
Chapter 35: Heal

Words: 2,275


Hermione Granger: Your native language is Japanese, right?

Shinoa Hiragi: Yes.

Hermione Granger: And you're currently answering in Japanese?

Shinoa Hiragi: It took you a hundred years to figure that out.

Hermione Granger: I had other things to think about, like how we communicate at all... Okay, Rias, she's a demon and can speak and understand any language. Tony also speaks English, but you and Erina...

Hermione Granger: This is what you might call a universal translator. Moreover, I didn't even notice the difference for so long! There should be a linguistic or semantic difference between languages, but there isn't. Only these "kun" and "chan".

I smirked while taking my eyes off the chat window floating in front of me.

Hermione is still amazed by these things even though she is a witch herself and has seen a lot lately.

"The reactor's power exceeds the projected by three and two-tenths percent."

Cortana's voice rang out.

The arc reactor won't create itself, so I created it yesterday and today for its development and improvement.

However, I also didn't forget to continue reading the books I bought at the Dimensional Store and learned quite a bit about the gods of Olympus.

Poseidon favored the people of Atlantis, but he was an asshole just like almost all Olympians.

Zeus likes to rape women, Hera avenges anyone who slept with Zeus, and Aphrodite sleeps with her father, husband, brother, and... many others.

It was written by Arion that Hades wants chaos and anarchy, but Ares also wants the same thing.

I wouldn't want to meet any of these gods as they often cause a lot of trouble and blame anyone who is close.

It doesn't change the fact that they saved Earth from Darkseid's invasion.

It just showed once again that being weak in this world only means that stronger ones will decide everything for them.

An ordinary person might think I'm a god based on my abilities, but that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding how strong real gods are not to mention those from the Apokolips.

In addition to the gods, there are also many dark sorcerers, such as Allura, who might be able to curse Giovanni Zatara, who is considered the best magician on Earth, not counting the Order Lords.

There may still be the Etrigan the Demon out there, and he is not weak either.

Darkseid and Trigon also wanted the Earth, both multidimensional beings with enormous power.

"It's still within normal limits."

I nodded to Cortana and closed the Group Chat window in front of my eyes.

These thoughts make me think about the future, but sitting around and doing nothing won't help. I'm making plans for what to do next.

"Correct. Based on the data from this reactor, it will be enough for the entire city, and its power still won't be utilized even by ten percent."

"This is good, but there will be only one reactor."

I scanned the information received through the computer combined with some Kryptonian technologies.

"Can I know why?"

There was interest in Cortana's voice.

"You can probably guess."

"Are you afraid of giving people so much power? Based on the history, you are doing the right thing. They won't be able to replicate your reactor themselves for a long time.

"I wouldn't be so sure. In this world, there are unique individuals capable of a lot..."

I whispered and entered values into the computer, then pressed "Enter".

"But yes, it's stupid to just throw around such technology, so the other reactors I'll provide will soon be much less..."


Cortana's avatar appeared nearby with a smile.

"I meant less technologically advanced, but I definitely like your version too. However, there's nothing that magic with the right approach couldn't solve. Still, it's better to wait for now."

The "Clean Energy" project was just the beginning for our company, and because I'm looking further... the "Earth" project is what I'm striving for.

The goal is to build an unbreakable shield to prevent aliens from invading our planet.

Tony Stark wanted to do something similar using Ultron and his manufacturing power, but it didn't work out in the end.

There are two big differences between Ultron and Cortana one with a soul and the other with the personal matrix of a human woman.

But... just in case, I've long since figured out how to stop someone like Cortana or even Cortana herself.

The Wayne Manor dinner party is scheduled for a week from now, which is already a very important step for those who understand.

Bruce Wayne himself is known as a wealthy American playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist.

I would have believed it if I didn't know who he was because that's how things looked from the outside.

Surely, he wants to look into us with Lena and Batman had some problems with Lex's work.

They're not very big or important, but there is something.

I understand that he wants to improve his city, but he's doing the opposite.

After all, he could do much more with his money—much better and safer than jumping around in a bat suit and beating up petty criminals.

Moreover, I'm finally ready to help Lena with her condition, and I invited her to the Luthor Engineering building for this.

Actually, I could have helped sooner, but after I came back from the mission with a fully assimilated Albedo, the success rate went up to almost a hundred percent.

Now I can even heal her with magic.

"Tony did anything important happen?"

She decided to ask immediately as I hadn't called her to the engineering department before.

After I returned from the mission, I saw her a couple of times, but Lena was too busy with company matters...

I should tell her about Cortana because she can help with this, and it won't be difficult.

I literally felt the joy from Lena as we met no matter how awkward our conversation was after the kiss we still remained close to each other.

That's why I want to get Lena back on her feet as soon as possible.

"You could say that."

I nodded and approached to hug her anyway. Lena had recently taken a shower judging by the scent of her favorite shampoo.

Lena's soft embrace was more than pleasant.

"What have you heard about different superhumans?"

I asked.

"Um, what are superhumans?"

She didn't quite understand what I said.

"So, Tony, don't tell me you've gotten involved with some superhuman or something like that?"

Lena's eyes showed clear concern.

"Lex was hunting Superman's DNA..."

I began from a distance, and Lena nodded as if she knew what I was saying.

In the first few days of sorting through the documents, she realized that Lex was quite a bad person with evil plans.

"But there are other superhumans on the planet; it's just that nothing is known about them, or they're hiding. Anyway, I found information about some kind of medicine in the local files..."


 Lena's voice sounded dissatisfied.

"I've been living with you since we were kids, and I can clearly see when you're lying. You can't even look me in the eye."

She said she was approaching me in her wheelchair while taking my hand.

"Do you... not trust me? Or is someone blackmailing you?"


I whispered with a smile.

I remained myself no matter how much Albedo or Stark affected me, and I couldn't lie to Lena.

"Oh, alright. I want to cure you, and I've found a way."

I said it directly.

Lena's eyes widened, and her grip on my hand tightened.

"I... consulted with the best doctors, there's no cure yet..."

"Sister, this isn't ordinary medicine."

I exhaled and placed my other hand at eye level with Lena's, and a beautiful golden flower appeared above it.


Lena flinched slightly.

"What is this?"

"Magic, sorcery, the energy of the universe... you can call it different things."

I shrugged, and then a magical seal appeared beneath us, and we teleported to Lena's office in the main LuthorCorp building.

They also changed the company's name, required signatures from both me and Lena, and sent a statement to the tax office.

We also informed our partners, banks, and employees about this.

Lena covered her eyes with her palm.

"It's a crazy world."

Lena said.

"And how long have you known about this... magic?"

"About a month and a half."

I said while pondering.

"I'm a magician and a superhuman. I've been practicing controlling my power to cure you, and now I'm ready..."

"That's still a lot of information."

Lena shook her head, but the hope in her eyes grew stronger.

"Indeed...At first, I wanted to tell you about Lex's secret medicine."

I smirked.

"But who if not you, deserves my trust? Yes, after this you'll probably become stronger."

I added.

"Stronger? How much?"

Lena inquired.

"It's hard to say. There are about one and a half million people on Earth who have meta-genes with hidden powers that appear after experiencing a traumatic event. It's a defense mechanism..."

"So Superman has this meta-gene?"

Lena immediately made the assumption.

"Probably, I need his blood to be sure. Anyway, I'll infuse my Aura into you using magic..."

I realized how it all sounded, and it was not very good.

"This will make you stronger because your soul's strength will unfold and protect you. Like this."

I extended my hand using magic and created an axe to fall above it. It stopped in the air because of the aura, and Lena could see it clearly.

"And if you have the meta-gene, it will also activate."

"Tony... that's still a lot of unbelievable news, but I understood the main thing, I'll be... healthy?"

"Yes, you will be."

I hugged her again, and tears began to flow from her eyes from all this news.

She hugged me around the neck and pushed her red lips together, and she felt very happy with all this information.

"Are you ready?"


Lena nodded and tried to wipe away her tears with her hand, but now her face had a beautiful smile capable of melting the entire Antarctica.

"What do I need to do?"

"Don't move, and don't panic. Your brother would never hurt his beloved sister."

I kissed her... on the forehead, and then a large magical seal of a greenish hue appeared beneath us.


Then information about Lena's body began to flow into my head to make sure of the problem.

In the next moment, I deactivated all of her pain receptors and began to restore her body with alchemy, and infused her with my aura.

Then Lena lost consciousness... so I carried her to bed.

She no longer has any health problems.

It only took her an hour to start to wake up.

She might have stayed unconscious longer if I had only used magic to unlock her full potential.

It was much easier and gentler when I gave her energy.

During this hour, I saw her body change right in front of my eyes. Her skin got lighter and healthier, and her muscles, organs, and even skin density grew threefold.

This alone made her superhuman, and then I saw her aura that made her even more powerful.

I won't worry about Lena as much now that her regeneration has improved.

"How do you feel?"

I asked as soon as Lena opened her eyes.

"Like I've been reborn."

Lena admitted.

"This couldn't have been a dream, right?"

She raised herself and saw her legs which had previously been thin due to illness. She managed her big toe to move, and then the rest of her toes did too.

"This... I can feel my legs!"

Lena exclaimed.

"Yes, but you'll need a few days to remember how to walk again."

I warned her, but she still smiled. It warms my heart to see Lena happy and, most importantly, healthy.


A long sound of the broken bed.

Lena wanted to move against the back of the bed to adjust herself, but her strength made it crack when she squeezed it.


Lena exclaimed surprised by her own strength, and looked at her hands.

"Be careful. You're a superhuman now or a meta-human, whichever you prefer. So figure out how strong you are."

I advised her.

"Got it."

Lena nodded like a child while squeezing and releasing her hand, and then she looked at me and froze for a couple of seconds.


At the same time, I felt something was wrong, but she smiled sweetly, pulled me close, and hugged me again.


I straightened up immediately, and Lena hung around my neck again while biting her lip in uncertainty.

"Sister, you're provoking me with these actions."

I couldn't help but whisper as I put my arms around her thin waist, leaned in, and kissed those tempting red lips.

I expected her to push me away again, but instead, I felt a tongue engaging with mine for dominance.

Lena's hands tightened even more with force, but I only grew more aroused by this wonderful sensation and the realization of what was happening.

Lena's soft dark hair didn't hide her beautiful face from my gaze, and my hand was already resting on her soft and now more toned buttocks.

The scent of Lena began to intoxicate me, and the growing passion for her rationality left him at that moment.

We looked at each other for a moment while the kiss was interrupted.

Lena's fears and anxieties began to disappear because of me.

The euphoria still overwhelmed Lena, and she hoped that all of this wasn't a dream...



You can find up to 20 advance chapters on my patreon.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


