50% Marvel: X-98 Quantum Spider / Chapter 14: Permanent Base

章 14: Permanent Base

I was back in New York with Hope. It was time to get settled into the new living situation Hope had arranged for me near Midtown High.

As we pulled up to the upscale apartment building, I couldn't help but gawk a bit. The place looked incredibly nice from the outside, with sleek modern architecture and lush landscaping. Hope clearly didn't do anything half-way.

"This is your new home base," Hope said matter-of-factly as we entered the lobby. "Fully furnished, state-of-the-art security, and some...extra amenities I figured you'd appreciate."

The apartment itself was even more impressive once we stepped inside. It was huge by New York standards, with a breath-taking open-plan layout basked in natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The furnishings were all modern and clean-lined, giving it an almost futuristic vibe that really appealed to me.

But it was the special additions that really made my eyes go wide. Just off the living room was a fully decked-out personal workshop crammed with high-tech tools and equipment. Down the hall, a door opened onto a personal gym complete with every training apparatus I could ever want.

And then there was the real showstopper—a freaking private attic observatory topped with an automated space telescope! I turned to Hope with my jaw practically dangling.

"You...really went all out, didn't you?" I managed eventually. "A space telescope? Seriously?"

She arched an eyebrow coolly. "Don't act so surprised. Of course I accounted for supplemental educational resources befitting a young..." She paused contemplatively. "...Protegemé? Kin-apprentice? Regardless, your enrichment opportunities should be comprehensive."

I shook my head in disbelief and amusement. Sometimes Hope's formal mannerisms were comically incongruous for her age. But there was no doubting her dedication to facilitating my unique situation, that was for sure. 

"Thank you, Ms. Van Dyne. This is...incredible, truly." 

"Think nothing of it. I would appreciate it if you just called me Hope or Big Sister." She waved a hand dismissively.

"I will go with Hope."

"Just focus on following the regimen my father outlined. I'll handle maintaining the appropriate...appearances."

"Actually, I should contact the school's principal this afternoon to begin that process," Hope stated, already pulling out her ever-present tablet. 

Suddenly, the metaphorical other shoe dropped. "Oh! Uhh, I almost forgot—I have a...prior appointment scheduled with an acquaintance today, Ms. Van Dyne. For my independent business endeavours."

Hope's eyes flicked up at me shrewdly. Right, because I'd have to be crazy to think she'd fall for some lame excuse like that. To her credit, though, she simply made a thoughtful humming sound.

"Very well, we can table the school situation briefly. But we'll need to--"

"--Get it all squared away soon, I know," I finished with an appreciative nod. Lying to Hope was a non-starter, clearly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep myself on a tight schedule between study and...my 'business.'"

A glimmer of what might've been amusement flickered across her expression before it smoothed out once more. "See that you do. Shall we go over the security protocols, then?"

After Hope had finished going over all the apartment's security protocols in painstaking detail, she gave me her usual crisp nod of affirmation.

"I'll leave you to get settled in then. Feel free to acquaint yourself with all the amenities at your leisure." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Just don't go overboard with any...extracurricular activities while I'm staying in town for the next few days, understood?"

I nodded quickly, trying not to look too guilty. "Of course, Hope. Maintaining a disciplined routine is the top priority."

She held my gaze for a beat longer before seemingly being satisfied. "Very good. I'll give you some space, but I'll be checking in periodically."

With that, Hope turned on her heel and strode out, leaving me finally alone in my snazzy new digs. I let out a long exhale, suddenly feeling the weight of keeping up appearances.

No sooner had the front door closed than I was already formulating plans. There is now an issue with my spidey duty. I can take off time, but still, crime will not take off time because of me.

Frowning, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the depressingly short list of potential student cover story sources. There was really only one option: Felicia Hardy. Damn, why didn't I make more friends? I have to increase my social skills.

I chewed my lip hesitantly. Either way, I needed to make the call. If I wanted any hope of keeping my nightly "business" under wraps from Hope while she was in town, some strategic misdirection was imperative.

I took a deep breath and tapped on Felicia's contact, lifting the phone to my ear. It barely rang once before her breezy, almost sing-song voice came through.

"Well, well! The elusive Alice finally graces me with a call. To what do I owe this honour?"

"Hey, Felicia," I began, getting right to it. "I need your help providing me with cover stories and alibis from time to time."

"Oooh, how intriguing!" I could practically hear the salacious grin in her tone. "Are we talking need-to-sneak-away-for-illegal-hijinks? Or is this about hiding some delightfully embarrassing secret hobby?"

I sighed. "Can you just... not make it into a whole thing for once? I simply need you to cover for me on certain occasions; no prying into reasons is required."

There was a pregnant pause before Felicia responded, her voice taking on a surprisingly serious edge. "You're right, my bad. Consider me your discreet alibi accomplice whenever needed—no jokes, no judgements."

I blinked, a little thrown by her sincere demeanor. "Just like that? No suggestive quips or locker-room talk?"

"Come now, Alice," she chided lightly. "I'm not some immature brat. If you need to handle private matters undisturbed, I can respect that. We all have our secrets, don't we?"

There was a weighted subtext to her words that gave me pause. But before I could dwell on it, her playful lilt returned.

"But don't think this gets you out of increasing our quality bonding time! A girl has needs, you know?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"And you love it!"

'Nah, I completely hate it.'

Felicia laughed easily. "Just give me a heads up whenever you need an alibi; I've got you covered."

"I owe you one," I replied, surprising myself with how grateful I felt.

"Don't mention it; that's what friends are for!" There was a suggestive pause. "Though I'll definitely need to cash in that favour at some point..."

"Good talk, Felicia," I said dryly, ending the call before she could continue that train of thought.

Shaking my head in bemused exasperation, I tucked my phone away. Felicia may be...a lot to deal with, but at least I have an alibi source secured now. With her covering for me, keeping up appearances around Hope's watchful eye just got more manageable.

<Professor X's POV>

I frowned deeply as I reviewed the data on the mysterious "Ghost Spider" individual yet again. The readings Cerebro had detected during their recent appearances contained highly anomalous psychic signatures unlike anything on record.

Ever since my telepathic searches first picked up trace impressions months ago of what seemed to be an emergent omega-level mutant, I've been unable to pinpoint their exact location or identity. But the more evidence that accumulated around this "Ghost Spider," the more it reinforced my suspicions that they were one and the same as the powerful new mutant I've been sensing.

"Still no luck narrowing it down, Charles?"

I glanced up as Hank McCoy entered, studying the displays with a furrowed brow. 

"I'm afraid not," I admitted. "Whoever this Ghost Spider is, they've found some way to completely obfuscate their mutant psyche from even my astral plane scans. It's quite perplexing."

Hank frowned at the holographic analysis. "Based on the abilities they've displayed, she might have two mutant abilities: one is genetic, as we can see a spider swinging around the city, and the other, maybe some kind of psychic shielding or psionic cloaking?" 

"Possibly," I allowed. "Though generating psychic interference of that magnitude shouldn't be possible through genetic means alone..."

At least, not based on the scientific understandings and mutant manifestation patterns we've catalogued so far. Could this ghost spider represent some new, never-before-seen form of mutant power?

The biometric readings from their appearances showed patterns unlike anything I'd encountered—cascading waves of exotic energies, reality itself seeming to warp around their presence. It hinted at abilities that could potentially be...cosmically destabilising on a transwarp level.

Unbidden, the memory of that awful day on Ari'kin resurfaced—the eldritch power of the Phoenix consuming Jean in cosmic flames. If a new mutant had tapped into even a fraction of those preternatural forces...

"Charles?" Hank's concerned voice snapped me back. "You look deeply troubled. What's going through your mind?"

I shook my head, dismissing the Phoenix theory for now until I had more concrete evidence. "Apologies, I'm just weighing potential scenarios based on the Ghost Spider's extraordinarily powerful mutant gifts."

I moved to study the spatial mapping of their incident locations more closely. "Whatever abilities they've manifested, it's clear this Ghost Spider is only scratching the surface of their true power. That's what makes them so potentially dangerous if left unchecked."

Hank's jaw set grimly. "You're right. An omega-level reality manipulator still grappling with their mutation could prove catastrophic. We need to make contact before those abilities spiral out of control."

"Agreed." I frowned, sifting through the Ghost Spider's unique psychic imprints and energy signatures. There were minute traces of something almost...cosmic woven into their mutation patterns. Just what kind of abilities had manifested in this person?

"Have the team on standby," I said firmly. "I'm going to attempt to pinpoint the Ghost Spider's precise location directly through Cerebro. If they can somehow evade even my telepathic oversight..."

I let the implication hang in the air. If this individual could hide in plain sight from even my enhanced psionic senses, making direct contact would be the only way to unravel the mystery of their cosmic-level mutation...by any means necessary.

One way or another, the truth behind the Ghost Spider's unprecedented abilities would be dragged into the light before catastrophe struck. Their secrets would be laid bare, no matter how deeply they had cloaked themselves.

The security of the mutant race itself could be at stake. I would not relent until I understood the full extent of this potential omega-level threat.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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