39.07% A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord / Chapter 59: A Duel with Milim...

章 59: A Duel with Milim...

Soon after the ending of the battle our forces gathered the remaining scales, ensuring no samples were left behind. I didn't want this material to slip out of our clutches for now. Milim and Shuna were quite bored after doing fuck all in the last fight, so i had to promise to them that I'd take the day off and watch shows with them.

Shuna specifically requested Master Chef again whilst Milim pleaded with Shuna to be able to fight me first. Eventually the small Pink-haired trickster demon lord won out and it was declared that we would have a match first. 

The journey back home was rather uneventful with the children that Yuna was looking after all crowding around Benimaru and the other 'cool' guys. Many of the kids gazed at me with an intensity only seen in fans. Yeah, I had become a 'star' for them... And it was kind of awkward for me. I wasn't even the first person to notice as Yuna chuckled and loudly proclaimed how awesome I was, the kids following in her footsteps. Cringing internally I soon began to hear the soldiers agreeing, their voices making my ears twitch. 

Shuna giggled under her breath as Milim also exclaimed loudly in agreeance, I was so over this trip. Luckily, just as I was getting over it we got back to the capital, many civilians lining the streets and cheering as they saw the entire army coming back with large sacks of what they probably considered treasure. Fixing my posture and ensuring my mood looked triumphant I began to wave at them and smiled at the various children by the side of the road. Many times roses and other flowers were thrown out, a single stem of a lilac landing in my hand. Some women screamed out in excitement as a lot of the men were definitely admiring my figure. Shuna wasn't happy at that last thing but she moved on from it and focused on showing a united front.

Like all people, they loved victory and we showed that we were once again victorious. Half an hour passed like this as we paraded around the town and stopped to send certain units on their way. Finally, at the end of the parade we were able to slip away and now found ourselves in a training field. This field was different to the previous ones as the one we had entered was apparently the one designated by Hakuro to be used for intense training. A magical barrier was enclosing the space lightly, small ripples shuddering in mid-air.

"Silviana-san! You mustn't hold back!" I nodded deeply and ensured that Shuna was secured in the observer segment of the training field. Once she was I stepped back out into the middle and exhaled, my breath carrying with it a mix of fog, heat wave and crackling energy. This was a new part of my Avatar Unique Skill, I was now in tune with nature and when I began to wield my magic it would embody nature in its most truest form.

"I won't hold back Milim, but please remember that this is a spar and not a battle to the death."

"Mhm, mhm! Are you ready yet?" Her tone suggested she wasn't listening to my words as her eyes began to gleam slightly brighter, the Magicules around her solidifying into a fierce aura of pure pink. The very manifestation of it set my senses on high alert, making my ears twitch. My eyes magnified in on her form which was now a solid black in colour inside of her aura.


|Milim Nava|

|Species- Dragonoid, Demon Lord|

|Titles- The Destroyer, Daughter of a True Dragon, Cataclysm Class Threat, Chaotic Demon Lord, Battle Maniac, Bestie of Rimuru, Bestie of Silviana|

HP: 500,000,000

MP: ∞

STR- 50,000,000

CON- 100,000,000

DEX- 25,000,000

CHA- 30,000,000

INT- 200,000,000

WIS- 100,000,000


|Unable to Show!|


'What the fuck...' My left eye twitched at at the stats she had, my brain suffering a malfuntion as I considered the stats I had just gained OP... Nah, I wasn't even close to Milim or Guy. Even Rimuru in future is able to defeat these people and even Yuuki. I shivered and felt my own will to win shrink significantly.

It was quite literally impossible to win. Even if I were to drain myself and used Wish, it would kill me before it got anywhere near the level that Milim was at. Not to mention her infinite mana and the fact that her Skills were even able to hide from a item/skill given by the system. Maybe I was over thinking it, but, her stats could crush me with a single breath.

Looking at the fired up Milim though, i couldn't not face her now. She had worked so hard to fight me and even begged Shuna for the opportunity. Despite feeling like an ant under a boot my aura billowed out from me, the ring on my hand feeling the presence of Milim and scoffing. Feeling this emotion from the ring I could tell it thought that Milim was barely a threat but unfortunately for it, it was going to get a wake up call.

"Shuna. Count down to three, at the end of the countdown we begin fighting. Whoever can put the other in a losing position will win." Shuna nodded as her voice echoed throughout the barrier, Milim jumping up and down as her hair bounced. She looked like a boxer getting ready for a very intense match.

Internally I screamed at the seriousness she was showing but on the exterior I was calm and collected. My hands started to gather my own energy and form it into a prismatic ball of power. 

"Three!" In an instant our powers unleashed. Milim rocketed towards me within an instant, her fist millimetres away from my face. This punch had almost all of her strength contained within it, enough force to sunder an entire mountain range and break apart adamantium. Death. That is all there was for me, I could see it clearly. I had experienced this before. In the heart of the battle field, an enemy's bayonet jutting up through my wind pipe causing my blood to coat my body. Images flashed in my mind, meeting Shuna, dancing with her, making love, watching TV shows and enjoying her company. All of it occurred at once and darkness overtook me. 


My consciousness came back in the same throne room from which I had gained this new life. The goddesses were absent but their thrones stood there, like fixtures of nature. As natural as mountains and oceans and as serene as the most stunning views.

My vision blinked and a figure sat upon the throne, the form similar to Gaia and Tiamat. The only reason I knew that was a gut feeling I had in this moment.

Suddenly, with extreme force the figure slammed its hand down, the booming voice of a god sundering the halls around me.

"AGAIN!" Fire swept around my form and I burned.



I jolted awake in the middle of the training field as my vision was suddenly back to full definition. The scene before me this time was a distraught Milim who was slamming her hands on the ground and crying her eyes out. Shuna was right next to me, her face a dishevelled mess as her eyes widened in absolute horror and joy.

Below me ashes crumpled off of my skin and I felt an increase in power as my Dantian consumed the ashes. My hearing wasn't fully back yet as the words of that hazy black figure on the throne rang in my ears over and over until it was but an annoying buzzing in my ears. 

Blinking several times I reached over to Shuna and hugged her. She was heaving back and forwards as her tears left her eyes like the waters of a river. I could see her lips moving but I heard nothing still. Buzzing, that was all there was in my ears.

Wiping tears from her eyes I gave her a deep kiss and felt her reciprocate fully, her lips smacking into mine with a primal intensity as her tongue also lashed out in this primal emotion. Then, as I was kissing her the noises started to come back all at once, like a delayed recording.

"NIfcbiqbibwnvwbvbqn lqn lnqonvopq... Silviana I don't want to lose you! Please don't leave!" My mind exploded with the sudden introduction of sounds and I barely resisted the urge to throw up. Shuna still was kissing me ardently as Milim was having a mental breakdown, her body heaving up and down as her right fist exploded the dirt near her.

"I did it again...! WHY!? All my friends die..." My heart instantly ached and I felt distraught at her current predicament. I had to do something to make sure she didn't become suicidal or even dangerous to those around her. Standing from my position, clearly naked, I picked up Shuna and carried her over to Milim. She didn't even complain about being picked up and simply hugged into me as I quickly walked over knelt down next to Milim, placing Shuna down next to me.

Milim still was ignorant to my survival and was suffering immensely at what she had just done. I didn't blame her for it was quite an overreaction on her part, she had went full power despite knowing that it wasn't supposed to be a killing match.

"Milim... Look at me." The small 'girl' froze instantly and shuddered. Her whole entire body was shivering as her head slowly craned to the side, as if she were afraid of finding the consequences of her actions. When her head finally got around to seeing me I smiled and reached down grabbing her chin.

"I am not dead. Calm down. You haven't done anything unfixable, okay?" Milim was an ice statue, her head shaking as her eyes were as wide as they could go. Her eyes were a bright blue and within them were a coagulation of tears and sorrow.

"B-b-but, I struck you with half my power... H-how did you survive?" Her voice was low in volume but held an uncertain tone, she was disturbed on many levels with what had just happened.

'Half!? WHAT THE FUCK!? That was half!?'

|Indeed, if she struck you fully you would have died truly, not even your spell could have saved you|

'So she did hold back... She just didn't know how powerful i was. Wait, how did she not, hasn't she got her Dragon eyes?'

|The system blocks all outside viewing, she cannot see your MP total, HP total or any other factor about you that you do not wish her to know.|

'Thanks for fucking telling me!!'

|You're welcome|

'Fucking Cu-'

Milim cut off my thought as she dove into me, softly, as her body curled around me intensely. She was like a baby monkey straddling a mother monkey, her hands reaching around my back as if she would hold on even if we were to move. Shuna was scowling at Milim and had extreme anger written across her face. I knew she was about to do something bad so I stopped any chance of it happening.

"Stop Shuna... It wasn't her fault, she held back... It was just that she didn't know how weak or strong I was. My powers block outside perception, so she went with half strength in the hope that I could block it." Shuna locked eyes with me and dropped the hatred on her face, her eyes tearing up and her expression becoming complicated.

"You almost died because of something so SILLY!?"

"Yes... Luckily I had a spell to bring me back from the dead..." Milim flinched when I said dead causing me to stroke her back and hug her back. She wasn't close to fixed, no she was quite fucked up because of what had just happened. Shuna too was fucked up because of seeing me die. 

Unlike in other anime, when you die like this you still get seen dying and your body reacts. For a time I was truly dead, my body at least. Luckily my spell kicked in, or whatever that woman did, did, and I was back from death. Speaking of that spell, my Magicules and Qi had grown. As such, I now had a total of 2,000,000 Magicules for my MP cap and 1,000,000 for my HP. The gains had been small in comparison to her stats and I believed that to just be a feature of the spell.

|Incorrect. If she hit you with her full half-strength you would have gained 25,000,000 of HP and MP... However, at the last second she redirected the power away and attempted to siphon the energy of her own blow away. This would have required her to take some damage.|

'Damn... She really did try to hold back. I was just too weak... I got too arrogant.'

|Heh, that'll learn you|

'I am getting sick of your shit Rip-off!'

|You love it, shut up|


Sighing at the fact that I had had a shitty past two days I grasped Shuna and brought her closer, her lips touching mine as I slipped my tongue in and showed her how much I love her. My stomach felt butterflies as I felt a need to do something, I wasn't sure what it was but I felt like I needed to do it...

I broke off my kiss with Shuna and watched her blissfully back off, her eyes closed still as she seeped in the feeling of my existence. Looking down I saw Milim, the child-like looking Milim slowly growing, her body expanding and becoming more feminine and older. Her size was still around the 5'8 mark when her growth stopped.

She was now in her adult form... I didn't understand why she went into this form so suddenly but I soon found out. Looking down at her my dragon eyes picked up the intense emotions she was undergoing. I couldn't understand them at all but I could almost tangibly feel their existence in my mind. And, in a move I would like to call a 'gamer move' she reached her hands up behind my neck and pulled me down until my lips were enclosed over hers.

'... I'm just not gonna react anymore, this shit is getting too tiring...'


Several minutes later Shuna, Milim and I were all seated in the observer part of the barrier. Shuna was looking at Milim in frustration but also, kindness. Yeah, it was strange. I was weirded out by what had just happened.

Apparently when Milim kissed me Shuna had just watched us, her eyes not moving from where me and Milim were kissing. When we broke it off I was confused, so confused, very confused. The kiss had felt really good and right but I also felt guilt as fuck because we were doing it in front of Shuna and also I was accepting it.

Little did I expect her to just accept it and go over to Milim, kissing her too. Yeah, now you know why I was weirded out. How the fuck are you supposed to take that. Coming back to the present Milim was tightly hugging my arm, as if she were afraid I'd disappear at any moment. Shuna was also doing this but was also looking at Milim, frustration clear in her eyes.

"This was your plan all along wasn't it Milim?" Shuna's tone was scary, even for me... I just stared off into the distance, questioning the choice to use the spell at this moment.

"Nonsense! I wouldn't do that... I-i just couldn't help myself after what I did." My mind was going blank as I thought of statistics for the town, in a horrible attempt to distract myself.

"Honey said that you tried to hold back, so I won't bicker with you over that... But how does that translate to becoming a partner to Silviana?" Milim was scratching her now extremely feminine jawline as a red horn poked out from her forehead, the colour close to that of blood.

"I DON'T KNOW OKAY!?" She huffed out as her booming voice echoed across the training field. Shuna wasn't scared of Milim, in fact I could kind of tell she liked Milim, the kissing kinda gave it away. Her mood was just a consequence of what had happened and this was a more calm subject for her to focus on right at this moment. I had no clue how any of this started to happen, why it happened or even how I was fortunate enough to have two women like them going for me, so I just followed what my male colleague did back in the day... Stayed silent when the women were arguing.

'Thanks Dave! o7'

(Author: Seriously you just thought a salute?)


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Alex_Simmonds Alex_Simmonds

Super thanks to all these people for their support!


































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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C59
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


