91.04% Naruto: Time Traveler / Chapter 61: Under the Siege, part 1

章 61: Under the Siege, part 1

While Yuta continues to analyze his fuinjutsu defenses that he worked on for a few past days, and Koichi observes that from a distance undetected, there are two more groups that secretly observing the mansion.

One of the groups are the three shinobi in black clothes and with white masks on, they don't have any indications of belonging to any specific shinobi village, they almost don't talk and just watching over the mansion, waiting for something, staying completely hidden.

The other group arrived recently and watched over the mansion for only a few hours, it's the four shinobi in the Iwagakure usual attire with stone sign on their headbands. After they observed the mansion, the man that seems past his thirties said, "Seems it will be even easier than I thought." The man looked at the other three shinobi that came with him, it was two guys and one girl, all looked in their early twenties.

"What's the orders, captain Keisuke, do we attack right away?" Said the guy who is taller and more muscular than the other.

"No, Daichi, we will wait for the perfect moment for the attack." Keisuke said thoughtfully.

"They are just bunch of tree-hugger kids, why do we have to be cautious?" The short guy asked annoyed.

"Ryota, you were only recently promoted to Chunin, but you already became so arrogant, don't underestimate your enemies, beside it's already evening, we need a few hours to rest anyway, and it will be better to attack when they went asleep." Keisuke sighed while lectured his subordinate.

"But all three of us are Chunins and you, captain Keisuke, are Jonin, why wait?" The girl spoke, she had short brown hair and average looks, she also doesn't want to wait to kill some Konoha shinobi kids.

Keisuke sighed tiredly and said with anger, "Maki, don't you see what that kid did there?! If you don't than I tell you, he placed some fuinjutsu seals on those walls! Who knows what those seals do, don't underestimate them, it would be better if we attack at night and catch them off-guard! And stop arguing with me or I would beat you up myself!"

"Yes captain!" All three of Keisuke's subordinates replied and stopped arguing and looked at the mansion with bloodthirsty expressions.

Yuta inside the mansion was about to go to sleep, but his feeling that something bad is about to happen intensifies and his mood becomes gloomy.

"What's wrong?" Hikari asked seeing Yuta in a bad mood, "Don't tell me you had a bad feeling again…"

"Yea." Yuta said worriedly.

"I didn't think you are a coward." Hikari said mockingly.

"Sigh, I'm not afraid, it's just… It's hard to explain… Ah, never mind" Yuta said worriedly and went to check all the seals around the mansion one more time.

Itachi looked at Yuta's leaving and think about what he said for a minute then asked, "Hikari, do you feel anything unusual?"

"What, do you actually believe him? He is just worried too much over nothing, that's all" Hikari said while preparing to go to sleep.

Yuta was standing in the garden, looking at the night sky and the moon, thinking about his strange feeling and what it can mean. Itachi came to him and stood beside him, he said, "Are you not going to sleep? It will be sunrise in just one hour."

"I don't think I can." Yuta simply replied while looking at the sky.

"This feeling of yours, is it related to…" Itachi asked without finishing the sentence.

'Huh, oh, he probably meant my prophecy ability.'

"No, at least I don't think so." Yuta said, "I guess this feeling is not that intense or bad, it's just unusual and I feel something like that for the first time, that's what is bothering me. Could it be the sense of danger that Koichi sensei told us about I wonder."

"Sense of danger" Itachi repeated thoughtfully, "I do feel a little uneasy for a while, but I don't know if that is related."

"Huh, you too then, well, maybe we should be prepared for the attack happening soon." Yuta said calming down a little after hearing that Itachi also felt uneasy, and they both went back to the mansion.

As they entered the mansion and went to their room, on their way Yuta felt a strong signal from his sensory seals around the mansion's territory. At the same time the seal, that Yuta placed on the hands of Itachi and Hikari previously as an alarm, activated, Itachi felt it immediately as seal activated and sent a chakra impulse to warn him about the intruders.

'The signal, seals detected three chakra signatures, all Chunin level, moving slowly underground in the mansion's direction…'

Not wasting any second, Yuta said to Itachi, "Underground, three Chunins, moving slowly."

"Let's intercept, Hikari will protect the Yuichi." Itachi quickly ordered and they both quickly went outside of the mansion. On the way Yuta created two shadow clones with 20% of his chakra each and they immediately went invisible, one to follow them and the other to observe the situation as a whole and react if something else unexpected happens during the fight.

On the way Yuta used his sensory technique and sensed that Hikari was already awake and moving to Yuichi Nakamura's room.

As Yuta and Itachi went outside the mansion, Yuta flickered around the mansion to appear between the mansion and the intruders, Itachi followed him closely.

Yuta sensed the intruders with his own sensory technique, they are underground in the depth of 3 meters, and 30 meters in front of him, moving slowly in the mansion's direction.

Yuta waited for a few more seconds so the intruders passed the certain point, and right after they did, he activated certain barriers. As Yuta made all the seals with his own chakra, he shared a connection with them, and It's easy for Yuta to activate and manipulate these seals directly while he stays in the area not far away from them.

Only when he needs to pour a big amount of chakra into them quickly, then he would need to come into contact with them, as controlling the big amount of chakra over the distance is hard. Genjutsu technically involves the control of chakra over the distance, but the amounts of chakra involved in it are usually small.

The next instant the barrier, which looked like a gray transparent glass, activated, and surrounded the area around the Itachi and Yuta in the form of a cube, with the 50 meters-long sides, the barrier also closed the area underground, as it went five meters deep into the ground as well. The three intruders had also happened to be inside the activated barrier.

'I can't use the chakra drain feature right now.' Yuta thought, 'But this is fine, I wanted to have a fight anyway, and I can make the barrier to let us go through it anytime, and there is no point to catch the intruders inside the barrier while being outside, as three Chunins combined ninjutsu attack would easily make a hole in this type of barrier. Sigh, it's a shame that I didn't have enough time to set up something better that this, but I shouldn't show up my fuinjutsu abilities too much anyway…'

One of the Yuta's invisible clones went inside the barrier as well, while the other was outside and ready to reinforce it with chakra if needed.

Itachi and Yuta were standing ready to fight, while the three Iwa shinobi came out of the ground with pissed expressions on their faces, after they realized that they were spotted and captured inside a barrier.

The moment they showed up, Itachi performed the series of hand seals in an instant and shot a huge amount of fire at them from his mouth, as fire blocked everyone's view and the three Iwa shinobi defended against the fire with earth release wall, Yuta shot a series of small, fast and concentrated fire bullets at their positions that he sensed, the small fire bullets went right through the Itachi's fire and hit something.

But the next moment the fire subsided and Itachi and Yuta were forced to dodge the stone projectiles that were fired at them, after they dodged the fight stopped for a second.

'Seems my fire bullets hit the earth wall and went through it, but it slowed my fire bullets and gave them time to dodge my attack easily, and then used the remaining of the wall to attack us in return.' Yuta analyzed, 'Well, I still don't have a good versatility of elemental jutsu to fight effectively with ninjutsu alone, I only have fire bullets and water bullets for a decent attack, and water wall for defense.

Hmm, I still have that uneasy feeling that I had before, and it seems that it's not related to this three Iwa Chunins…'

In the moment of respite the three Iwa shinobi glanced at the barrier where the stone projectiles hit it and small ripples that it caused, then they glanced at each other, silently understanding what they should do next.

Two guys among the Iwa shinobi started to perform hand seals while looking at Yuta's direction, while the girl with short brown hair started running in Itachi's direction for close combat.

Yuta, seeing that he became the target for a combined ninjutsu attack from two of his enemies, flickered far away to the side, activating his invisibility seal in the process.

'Sorry Itachi, but I don't think I can handle the combine ninjutsu attack of two Chunins head on.' Yuta thought apologetically, understanding that their attack will be redirected at Itachi now.

Yuta was coming closer to the two guys to deal with them in one good sneak attack, but while he was going he saw, that the two guys completed the hand seals and released a big amount of chakra into the ground, forming a gigantic spike made of earth that was launched not at Itachi or Yuta, but into the barrier wall that was the closest to the Iwa kunoichi, which was running into Itachi's direction.

The earth spike contains a huge amount of chakra, and it was too late to do anything with that, as it hit the barrier wall in close proximity to the Iwa girl named Maki. The earth spike created a hole in the barrier wall and Maki jumped through the hole in an instant.

At first Yuta wanted to intercept the girl with his shadow clone outside the barrier, or go after her himself, but then he thought about how Hikari will beat him up when she finds out that Yuta stole her opponent like that, and Yuta decide to let that Iwa girl go to her own death, praising her bravery and fearlessness in his mind.



[AN: Maki, rest in peace, we were known you not for long, but we wish you luck in your next life…

8 chapters in advance on patreon /SycoreNovels

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C61
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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