95.61% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2486: 3.2

章 2486: 3.2


The shock hits first. Sophia, one of my friends, had been targeted and taken by someone. She's the last one I would have expected to be in this situation. She's gone, she could be dead, tortured, or any number of other things for any number of reasons.

It only lasted a second, maybe two.

Grim determinations settles over me. That emptiness to tell me I would feel no remorse doing anything that needs to be done. I quickly think back to the development she lives in and try to come up with any places nearby the Frozen Lotus could have set up in. I don't believe for a second this could be the work of E88 or the Merchants, it's Sophia after all, and their territories aren't close enough.

Then my phone rings.

Piggot and Armsy had continued talking about what to do after dropping that little bomb on me. Almost like they didn't care at all. In fact, I could tell they didn't -really- care beyond how this would affect them, nor did Hutchison. The only one who seemed to care that Sophia and Kid Win were gone was Militia.

Armsy had stopped talking at one point, seemingly distracted, though Piggot glares at me for having my phone on during a 'meeting'. When I take out my phone and see 'SS' on the caller ID, I hear him say "Her tracker has shown up again. She just made a call to-"

I grin and answer my phone, "Hey Stalker, I hear you went for a stroll."

The room goes silent. I feel the shock, then rage coming off Piggot in waves, the relief coming over Miss Militia and the disappointment coming from Armsy.

Sophia is panting heavily, as if she just got done sprinting for her life... which may well be the case. "Will! They were in my neighborhood, they grabbed three people and took off, I chased them down-" There's a grunt and the sound of boots on gravel, she's started running again, "I followed the guy and his monsters to their base. There are tons of vermin with purple eyes though, and I'm pretty sure they aren't normal. The purple eyes and murderous rampage sort of gave it away." There's another grunt and I hear the tell-tale sound of a foxfire orb exploding in the background accompanied by miserable shrieking. "So yeah, get out here before I take 'em all down myself. Two miles south of where you dropped me off the other day."

Sophia hangs up on me before I can say anything, but that's fine. A small smirk grows on my face, Piggot is a little unnerved by the movements of my mask, but I wave, "Sorry guys, I was just invited out for a date. I don't want to be late for it, she gets stabby when she gets upset."

I decide -not- to blow a hole in the Protectorate's wall, since I'm feeling better. I layer pure mana over my form, both astral and physical, and pump it with enough power that the teal glow is almost -blinding-, then with an infusion slip into the chaotic space between dimensions. I only stay there for a fraction of a second, I launch myself to the other side of the wall, then return. There's a little bit of guesswork involved, unlike Sophia, I don't have something that takes care of all the complexity for me so I can't 'straddle' the dimensional boundary. Luckily there's not really anything this high up around the PRT building. Moving air and small insects out of my 'return' location is pretty easy, concrete could be rough though.

I frown at how much my shield was depleted even with the short journey. Apparently -moving- through that realm caused even more damage than I expected. Good thing I went a little overboard on the shields.

I launch myself in the direction Sophia had pointed out, though I go a little slower than my trip to the PRT building. I want to recover some mana in case Mr. Cheapmask shows up and it didn't sound like Sophia was in -too- tight a spot. Besides, she probably didn't let Taylor know.

I slip out my phone and call up the Backup Buddies' illustrious leader, "Hey Arachne, grab my sis and head toward..." I try to remember if there's a place I know in the area, "Ah, B&C's Pawn shop, y'know that place a little off the highway. Stalker managed to sniff out a kidnapping and is fighting off purple eyed rodents."

Taylor sighs, "Purple... Amethyst? Frozen Lotus then. Alright, I'll be there in a little bit. I'm going to call up Impact. Should we let the PRT know? Your mom said to be careful with these guys."

I blink for a moment. I hadn't really expected Taylor to come to that conclusion so fast. "Nah, they already know, I assume we'll have some backup this time."

I hear the sound of a door slamming and Taylor yelling something, I assume at her dad. She quickly puts the phone back to her ear, "Alright, see you there!"

Now that that's taken care of, I crank up my speed and launch myself to where Sophia should be. It doesn't take long until I can feel the 'old' mana in the air. It's not as dense as when Mr. Chains had broken an amethyst, but it's still a good sign, I must be getting closer to their base.

It didn't take long for me to find where Sophia had run off to. She's at the edge of the territory claimed by the 'old' mana being chased by rats, crows, spiders, etc. She's currently running from them, which makes sense seeing how -many- there are, though occasionally she tosses a foxfire orb at a small crowd she has managed to gather together through her positioning.

It only took me a moment to understand why. Any creature that hadn't suffered catastrophic damage, simply healed. I know their summons aren't -quite- like my own, there's a spell embedded into an amethyst inside them and rather than a 'battery' of any kind, the 'old' mana is feeding them. It looks like the spell needs to be disrupted by damaging the gem for the creature to die, otherwise it simply recreates the critter.

I also notice an easily spotted weakness; there are no controlling connections. I was expecting to see tendrils of control, like what Taylor uses for her bugs, but these are just chasing Sophia, there's no strategy behind it, they just swarm after her, almost like they are single-mindedly following a command of 'attack'.

I grin and slip down through the air to hover lazily beside Sophia, "Hey Stalker, I heard there was some damsel running around killing poor, innocent, little rodents, you wouldn't happen to know where she may be would you?"

She gives me a -look-, "I'm not a 'damsel'. Now are you gonna give me a hand dealing with these annoying shits or are you gonna sit back and watch?"

I wave my hand "Eh, I already did the 'watch' thing, this time I want to try something new."

She shakes her head, "Well hurry up with the 'new'. I'm running out of juice."

My grin grows a little wider due to something I just realized; the creatures have no aura, unlike the centipede summoned by Mr. Chains, which shared his own. The thing that stops me from affecting -people- with astral based attacks is that the astral attacks are fairly delicate and simply can't pierce a person's aura. Their aura gets stronger the closer it is to their core and protects them from direct assaults on it.

These creatures, however, have no such protection. Originally I had planned on using physical force to destroy the body due to my fear of the body turning to chaotic energy and creating an explosion, but even creatures that die due to a cracked amethyst hadn't exploded, so there was -some- sort of fail safe.

I gather astral energy, similar to how I do to push emotions into others, but with a focus of 'forward'. It takes a bit to gather enough that I'm sure the spells will be disrupted, if not erased entirely. On release there's a -visible- wave of incorporeal teal that spreads in a cone to blast through the small ocean of summoned creatures.

They simply stop, then their bodies begin to lose their shape and the coloring begins to go wild as the laws imposed on the energy creating them are wiped away. I panic for a moment and slam down as powerful a shield as I can between the coming explosion and us, then layer it a couple of times for good measure.... only for the explosion to never come.

To my surprise, somehow the 'old' mana -actively- disperses the chaotic energies back to the place between dimensions. Is this mana -sentient-, or is this some sort of... area based failsafe? Either way, it turns out that removing the -entire- spell results in possible explosions, whereas just damaging the crystal causes them to disperse safely. Good to know.

I feel a punch against my shield and turn to Sophia who has her hands on her hips, "I want one. Whatever you did, that wave of 'destroy everything' I want it."

I tilt my head for a moment, "Ah so the princess wants more toys? Well this 'toy' only works on mass produced summons, it won't have any effect on anything else."

I turn to the, now, small pile of amethyst shards. Quite a few were dispersed when the wave hit, but there was a good number that remained. May as well grab them, maybe I can figure out what they are with some more 'destructive' testing instead of glaring at the one I have until it gives up answers.

Sophia grumbles something, then sighs as I create a small shell to pick up the twenty or so crystals that survived, "Fine... alright, let's go rescue some civilians."

I glance at her, "Hey Stalker, isn't Kid Win in there too? Piggot said he's missing."

She scoffs, "So the dumbass got himself kidnapped?" She shakes her head, "Nah, I didn't see him in there, but I didn't have much chance to. I followed them until I got swarmed so I only got a glimpse. They've got a bunch of civilians in there and at least seven of their own men. I think they've grabbed everyone in the immediate area."

I smile brightly, "What say we greet the neighbors?"

I can feel her mood brighten a bit, apparently she didn't like fighting the swarm of summons, "I thought you'd never ask."

She drops into a running stance and takes off toward the center of the 'old' mana, where it's most concentrated.

I follow from the air. Unlike Sophia, it costs me quite a bit for my version of 'phasing' through things. Personally I considered it more like a crappy teleport since I don't really move through the space between in this dimension.

I see other swarms of summons, but Sophia is avoiding them with relative ease since they follow a preset path, and with one group gone there's a hole in their patrol.

I widen my eyes in interest as I see the telltale signs of Taylor being nearby, her tendrils of aura waving around, and -most- interestingly, they manage to latch onto the spiders in the summoned swarms. Yep, I'm so going to get this summon thing down so I can give her a giant bug, or maybe an insta-swarm? Eh, either one would be fun.

I fly over another building that Sophia just phases through, only to see two people on the other side who are waiting for us. The man on the left is an older, balding, oriental man with grey hair and beard. He looks like the stereotypical martial artist with a fairly loose grey outfit. The only distinguishing mark is a blue lotus on the left side of his chest circled by a golden serpentine dragon. The other is a girl who looks to be around sixteen to eighteen, and she dresses like it. She's wearing typical clothing, denim shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. Her hair is black and cut short. Neither of them are wearing masks.

Propped up next to the girl is an odd weapon. It's like a giant version of a bat, only the cylindrical 'striking' section is shaped like a hexagon, giving it corners. It also seems to be made of pure steel. I really hope that's for show, but the strength of her aura makes me think she can -probably- use it.

Both of them have -incredibly- dense auras compressed tight against their bodies. The man's is much more powerful, but the girl has quite a bit too. I can also 'see' them actually -breathing- the 'old' mana, and their aura pulses with every breath, each pulse is pushing a 'current' of aura through their bodies.

Sophia has already pulled out her crossbows, but I'm a civil person. It's time to try diplomacy! Charisma don't fail me now, "Hey, mind returning the people you stole? It's not nice to steal things that don't belong to you."

I can feel Sophia's flat look land on me. I'm experienced enough with it to know it by now. The girl with the not-bat tilts her head, "Can you steal things that -do- belong to you?"

I shrug, "Doesn't matter really, I'll share a bit of wisdom my sister offered this morning; 'Stealing is bad and you shouldn't do bad things.'" It was modified a bit, but blackmail and stealing are similar enough.

The girl looks confused, but the old man seems amused and picks up for her, "A simple philosophy. She must be a very joyful-"

Sophia finally runs out of patience, growls, then fires two crossbow bolts, one at each target. The man almost seems to lazily move before the bolt fires and shifts his body while raising a hand, which gently brushes the projectile, diverting the bolt past him. The girl is a bit more flashy. I see her aura move in a flow, almost like a river, as it orients quickly into a channel between her back foot and the opposing fist. In an explosive show of power she -punches- the bolt with enough force to shatter the thing. I have a feeling she somehow used her aura to keep the hidden tranq needle from piercing her skin. Well... Sophia should get a good fight at least. I just hope she can win.

The man continues like nothing happened, "-person." He sighs and I can feel a bit of exasperation in his aura, then he continues, "Since your companion seems to be out of patience, let us finish introductions quickly." He brings a fist and open palm together in front of him and bows, "I am known in the abyss as Crimson Dawn, a name earned from my father. My granddaughter here has yet to earn a name. Since the abyss has faded she hasn't the chance until now." He waits an awkward moment, then mumbles something quiet out of the corner of his mouth to his granddaughter, who jumps a little as if just realizing something.

She smiles sheepishly, "Ah, right! I'm Yun Jeong, good to meet you!" She tilts her head toward her grandfather and 'whispers', though it's still loud enough we can hear it, "Hey gramps, can I fight the blue guy? The girl's a downer."

I sigh, "The name's Oblivium, and it's -teal-, not blue..."

Sophia just growls. Honestly I'm a little surprised she hasn't attacked again already.

Something catches my eye in my peripheral vision, a... giant stone fist? It's a good distance away, but it's -huge-. It slams down with an echoing *BOOOM*... and Not-Bat-Girl completely ignores it. Mr. Red just seems a little disappointed and mutters something under his breath... I really need to get used to using my sonic constructs at a whim, I'd like to hear more of these 'mutters', they seem like they'd be funny.

Not-Bat-Girl nods, "Yeah, the teal guy."

... Eh, Taylor has Shard and Impact with her. They'll be fine. Giant rock fists have a lot of wind resistance and Taylor has access to sturdy summon-spiders. I'm not sure what they'll do against an angry rock, but she's creative, she'll make it work.

I tilt my head toward Sophia, "Maybe I should give her my cape name, I think she may be more oblivious than -me-."

Not-Bat-Girl blinks then waves the comment off, "Oh, nah, That's just Pravda, he's -always- loud. Don't mind him."

Sophia ignores my comment, but snaps out of whatever was keeping her from attacking... or maybe she just finally recovered enough mana... She creates a max power foxfire orb which glows a deep red with cloudy black as it rests in her hand and she shifts it to shadow state. I think she's upset that these two aren't taking us seriously, she's glaring at the girl so I guess it's up to me to distract Mr. Red.

I doubt Sophia would forgive me if I got in the way of her fighting her target, so first thing's first; let's split them up. I create a mass of six mana bolts aimed at the man slightly off-center toward the girl to force him to dodge away from her, then fire the moment Sophia switches to her shadow-state.

The man -does- have to move this time, and like the girl, his aura swirls into a channel that orients based on his movement instantaneously. I -think- his aura even spread into the ground slightly, but then he moves so fast to the side it's hard to register. It's not like he disappears, it's just that he moves -much- faster than expected, like watching a rabbit that goes from dead still to max sprint instantly, there was no sign he was going to move at all, he was just suddenly in motion.

Sophia's foxfire orb was tossed into the ground at the same time I fired my mana bolts, so when she releases her shadow state on it the asphalt and concrete -explodes- in a rain of debris and dust in front of Not-Bat-Girl. Sophia follows it with two shadow-state bolts, then silently phases backward through the wall of the building behind her.

I only manage to 'see' Not-Bat-Girl's aura through the debris. She channels her aura into the not-bat and, like with her previous punch, her aura shifts into a flow that assists her body as she lifts the not-bat and positions it in front of her to block the debris. Only one of Sophia's bolts was on target after Not-Bat-Girl moved the bat, but that bolt sinks into the not-bat before regaining its normal state, fusing the bolt into it.

My eyes flick to the side as I see a dark cloud spontaneously form in the sky, though it's not where Taylor and company are fighting Mr. Rocks, who I'm sure is getting his stones stomped. It only takes a fraction of a second before the cloud turns solid black and roiling, but before anything else happens it just -disappears- as if it was never there.

Mr. Red doesn't give me much chance to figure out what's going on. His aura shifts to orient between his back foot and opposing hand, though his stance is different. His legs are bent, left hand forward in a fist and right hand held tightly at his hip in an open palm, fingers down. I have a feeling he's about to cast the meanest punch -ever-.

Well... I wasn't -completely- right, it was a palm strike. The man launches himself at me -explosively-, even the asphalt cracks under the force, and his palm strikes my shield before I even register that he has attacked. I'm -really- glad I built my shields to automatically activate. The strike has an -insane- amount of power behind it. My deflection shield takes quite a bit of damage even with 'just' deflecting the strike, which causes the man to spin in the air, but my astral shield -shatters- under the cannonball of condensed aura that plows through it. I feel a huge amount of my mana ripped away as the astral portion of the attack plows through it. I'm lucky the attack was deflected before the astral portion had launched.

I catch his eyebrows rise in surprise, but apparently he's not surprised enough. He uses the spinning momentum to swing a kick around, but it isn't as focused a strike as the punch and it's deflected more easily, but he -still- isn't done. He uses his -continued- momentum to -somehow- throw himself over me as I try to boost to the side to get out of his flurry of strikes. He still manages to strike my two 'decoy' orbs, destroying them, then strikes my shield -again- before I manage to get far enough away.

I take advantage of the opening in his defense now that he's falling and aim my staff at him. I didn't want to risk a mana bolt since the girl had shown they can use their aura to block physical things and anything slower than 'instant' he could probably dodge, even in the air. I blast the guy with electricity just as his final kick slides off my deflection shield. His body locks up as the electricity blasts by his defenses and courses through his muscles, which, interestingly, disrupts the channels of aura flowing through him.

I'm also -really- glad I didn't have Sophia fight this guy. I'm lucky the first punch didn't kill me. Between the enormous amount of force it took to deflect and the astral portion blasting through my aura I'm left with barely any mana. Luckily the following attacks weren't -nearly- as powerful and didn't have an astral component. I feel a bit a fear settle into my gut when I realize that if I ever tried to block that palm strike directly I'd probably be nothing more than a fine red mist, and I'm pretty sure I can block a tank shell at this point. No wonder the guy earned the name 'Crimson Dawn'...

I'm not going to take chances with this guy. I use most of my remaining mana, relying on my mana recovery to keep me in the air, and create a mana bolt with a hollow tip, then set a containment foam pellet in the front and fire it at the man while he's still dealing with the electricity... only for him to channel his aura differently and somehow disperse the effects of electrocution and flip out of the way of the projectile. That's bullshit. Is this how people feel when they fight me?

I focus on my breathing technique while he's not attacking me, I need to recover mana -fast- and rebuild my astral shield in case he does something similar to that punch o' doom again, and, based on his aura, he can.

It... feels a little odd to absorb the 'old' mana in the area. Familiar, but not, like meeting a cousin I never knew.

I'm drawn out of the feeling when Mr. Red speaks, "Impressive. You're only the fourth to survive that strike" He tilts his head and sighs, "Well, unless you consider self resurrection 'surviving', then you'd be the fifth."

There's another explosion in the background from Taylor's fight, echoed by a much smaller one from a building to my right which I assume is Sophia's foxfire causing issues for Not-Bat-Girl... and I'm a bit worried for her after my exchange with Mr. Red, but I can't go help or he'll get involved.

I give him a nod, "Thanks, I rather pride myself on the whole 'staying alive' thing. I'm sort of on a roll, been keeping it going for fifteen years."

The man's lips quirk in a half smile, "Yes, Yun-Jeong was right, you -are- more amusing than your companion."

I shrug, "Eh, Stalker has anger management problems. If she survives Not-Bat-Girl she'll probably be in a pretty good mood for the rest of the day."

Mr. Red barks a laugh, "Perhaps I should let my granddaughter know she's earned a name!" He keeps a small smirk but continues, "So, why do you not attack?"

I sigh and shrug as I draw my legs up and sit in the air with them crossed, "A combination of trying to figure out how to land a hit on you and buying time to recover from that palm o' doom. I'm pretty sure you're not going to let electricity keep you down for very long anymore. How about you?" I'm a bit annoyed, I can't -do- anything right now. If I go to help Taylor, this guy could kill Sophia with no trouble, hell he could probably kill -me- if he really wanted to unless there's some cost to his techniques keeping him from using them in series.

He nods, "Indeed. I'm in a similar situation. If I attack then I open myself for that lightning as a counter attack, and you have witnessed my speed, the element of surprise is lost."

... I'm pretty sure he's just using that as an excuse, maybe he doesn't realize I can see his aura? Doesn't matter, I've recovered a bit so it's time to rebuild my astral shield.

He frowns for a moment before continuing, "You should join us. You are not 'parahuman' like the others. You are blessed by Gaia, so why fight against her champions?"

My turn to give someone the -look-, "You guys just murdered a prisoner last night, then went on a kidnapping spree this morning. I think those are pretty good reasons."

The man lowers his head slightly, but I can feel a bare hint of guilt in his aura, "Then you are as childish as your sister. These 'parahumans' are a cancer on the Earth. Their arrival heralded the fading of the abyss, then, after draining our strength, humans with strange abilities began to appear. They are -tainted-, their souls are sick and this taint corrupts them. Sickness must be removed, not allowed to -thrive-, and yet the world heralds many of them as saviors when all they bring is destruction."

I sigh and my tone turns sarcastic, "Of course, because if we kill off thirty or so parahumans then the rest will just line up. And once -they- are gone then the endbringers will go out and get real jobs, becoming upstanding members of society. I bet Leviathan would make a -great- janitor."

However he -is- partially right... Every parahuman I've looked at closely enough has had their primary core eroded in some way... -are- powers a sickness? I need to see if Noelle or Sophia are recovering, they're the worst, and if not... I'll think about it later, dangerous super ninja-man now.

Mr. Red shakes his head, "You don't understand, though you're hardly to blame. The masquerade kept everything hidden..." He tilts his head slightly as slow, booming sounds start to echo through the street, "Well, it appears your friends have arrived. It's time for 'Not-Bat-Girl' and I to leave."

Instantly he's on the wall beside me, only to launch to the top of a building where Not-Bat-Girl is swinging half of her not-bat. It has large chunks missing from it and deep cuts all over, a few of which have cracks stretching from them. Sophia is using some of the tricks she had learned from fighting mom, and is holding the knife I had given her... well that explains the state of the not-bat.

Mr. Red grabs his granddaughter, who squawks in protest as he launches the both of them away from the fight and away from the combat zone... in fact, away from the center of the 'old' mana. Sophia fires a crossbow bolt and a foxfire orb after them, but the man's simply too fast. She -almost- goes to chase after them, but decides against it, it would be like running after a car on the highway with how fast the old man's moving.

Besides, she seems to have noticed the giant slowly stomping down the street chasing after a glowing Taylor carrying Impact.

I had managed to replace my astral shield while Mr. Red was talking, so I let out a breath of relief. I'm glad the guy was apparently just -delaying- us and hadn't decided we needed to be dead. I'm not sure -why- he didn't want us dead, but I'm not gonna worry about it, I rather enjoy being not-dead.

The 'giant'... I think Not-Bat-Girl called him Svalda?... Pavlos?... Ah, Pravda, that's right. Anyway, Mr. Rocks apparently isn't -actually- made of rocks... he just has magic circles at his shoulders and hips which his arms and legs disappear into, and on the other side, giant, stone versions of them are sticking out, which he's using to destroy everything in his path.

There's no way his body can support the weight of the arms or move the legs properly, but magic is wacky that way. His aura is somehow merging via the magic circles into the ambient 'old' mana in the air, so it's gotta be supporting him somehow, or maybe it's just put physics in timeout for a while.

Mr. Rocks has his hair spiked in a messy style, has ear gauges and piercings and his outfit is a sleeveless denim jacket, tight black pants and...

I give a small wave to Taylor while I'm still sitting cross-legged in the air, "Hey Arachne, what's with this guy? Is he trying to 'rock' the punk look?"


Sophia, who just slipped out of her shadow state on the building next to me, -groans-, "Oh my god. You -didn't- just say that."


Apparently annoying Sophia is going to become a thing. Taylor pipes up, "It's rather bould'er him to chase us like this."


Which was followed by Impact, "Mfh rphl hmph phm phnph"


Shard makes herself a body and agrees with Impact. If the tiny construct of rocks coming down a mountainside was anything to go by, he won by a landslide.

... Everyone stares at them for a moment, but Taylor breaks it up, "Right. Moving on. Stalker, think you can handle him? He's not overly special, but he can make floating stone shields and regenerate damage on the limbs. He also has some sort of force blast which was keeping me from getting any bugs on him, but we were also more focused on grouping up so we can hit their base. The group Armsmaster was leading disappeared with some guy that had a big book, so I assume they're fighting him in a pocket dimension, meaning it's up to us."

The giant finally manages to make his way to us, leaving craters in his wake. If the insane grin on his face is anything to go by he's probably taking his power for 'granite'. I shake my head to get the puns out, not the time. The man has a few large chunks of rock floating around him, but a vast majority of the stone making up the spells seem to be made of that chaotic energy rather than -actual- stone. He's controlling it all directly though so, unless I can do something like Mr. Red's punch o' doom, I won't be able to disrupt the spells directly. Luckily Sophia is practically this guy's counter. He's all physical force.

Sophia pulls out her crossbows again, "Sure, but after this, " she points at me, "-You- are going to make me more things like that knife, it was -awesome-"

... 'Was' being the operative word here. Well, at least it worked while it lasted, and a happy Sophia is a not-stabbed Will.

I nod, ignoring the giant stone man for the moment, "Sure, you take this guy out and I'll let you make a list." I grab Impact from Taylor, "See you at their base."

Sophia creates two mid-sized foxfire orbs carefully on the end over bolts using a combination of her shadow state and a bit of the control she's managed to gain over her own aura. Actually pretty ingenious. She scoffs, "I'll be right behind you."

We take off as Mr. Rock's fist slams into the building where Sophia shifts to her shadow state and fires right before the fist slams through her. The bolts sink into Mr. Rocks' 'legs' before exploding and tearing them apart making him clutch the building to keep from falling over... Now that I think about it, his method of fighting is -really- dangerous, what happens to his -real- limbs if the spell fails before it's purposely dispelled? Are they left in the little dimension he leaves them in? Seems a good way to lose them.

Ah well, it's not like Villains have safety standards they have to stick to. Taylor, Shard and I launch off toward the base Frozen Lotus has set up, dragging Impact along with us. I'm a little worried that we may not find anything. Mr. Red probably wouldn't leave if this was their -real- base... or maybe they can just set a new one up easily, supposedly they -just- arrived in town after all.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2486
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


