
Chapter 1

Jon's heart raced with anticipation as he contemplated the possibilities ahead. With the Gacha System and his knowledge of the TV show, he had a unique advantage in navigating the intricate webs of power in Westeros. As he prepared to embark on his journey, Jon couldn't shake the feeling that destiny had something extraordinary in store for him.

"System?" Jon asks in a hesitant voice.

As Jon voiced his question, the air seemed to hum with a subtle energy, and a faint glow appeared before him, coalescing into the form of a translucent interface floating in the air. The words "Gacha System" shimmered in golden letters, accompanied by various icons and options.

"Welcome, Jon," a disembodied voice echoed, resonating with a mysterious warmth. "I am the Gacha System, here to assist you on your journey in Westeros. With me, you can access various abilities, items, and companions to aid you in your quest."

Jon's eyes widened in awe and curiosity as he took in the sight before him, realizing the incredible potential at his fingertips. With newfound determination, he reached out to interact with the system, ready to unlock the secrets it held.

Jon asked the Gacha System how it would like to be addressed as.

The shimmering interface of the Gacha System flickered for a moment before responding with a gentle resonance, "You may address me simply as 'Guide,' Jon. For I am here to offer counsel and assistance as you navigate the intricacies of your journey in Westeros. Or, if you wish, you could give me a name of your choosing"

Jon pondered for a moment, considering a fitting name for the system that would accompany him on his journey through Westeros. After a brief pause, he spoke with resolve, "Hestia," Jon declared with a determined nod, imbuing the system with a name that resonated with him. "Like the goddess of hearth and home, you shall be my constant companion and guide as I navigate the trials of Westeros."

With the system now named Hestia, Jon felt a renewed sense of camaraderie and purpose, ready to embark on his adventure with his newfound companion by his side.

"Hestia, what can you tell me about the workings of the Gacha System? Jon asks.

"Firstly, you can roll the Gacha once every month. This ensures that you have time to prepare and strategize between each session." Hestia states.

"Secondly, in order to roll the Gacha, you must possess the necessary Gacha Points. These points serve as the currency for accessing the system's rewards. Each roll costs 100 Gacha Points. However, there's a twist: the more rolls you perform in a single session, the higher the chance of obtaining truly rare and powerful rewards."

"And finally, the rewards themselves are diverse and potentially game-changing. From formidable weapons and armor to ancient artifacts imbued with mystical properties, as well as the ability to acquire Character cards that you can either assimilate for their powers or summon to aid you in battle."

Jon absorbs this information, realizing the importance of careful planning and resource management when utilizing the Gacha system.

"Hestia, how do I earn Gacha Points?" Jon asked.

Hestia responds with a reassuring tone, "Jon, to earn Gacha Points, immerse yourself in the world of Westeros. Interact with significant characters, disrupt the storyline with unexpected choices, and complete side quests. The more you engage with the world, the more points you'll accrue for your endeavors."

"As you journey through Westeros, Jon, remember that every interaction and decision holds the potential to shape your destiny and earn you Gacha Points," Hestia elaborates. "Whether forging alliances, uncovering secrets, or confronting challenges, embrace the opportunities that arise and seize them with courage and cunning."

Jon nods, absorbing Hestia's words with determination. He understands that his path in Westeros is not just about survival but also about making an impact on the world around him. With Hestia as his guide and the Gacha System as his tool, Jon sets forth on his adventure, ready to carve his own destiny amidst the intricate tapestry of power and intrigue in the realm.

"Hestia, can you show me my Stats?"

"Of course, Jon," Hestia responds.

With a glance at the holographic interface, Jon takes stock of his current status within the Gacha System:

Player Name: Jon Snow (Daemon Targaryen)

Age: 17 Namedays Old


The Bastard of Winterfell.

Gacha Points: 1000

Characters Assimilation:

- Fully Assimilated: None

- In Progress: None

Characters Summoned: None


- Dragonlord Heritage (Blood of the Dragon)

- Fire Resistance (Blood of the Dragon)

- Strong Leadership (Blood of the Dragon)

- Swordsmanship & Combat Skills (Blood of the Dragon & the First Men)

- Northern Resilience (Blood of the First Men)

- Warging Abilities (Blood of the First Men)

Equipped Items: None

Non-Used Cards: None

As Jon's thoughts drift to the discrepancy between his player name, "Daemon Targaryen," he wondered what that was all about.

He knew that Jon's mother, Lyanna had named him Aegon in the show, so maybe this world wasn't the same world as the show or the books, but a slightly different one. Then again, his very presence was indication that the cannon had been thrown out the window.

Because there was no way he was going to dip his wick in the craziness that is Daenerys 'Mother of Dragons' Targaryen.

As Jon contemplates the array of powers bestowed upon him by the Gacha System, a mixture of awe and introspection washes over him. Each ability represents a unique facet of his identity and heritage, weaving together the threads of his lineage and experiences into a tapestry of formidable strengths.

The Dragonlord Heritage, Fire Resistance, and Strong Leadership evoke echoes of his Targaryen ancestry, reminding him of the legacy of House Targaryen and the dragons that once ruled the skies of Westeros.

The Swordsmanship & Combat Skills, Northern Resilience, and Warging Abilities, on the other hand, harken back to his Stark heritage, reflecting the martial prowess and connection to the land that define the people of the North.

As Jon reflects on these powers, he realizes that they represent more than just physical abilities—they are symbols of the diverse heritage that courses through his veins, shaping him into the person he has become.

As Jon contemplates his first Gacha session and the anticipation of what rewards it may bring, a sense of excitement courses through him. With 1000 Gacha Points at his disposal, he realizes that he has the opportunity to embark on a thrilling journey of discovery, with each roll holding the potential to unlock new abilities, items, or companions.

As he imagines the possibilities, Jon considers the diverse range of rewards that the Gacha System may bestow upon him. From powerful weapons and artifacts to rare character cards and unique abilities, the allure of the unknown beckons him forward, eager to see what fate has in store.

"Are you ready to begin?" Hestia asks Jon.

"Absolutely," Jon declares with a grin, his excitement palpable. "Let's roll them all at once and see what fate has in store for us."

Hestia nods in agreement, her holographic form shimmering with anticipation. "As you wish, Jon. Here we go."

With a swift command from Jon, the Gacha System springs into action, initiating all 10 rolls simultaneously. The air crackles with energy as the holographic interface fills with swirling lights and symbols, each roll representing a chance at something extraordinary.

Jon watches with a mixture of eagerness and nerves, his heart pounding in his chest as the results begin to materialize before him. And as the final roll comes to an end, Jon can hardly contain his excitement, eager to see what treasures await him in the aftermath of his bold decision.

As Jon watches with bated breath, the air hums with anticipation, each roll representing a chance to acquire rare and powerful rewards. With each passing moment, the excitement mounts, until finally, the final roll is completed, and the interface settles into a state of tranquility.

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Jon surveys the results of his gamble, his eyes scanning the holographic display for any sign of the treasures that await him. And as the rewards are revealed one by one, a sense of satisfaction washes over him, knowing that his bold decision has paid off in abundance.

Wakandan Shield.

Jon's jaw dropped as he laid eyes on the sleek Wakandan Shield in the Gacha loot. "No way, this is sick!" he exclaimed, reaching out to touch its surface. Feeling the weight of it in his hand, he grinned. "Guess I'm upgrading from swords to vibranium now. Thanks, Hestia!"

Character Card: Tony Masters/Taskmaster (Marvel Comics)

Jon Snow's eyes widened as he pulled out the Character Card from the Gacha, revealing Tony Masters, also known as Taskmaster from Marvel Comics. "Whoa, check this out!" he exclaimed, flipping the card over to admire the illustration. "Taskmaster? That's pretty cool. Wonder what kind of skills this guy's packing."

Hestia took a moment to explain the Taskmaster's powers to Jon. "Taskmaster has this crazy ability to mimic and replicate the fighting style of anyone he sees. It's like he watches a move once, and bam! He can do it perfectly. He's got photographic reflexes, they call it. Plus, he's got an arsenal of combat skills from all sorts of heroes and villains. Pretty handy, huh?"

"Awesome! That'll be handy in a fight.

Dawnbreaker (Skyrim)

"No way... Dawnbreaker?!" Jon cried out.

" If I remember it right, Dawnbreaker is particularly effective against undead enemies, instantly destroying them. Overall, it's a formidable weapon for battling the Night King and his army.

Wiggenweld Potion x05 (Harry Potter)

"The Wiggenweld Potion?" Jon mutters, trying to make sense of it.

"The Wiggenweld Potion is no ordinary concoction. It's a rare elixir that can restore vitality and heal wounds instantly. Imagine being able to replenish your strength in the midst of battle or mend injuries with a single sip." Hestia explains.

Jon listens intently, his interest piqued by Hestia's description. "So, it's like a portable healing fountain?" he asks, trying to grasp the potion's significance.

"Exactly!" Hestia nods enthusiastically. "But it's even more versatile. Its effects are instantaneous, making it invaluable in dire situations. With the Wiggenweld Potion by our side, we'll have an edge in our adventures, knowing that we can always rely on its healing properties when we need them most."

Jon nods, impressed by the potion's potential. "I see. That could definitely come in handy. Let's make sure to keep it safe and use it wisely," he replies.

Pepperup Potion x05 (Harry Potter)

"Well, this is unexpected," Jon chuckles, amusement evident in their tone. "If I remember correctly, it provides a burst of energy and clears up congestion instantly. Who knows when a little extra energy might come in handy?"

Character Card: Selina Kyle/Catwoman (DC Comics)

Jon is pleasantly surprised to receive the Selina Kyle Character card from the gacha. He always had a massive crush on the Cat-burglar.

He was definitely going to summon her.

However, he now contemplated how to introduce her without causing any suspicion among their companions.

One approach could be to frame it as a fortunate encounter or a chance meeting, downplaying the significance of the card to avoid raising suspicion.

Alternatively, he might wait for a suitable moment to reveal the Selina Kyle Character card, perhaps during an upcoming challenge or in times of need. By presenting it as a strategic move, he can introduce Selina Kyle without drawing undue attention to the source of her recruitment.

Regardless of the approach they choose, Jon is determined to integrate Selina Kyle seamlessly into his future plans, harnessing her skills and expertise to enhance his chances of success.

Kaer Morhen Armor (The Witcher 3)

"No way... the Kaer Morhen Armor!" Jon exclaims, barely able to contain his excitement.

"That's incredible! The craftsmanship on that armor is unmatched," he remarks

Night Fury Egg (How To Train Your Dragon)

"A Night Fury egg?!" Jon exclaims, hardly daring to believe their luck.

"This changes everything," he whispers, already envisioning the bond he'll form with the majestic dragon that will soon hatch from the egg.

Power Boost Card x10

"Power Boost Cards? Ten of them? That's amazing!" Jon exclaims, eyes shining with anticipation.

"Those cards will certainly come in handy," he remarks, already considering the strategic advantages they could provide in battles and challenges ahead.

"Hestia! How big does an adult Night Fury get?" He asks.

"On average, an Adult Night Fury can grow to be about 20 to 25 feet in length from nose to tail tip, with a wingspan of approximately 45 to 50 feet when fully extended. Their sleek and agile bodies allow them to move swiftly through the air, while their sharp claws and teeth make them formidable predators."

"From what I've read, Drogon's wingspan at the time of Season 8 reached up to 60 feet or more, and he's said to be able to swallow a man whole." Jon muses, contemplating the situation.

"Moreover, Dragon's in this world, don't stop growing till they die. Is it possible to use the Power Boost Cards to help the Night Fury to constantly keeps getting stronger, and to never stop growing?"

Jon's question gives Hestia pause.

"It's an intriguing idea," she begins, considering the implications carefully. "Using the Power Boost Cards to continuously stimulate growth could theoretically allow the Night Fury to keep growing beyond its natural limits."

Jon's eyes gleam with excitement as he envisions the possibility. "It would be fascinating to see how that plays out," he concludes.

Weakness Removal Card x10

Jon's eyes widen in surprise, his excitement palpable.

"Weakness Removal cards are incredibly valuable. With these, we can eliminate vulnerabilities and strengthen ourselves against whatever challenges we may face," Hestia states.

Jon carefully considers the options, weighing the potential benefits and risks of using both the Power Boost Card and the Weakness Removal Cards on the Night Fury egg.

"If we use the Power Boost Card, we can accelerate the growth of the Night Fury, hastening its hatching process and allowing it to join us sooner," he begins, his voice thoughtful.

"Then, with the Weakness Removal Cards, we can ensure that the newly hatched Night Fury is born without any vulnerabilities or weaknesses," he continues, his gaze fixed on the egg.

"By combining the two, we'll be able to expedite the process of making the Night Fury match up to the dragons of this world," Hestia remarks.

With his newfound riches in his inventory, Jon ponders his options. He realizes that he has to carefully consider how to introduce the rewards he has received from the gacha without drawing undue attention. Afterall, in this world, he is nothing but the bastard of the honorable Ned Stark.

"Perhaps I could pass them of as blessings from the Old Gods," he thinks to himself, trying to imagine how to go about it..

"I might need to leave Winterfell, for a while. By framing it as a natural progression of my journey or a stroke of luck, I might be able to introduce the rewards without arousing suspicion.

Ultimately, the key lies in finding the right moment and context to share the information, ensuring that it feels organic and unforced. With a bit of finesse and tact, Jon is confident they can introduce the rewards without raising any eyebrows.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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