33.33% Marvel: The Diamond Authority / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

章 4: Chapter 4

In the vast tapestry of the Marvel Universe, few civilizations have undergone such a profound transformation as the Gem Empire under the rule of the merged White Diamond. A thousand years had passed since her rebirth, a mere blink in cosmic terms, yet an era of unprecedented change for Gemkind. The red planet Mars, once a barren world of dust and stone, now was filled with life beneath its carefully maintained facade of desolation.

To the casual observer, Mars appeared unchanged - a rust-colored orb suspended in the vastness of space. This illusion was a masterpiece of Gem engineering, a holographic veil that shrouded the planet in its former appearance. White Diamond, in her near infinite wisdom, had decreed that their true progress should remain hidden from prying eyes. This decision, born from caution and strategy, had proven invaluable in maintaining their autonomy in a universe filled with cosmic powerhouses and potential threats.

Beneath this facade lay a world transformed. The new process of terraforming, perfected over the centuries, had turned Mars into a lush, vibrant ecosystem. However, this transformation came at a cost that weighed heavily on the conscience of a few Gems, particularly Blue Diamond and those who shared her empathetic nature.

Yellow Diamond, tasked with the planet's transformation, had developed a process that was both efficient and thorough. The process, while ultimately successful, raised profound ethical questions among the Gems. As the Martian atmosphere thickened and water began to flow on the surface, it became clear that the planet had not been as lifeless as initially believed.

Microscopic organisms, dormant for millions of years, awakened in the changing environment. These simple life forms, barely qualifying as sentient, were nonetheless the first casualties of the Gem's arrival. The debate that followed shaped Gem society for centuries to come.

Blue pleaded for the lives, yet White did not feel that such creatures could qualify for such mercy from her, leading her to address the issue in two ways.

The initial stages involved the release of engineered microorganisms (The same ones as earlier) designed to alter the Martian atmosphere. These microscopic workers, infused with trace amounts of Gem essence, rapidly multiplied and began the process of converting the planet's abundant carbon dioxide into oxygen at even faster rate than the manual process. They could also serve as a detection system for the military, alerting them of anything that entered into their space.

The rest of the organisms were preserved, as Brown Diamond developed conservation pods - small, sealed environments that mimicked Mars' original conditions, preserving samples of the planet's original life forms for study and out of respect for the life that had endured there. But, White did allow some to be used for research, unbeknownst to Blue, while she gained an overview of the rest in what would become a new version of her Zoo.

As the atmosphere thickened, the next phase began. Massive generators were placed at strategic points across the planet's surface, creating localized magnetic fields to protect against solar radiation. This allowed for the introduction of water vapor, forming clouds and eventually leading to the first Martian rains in billions of years. 

As Mars bloomed, its surface became a tapestry of blues and greens. Vast oceans formed in the lowlands, while genetically engineered plants, designed to thrive in the still-thin atmosphere, spread across the emerging continents. The success of the terraforming project was a testament to Gem ingenuity and the combined efforts of Yellow and Brown Diamond.

Yet, the beauty of their new world remained hidden from the universe at large, a secret paradise protected by advanced technology and the watchful eyes of the Diamond Authority.

In the thousand years since their arrival, the Gem population has exploded, now numbering over three hundred Million. This growth, carefully managed to avoid overtaxing Mars' resources, has led to a diversification of Gem types and abilities never before seen.

New Kindergartens, established in carefully selected locations, operate on principles of sustainability. The energy required to create new Gems is harvested from Mars' core and the sun, using advanced technologies that ensure no damage to the planet's structure or ecosystem.


Perhaps the most radical departure from the old Homeworld is the system of governance established by White Diamond. Drawing inspiration from her human memories and the varied political systems of Earth, she instituted what has come to be known as the Crystalline Democracy.

Under this system, Gems of all types have the right to vote for a representative to the Grand Assembly, otherwise known as the House of Crystal. This elected body, consisting of 1000 members, serves as the primary legislative organ of Gem society. The Assembly proposes and debates laws, which are then subject to approval by the Diamond Council.

There was also the Head Magistrate, In addition to the House of Crystal, a democratically elected leader served as the Voice of the Commons. This position, with a term of 50 years, represented the will of the general Gem population. The Voice could propose legislation, advocate for the needs of different Gem types, and even theoretically challenge the decisions of the Diamond Council.

The Diamond Council stood at the apex of this system, with them possessing the power to dismiss or overrule any and all laws without needing to consult with anyone other than themselves. The Council primarily only had Yellow, Blue, Brown, Black, and Grey, with White not involving herself in everyday politics. If she did, then the decision would be supported by all of her children, with no arguments being made.

White crafted the system in a way that would allow the Gems to have an illusion of choice or power, yet the Gems who reached the apex of that power would be aware of just how utterly powerless they truly were. And no one who reached that high would be foolish enough to speak out against the Diamonds.

Speaking of the Diamonds, each had been indulging in their own endeavors, with their power being essentially equal to one another.

Yellow Diamond had spent the last millennium turning the Diamond Army into the most feared army in their Galaxy, as it was them that fought in the Great War against Dormammu, when the Dark Being had almost consumed the Earth and attempted to break into the wider Universe. Her troops now patrolled the air space of Mars as well as frequented the abandoned base on the Moon.

Blue Diamond had served her role well, as through her meetings and visits to foreign lands, she was able to construct a positive image of the Diamonds with the Norse Gods, the Olympian Gods, and the Shinto Gods. Their relationship with Asgard had grown greatly, though her visits had calmed down in the past few centuries due to her always gaining a strange feeling whenever she visited the realm.

Brown Diamond, the head of Technological Advancement, was the person who likely contributed the most to Gem society. His power to manipulate matter on a smaller scale had revolutionized Gem technology. Together with Yellow, he was exploring ways to expand their territory by connecting Mars to an empty dimension they had discovered.

The crown jewel of his achievements was the Dimensional Nexus, a massive complex dedicated to studying and accessing other dimensions.

Initial forays into these alternate spaces had been promising. They discovered a dimension of a seemingly infinite void, which Yellow and Brown theorized could be used to expand Mars' habitable space. Plans were underway to create pocket dimensions anchored to specific locations on Mars, effectively increasing the planet's usable area without altering its outward appearance.

Other technological advancements included:

Holo-matter: Solid light constructs that could be shaped into any form, used for everything from temporary structures to interactive educational tools.

Gem-organic hybrids: Plants and animals infused with Gem essence, capable of surviving in Mars' still-harsh surface conditions.

Psychic amplification devices: Tools that enhance Gems' natural mental abilities, allowing for long-range communication and shared consciousness experiences.

Their research also allowed them to create things like teleportation and increase the travel speed of their ships.

Grey Diamond, the youngest of White's children who was born around 900 years ago, possessed the ability to manipulate the senses of other sentient beings. He headed the Intelligence and Information Departments, meaning he basically served as a version of the Gem's FBI or CIA. His ability allowed him to send gems into different places to serve as spies, with their shapeshifting being a massive bonus.

Finally, there was Black Diamond, the second most powerful Diamond of them all. His ability seemed simple yet was absolutely terrifying in practice. It was the ability to absorb all energy and use it against the person who empowered him. He could absorb the kinetic energy in every step he took. He could absorb the sunlight that came to the planet. he could even absorb the Psychic Energy his mind gave off passively. Honestly, if he was not her son, even White would be wary of being his enemy.

The task that White gave him was simple: He would be the head of a division whose sole purpose was to ensure the protection of the Diamonds.

Under the command of Black Diamond, the Royal Guard represents the apex of Gem ability and loyalty. Membership in this elite force is highly coveted, with only the most powerful and devoted Gems selected. Currently, the Guard consists of only three members:

Black Diamond himself. Another was the oldest Jasper in existence and a veteran of the battle against the Fallen. Her experience and battle-hardened skills made her an invaluable asset. The final current member was a unique Lapis Lazuli, whose absolute control over liquids surpassed anything seen in their original universe. This power, combined with the abundant water on the terraformed Mars, made her a force of nature.

These three serve as the personal protectors of the Diamond Council and are called upon only in the direst of circumstances.


Beneath the illusory surface of Mars, a network of vast underground cities pulsed with life. These subterranean metropolises, known as the Crystal Cities, were marvels of Gem engineering and artistry.

The largest of these, New Facet Prime, sprawled beneath the Valles Marineris. Its soaring crystal spires and intricate lattice-work streets were a far cry from the utilitarian designs of the old Homeworld. Here, form and function blended seamlessly, creating living spaces that were both efficient and beautiful.

In the heart of New Facet Prime stood the Diamond Nexus, a colossal structure that housed the governing bodies of Gem society. Its iridescent walls shifted colors with the Martian day, a visual representation of the dynamic nature of their new civilization.

Transportation within and between the Crystal Cities was accomplished through a network of warp pads and gravity tubes. These allowed Gems to move effortlessly through their world, facilitating the free exchange of ideas and culture that had become a hallmark of their society.

Despite the sweeping changes brought about by White Diamond's new approach to governance, the fundamental structure of Gem society remained rooted in a caste system. This was not the rigid, oppressive hierarchy of old, but rather a more fluid arrangement that White Diamond saw as essential for maintaining order in their rapidly expanding civilization.

The caste system now functioned as a framework for societal roles, with each Gem type still created for specific purposes. However, Blue Diamond's tireless efforts resulted in significant reforms, granting Gems unprecedented levels of autonomy within their designated castes.

Quartzes, for instance, still formed the backbone of the military and security forces. However, they were now encouraged to pursue additional interests during their off-duty hours. It wasn't uncommon to find a burly Jasper engrossed in poetry or a dedicated Amethyst studying advanced mathematics.

Peridots remained the primary technicians and engineers, but the system now allowed for specialization within their field. Some Peridots focused on environmental systems, others on weapons development, and a select few worked directly with Brown Diamond on cutting-edge interdimensional research.

Lapis Lazulis, once terraformers, now found themselves in high demand as artisans and architects, their control over liquids allowing them to shape the underground cities of Mars in breathtaking ways.

Even the smallest Gems, like Rubies and Sapphires, saw their roles expanded. Rubies, while still serving as guards and soldiers, were also trained in crisis management and disaster response. Sapphires, with their future vision, became integral to both strategic planning and the judicial system.

This evolution of the caste system was a delicate balance, one that White Diamond monitored closely. She understood that order didn't necessitate stagnation, but rather required a carefully managed form of progress. The Voice of the Commons and Blue Diamond played a crucial role in this, though only one of the two mattered, advocating for further freedoms while respecting the need for structure.


One of the most significant changes in Gem society was the introduction of a comprehensive education system. Overseen by a committee of Zircons and advised by Brown Diamond, this system aimed to provide every Gem with a broad base of knowledge beyond their innate purpose.

Newly emerged Gems spent their first decade in education centers, learning about Gem history, the principles of Crystalline Democracy, basic sciences, and the arts. This period also served as an opportunity for Gems to explore potential aptitudes outside their designated roles.

After this initial education, Gems were assigned to their caste-appropriate roles. However, a system of ongoing education and evaluation allowed for a degree of career mobility previously unthinkable in Gem society, especially during Era 1. Exceptional individuals could apply for role transfers or take on additional responsibilities.

This system of education and limited mobility served multiple purposes. It created a more well-rounded, adaptable workforce, fostered a sense of personal growth and satisfaction among the Gem population, and allowed the most talented individuals to rise to positions where they could best serve society.

At the heart of each major Gem settlement stood a Twilight Tower, a marvel of engineering that embodied the new spirit of Gem civilization. These structures, conceived by Brown Diamond and brought to life through the combined efforts of the most skilled Bismuths and Peridots, served as centers of learning, research, and governance.

The Twilight Towers were named for their iridescent surfaces, which shifted colors with the changing light of Mars' day cycle. Inside, they housed vast libraries of both physical and digital information, laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology, and forums for public discourse and decision-making.

It was in these towers that the most ambitious projects of Gem society took shape. In one laboratory, a team of Peridots worked tirelessly on perfecting the dimensional gateway that would connect Mars to the empty dimension discovered years earlier. In another, Sapphires collaborated with tacticians to predict and prepare for potential future threats to their new home.

The upper levels of each Twilight Tower contained meditation chambers, where Gems could go to reflect, fuse, or simply enjoy a moment of peace. These chambers, designed by Blue Diamond, emitted subtle emotional energies that promoted calm and clarity of thought.

In New Facet Prime, the fusion of Gem technology and artistry was on full display. Streets paved with programmable matter shifted to accommodate the varying sizes of different Gem types and fusions. Holographic displays projected real-time information about city functions, upcoming events, and important announcements from the Diamond Authority.

Perhaps one of the most visible changes in Gem society was the acceptance and integration of fusion. Once taboo between different Gem types, fusion had become an accepted, even celebrated, aspect of Gem culture.

Fusion districts were established in major cities, providing safe spaces for Gems to explore this aspect of their beings. These districts featured architecture that could adapt to the often unpredictable sizes and shapes of fusions, as well as specialized recreational facilities.

However, White Diamond's desire for order meant that there were still regulations around fusion. Permanent fusions were required to register with the government and were assigned roles that best utilized their combined abilities. Combat fusions were strictly regulated, and permitted only during times of war or as part of authorized military exercises.

Despite the progress and relative freedom of this new society, the echoes of the past still resonated through Gem civilization. Older Gems, particularly those who had lived through the era of rigid hierarchy, sometimes struggled to fully embrace the new ways. Those who lived in Era 1, which was up until the birth of Grey Diamond, were the majority of those who had an issue with the new freedoms.

Support groups and counseling services, staffed by specially trained Sapphires and Peridots, helped these Gems adapt to their evolving society. 


The soft chime of a crystalline alarm gently roused Zircon Facet-5G7L Cut-4XP from her rest cycle. As her form shimmered into full consciousness, the walls of her personal quarters shifted from a soothing midnight blue to a soft, energizing yellow, mimicking the sunrise that the surface of Mars would never see.

"Good morning, Representative," a melodious voice echoed through the room. "Today is the 365,250th cycle of Era 2. The time is 0600 hours. The Diamond Authority sends their blessings for a productive day."

Zircon smiled, her gem gleaming in the artificial light. Even after a century, the daily reminder of how far they had come never failed to fill her with pride. She stood, her form shimmering as she adjusted her appearance for the day ahead. Her uniform, a sleek design that balanced professionalism with comfort, materialized around her. The insignia of the House of Crystal glowed softly on her chest, a testament to her position and the trust placed in her by her fellow Gems.

As she stepped out of her quarters, the corridors of the residential complex came to life. Gems of various types nodded respectfully as she passed, some offering quiet greetings. Zircon returned each acknowledgment with a warm smile and a nod of her own. The sense of community, of belonging, was palpable.

The transport tube whisked her efficiently through the vast underground network of New Homeworld Prime. Through the transparent walls, Zircon marveled at the passing views of the subterranean metropolis. Bioluminescent crystals lined the cavern ceilings, their soft glow a testament to Brown Diamond's ingenuity. The lights pulsed gently, regulated to mimic the circadian rhythms that their organic allies found so essential.

As the tube neared the central district, a massive hologram of White Diamond came into view. The matriarch's serene face looked down upon the city, her eyes filled with a warmth that still amazed Zircon. The image shifted, cycling through the other Diamonds, each one a beacon of leadership and stability.

Zircon felt a swell of emotion as she gazed upon White Diamond's visage. The stories of their leader's past, of the threats and her handling of them that had transformed her from a cold, distant figure to the compassionate guardian of their people, were legends among Gemkind. White Diamond was more than just a ruler; she was the embodiment of their society's potential for growth and change.

"Praise be to White Diamond." Zircon whispered, a sentiment echoed by many of her fellow passengers. It wasn't mere obedience or fear that drove their devotion, but a genuine love and gratitude for the life they now enjoyed.

The transport tube arrived at the base of the Twilight Tower, the heart of Gem governance. Zircon stepped out, her gem tingling with anticipation for the day ahead. The tower's iridescent surface shimmered, its colors shifting from deep purples to vibrant golds as it reflected the light from the bioluminescent cavern roof.

Inside, the atrium bustled with activity. Gems of all types moved purposefully, each playing their part in the complex machinery of their society. Peridots huddled over holographic displays, fine-tuning the city's systems. Quartzes stood at attention, their protective presence a comfort rather than an intimidation. A group of Rubies, led by a patient Sapphire, made their way to the education levels for their daily lessons in crisis management.

Zircon made her way to the upper levels, where the Representative Council chambers were located. As she entered, she was greeted by the sight of her fellow representatives – a diverse group that included Gems from every major type. This diversity, unthinkable in the old era, was now the cornerstone of their governance.

"Good morning, Facet-5G7L Cut-4XP," a Pearl chimed, her tone friendly and assured. Gone were the days when Pearls were mere servants. This Pearl, with her sharp mind and impeccable organizational skills, was the head of the council's administrative staff. "The day's agenda has been updated. Blue Diamond has requested a briefing on the latest cultural exchange proposals with Asgard."

Zircon nodded, her mind already racing with ideas. The relationship with Asgard, nurtured carefully over decades, was a point of pride for their civilization. It stood as a testament to how far they had come, from barbarians to diplomats.

The council session began promptly, with representatives taking their seats around a circular table. At the center, a holographic display showed real-time data from across Mars and updates from their outposts in the solar system. The Voice of the Commons, a charismatic Tourmaline, called the session to order.

As discussions flowed, Zircon marveled at the process. Ideas were debated vigorously but respectfully. The caste system, while still present, no longer stifled the potential of any Gem. A Bismuth's practical insight on construction projects carried as much weight as a Sapphire's predictions of resource needs.

Midway through the session, a soft chime indicated an incoming transmission. The holographic display shifted, and the serene face of White Diamond appeared. The room fell into a reverent hush.

"My dear Gems." White Diamond's melodious voice filled the chamber. "I trust your deliberations are progressing well. I've received word of a potential diplomatic opportunity with the Shi'ar Empire. Blue Diamond will brief you shortly, but I wanted to express my confidence in this council's ability to navigate this delicate situation."

The praise sent a ripple of pride through the room. White Diamond's trust meant everything. She was not an infallible god, but a leader who had learned to value the strengths of all her people.

"Thank you, Luminous One." the Voice of the Commons responded, using the honorific that had organically developed among the Gems. "We are honored by your faith in us."

As the transmission ended, the council erupted into excited discussion. The possibility of diplomatic relations with the Shi'ar, a spacefaring empire of significant power, was both thrilling and daunting. Zircon found herself at the center of the debate, her experience in interstellar law proving invaluable.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity. After the council session, Zircon made her way to the public forums located in the lower levels of the Twilight Tower. Here, she held open meetings with Gems from all walks of life, listening to their concerns and ideas. The direct connection between the leadership and the populace was a cornerstone of their new society, one that Zircon cherished.

A young Ruby, barely a century old, approached her with a proposal for improving emergency response protocols in the outer settlements. Zircon listened intently, marveling at the confidence and initiative shown by a Gem type once considered capable of only the most basic tasks.

As the day wound down, Zircon found herself in one of the tower's meditation chambers. The soft, blue-tinged light soothed her mind as she reflected on the day's events. The chamber, like so much of their society, was a blend of functionality and artistry. The walls shimmered with patterns that subtly influenced thought patterns, a technology developed by Blue Diamond and Brown Diamond to enhance cognitive functions and emotional stability.

In this moment of quiet reflection, Zircon's thoughts turned to the uniqueness of their society. They had taken the best aspects of Era 1 – the order, the efficiency, the sense of purpose – and merged them with concepts of freedom, creativity, and individual worth. The result was a civilization that continued to astonish and adapt.

Their technology was unparalleled. The very chamber she sat in was a marvel of psychic engineering. Outside, the false barren face of Mars hid a world teeming with life and innovation. Their mastery over matter and energy had allowed them to transform a dead world into a paradise while maintaining the illusion of desolation – a testament to both their power and their prudence.

Their society was a delicate balance of structure and flexibility. The caste system remained, providing a framework that gave each Gem a sense of belonging and purpose. Yet within that framework, there was room for growth, for exploration, for the pursuit of individual passions. A Ruby could become a poet, a Peridot could delve into philosophy, all while still fulfilling their primary functions.

The education system was a source of particular pride. Every Gem, regardless of type, had access to knowledge that spanned the cosmos. They learned not just about their own history and functions, but about the myriad forms of life and civilization that existed in the universe. This breadth of knowledge made them not just a powerful civilization, but a wise one.

Their approach to diplomacy, guided by Blue Diamond's empathic insights, had turned potential enemies into allies. The ongoing negotiations with Asgard, the cautious exchanges with Earth's heroes, even the potential opening with the Shi'ar – all of these stood as a testament to their ability to forge connections across the stars.

Yet for all their progress, for all their power, there remained a humility at the core of Gem society. The encounters with cosmic entities like the Phoenix Force and Arishem the Judge had left an indelible mark on their collective psyche. They knew that for all their advancements, they were still part of a vast, often unpredictable universe. This awareness kept them vigilant, driving them to constantly improve and adapt.

As Zircon emerged from her meditation, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. She made her way to the observation deck at the top of the Twilight Tower. Here, through clever holo-projection, one could see the true face of Mars – the vast oceans, the sprawling forests, the gleaming cities that dotted the surface. All of this is hidden from the outside Universe, a secret paradise.

In the distance, she could see the shimmering barrier that marked the edge of their latest project – a gateway to the empty dimension that promised to expand their civilization beyond the confines of a single world. The ambition of it took her breath away.

As the artificial day cycle began to dim, signaling the approach of the rest period, Zircon took a moment to send a silent thought of gratitude to White Diamond. Their leader's vision had made all of this possible.

Zircon made her way back to her quarters, passing by Gems of all types preparing for their own rest cycles. The sense of community, of shared purpose, was almost tangible. As she settled in for the night, she felt a deep sense of contentment. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new opportunities for growth and learning. In this ever-evolving society, every day was a step towards a brighter future.

As the lights dimmed, the last thing Zircon saw was the soft glow of White Diamond's insignia, a constant reminder of the guiding light that had brought them so far. With a smile, she allowed herself to drift into the rest cycle, eager for the dawn of another day in their shining, hidden world.


Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG, or "Cinq" as she was affectionately known to her colleagues, stirred from her rest cycle as the bioluminescent crystals in her personal quarters began to glow with the soft, warm light of Martian dawn. She didn't need sleep, of course—most Gems did not—but the scientists of the Dimensional Science Unit had found that regular periods of inactivity and meditation improved cognitive function and creativity.

As she rose from her recuperation pod, Cinq's gem glowed briefly, projecting her standard-issue limb enhancers onto her form. While many Peridots had opted for more personalized models over the centuries, Cinq preferred the classic design. There was something comforting about the uniformity, a small reminder of the order that White Diamond had instilled in their society.

"Good morning, Cinq." chirped her room's AI assistant, a creation of Brown Diamond's that had become ubiquitous in Gem dwellings. "Today's schedule includes a briefing on the latest dimensional breach experiment at 0900, a collaborative session with the Quantum Mechanics team at 1300, and your weekly personal development hour at 1600. Would you like to review the latest reports before your first appointment?"

"Yes, please." Cinq replied, her fingers already dancing over the holographic interface that sprang to life before her. As she absorbed the night's data, she couldn't help but marvel at how far they'd come.

Cinq's laboratory, nestled deep within the Twilight Tower of Olympus Mons, was a testament to how far they had come. The room hummed with energy, filled with equipment that would have been unthinkable in the old era. Gravity modulators, quantum computers, and tachyon emitters lined the walls, each a marvel of Gem ingenuity.

As she studied the projection, Cinq couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. She was part of something greater than herself, a cog in the grand machine that was Gem society. And at the heart of it all stood White Diamond, their luminous leader, guiding them towards a future of unlimited potential.

Cinq's day began, as always, with the Resonance. At precisely 0600 Mars Standard Time, every Gem on the planet paused for a moment of synchronized meditation. It was said that during this time, White Diamond herself extended her consciousness, touching the mind of every Gem, reinforcing their connection to the greater whole.

For Cinq, the Resonance was a moment of profound peace and purpose. She felt the familiar warmth wash over her, a gentle reminder of her place in the grand design. As the sensation faded, she opened her eyes, reinvigorated and ready to face the challenges ahead.

The Dimensional Science Unit operated on a flexible schedule, recognizing that breakthrough moments in research rarely adhered to rigid timetables. Cinq's team, composed of five other Peridots and two Sapphires for predictive modeling, gathered in the central hub of their laboratory.

"Status update." Cinq announced, her gem projecting a holographic checklist. One by one, her teammates reported their progress.

"Quantum stabilization algorithms are at 98.7% efficiency." reported Peridot 7RJ, her visor reflecting scrolling lines of code.

"Tachyon containment field is holding steady at power levels exceeding our previous tests by 23%." added Peridot 3VN, a note of excitement in her voice.

The updates continued, with each a small step towards their ultimate goal: creating a stable gateway to the empty dimension discovered centuries ago by Brown Diamond himself. The implications of success were staggering – near-infinite expansion for their civilization, free from the constraints of physical space.

As Cinq listened to her team, she marveled at how far Gem technology had advanced. In the old tales, passed down through millennia, Peridots were mere technicians, limited in their roles and thinking. Now, they stood at the forefront of scientific discovery, pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

At midday, work paused for the Daily Illumination. The great screens that lined the walls of every Gem structure flickered to life, displaying the radiant form of White Diamond. Her voice, melodious and powerful, filled the air.

"My beloved Gems." she began, her eyes seeming to meet those of every individual watching. "Another day dawns on our glorious world, another opportunity to strive for perfection."

Cinq, like every Gem around her, stood transfixed. White Diamond's words washed over them, a mixture of encouragement, guidance, and subtle direction. She spoke of the latest achievements – a breakthrough in fusion stability, advancements in terraforming techniques, and diplomatic successes in the galaxy beyond their hidden world.

"Remember." White Diamond concluded, her voice softening with affection, "Each of you is essential, a unique facet in the brilliance of our society. Together, we shine brighter than any star in the cosmos."

As the transmission ended, Cinq felt a renewed sense of purpose. White Diamond wasn't just their leader; she was the embodiment of all they aspired to be – wise, powerful, and ever-evolving.

After the Daily Illumination, Cinq took her customary break, leaving the Twilight Tower to walk the streets of New Homeworld Prime. The underground city was a marvel of engineering and artistry, a testament to what Gems could achieve when freed from the constraints of their old roles.

The central boulevard, known as the Lustrous Way, stretched before her, its programmable matter surface shifting subtly to accommodate Gems of all sizes. Holographic banners floated overhead, displaying news, announcements, and artistic renderings of their glorious history.

Cinq passed by the Fusion Forum, a vast arena where Gems could explore the art of combination in a safe, controlled environment. She paused to watch as a Ruby and a Sapphire, under the watchful eye of a certified Fusion Facilitator, joined to form a Garnet. The resulting Gem's joyous laughter echoed through the chamber, a sound that would have been unthinkable in the old era.

Further along, she came to the Diversity Gardens, a relatively new addition to the city. Here, carefully maintained ecosystems showcased the variety of life forms from across the galaxy. It was a project spearheaded by Blue Diamond, part of her ongoing efforts to cultivate empathy and understanding among Gemkind.

As she walked, Cinq reflected on the unique nature of their society. They had maintained the efficiency of the caste system but infused it with flexibility and opportunities for growth. Rubies could now be found not just in security roles, but also as artists and entertainers. Bismuths, once limited to construction, now sat on architectural review boards, their opinions valued in city planning.

Cinq's path took her past one of the city's many defensive outposts, a reminder of the challenges they faced. While their world remained hidden from the universe at large, the Diamond Authority never forgot the potential threats that lurked beyond their holographic veil.

The outpost, disguised as a decorative obelisk, housed some of the most advanced defensive technology in the known universe. Cinq knew that similar installations dotted the Martian surface and orbit, ready to repel any threat, be it physical or cosmic.

She thought back to the tales of White Diamond's encounters with beings of immense power – the Phoenix Force, Arishem the Judge, and even the Devil himself. These stories, part of every Gem's education, served as a constant reminder of their precarious position in this new universe.

Yet, rather than cowering in fear, these challenges had spurred Gemkind to greater heights of innovation and unity. Every scientific breakthrough, every diplomatic success, every fusion mastered was a step towards securing their place in the cosmos.

Returning to her laboratory, Cinq found Brown Diamond himself waiting, his imposing form radiating an aura of contained power. The team snapped to attention, gems glowing with excitement and nervousness.

"Report." Brown Diamond said, his deep voice resonating through the chamber.

Cinq stepped forward, her holographic displays springing to life around her. "My Diamond, we've made significant progress in stabilizing the quantum aperture. Our latest simulations suggest we're approaching the threshold for sustainable interdimensional travel."

Brown Diamond nodded, his eyes scanning the data with inhuman speed. "Excellent work, 5XG. Your team's efforts bring us one step closer to ensuring the eternal prosperity of Gemkind."

As Brown Diamond delved into the technical details with the team, Cinq felt a surge of pride. This was why she had been created, why she strived each day to push the boundaries of science. Every discovery, every advancement was a tribute to White Diamond and the society she had built.

The work continued late into the night cycle. In the old days of Era 1, Gems had no need for rest, driven by single-minded purpose. Now, they recognize the value of downtime, of allowing their minds to process and rejuvenate. As the team prepared to wrap up for the day, a sudden alert blared through the laboratory.

"Dimensional anomaly detected." announced the automated system. "Containment protocols engaged."

In an instant, the team sprang into action. Cinq's fingers flew over the control panels, adjusting power levels and stabilization fields. For a tense moment, the very fabric of space-time seemed to waver within their testing chamber.

Then, as quickly as it began, the anomaly stabilized. A small, swirling portal hung in the air, no larger than a Gem's palm but stable and controlled.

The laboratory erupted in cheers. It was a small step, but a significant one. For the first time, they had created a sustainable connection to the empty dimension, if only for a moment.

As the excitement died down and the team began the process of documenting their breakthrough, Cinq found herself reflecting on the journey that had brought them here. A thousand years of progress, of pushing beyond what they thought possible.

She thought of White Diamond, of the wisdom and vision that had guided them to this point. At that moment, Cinq felt a connection to every Gem on Mars, to the millions of her kind working towards a common goal. They were no longer conquerors, no longer bound by the limitations of their past. They were explorers, scientists, artists – a civilization reaching for the stars while remaining hidden in plain sight.

As she prepared her report for the Diamond Authority, Cinq knew that this was just the beginning. The empty dimension beckoned, promising room for endless expansion and discovery. And beyond that, who knew what wonders awaited?

The legacy of White Diamond, the brilliance of Gem innovation, the strength of their united society – all of it converged in this moment of triumph. As Cinq's gem glowed with pride and purpose, she knew that the best was yet to come. In this new universe, under the guidance of their luminous leader, the potential of Gemkind was truly infinite.


Dawn broke over the holographic Martian landscape, its rusty hues masking the vibrant world beneath. In the subterranean metropolis of Stone Isle, the fourth oldest Gem settlement on Mars, Mayor Bismuth Facet-1F2L Cut-2AB stirred from her meditation chamber. Her iridescent form shimmered as she stretched, rainbow hues dancing across her metallic skin.

Stone Isle, like all Gem cities on Mars, lay hidden beneath the planet's surface. Named for the towering crystal formations that served as its foundation, it was a marvel of engineering and artistry. As mayor, Bismuth took immense pride in every facet of her city.

Bismuth's first task of the day was to inspect the newly completed residential district. She made her way through the twisting corridors, marveling at the bioluminescent crystals that lit the way. These crystals, a creation of Brown Diamond's research team, pulsed with a soft, warm light that mimicked the sun's rays.

The residential area was a testament to the diversity of Gemkind. Homes of various sizes and designs accommodated the needs of different Gem types. Tiny, intricate dwellings housed clusters of Nanogramites, the smallest known Gems, barely visible to the naked eye. These diminutive Gems, responsible for microscopic repairs and maintenance, flitted about in swarms, their tiny voices a high-pitched hum.

In contrast, massive, cathedral-like structures served as communal homes for Nephrites. These gentle giants, once pilots and navigators, now played a crucial role in city planning and infrastructure development. Their ability to perceive and manipulate spatial relationships made them invaluable in the ever-expanding underground metropolis.

Bismuth paused to admire a mural depicting White Diamond, her serene face gazing benevolently upon the city. The mural, crafted by a talented Moss Agate, seemed to shimmer with an inner light. Bismuth felt a wave of reverence wash over her, a sentiment shared by nearly every Gem in Stone Isle.

"Exquisite work, Moss Agate Facet-7R9M Cut-1XQ," Bismuth commended the artist, who beamed with pride.

"Thank you, Mayor." the Moss Agate replied, her voice tinged with awe. "I hope it captures even a fraction of White Diamond's radiance."

Satisfied with the inspection, Bismuth made her way to Stone Isle's Twilight Tower. The iridescent spire rose from the center of the city, its ever-changing colors a beacon of progress and order.

As she entered, Bismuth was greeted by her assistant, a diligent Bixbite. The rare, red beryl Gem efficiently rattled off the day's schedule.

"Good morning, Mayor. The Rutile twins are waiting to discuss the new transportation system. Afterwards, you have a meeting with the Chrysoberyl committee about education reforms. Oh, and a Padparadscha had a vision about a minor earthquake yesterday – we've already taken precautions."

Bismuth nodded, appreciating the Bixbite's thoroughness. The mention of the Padparadscha brought a smile to her face. These special Sapphires, with their delayed future vision, had found a niche in Gem society, serving as a final safeguard against overlooked details.

The morning passed in a flurry of meetings and decisions. The Rutile twins, conjoined Gems with a unique perspective on connectivity, presented plans for an innovative public transportation system. Their design incorporated gravity-defying pathways that would allow Gems of all sizes to travel efficiently through the city.

Next came the education committee, led by a group of Chrysoberyls. These Gems, known for their ability to change color under different lights, had become adept at adapting educational methods to suit various learning styles.

"We propose introducing a mentorship program," the lead Chrysoberyl explained. "Pairing newly emerged Gems with experienced ones from different castes. It will promote understanding and unity while maintaining our societal structure."

Bismuth approved the proposal, recognizing its alignment with White Diamond's vision of order and progress.

As midday approached, Bismuth made her way to the Grand Forum, the heart of Stone Isle's local government. The cavernous chamber, carved from a single enormous geode, glittered with countless crystal facets. Here, Gems of all types gathered to participate in the democratic process that had become a hallmark of their society.

Today's agenda included a debate on resource allocation for the city's upcoming expansion. Bismuth took her place at the center of the forum, ready to moderate the discussion. She watched with pride as Gems from every caste respectfully presented their views.

A Spinel, her elastic form constantly in motion, argued passionately for increased recreational facilities. "Laughter and play are essential for Gem well-being," she insisted, her gemstone gleaming at the back of her hand.

In contrast, a serious-looking Hackmanite advocated for more research facilities. "We must continue to innovate if we are to maintain our position in this universe," he stated, his usually purple form shifting to pink under the forum's lights.

The debate continued, with Bismuths presenting plans for new structures, Peridots arguing for technological upgrades, and even a group of Carnelians pushing for more military training grounds. Through it all, Bismuth expertly guided the discussion, ensuring every voice was heard.

As the forum concluded, Bismuth felt a surge of gratitude for White Diamond's wisdom in implementing this system. It was a far cry from the rigid hierarchy of their past, yet it maintained the order that was so crucial to Gem society.

With the day's official duties complete, Bismuth took some time to visit Stone Isle's famous Crystal Gardens. This vast cavern, filled with crystalline formations that mimicked organic plant life, served as a place of beauty and contemplation for the city's inhabitants.

Here, Bismuth encountered a group of Watermelon Tourmalines tending to the crystal growths. These Gems, their colors a striking blend of pink and green, had a unique ability to encourage crystal formation and growth. Under their care, the garden was a constantly evolving work of art.

"Mayor Bismuth." one of the Tourmalines greeted her with a respectful nod. "We've just completed a new section inspired by White Diamond's radiance. Would you like to see?"

Bismuth followed the Tourmaline to a secluded grotto. There, a breathtaking arrangement of crystals captured and refracted light in a way that mimicked White Diamond's aura. The display filled Bismuth with a sense of awe and devotion.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Truly worthy of our beloved Diamond."

The Tourmaline beamed with pride. "We hope it will serve as a place of meditation and connection for all Gems."

As Bismuth sat in quiet contemplation, she reflected on the profound impact White Diamond had on their society. The reverence they felt wasn't just for her power, but for her vision – a vision that had transformed their civilization while maintaining its core identity.

As evening fell, Bismuth made her way to the city's central plaza for the daily Diamond Tribute. This ceremony, repeated in every Gem settlement across Mars, was a time for collective gratitude and reaffirmation of their society's values.

The plaza was filled with Gems of all types. Bismuth took her place on the raised platform, alongside other city officials. At precisely the scheduled time, a massive hologram flickered to life above them, displaying the serene countenance of White Diamond.

A hush fell over the crowd. Bismuth stepped forward, her voice ringing out clear and strong:

"We gather here, as one people, to honor White Diamond and the Authority that guides us. Through their wisdom, we have found our place in this vast universe. Through their strength, we are protected. Through their vision, we progress."

The assembled Gems repeated the words in unison, their voices blending into a harmonic chorus that resonated through the cavern.

As the ceremony concluded, the hologram shifted, cycling through images of the other Diamonds – Yellow, Blue, Brown, Grey, and Black. Each was honored for their specific contributions to Gem society.

With the day's public duties complete, Bismuth turned her attention to security matters. She met with the head of Stone Isle's security force, an experienced Jasper with a jagged, battle-worn gemstone.

"Report, Jasper Facet-3R4X Cut-1WQ." Bismuth requested.

The Jasper saluted crisply. "All quiet, Mayor. The Morganites have completed their empathic sweep of the city, no signs of discontent. The Obsidian squad is running drills in the lower caverns, and our Hawk's Eye sentries report no unusual activity on the surface."

Bismuth nodded, satisfied. The security of Stone Isle was a complex operation, utilizing the unique abilities of various Gem types. Morganites, with their empathic abilities, could sense emotional disturbances that might lead to social unrest. Obsidians, with their volcanic glass forms, were perfect for navigating the treacherous lower caverns. Hawk's Eyes, with their exceptional vision, kept watch on the Martian surface, ensuring their illusion remained undetected.

"Excellent work, Jasper. And the... special project?"

The Jasper's expression grew serious. "Progress continues, Mayor. The Painite team believes they're close to a breakthrough."

Bismuth's form tensed slightly. The "special project" was a closely guarded secret – an attempt to create a localized version of the planetary disguise technology. If successful, it would allow individual Gems or small groups to move undetected on other worlds. The implications for their society's expansion and security were enormous.

"Keep me updated." Bismuth instructed. "And remember, this doesn't leave this room."

The Jasper saluted again and departed, leaving Bismuth alone with her thoughts.

As the artificial day cycle of Stone Isle dimmed to night, Bismuth retreated to her private chambers. Here, surrounded by mementos of her long service to Gemkind, she allowed herself a moment of personal reflection.

Her gaze fell on a small, unassuming crystal displayed prominently on her desk. It was a fragment from the original Kindergarten where she had emerged, hundreds of years ago on a part of the planet she had not seen in years. The crystal served as a reminder of how far they had come, and of the wisdom in White Diamond's new vision for their people.

Bismuth thought about the society they had built here on Mars. It was a marvel of order and progress, a delicate balance between the structure that Gems inherently craved and the freedom to grow beyond their original purposes. It was a testament to White Diamond's ability to adapt and evolve, to learn from the past while embracing the future.

Yet, as she looked out over her sleeping city, Bismuth couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. They had built something truly special here, but for how long could they keep it hidden? In a universe filled with cosmic entities and super-powered beings, how long before their illusion was shattered?

But, when she thought about the one that led them from above, all of those worries faded away. After all, nothing could stop the vast light that was White.

With the dark thought thrown out of her mind, Bismuth rested on her bed, wishing to make her Diamond proud the following day as well.


The twin moons of Mars cast an ethereal glow over the crystalline spires of New Homeworld Prime. In the military district, a slender figure stood atop a balcony, her gem gleaming in the starlight. This was Pearl Facet-1901 Cut-7XG, known simply as Commander Pearl to those under her command.

As the first rays of the artificial sun began to illuminate the underground city, Pearl's gem projected a holographic schedule for the day. She allowed herself a small smile — another day in service to the radiant Diamond Authority, another opportunity to prove her worth.

0600 Hours: Morning Ritual

Pearl's quarters, while modest by Diamond standards, were luxurious compared to those of lower-ranking Gems. A gift from Yellow Diamond herself, in recognition of Pearl's exceptional service. The walls were adorned with holo-projections of great Gem battles, tactical displays that shifted and changed as new data came in from across the galaxy.

She approached a small shrine in the corner of her room, kneeling before it with practiced grace. At its center stood a perfect hologram of White Diamond, eternal and luminous. Pearl closed her eyes, her gem glowing softly as she recited the morning mantra:

"Our beloved White Diamond, paragon of order and light,

Guide our actions, illuminate our path.

In your wisdom, we find purpose.

In your strength, we find courage. In your light, we find perfection.

May we serve you faithfully, now and for all time."

As she finished, Pearl felt a wave of warmth and purpose wash over her. This daily ritual, performed by the Gems in the military across Mars, reinforced their connection to White Diamond and to the grand vision she had for their society.

0630 Hours: Training Regimen

Gems saluted as Pearl passed, respect evident in their eyes. It was still somewhat unusual to see a Pearl in such a high-ranking position, but Pearl Facet-1 Cut-7XG had more than proven her worth. Her tactical brilliance and unwavering dedication had earned her the respect of even the toughest Quartz soldiers.

Entering the command center, Pearl was greeted by a flurry of activity. The vast, circular room was dominated by a massive holographic display of Mars and its surrounding space. Gems of various types of manned stations around the perimeter, monitoring everything from troop movements to atmospheric conditions.

"Commander on deck!" a Topaz announced, and the room snapped to attention.

Pearl allowed herself a small nod of acknowledgment. "At ease," she said, her voice calm yet carrying an undeniable authority. "Begin your morning drills. I'll be observing."

For the next two hours, Pearl oversaw the training of hundreds of Gems. Quartzes practiced advanced combat maneuvers, Rubies perfected their fusion techniques, and Peridots ran complex battle simulations. Throughout it all, Pearl moved with fluid grace, offering corrections here, praise there, always pushing her troops to exceed their limits.

0900 Hours: Strategic Briefing

As the troops continued their drills, Pearl made her way to the command center. Here, the walls were lined with screens displaying real-time information from across the solar system and beyond. At the center of the room stood a massive holographic projection of Mars, surrounded by smaller images of potential threats and points of interest.

Yellow Diamond's face appeared on the main screen, her piercing gaze scanning the assembled commanders. "Report," she said simply.

Pearl stepped forward, her posture perfect, her voice clear and confident. "My Diamond, our latest intelligence suggests increased activity near the Kree-Skrull border. We've adjusted our long-range patrols accordingly. Additionally, the new batch of Jasper soldiers has completed their initial training cycle, showing a 15% improvement in combat efficiency over the previous generation."

Yellow Diamond nodded, a hint of approval in her eyes. "Excellent work, Pearl. I want a detailed analysis of the Kree-Skrull situation on my desk by the end of the day. Dismissed."

As the screen went dark, Pearl felt a surge of pride. To be singled out for praise by Yellow Diamond herself was no small feat.

Just as the meeting concluded, Pearl felt a familiar presence enter her mind. It was White Diamond, reaching out through their shared network to address her people. Pearl, like every Gem on Mars, paused in reverence to receive the message.

White's voice, melodious and powerful, resonated within them. "My beloved Gems, I am pleased with your continued dedication and growth. Remember, in all that you do, you carry a piece of me. Let it shine brightly, for we are the future of this universe."

The message was brief, but its impact was profound. Pearl felt reinvigorated, filled with renewed purpose. This was the power of White Diamond - with just a few words, she could inspire an entire civilization.

1100 Hours: Inspection of New Recruits

Pearl made her way to the emergence caverns, where the newest batch of Gem soldiers was about to emerge. The air hummed with anticipation as the first cracks appeared in the rock face.

One by one, new Gems emerged — Amethysts, Jaspers, and Carnelians. Each one stumbled forward, disoriented but filled with an innate sense of purpose. Pearl watched critically, noting their forms, their apparent strengths and weaknesses.

A newly emerged Carnelian approached, saluting clumsily. "M-my Commander," she stammered, "I am honored to serve."

Pearl's expression softened slightly. "Welcome to existence, soldier. You have emerged into a glorious age. Our beloved Diamonds have created a society of unparalleled greatness, where every Gem has the opportunity to serve and excel. Never forget the honor and responsibility that comes with your creation."

The Carnelian's eyes widened with awe and determination. "I won't let you down, Commander!"

Pearl nodded, feeling a sense of continuity. She had once been like this young Gem, newly emerged and eager to prove herself. Now, she was helping to shape the next generation of Gem warriors.

1300 Hours: Tactical Innovation Session

After overseeing the processing and initial briefing of the new recruits, Pearl made her way to one of the Twilight Towers for a special tactical innovation session. These meetings, bringing together military leaders and scientific minds, were crucial to maintaining Homeworld's technological edge.

As she entered the conference room, Pearl was greeted by an eclectic group: a team of Peridots, their limb enhancers humming with barely contained energy; a fusion of two Garnets, their multiple eyes scanning complex data streams; and to her surprise, Brown Diamond himself.

"Commander Pearl." Brown Diamond greeted her warmly. "We're glad you could join us. We believe we've made a breakthrough in warp field technology that could revolutionize our military capabilities."

For the next two hours, Pearl was immersed in a world of quantum mechanics and experimental physics. Despite not being created for scientific pursuits, she found herself offering valuable insights on practical combat applications. This was the beauty of their new society — every Gem had the opportunity to contribute beyond their original purpose.

1600 Hours: Public Address

As evening approached, Pearl made her way to one of the public squares for a scheduled address. Thousands of Gems had gathered, their eyes fixed on the elevated platform.

Pearl stepped up to the holographic projector, her form enlarged and visible to all. "Fellow Gems," she began, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "Today, as every day, we give thanks to our luminous Diamond Authority. Under their wisdom and guidance, we have built a civilization that stands as a beacon of order and progress in this chaotic universe."

She paused, looking out over the sea of attentive faces. "Each of you, from the mightiest Quartz to the most specialized Peridot, plays a crucial role in our society. Our strength lies not just in our individual abilities, but in our unity of purpose. We are more than a mere collection of Gems — we are a shining example of what can be achieved through perfect order and unwavering devotion."

The crowd cheered, their gems glowing with pride and adoration. Pearl felt the energy of their collective devotion, a palpable force that seemed to connect every Gem to the grand vision of White Diamond.

1800 Hours: Personal Training

Pearl made her way to the training grounds for her personal combat practice. Despite her high rank, she believed in maintaining her fighting skills. The vast underground arena was mostly empty at this hour, allowing her the privacy she preferred for these sessions.

She summoned her spear, the weapon materializing in a flash of light. For hours, she moved through complex forms, her movements a deadly dance of precision and grace. Holograms of enemy combatants appeared around her, and Pearl dispatched them with ruthless efficiency.

Yet, as the session wore on, Pearl felt a growing frustration. There was something... missing. Some level of mastery that continued to elude her.

In a moment of clarity, Pearl ceased her physical movements and closed her eyes. She focused on her gem, on the very essence of her being. In her mind's eye, she saw not just her spear, but the energy that composed it — the intricate lattice of light and matter.

With a sudden insight, Pearl realized that the spear was not a separate thing, but an extension of herself. She opened her eyes, seeing her weapon with new understanding. With a thought, she altered its composition, making it sharper, harder, and more precise. As she swung the weapon, it left a trail of light in the air, and she understood with startling clarity that she could use this energy to cut through almost anything.

Pearl slashed at a nearby pillar, a simple motion that she had performed countless times before. This time, however, the spear cut through the hard crystal as if it were air. The pillar, perfectly bisected, slowly slid apart.

Excited by this discovery, Pearl was about to test her new technique again when a deep, resonant voice interrupted her concentration.

"Impressive, Commander Pearl."

Pearl whirled around, instantly dropping into a respectful salute as she recognized Black Diamond. The towering figure of the newest Diamond stood at the entrance of the arena, his obsidian form seeming to absorb the light around him.

"My Diamond," Pearl said, her voice filled with surprise and honor. "I didn't realize you were observing."

"I've been watching your progress for some time, Commander Pearl. That breakthrough just now... it's exactly what I've been waiting for." Black Diamond said, his voice deep and resonant.

Black Diamond smiled, a rare expression that transformed his usually stern features. "I've been watching your career with great interest, Pearl Facet-1 Cut-7XG. Your dedication, skill, and loyalty are exemplary."

Pearl felt a surge of pride at the praise. "Thank you, my Diamond. I live to serve our people and the Authority."

Black Diamond nodded, his expression turning serious. "It is because of these qualities that I am here. Pearl Facet-1 Cut-7XG, I am offering you a position in the Royal Guard."

Pearl's eyes widened in shock. The Royal Guard was the most elite force in their society, personally led by Black Diamond himself. Only the most exceptional Gems were even considered for its ranks.

"My Diamond, I... I'm deeply honored," Pearl stammered, overwhelmed by the offer. "But what about my duties to Yellow Diamond? My position in the army?"

Black Diamond waved a hand dismissively. "My sister will understand. Your talents will be of greater use in the Royal Guard. Besides," he added with a slight smirk, "she can hardly argue with my selection, can she?"

Pearl felt a moment of hesitation. Her entire existence had been dedicated to her role in the army. But the opportunity to serve in the Royal Guard, to be even closer to the Diamonds she revered, was too great to pass up.

"I accept, my Diamond," Pearl said, her voice firm with conviction. "It would be my highest honor to serve in the Royal Guard."

Black Diamond's smile returned, wider this time. "Excellent. Then let us begin your transformation."

He stepped forward, placing a massive hand on Pearl's shoulder. She felt a surge of energy, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if the very essence of a Diamond was flowing into her, empowering her, transforming her.

"This is the power bestowed upon every member of the Royal Guard," Black Diamond explained as Pearl's form glowed with newfound energy. "It will elevate you to a level beyond anything you've known before."

As the energy settled, Pearl felt reborn. Her form had changed subtly, now bearing marks of her new status. She could feel the immense power thrumming through her gem.

"Welcome to the Royal Guard, Pearl," Black Diamond said, his voice filled with approval. "Your new life begins now."

Pearl felt a surge of emotion. This was more than a promotion — it was validation of everything she had worked for, everything she believed in. In this moment, she was the embodiment of their society's promise: that any Gem, through dedication and excellence, could rise to the greatest heights.

As she followed Black Diamond out of the training room, Pearl cast one last look at the bisected pillar. It stood as a testament to her breakthrough, a symbol of the new level of mastery she had achieved. But more than that, it represented a turning point — not just for her, but perhaps for all of Gem society.

The future stretched out before her, full of promise and purpose. In that moment, Pearl Facet-1 Cut-7XG felt more certain than ever of her place in this grand society, and of the glorious destiny that awaited all Gemkind under the guidance of the Diamond Authority.

[AN: World Building!! Over 10k words!! I plan on doing chapters like this to give depth to their world, but if you guys don't like it, I'll dial it back.

Read Chapters Ahead on P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023]

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