
章 9: Hunter Manager

The sun was shining brightly in the sky. The sound of cars driving could be heard from the street as well as noises from different directions. It was natural for the city to be noisy during the afternoon.

Lee Seung got back into his apartment, he decided to spend a few hours playing games before preparing to meet the man who had given him his business card.

As usual, he won every single game he played. Hours later, he yawned, having gotten tired; on checking his watch, he found out he had spent two hours on game.

"Next target is warming up." He moved away from his monitor.


'Resummon Clone,' he thought, shutting his eyes. Instantly, his clone materialised before him in the dress he had given him a long time ago. Seung said, "Long time no see, little guy. I want us to start making a great difference from today onward. First and foremost, I and you will be working out."

"Okay, master. Tell me what to do."

"Go and jog on your own till evening, then both of us would find a gym."

The clone left, and Seung went into the kitchen to find something edible.

By sunset, he was met by an exhausted status of his clone. He checked the clone's remaining energy left to vanish.


He nonchalantly went inside and changed his dress. The both of them walked down the stairs, with the clone's identity concealed. Hours earlier, on his way back home, he had thought that depending solely on his replication's strength would not get him to the length he was required to reach, in order to save his sister.

Additionally, it had been his yearning to become stronger in order to wipe all monsters, as a way of avenging parents' deaths; therefore, he must utilise the best opportunity life had given him.

At that moment, one of his thoughts was, 'To get stronger, I must copy the way my clone trains persistently, and use hunting to test myself consequently. That notion should be able to get me somewhere higher in a couple of months.'

Eventually, he found a gym not far from his apartment. They entered, and a smiley face of a young man approached them.

"Hello, do you guys want to sign up for training?"the young man, having strong physique, asked. Lee Seung agreed, and followed the man to his table.

When it remained the clone's form to sign, Seung thought of a name to use for him. He couldn't just refer to him as 'Clone' — that would lead to confusion on the side of the man.

Lee Fang was the only name he could think of so he signed the form immediately.

"Do you have a particular equipment you would like to work with or....I run you through all workout equipments?"the man volunteered to help.

"Thanks for asking, but let us take it from here. You can help with guiding us," Lee Seung said, and the man agreed.


The man's eyes widened, shouting, "Don't go near that equipment! You can break your arms by trying to lift it!"

Yet, Seung's clone was persistent to lift the barbell. His muscles flexed profusely when he attempted lifting it. Sweat huddled on his forehead and his teeth gritted. However, he couldn't lift it even by an inch.

The man burst out laughing. He said, "There's no way your friend can succeed in what he's trying."

"Why?" Seung asked in a confused manner.

"The barbell belongs to the strong female Hunter Kim Eunji. It weighs approximately one hundred pounds, yet she lifts it as if a less dense type. Nobody else than her can lift that thing.....haha."

Seung rubbed his chin, looking at his clone.

Just now, he got a determination. To lift the barbell that no man could!

'I will surely become the second most strong if I hit that target! Haha!'

He laughed out loud.

He then asked his clone to move away from the barbell, and gripped it. With all the strength in his hands, he pulled upward, holding tight as much as he could.

"Haha, your friend can concentrate power into his hands more than you. Remember the barbell isn't a tissue paper," said the gym instructor, smirking.

"Whaah.....stop talking as if you can lift it either! It's as if the f*cking thing is glued to the ground!" Seung cried. He instantly sat on the floor.

He panted heavily.

Time went on. The sky turned cloudless, darkness prevailing on lands. Seung and his clone left the gymnasium.

"Argh, I should feel more relaxed by taking a little walk," he said, completely tired. Just at the moment, he remembered the meeting he had tonight. "I would have called him if I was with the business card...."


His phone vibrated with call, and receiving it, it was the manager. The venue was a restaurant.

A taxi dropped Seung and his clone off at the venue. But, he left the clone outside. On getting inside, he was surprised to see that the place was vacant. It later came to him that not much people eat out late.

Seung got to the front of the man. He greeted, "Good evening," and said, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Oh, you finally made it. Please have a seat," he said. "Should we order something to drink?"


Later on, two cups of hot coffee were placed between them.

"So, first and foremost, you want to know about my guild?"asked the man.

"Yes. Tell me about it."

"It's only been a month since it got registered. I am trying to develop my guild alone."

"How many Hunters have you made so far?"

The man's mouth hung open for awhile. He responded, "I....you are the first Hunter to accept my card. Why do you ask though?"

"Don't mind me," Seung said.

The man sighed. "May...I ask what your ability is?"

"Just cloning," Seung replied immediately. He wore a radiant smile suddenly.

To Lee Seung's surprise, the man sighed disappointedly. His eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"That's nothing different from Ghost cloning, one of the most worst of it all. You can imagine being killed by evil spirits of your own picture and regret ever becoming Awakened," said the man. He then asked, concerned, "I believe you haven't used your ability yet?"

"Well, I am still alive," Lee Seung said, grinning. "Enter, little guy."

The clone began to walk towards them, and at the moment, the manager felt a presence behind him. He stood up and turned back instantly, only to meet the same person as the one he conversed with!

His eyes widened when he confirmed the reality of the one before him. Just like a human!

"This is your clone?" He asked, completely overwhelmed.

Lee Seung smiled, put his hands in his pocket and stood beside his clone. He put his hand on his shoulder.

"I intentionally said 'just cloning', knowing Ghost cloning exists," he said. "Now, Mr. Choi, can I see the contract?"

Kutley Kutley

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


