85% Naruto : The Hope of a Better Tomorrow / Chapter 17: Chapter 16

章 17: Chapter 16

(A/N: First of all sorry for not uploading a chapter till now. I was hit hard with Covid and could barely use my brain until recently.)


"Jiraiya, any good news?" Tsunade asked, holding herself back from going out to get drunk and gamble. If it wasn't for Shizune right now, she would have done so not only many times, but sooner.

"I would say that it's good news," he responded, noticing the bags under Tsunade's eyes and the subdued anger she held back to continue her work as the Hokage. "Sasuke is still alive."

She paused her reading of the ever-growing stacks of paper, bringing her full attention to Jiraiya. "And you couldn't bring him back?"

"No. Otogakure security has been tightened ever since Sasuke arrived. After waiting for a bit, I received news from inside sources that Sasuke and Orochimaru had been seen together multiple times in public and Orochimaru interacting with the villagers. It seems he has already used his technique to switch bodies from the looks of it because he looks younger now, like a sixteen-year-old."

Tsunade's brows furrowed, not quite understanding the implications. Unlike Jiraiya, she had been absent from village affairs until now, so she was still catching up on everything that had happened since she left. She also had less knowledge about Orochimaru than Jiraiya, despite being on the same team. "Can you explain in more detail?"

"You don't know?" he asked, surprised.

Shizune, who had been listening, cringed and turned back to Tsunade, seeing her silently clenching her fists. If interacting with Jiraiya went on any longer, she might smash the desk in half and throw each piece at him like a frisbee.

"No, Jiraiya, I don't know," she slowly responded, trying to keep her cool. "You know more about Orochimaru than anyone else, and I can only read things so fast."

"Right. So, Orochimaru's technique can only be used every three years. When Sasuke left the village, it lined up with Orochimaru's technique being ready to use, but he didn't wait for Sasuke before switching bodies. The reason is unknown, but the fact remains that Sasuke is safe from that technique for now."

"For now," Tsunade said, pointing out that they were still on a timer. Later she would go through with feeling disgusted at the technique but for now things needed to move forward.

"Yes, which is why I want to take Naruto outside the village and train him."

Tsunade's train of thought halted, and she stared at Jiraiya like he was an idiot. "You want to take the village's Jinchūriki outside the village?"

"You and I know how the village treats Naruto." It seems Jirayai wasn't going to back down. "After the recent incidents, it has only gotten worse. I will take him out of the village that hates him, train him to control the Nine-Tails, and also search for ways to bring Sasuke back or just keep an eye out, though Naruto won't know that.

Tsunade, the Akatsuki plans to begin their hunt for all the Jinchūriki within a couple of years. For now, I am the best person to guard Naruto while allowing the village to calm down after recent events. They don't even know how Naruto fought against Gaara, Sunagakure's Jinchūriki and won during the invasion. They don't even know that the person they hate and ridicule has saved them twice in his life."

"And do tell me again why I can't just, oh, I don't know, let them know the truth?"

"Because, Tsunade, the villagers don't, won't, or can't understand what a Tailed Beast or Jinchūriki is. Even if they do, they might not hate him anymore, but now that hatred would turn into fear. Fear that Naruto would turn against the village for how they treat him." He shook his head. "It's too late, Tsunade. The damage has already been done.

"And if you allow me to take Naruto out of the village, I plan to tell Naruto about Akatsuki since part of my plan is to get him to control the Kyuubi. Once the hunt begins, I want Naruto to be able to protect himself better. Not only from them but from himself."

They continued to argue for what felt like hours, but Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure, finally gave in and allowed Jiraiya to leave the village with Naruto to train him while also keeping an eye on any movements made by either Orochimaru or the Akatsuki.

When Jiraiya left the room, she slumped back into her chair. She still felt like breaking her desk, but now for a different reason. The plan did sound reasonable, but she was the Hokage, so she had to also worry about the political troubles. She was going to have to deal with the village advisors because she knew they would vehemently disagree with this decision, no matter how she tried to explain it. So she was just going to have to put her foot down, maybe real hard, and let them know that the decision is already made.

It felt like everything she had done since taking office had ended in disaster. She almost regretted becoming the Fifth Hokage, but the fact that most of the problems were already present before she arrived only made her want to throw a punch at those who created her problems who just so happened to be the previous Hokage, her teacher, and Orochimaru, who she was teamed up with alongside Jiraiya under the leadership of their teacher.

"Just how in the world did those two become the origin of all my current problems?"

Sizune who had been trying to keep herself out of sight heard this but understood that this wasn't a question towards her, but to Tsunade herself so Shizune kept her silence while picking up scattered papers around the office which had been the victim of the two Sannins argument.

"Kabuto, go and grab some of Kimimaro's bone marrow and grab a suitable sacrifice." Orochimaru ordered.

Kabuto adjusted his glasses, a glint of curiosity sparking in his eyes. "Resurrecting Kimimaro?"

"Indeed," Orochimaru replied with a hint of a smile of his own. "But that's not all I need from you. I have heard of a girl named Karin who resides in Kusagakure. She is of Uzumaki lineage and as such possesses their bloodline. Find her and bring her to me. She could prove to be a valuable asset."

Kabuto bowed deeply, "I will do as you say, Orochimaru-sama."

As Kabuto left, Orochimaru began pacing the room. Today, he was finally going to try out a technique that he hoped he still had mastery over. The Edo Tensei. And what better person to revive than someone who would gladly be resurrected and always strived to be useful?

He remembered that Edo Tensei who didn't want to be resurrected was more difficult to control and would need more constant attention to ensure they didn't get out of his control. However, if it was someone who wanted to be, then it would be many times easier, they wouldn't raise a fuss whatsoever.

So Kimimaro was the target for this, and he wasn't going to just half-ass this to just make sure he could do it or not, but actually planned to use Kimimaro quite a bit for future things if this went well. With an Immortal body with endless amounts of chakra, Kimimaro should be stronger than when he was alive, especially because there would be no issues with his bones this time around. So no longer would he need to constrain himself when doing things and act at full efficiency. Well, as long as the sacrifice was good enough.

Bringing out a scroll holding the Edo Tensei technique, his mind raced with possibilities. If successful, Kimimaro's revival would grant a successful undying body, free from the crippling illness that had plagued him in life. His combat potential would be somewhat unparalleled, capable of training Sasuke to the fullest extent without fear of death. Orochimaru envisioned the countless battles they would wage, each one honing Sasuke's skills to a razor's edge, all to take down one person.

Yet, there was a somber undertone to his thoughts. The Edo Tensei was not yet perfected. Its current state was a crude approximation of what it could become. Orochimaru knew that Kabuto, with his meticulous nature and unrelenting drive for knowledge, would one day refine the technique to its true potential. For now, however, this incomplete version would have to suffice.

He activated the Sharingan and opened the scroll to gaze at the technique's unique structure and symbols which made up its entirety. His mind and memories weren't at what he would call full speed. It was taking time to remember things. He was holding over eighty years of memories from different people who had very different worldviews.

But that also brought up different questions. Since the two bodies of Yuro and Orochimaru fused, was he now technically nearing sixty, though he looked sixteen? Confusing thing these Mangekyō abilities were, but getting back on track and continued thinking about ways to improve the Edo Tensei.

Minutes continued to pass quite quickly, and soon Kabuto returned, dragging an unconscious body and bringing out a test tube filled with Kimimaro's bone marrow after he entered. "Everything you requested, Orochimaru-sama."

"Excellent," Orochimaru hissed, a predatory grin spreading across his face. "You may leave now. Find Karin and bring her to me."

Kabuto nodded and left without another word, his footsteps echoing through the corridors as he embarked on his new mission. Orochimaru turned his attention to the task at hand. Glancing at the unconscious person, he immediately noticed that this was originally supposed to be Orochimaru's new host to fix his arms that were sealed after killing Hiruzen. Now it seems that he is fated to be the host for Kimimaro, quite funny and quite suitable to be a sacrifice.

He placed the sacrifice in the center of the room, laying the body out with meticulous care just to ensure he wouldn't be woken up. Orochimaru didn't didn't want to deal with him if he woke up. From within his robes, he produced an ancient scroll, its surface inscribed with the arcane symbols of Edo Tensei.

Distancing himself from the sacrifice, he knelt on the ground, spreading the scroll before him. He took the test tube and carefully poured the bone marrow onto the scroll before Orochimaru's hands moved with practiced precision, weaving hand signs that would activate the technique.

Tiger → Serpent → Dog → Dragon

And to finish it off, he slapped his hands onto the scroll.

'Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!' (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation!)

Symbols spread from the scroll to the sacrifice, surrounding it while also spreading onto the walls. The bone marrow suddenly went towards the sacrifice and when approaching, what looked to be paper grew from it, onto the sacrifice, and spread across its entire body.

It seemed the sudden appearance of these papers awoke the sacrifice with a start, only to scream in pain, unable to comprehend what was happening. Soon enough though, the screams stopped as the entire body was covered, all of it coalescing into the form of a certain Kimimaro, who had cracked skin, which was only a natural cosmetic change brought by the technique.

And when the papers fully completed their transformation, Kimimaro opened his eyes which also held the black sclera, the other natural cosmetic change brought upon the revived individual through Edo Tensei. Kimimaro stood before him, his eyes widening as he seemed to take in the surroundings with a mixture of confusion and awe. "Orochimaru-sama," he breathed, his voice trembling with reverence.

"Welcome back, Kimimaro," Orochimaru said, satisfaction lacing his words. "How do you feel?"

Kimimaro flexed his fingers, a look of wonder spreading across his face. "I feel... stronger. No pain, no weakness." It had to be said that Kimimaro's last moments were most likely filled with pain. He knew that it would be his last fight when battling against Rock Lee, then Gaara, so he didn't hold back, even going into cursed mark stage two. So it wasn't all that surprising when his own abilities killed him before they did.

"Good," Orochimaru replied. "You are now free from the shackles of mortality. Your body is undying, perfect for anything that lies ahead. No more need to hold yourself back to live longer. If this body of yours does somehow run dry I can just get a new one."

Kimimaro bowed deeply, his gratitude evident. If this body could cry, he would likely be drenched in tears. "Thank you, Orochimaru-sama! I will serve you with all my strength once more."

Orochimaru nodded, pleased with the success of his experiment. "Sasuke has arrived and I need him to become stronger. Push him to his limits. Do not hold back and also tell him the same, but for today, get to know your own limits. I don't want Sasuke to be killed by accident, he is a very special guest."

Kimimaro's eyes gleamed with determination. "It will be my honor." But then his expression changed to confusion. "Orochimaru-sama, you have acquired the Sharingan, yet Sasuke Uchiha is still alive?"

Orochimaru who still had his Sharingan activated, had watched the Edo Tensei technique process, deeply looking at its interaction with his chakra to the scroll, the bone marrow, and finally, the creation of Kimimaro, who clearly had no idea about the things since his death. So seeing Orochimaru looking very different and having the Sharingan which he had always openly coveted made him confused at the current situation.

Like was this truly the Orochimaru he remembered?

"Yes Kimimaro, many things had changed in the short time you were gone. By accident, I realized I don't need Sasuke Uchiha as a vessel, and with that accident, I now also have no need for any future ones as far as I am aware. Yet I still have need of Sasuke Uchiha and the others." Kimimaro took those words as they were, trusting in whatever Orochimaru said, and was dismissed to prepare for his new role, allowing Orochimaru a moment of quiet contemplation.

The experiment had been a success and he reveled in it. So far, every technique that he should have mastery over still proved to be the same. The summoning technique though was a little different. Summoning was still possible, but those summons knew that something was different with him, causing some uncertainty about summoning powerful and more intelligent ones like Manda. But back the Edo Tensei, its true potential remained untapped, and while it might have been Kabuto who would perfect it in the future, he didn't want Kabuto to learn of it. For now, Orochimaru would utilize this imperfect version and improve it himself over the upcoming years.

He thought of Sasuke, the prodigious Uchiha who held so much promise. With Kimimaro's guidance and the undying nature of his resurrected body, Sasuke would grow stronger, and faster. If Kabuto manages to get Karin here soon, then Sasuke will have both the perfect training dummy and healer. Sasuke was about to go through a hellish training regiment. 

Then he thought up how he responded to Kimimaro which accidentally brought up even more questions about the future which he hadn't thought about. Will his body deteriorate and need him to switch bodies? It was unknown, along with many things revolving around his Mangekyō abilities and other related things. Just like how could he obtain the Eternal Mangekyō?


(A/N Again: I thought it would be interesting to share some behind the scenes thinking.

At first I had planned for the ability to basically be JoJo Bizarre Adventure Gold Experience Requiem's main ability but knew that it would be too OP and every situation could have been easily resolved with it even if I gave it a long cooldown or backlash so it wouldn't be spam-able but there still might have been ways to remove those problems so it couldn't just be used constantly like Kamui.

So I decided to change it to where it may be gravity-related abilities like area gravity control or electromagnetism or control of momentum or control of friction but still ran into the problem that it might be obviously OP when it's spammed at Kamui rate.

Now I already had the idea of Yuro and Sasuke coming together to defeat Orochimaru when the time skip between standard Naruto and Shippuden happened since I already planned for Orochimaru to keep his arms. So when Orochimaru attempted to take over Sasuke's body, Yuro would take his place and do like Sasuke did and seal Orochimaru within himself. Yuro would also have had a curse mark by then as well so it would have been possible.

I don't know exactly why or when this idea came to mind, but for some reason I decided to bring that take-over event to right when Sasuke arrived at Orochimaru for the first time and still wanted Yuro to absorb Orochimaru but he had no curse mark at the time.

Over time, I mused over this idea and finally came to have brought in his Mangekyō ability reveal, but at first I was going to have it be a soul-related ability, but I also planned for the reveal the event which allowed for the Mangekyō to form which would involve Orochimaru seeing the ability as well. So if he knew that Yuro had an ability that could easily kill him, then why would he allow for the ability to exist?

I continued to think of a way everything could go the way I wanted while also not seeming like it made sense while also keeping a little mystery while also revealing things. At some point, I then came up with what you read in the past few chapters. Fusion and Separation, are abilities that seem easy to understand but their interactions with the world actually make them seem vague or ambiguous the little show of Fusion interacting with souls and Separation destroying a room and person's body seemingly at a molecular level shows that they the depth of the ability is actually big, but given that it cannot be used right now to save sight, it leaves the abilities mysterious.

And with Yuro fusing with Orochimaru, I decided to play with the unknown interactions from Fusion with Souls which is why he is testing so many things without actually testing the ability itself since he currently has no way to negate the sight loss Mangekyō causes.

Lastly, for a while, I've had an idea to start calling the MC Yurochi after the fusion since it is a fusion of Yuro and Orochimaru, but I don't know since it is kind of a feminine-sounding name, and when looking up the name Yurochi, you will only get results for Yoruichi from Bleach and I cannot unsee that now. It is still possible to do so instead of just calling the MC Orochimaru but that's just if you readers want that because, to be honest, this is just sounding like an Orochimaru self-insert now. This name change could change that a bit.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


