guess."


At the breakfast table, the three Potters sat and talked with each other. Iris was the only one who was tired and wanted to go take a nap. As Lily was going to say something she was interrupted by the arrival of a white fluffy cat who ignored everyone and jumped onto the table before taking Harry's steak and eating it quickly.

There was a stunned silence.

"Mum, Iris, this is Aura. Aura, meet Iris and mum." Harry broke the silence with a nervous smile.

"Oh! She is that cat." Iris exclaimed and stared at the white cat in wonder.

"Yes, that one." said Harry.

"Harry, when did you get a cat?" Lily questioned him with a perplexed look.

Harry shrugged and smiled sweetly. "Apparently from last night."

"Papa, this lady is your mother. Wow, does that mean she is my grandmother?"

He didn't know how she fit that long sentence in a single meow.

'Technically, yes. But let's not tell her that. I am pretty sure she won't be enthusiastic to be called a grandmother at this age. Now act cute and try to charm her. Go!' Harry replied telepathically.

"I am always cute. I don't need to act cute." she shot him an offended look and walked to Lily's side. Aura gave a soft meow and licked her hand which was placed on the table.

"Aw! She is so beautiful. You chose a good one, Harry." Lily giggled and scratched her behind the ear.

Aura turned her head and gave him a haughty look. Harry grinned and discreetly gave her a thumbs up which wasn't discreet enough since Iris had been laughing at their interactions all along.


"I have decided what Perk and Skills I want." Iris announced as soon as she barged into his room. Harry shot her a curious look as he tended to Aura who was lying across his lap, demanding his attention.

"And what have you chosen?"

"I want the [Peak Body] Perk. This morning made me realise how important a physically fit body is. And honestly, I am too lazy to work out to be fit. So, yep, give me the cheat to have a perfect healthy body. For the skills, I choose [Flying] obviously since I love flying. The second skill will be [Energy Shield] which will be the best defensive spell in the wizarding world." Iris replied confidently.

Harry bit back the urge to ask her to change her mind about the [Flying] skill before he realised that it wouldn't be useless and that she could escape quickly with it when she faced more powerful people than her.

"Okay. I will first need to change my own class back to Mage to give you your skills." Harry nodded and ordered Isis to change his class back to Mage. There was no need to be a Necromancer anymore. Now, his goal was to max his [Mage] class and share his secret with his mother.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 170(0%)

HP: 8500 (10 per second)

MP: 17,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)


[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]





[Energy Shield]

He winced at the sudden loss of so much power and skills. Still, he had to get used to this feeling if he wanted to choose and max different Classes. Though it didn't mean that it wasn't annoying.

Current Members(1/1)

[Iris Potter]

Shared Perk(1/1)

— [Peak Body]

Shared Skills(2/2)

— [Flying]

— [Energy Shield]

Iris gasped as the information to use her new powers suddenly seeped into her brain. She stared at him with wide eyes and stood up as an uncomfortable feeling attacked her body.

She rapidly gained more than a few inches. Her body shape also changed and a little more volume was added around her womanly curves. Her knee length skirt now only reached down to her mid-thighs and her t-shirt was short and tight on her torso. She still looked like a prepubescent girl but a taller one with little roundness around her certain body parts.

"I am both apprehensive and excited to see mum's bamboozled face. Also, we might need to do some clothes shopping for you." Harry finally said when they kept on looking dumbly at each other.

"I am exactly your height now. Haha." Iris laughed loudly. Aura's annoyed meow stopped her before she could do a full on evil cackling.

"Sorry, Miss Aura. You can go back to sleep. We will try not to disturb you."

Harry picked Aura up his lap and placed her down on the pillow where the cat curled into a ball.

"Let's go outside and test your new Skills before giving mum an unexpected surprise." Harry said, presenting his hand which Iris quickly grabbed onto.

Then Harry teleported high in the sky. And this time instead of frightened screaming, Iris whooped with excitement and flew on her own.


Lily stared at them dubiously and rubbed her eyes to see if she was seeing things.

She wasn't.

"Either I am in the future or I am mad."

"Neither of those. The reason for Iris' sudden growth is a secret just like my other secrets. Before you get angry, I don't have a choice in sharing my secret, but I am working on it. Soon, I will tell you everything, but until then please be patient." Harry chuckled nervously.

Lily sighed and nodded.

"Come on, children. Get ready, we are going shopping. Iris is too young to wear such small skirts."

"Do I have to come? Just buy me any clothes. I will wear it. I don't want to go shopping." Harry offered. Lily just ignored his protest and went back to reading the newspaper.

Harry pouted. Sometimes life wasn't really fair.


Bonus Scene:

The Next Morning.

"On your left." Iris cackled madly as she ran past Lily and Harry.

Lily groaned in frustration. It was just not fair that Iris suddenly became an Olympian athlete. She glared at Harry running beside her, who was the reason for the sudden change. He shrugged as if to say 'what can we do'.

Five minutes later, the running footsteps again approached them from behind. Iris had finished the circuit and was repeating it. Again.

"Don't say it, don't you say it!" Lily yelled loudly.

"On you left. Haha. You are becoming an old lady, mum. Be a bit faster or do you need a walking stick. Merlin! Being old must suck." Iris giggled and again ran ahead.

Lily barred her teeth and sprinted after her. Though no matter how fast she ran, she could never catch up to her.

Sometimes life wasn't really fair.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


