
章 18: Chapter 18

A/N: I'm truly sorry for the up and coming system messages, they are a lot this chapter due to the timeskip, Imma put everything here before continuing with the story next chapter, once again I'm sorry 🙇‍♂️


[Third Person's PoV] 

5 months later… 

A lot has happened in the last five months. For starters, Futarou and Erza Scarlet grew closer as friends.

As for how that happened, it all started with Futarou messaging Erza, asking for a spar. He felt his training with a spear would improve if he had an opponent with equal or greater skill in weaponry, and who else to call other than Erza Scarlet?

Erza happily accepted his proposal for a spar. At first, Futarou kept failing miserably against Erza in terms of skills, but slowly, Futarou started improving thanks to his divine protection. Erza's eyes widened at the rate Futarou was improving.

What left her even more speechless was the fact that she herself started improving as she fought with Futarou. Thus, she started to build a strong respect and admiration towards him; she even started viewing him as a rival.

Due to his constant training, Futarou started growing more skillful to the point where his eyes evolved into a 2 tomoe Sharingan. Futarou found it difficult to train even with his divine protection, but he felt that currently he was close to developing a 3 tomoe.

Although Futarou mostly focused on using a spear, hand-to-hand combat, and his grimoire, thanks to his constant battles with Erza, Futarou had unintentionally started learning swordsmanship and developed a skill thanks to it.

Apart from that, Futarou grew closer to Raiha and Isanari alongside his spirits, seeing them all as one big family.

Futarou also hasn't used his summoning ability since he last used it, as he didn't see a need for it. He planned to use it just a few days before the start of the exam, which was just around the corner.

Futarou was in the same mountain he previously used and sat down in meditation while using his mana manipulation skill. Mana slowly escaped his hand as his brows furrowed.

Slowly, his mana started glowing a much brighter blue color before it started to shape into a water ball.

As he did, he heard his system's notification go off in his head,

[Notice: Mastered Skill: Mana Manipulation(B) has evolved to Mana Manipulation(A)]

[Notice: New skill gained: Mana Attunement(F)]

The water ball fell from his air and onto the ground, which caused Futarou to smirk as he appraised his new skill.

[Name: Mana Attunement]

[Rank: F]

[Description: Through diligent practice, the user begins to develop a deeper understanding of the elemental properties inherent in mana. This skill allows the user to attune themselves to these elemental aspects of mana, gradually gaining the ability to manipulate and imbue their mana with elemental qualities. While still in the early stages of mastery, Mana Attunement serves as a foundational step towards harnessing elemental magic, paving the way for future proficiency in mana manipulation.]

"My divine protection is truly the best," Futarou grinned before summoning his status.

[Name: Futarou Uesugi]

[Titles: Realmwalker, Spirit Whisperer, Dungeon Conqueror, Monster Slayer]

[Divine Protection: Training Mastery]

[Age: 15]

[Level: 25]

[Exp: 6,300/63,400]

[Hp: 29,900/29,900]

[Mp: 33,200/33,200]

[Strength: 331]

[Vitality: 299] 

[Agility: 289]

[Intelligence: 332]

[Senses: 289]

[SP: 0]

[Gacha Tickets: 157 Bronze]

[Abilities: Hypercognition, Summoning, Sharingan]

[Summoning contracts: Puck, Orion]


[Basic: Mana Attunement(F), Mana Manipulation(A), Precision Parry(C), Mana Barrier(A), Rasengan(S), Mana Enhancements(B) ]

[Intermediate: Piercing Thrust(A), Mana Bullet(A), Crescent Slash (B), Swift Stride(A), CQC(A)]

[Advance: Spearmanship(SS+) Ruler's Authority(S), Spirit Fusion(S), Illusions(C)]

[Mastered: Swordsmanship(A)]

"As usual I shall do what I also do in a time like this… quest acceptance time" 

[Quest: Train a skill on your from F to S rank] 

[Reward: +10 SP, 5 Gold Tickets, skill upgrade ticket] 

[Quest: Develop 10 skills by yourself] 

[Rewards: +10, 5 Gold Tickets, Title: Adaptive Learner]

[Quest: Develop a skill past S rank]

[Reward: +10 SP, 10 Silver Tickets, Skill upgrade ticket] 

"I can already guess what the skill upgrade ticket does just by the name itself. Now, choosing is going to be a bit difficult.

I could choose to develop my spear skill all the way past SSS+, although I'm curious, my pride wouldn't let me. It's stupid, I know, but I still have my pride. I have developed that skill through blood and sweat. I refuse to cheat my way through its development.

Now the question remains: should I choose one skill to double upgrade, or choose two different ones completely?"

Futarou started examining his skills one by one before making a decision, "Accept all the rewards and use both Upgrade Tickets on the skill: Mana Manipulation."

[Upgrading… Ding! Mana Manipulation(A) → Mana Manipulation(SS+)]

Futarou closed his eyes as information and understanding about mana started to be imprinted in his mind. He felt his ability to feel and control the mana in him and around him improve, granting him a grand feeling of power that lasted for a short while.

[Name: Mana Manipulation]

[Rank: SS+]

[Description: An advanced magical ability that grants individuals the skill to manipulate mana with remarkable finesse, enabling them to weave intricate spells and enchantments with precision and potency beyond conventional mastery levels]

Futarou read the description for the skill and nodded his head in understanding before appraising the title he also received.

[Title: Adaptive Learner]

[Earned: Develop 10 skills]

[Effects: Rapid Progression: Skills can be learned and improved faster than usual.

Versatile Proficiency: Develop a basic proficiency in various skills more quickly.]

Futarou then focused on his stat points; he wanted all his points to reach 300+. So he invested them in stats that were below 300 before pouring the rest into Intelligence.

[Vitality: 299 → 300] +1

[Agility: 289 → 300] +11

[Senses: 289 → 300] +11

[Intelligence: 332 → 339] +7

After that was done, Futarou focused on his tickets. He converted all of his tickets.

[Gacha Tickets: 10 Gold, 10 Silver, 157 Bronze → 1 platinum, 3 Gold, 1 silver, 8 Bronze.]

Futarou, seeing all of those tickets, did a chef's kiss before gaining a giant grin, "Thank God I was able to develop the spell I really wanted. Now for the reason I was actually really glad to get this type of magic for my grimoire."

Futarou summoned his Grimoire before clapping his hands and pouring almost all of his mana inside his grimoire for this spell.

The grimoire started to glow a blinding golden light as he continued to grin, 'Every time I would be studying magic and training with my grimoire, I would always try and conjure and create a spell that would increase my luck, all for the time when I would be playing Gacha. It was all for this. This is why I was really glad by the magic in my grimoire! Especially since it's a 4 leaf Clover Grimoire,' Futarou excitedly thought before practically shouting, ["Buff/Blessing Magic: Lady Luck's Blessing Embrace"]

An image of the most beautiful and elegant giant lady Futarou has ever seen manifested behind him with golden bright hair, beautiful pink lips as she just radiated a golden aura with her eyes closed. She spread her arms and embraced Futarou with a lovely smile while leaning her giant head on top of his in a comforting manner.

She then opened her eyes, exposing her golden eyes with the image of a golden 4 leaf Clover on each of them, and as she opened her eyes blood started escaping Futarou's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. He opened his mouth to speak but all it ended up doing was coughing up blood.

'SPIN THE GACHA,' Futarou inwardly yelled, falling to his knees with his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head. He bit down on his lip to stay awake, he slowly reached over into his system inventory and took out a Senzu Bean before slowly bringing it towards his mouth and biting into it.

As his wounds started closing up, they would burst open again. After a few seconds after the gacha was rolled, Futarou stopped supplying mana to his spell, causing the image of Lady Luck to start growing faint and slowly disappear.

Futarou laid on the ground with a hazy look in his eyes as if he was going to die at any second due to the blood loss and effects of the spell. He reached over with shaky hands and pulled out another Senzu Bean before slowly chewing on it.

Futarou continued to lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood for close to an hour as the Senzu Bean worked overtime to heal him completely.

"This better be worth it. I don't want to do that a second time," Futarou cursed with a hoarse throat, slowly going to a sitting position before leaning against a tree.

He closed his eyes for a few minutes and rested, 'It was a good thing I left Puck and Orion with Raiha. Who knows how they would have freaked out, especially Orion. He's starting to show his true self to us, more specifically me. Who would have thought that big noble wolf could be so emotional.'

Futarou took a deep breath, 'Who would have thought I would develop a forbidden spell thanks to my desire for luck and Divine Protection of Training.' Futarou shook his head as he felt himself inwardly rambling. 

He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was,

[Title: Suicidal Maniac]

[Earned: Do the impossible, do something so risky which would have normally ended in death and persevere through]

[Effects: Unyielding Fortitude: Instills an unwavering spirit within the individual, allowing them to persevere through the darkest moments with steadfast courage and unshakeable resolve.

Reckless Resilience: When health reaches critical levels (25% or below), gain temporary invulnerability for 5 seconds, allowing the individual to survive even the most dire situations.]

"Heh are you mocking me?" 

Futarou then shakes his head before focusing on the most important part: the rewards of the system. 

[Congratulations Host, From the Platinum Ticket, You have received: Chastiefol (Mythical)] 


[Congratulations Host, From the Gold Ticket, You have received: Paimon(Legendary)]

[Congratulations Host, From the Gold Ticket, You have received: Soma Yukihira's memory orb(Epic)]

[Congratulations Host, From the Gold Ticket, You have received: Shusui(Legendary)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Silver Ticket, You have received: Upgrade Ticket(Legendary)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: 100 million yen(Common)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Increase Charm(Rare)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Full Health Potion (Rare) 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Full Mana Potion(Rare)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Ultra Ball(Rare)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Ope-Ope No Mi(Epic)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: Maid Outfit(Rare)] 

[Congratulations Host, From the Bronze Ticket, You have received: 350 million yen(Common)] 

Futarou started at everything he received with a stunned expression before it turned into one of satisfaction. 

"All of that pain was definitely worth it…" Futarou muttered

Futarou then started appraising everything. 

[Name: Chastiefol]

[Rank: SSS+]

[Description: Chastiefol is a Sacred Treasure and Holy Weapon crafted from the Sacred Tree exclusive to the Fairy World. It possesses multiple forms and was formerly wielded by the King in the Seven Deadly Sins universe. It now bounded to its current host, which now causes it to grow alongside its wielder]

"I guess the next rank after Legendary is Mythical, the more you know" 

[Name: Paimon]

[Rank: SS+]

[Description: Paimon is a Wind Djinn from the Magi Universe, known for its maniacal love and chaos. With mastery over the winds, Paimon weaves chaos wherever it roams. Her capricious nature makes her both feared and revered among all who encounter her.]

[Name: Soma Yukihira's Memory Orb]

[Rank: S]

[Description: This memory orb contains the culinary expertise of Soma Yukihira, renowned for his exceptional cooking skills in the Food Wars universe. His dishes have the extraordinary ability to induce Foodgasms, eliciting intense sensory experiences in those who taste them. Holding the essence of his culinary prowess, this orb is a treasure sought after by chefs and food enthusiasts alike.]

[Name: Shusui]

[Rank: SS+]

[Description: Shusui is among the prestigious 21 Great Swords in the world of One Piece, famously wielded by Shimotsuki Ryuma. Legends abound of Ryuma slaying a dragon with this formidable blade, cementing its reputation as a legendary weapon. Later, it came into the possession of Roronoa Zoro, who wields it with unmatched skill and honor, further adding to its storied history.]

[Name: Upgrade Ticket]

[Rank: SS+] 

[Description: A Ticket that lets the user upgrade anything he wishes with the realm of possibility] 

"I chose the system!" Futarou quickly said 

[Request for upgrade: Denied] 

"Wha– why?!" 

[The system is already at its maximum Version, thus it does not possess an upgrade] 

Futarou grumbled, "Fine… I'll just save it for my Rinnigan in the future then… I'll show you then" Futarou continued to grumble as he continued appraising. 

"Don't need to appraise the money but damn that's a lot of money…although my luck got me a common item the amount is no joke." 

[Name: Increase Charm] 

[Rank: B] 

[Description: Enhances the host's appearance and aura, amplifying their natural charm and appeal, particularly towards the opposite sex. Whether through subtle shifts in demeanor or a radiant aura, this ability subtly enhances the host's charisma, making them more captivating to those around them] 

"I can already guess what the full health potion and full mana potion do, next!" 

[Name: Ultra Ball]

[Rank: A]

[Description: The Ultra Ball is a potent Poké Ball from the Pokémon Universe, boasting an exceptionally high capture rate against various creatures. With its advanced technology and superior design, it significantly increases the likelihood of successfully capturing even the most elusive and powerful creatures, making it an invaluable tool for trainers seeking to expand their teams.]

"Uh oh an idea is forming…" 

[Name: Ope-Ope No Mi(Cursed)]

[Rank: S]

[Description: The Ope-Ope no Mi is a legendary Devil Fruit from the One Piece Universe, classified as a Paramecia-type. Possessing immense power, its ability allows the user to create a spherical domain where they can freely manipulate and rearrange the structure and anatomy of anything within it, including themselves, in a surgical manner. This grants the user unprecedented control over physical matter, earning them the title of a Free Modification Human.]

"Although I'm hyped I'm not giving away my ability to swing and all that, I will have to find a way to purify it, looking if I'm able to further develop my Buff/Blessing Magic it shouldn't be impossible, but for now in the system you stay" 

[Name: Maid Outfit]

[Rank: A]

[Description: The Maid Outfit is a classic garment known for its elegant design and timeless appeal. It possesses special abilities that enhance both the wearer's appearance and functionality.] 

[Attributes: Charisma Enhancement: When worn, the outfit boosts the wearer's charisma, making them more captivating and persuasive in social interactions.

Efficiency Augmentation: The outfit imbues the wearer with increased efficiency and focus, aiding them in completing tasks with precision and speed.

Comfort Enchantment: Despite its refined appearance, the Maid Outfit provides unparalleled comfort to the wearer, allowing for extended periods of wear without discomfort.

Cleaning Assistance: Through a magical enhancement, the outfit aids in cleaning tasks, providing subtle assistance to the wearer when tidying up surroundings.]


"Oh wow, more money! Yummy" Futarou said, trying to ignore what he read completely. 

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


