35.71% Dragon from Winterfell / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

章 20: Chapter 20

"Can you really expect me to believe that a Stark bastard could possess magical powers? And to believe your tales of gods?" my father asked coldly, his voice laced with fury.

"But I'm not lying! Have I ever made up anything before? And how could I possibly betray my close friend just like that?"

My father, initially poised to respond, pondered for a while before finally saying:

"I'll take what you've said into account. He told you he would kill me in a month?"

"Yes, that's right."

"In that case, you should also always have a guard with you, and as for this Stark pup, we will deal with him in due time. I'll show him why the Red Kings are feared!"

"Very well, father," I said as I started to leave, then heard him add:

"And Domeric, well done."

Without saying anything, I just nodded and moved on, feeling uneasy.

"But it's too late to change anything now, all I can do is keep moving forward. I only hope I've made the right decision..."

Back to the present

POV Daeron

The final preparations were made, and now all that was left was to wait for tomorrow when I, Robb, and Domeric would go hunting with Lord Bolton. Fortunately, the forest wasn't too far away, and tomorrow would be the day when I would complete the part of the task that was assigned to me by my ancestors.

After another review of all parts of the plan, I decided to talk to Tun to clarify some details.

"Tun, have you continued to train your magical skills?"

While I had been with the Boltons, my partner had been busy honing his skills to extend the limits of his power. He trained mostly in the North, never staying too long in any one place, but rumors had already started circulating among the people that the gods were beginning to show their wrath, though it was unclear exactly why.

Magic, especially Tun's, which was directly associated with lightning and thunder, had long been considered a divine element, a conduit for divine fury and wrath. Yet, knowing the true causes of these phenomena, it was hard not to find the situation somewhat amusing.

"Yes, do you need my help? I told you to follow my advice, and I don't understand why you didn't."

"No, I just wanted to double-check all the points we discussed earlier. You do remember our plan, right?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course, I remember," my friend replied, somewhat annoyed.

"Heh, that's all I wanted to confirm. Alright, my friend, prepare for tomorrow; after that day, everything will change for both of us."


After gathering my belongings, I went to bed, anticipating the next day...

The next day

The day I had long awaited arrived, significant not only because of the planned event but because it marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

The day started as usual until it was time to gather for the hunt. After collecting everything necessary, we set off, walking the familiar path. I noted the enduring beauty of the North, which even the grim reminder of the presence of Dreadfort and its inhabitants couldn't diminish.

As we neared the hunting grounds, I observed the surroundings and enjoyed the environment. Our group was serious; in addition to the main figures—myself, Robb, Domeric, and Roose—there were also 15 armed men. These men, theoretically, were supposed to kill me in a week, according to Roose, at least. He himself was considering whether to finish off both me and Robb here and today. I could tell from the increase in his bloodlust and ambition at certain moments, though these emotions quickly dissipated.

And today was not the day for Robb and me to die, a thought that brought a grim smile to my face. Noticing my smile, Domeric asked:

"What's so funny?"

From his question, the people surrounding us started to look at me with interest, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, I just remembered a curious tale from the Isle of Mormont..."

By the way, we were already deep in the forest by then, far from any settlements.

"Maybe you could share it, Daeron?" Domeric asked, seeing how intently the guards were looking at us.

"Why not? Of course, I'll tell it..."

It was time to start the show, as all the players were gathered.

"...There once was a king, called the Red, who had a vile history of flaying people alive. People feared this king, and how could they not when he committed such atrocities? They prayed for salvation, and their prayers were answered by Wolves, who flayed the Red King in return. And that was the end."

As soon as I finished the story, all the wolves and dogs I had managed to summon attacked the Bolton group. They hadn't fully realized what was happening when four of their number were killed. Domeric, caught completely off guard, was simply stunned. Roose, however, recovered quickly enough to understand what had occurred.

"Kill that bastard!"

While Bolton's men certainly intended to heed their lord's command, who would let them get close to me? Very quickly, there was no one combat-capable left in Bolton's group, the clearing dyed a deep crimson. Roose himself, wounded, lay under his horse which had thrown him off at my command. After also being bitten on his leg and hand, it was over.

Domeric, knocked unconscious by a blow from Robb, lay beside him. Approaching Roose, I summoned a scimitar from my Arsenal. Seeing this, Roose displayed a brief shock but quickly regained his composure and coldly said:

"Do you think people won't notice? Wouldn't it be strange if such a prominent house disappeared? Won't they suspect the only survivors?"

He clearly thought he still had control, but I had other ideas, and I had no desire to discuss them with Roose.

"In the name of Daeron of House Targaryen, the Third of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, I sentence you to death." The Valyrian steel scimitar flashed, and soon the lifeless body of one of the most dreadful lords of the Seven Kingdoms lay on the ground.

He had felt an unprecedented shock before death, and Domeric, who had regained consciousness by then, looked at me with horror and hatred.

Turning to him, I only said before acting:

"Goodbye, old friend..."


And there lay my friend, his heart pierced, his face frozen in a grimace of pain.

"Daeron..." Robb said, his emotions a mix of concern and sadness.

"I'm alright..." I lied more to myself than to him, as a tear ran down my cheek, saying otherwise.

Is it easy to kill a person? I would say it depends on the circumstances. If that person wishes you dead or intends to harm your loved ones, then killing is not so difficult. However, if you must kill someone close to you... it is more challenging than many can imagine.

"It hurts so much..." I murmured to myself, feeling a deep sadness and anger at fate.


Suddenly, all the emotions raging within me were calmed by the skill of Icy Mind, perhaps for the better, as I could not afford to delay.

Robb, who looked at me with concern, was about to ask me something when I interrupted him:

"I'm fine, really fine."

I was indeed fine, at least for the moment, knowing that I needed to follow the plan. If I gave in to emotions now, I could ruin everything.

"Have you packed your things yet?" Robb asked me.

I just smiled and called over the horse carrying all my belongings. And the book I had taken from the library at Dreadfort.

"Show-off," Robb chuckled at my antics.

"What can I do? It's just my nature, heh."

"Hahaha, undoubtedly."

That's how we managed to lighten the mood, telling Robb about my situation was one of the best things I could do...

4 months ago

From the perspective of Daeron

Today, after discussing my situation with Edric, he made a very insightful comment:

"Are you sure you want to keep secrets from your family? Are you sure that Robb doesn't deserve to know the truth?"

I thought long and hard about this situation. Many times, I almost revealed my abilities, but something always held me back. However, now there was no point in keeping the secret, especially if I would have to use magic in front of Robb soon.

"You're right, I should at least tell Robb. After all, he's my brother, and if I can't trust him, then who can I trust?"

"Glad you understand, see you soon, Daeron..."

The next day, finding Robb and making sure we were alone, I began to speak...

"What did you want to talk about, Jon?"

"I wanted to tell you about the secrets I've been keeping from you for a long time." Seeing Robb surprised by my words, I continued, "My real name is Daeron Targaryen, son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen."

"What?!" Robb was genuinely shocked. "Are you joking?"

"No, I'm absolutely serious."

Robb reeled with disbelief, waiting for me to say, "Just kidding." But realizing I wouldn't, he sat down, clutching his head.

"But how did you find out?" asked Robb.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"What did you see with your own eyes?"

"The wedding of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, and also saw how your father and my uncle, Lord Eddard Stark, took me away."

"But how did you see it?"

"That's my second secret, I possess magical powers. Remember those stories Old Nan used to tell us? About greenseers and people who could merge with animals."

"Yes, I remember, but those were just fairy tales and myths."

"Let me show you something." Saying this, I summoned a dagger from my Arsenal, and seeing this, Robb froze as it was direct proof that I indeed had magic.

For ten minutes, I felt through empathy the rollercoaster of emotions in Robb's soul, ending with some sadness and joy for me.

"So, you're not really my brother?"

Understanding where the root of his sadness lay, I just smiled and said:

"Even if I have different paternal blood, I have only one father, and that is Lord Stark. And you are my brother."

As I finished, a weight seemed to lift from Robb's spirit, and he said with a smile:

"Ha, you're right. No matter what anyone says, you're my brother. But you said Aunt Lyanna married Rhaegar Targaryen... Didn't they tell us otherwise?"

I sighed and told him what I had learned, starting from the letter Lyanna initially left for Lysa Tully and how Littlefinger had taken it. Also, about Rhaegar being mad, obsessed with a prophecy that inflated his ego.

"Wasn't it strange that the Royal Guard was not with the Prince but in the Tower of Joy guarding Lyanna Stark?"

"They were protecting the Prince's child..." Robb murmured, guessing the truth. "But you have something else you want to tell me, right?" he said, seeing something in my expression.

Heh, Robb was indeed perceptive; after all, during the time we spent visiting and studying with various lords and families, he had significantly improved a quality necessary for the future Warden of the North.

"Yes, I should tell you. About where I got these powers..." And I told him the story of the Old Gods and about my need to destroy House Bolton. Feeling his strong disbelief in what I said, I told him to wait for me at night.

After waiting for nightfall, I took Robb with me, having taken his promise not to be too surprised by what he would see. And there we were, Robb and I, in the very room where Lord Bolton had tortured people, Robb quickly became furious. After all, the upbringing our father gave us was not in vain, and many males of the Stark family had a strong moral compass.

"Now do you understand why I need to destroy them?"

"Yes," Robb replied briefly, and then, kneeling, added, "My sword and my loyalty are yours, my king."

That was unexpected...

Present time

"I guess this means we won't see each other for a very long time?" Robb said sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes."

After the Boltons' assassination, I had to disappear. If both representatives of House Stark were to remain alive, it would look very suspicious. So, I had to leave for Essos, but I promised Robb I would keep in touch, and the sadness wasn't as overwhelming as it could have been.

Having sustained a few precise wounds from wolves for the authenticity of our story, Robb headed back.

Meanwhile, I contacted my partner and told him:




An explosion sounded from the dungeons of Dreadfort, and through Tun's hearing, I sensed the emerging panic. After checking the dungeon for any magical trace and making sure there were no remnants, Tun began flying towards me.

And I was awaited by a continent unknown to me...

Arcane_Eso Arcane_Eso

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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