
Dear Neighbor

"This is my best work yet!" A yellow black caped suit Mark was floating in the air looking at a version of New York in ruins. Buildings were in shambles, with fire, smoke, and debris everywhere.

"Good work Mark, this should teach them to not resist or face the consequences. We're only trying to help them after all." Omni-man appeared and patted Mark's shoulder.

"I know Dad" Mark smirked. "Humans can really be stupid at times, they'll come through eventually." Mark turned to his father.

"After all, I'm-






Waking up groggily, our Mark sat up. "Again with these weird dreams again." He scratched his head.

'Why the hell do I keep having these dreams, the first I was okay with but two times in a row? Now I think there's something up.' Mark was growing worried about his dreams. He had some theories, but not a clear answer. The cause of his dreams was obviously because of his body, but how?

'I am the Mark from the show right? How come my dreams aren't from his, but the dripped-up cannibal Mark? This is making my head hurt.'

'Maybe I have some problems with my soul. That is a plausible reason.' He did get sent into another person's body and went to two different universes in a row. He wouldn't be surprised.

'Learning magic might be the key to figuring out this issue, but who do I go to to learn it.' Mark made a thoughtful expression. 'I'm not really smart enough to recall every magic user except Zatanna, Raven, and Doctor Fate… I can't wait to see Raven and Starfires juicy asses in person.' Mark smiled but then slapped himself. "Stay focused idiot, you can think about girls once you solved most of your problems, especially the soul part.'

'But I can't just ask a magician- Hey I've been having weird problems with my memories, you think you can check out my soul for me?' Just thinking about doing that makes him wanna cry. He certainly does not want anyone to lay a finger on his soul or his mind. 'I may not know everything about DC, but I do know enough for any super villains can use to gain a big advantage, that is if they fully mentally brain fuck me. I also wonder if Mark had any mind rape resistance, well, the orange alien, Allen easily talked to Mark through his mind, it wasn't exactly mind reading but still.' Mark was pacing around the room until he saw a man, his neighbor getting into his car and driving off to somewhere through his window. Probably to his job with the way he was dressed.

'I just had a wonderful idea.' Mark started to levitate in the air while grinning like an idiot.

'No money and no clothes. Now what should I do.' Mark rubbed his chin while looking out the window.

"I know." He smirked.

'I don't see why I can't just walk right into someone's home, and take all their valuables. They wouldn't be able to do a thing. I can just knock them out.' I need to be quick, I don't want to gain Superman's attention, and then be brought to the Justice League. Well, I don't even know if the Justice League exists yet. He was pretty sure that he wasn't as fast or strong as Superman so there wouldn't be any hope in escaping his capture.

Mark with a new goal, was outside behind his neighbor's backyard levitating with his arms crossed, definitely not because he felt it was cool.

'Seeing that there's no car in the driveway, this house should be empty.' He walked towards the door, putting his palms on the door, and pushed, using a tiny bit of his strength, and the door became unhinged.

Before the door slammed on the floor, Mark quickly grabbed it and gently laid it on the wall beside him. 'Now it's time to get everything I need and go.' Looking through a person's house with the intention to take everything proved to be pretty fun for Mark. He more than likely had at least an hour to steal what he needed, and that amount of time was more than enough for him. Looking through the drawers and dressers while tossing things he wasn't interested in on the floor, Mark found two white envelopes. 'Now what could this be?' He thought playfully.

Opening both envelopes, he pulled a stack of five hundred dollar bills. 'Ohhhh baby! Looks like I gained one thousand dollars!' Mark made a big smile showing his strangely perfect white teeth. He turned around looking at a king-sized bed.

'Should I steal this too? Nah.' Going up to the bed, he lifted the mattress and then the entire bed to see if there was anything hidden underneath. Disappointing.

Looking over to a nightstand to the left, he saw a portrait of his neighbor and a woman in her twenties hugging in front of the Tower of Pisa. Making Mark think 'Aw how cute.' While looking through his kind neighbor's closet.

'He has a nice taste I see.' Getting completely naked, Mark put on a slightly tight white T, spandex boxers, black sweatpants, black and yellow Nikes, and a black leather jacket.

"I feel a lot better now." Mark was very satisfied with his finding. He found even more money earning him a total of ten thousand dollars in cash. Mark didn't just leave his hard earned loot in a pile, he quickly put them inside of his temporary home and came back. He even stole the hair products in the bathroom, his hair did needed to be washed. There was still a little sand in it from the dimension he was in, as disgusting that was.

He stole all of his neighbors clothes he found too nice for him to not take, leaving the closet mostly empty. He was just about to leave until he entered a empty room with a basement door on the ground.

"A secret room huh." He spent around 30 minutes here and was going to leave.

"It won't hurt to take one last look." Seeing that it had a key hole, Mark doing the right thing, pulled it open by force.

Looking down Mark saw steps going down a dark wooden stairway.

"This totally doesn't look creepy at all."


A/N: Should Mark 'accidentally' find a magic user?

Random_Entity Random_Entity

Sinister or Viltrimite Mark should’ve been the main character

Load failed, please RETRY

次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


