86.2% Private Dump / Chapter 25: 4 prongs

章 25: 4 prongs

The Babyprongs ClubIf it would have made any sort of difference, Rosalie would have been smashing her head against the ground, hoping to knock herself out. It must be karma punishing her for laughing at all the times that Harry and Demetri had seriously pissed off Edward and Bella. Should she be faulted for laughing when her adopted brother got arresting for peeping? No. Should she be punished cruelly for snickering when Edward came home ranting about being called less than a man by Charlie? No. Should she be tormented because she had to leave the house and calm herself when she couldn't stop laughing at Edwards pinched face yesterday when he returned from the mall. In her opinion -no. Jasper and Emmett had both let out a chuckle to when they heard the story of Harry's successful escape.

But here she was, stuck inside the house with Bella, as her husband was outside playing with the child vamp, and Jasper was 'overseeing'. She was stuck beside the human girl whose only spoken words all day had been "Edward's really not here?" and then proceeded to mope around the living room. Rosalie just couldn't understand her, nor did she want to try. Rosalie loved Emmett, she truly did, but if she was in Bella's position she didn't think she would be as … devoted… to a vampire. Rosalie would have taken the chance to explore the world, travel, have a baby, but not Bella. The girl was ready to throw her life away at 17 and become a vampire, without a care in the world as to how her family would take her sudden disappearance. Rosalie wanted to wring her neck for that very reason. Maybe it was thoughts like that, that had her stuck on Bella duty.

Last night when Chief Swan had called and asked if they could babysit little Harry, Emmett hadn't been able to stop grinning. He was so excited about finally getting time with the little guy. Alice had been upset that she couldn't See how the day would turn out, Edward still had his pinched face, Jasper looked curious, and Esme was somewhat happy at having a child in the house. Carlisle had been hesitant to accept, he still wasn't on the best of terms with Chief Swan, he wanted to redeem himself in the police officers eyes, but on the other hand, they would be letting a Volturi member in their house.

In the end he agreed, but there were a few conditions that Charlie insisted on. Bella was to come as well and observe how well they handled the kid, to learn better child caring skills, and Edward had to leave. Carlisle had agreed reluctantly and stated that Edward and Alice could spend the day elsewhere shopping. Once he had agreed and hung up, Emmett had rushed off and researched appropriate activities to play with children. He wanted the little vamp to have fun with him, and since he would probably not get another chance to play with a child, he wanted to make the most of this opportunity.

Rosalie had felt so much love and affection for her husband at the moment, and she knew that if they had a child, he would have made a wonderful father. But that went away quickly when Emmett returned with a computer printout and asked endless questions.

"Rose, do you think he will want to play Hide-n-Seek?" Emmett asked.

"We're vampires! We can smell each other out." She snapped. Emmett had already covered numerous arts and craft ideas and moved onto games.

"Rose, do you think he will want to play kick the can?" He asked next, reading off the list he printed off.

The blonde vampire scoffed. "You will crush the thing in one kick and probably send it flying to Canada."

"What about traffic cop? He lives with a police officer, he might like it." Emmett pushed.

"Don't you need more than two people to play that?" Rosalie asked. She hadn't played it personally but she was pretty sure you needed more than two.


"No." Rosalie shut down her husband before he even asked. "Why not just ask him when he arrives what he wants to do? Planning is pointless when he's not a real kid."

"I just want him to enjoy his time with us." Emmett pouted. His eyes scanned the paper again, trying to find the perfect game. They already ruled out four-square and hopscotch since they didn't think they would work well with his hovering. Marbles, Cat's Cradle, and Mother May I were off the table too. Maybe hand clapping games? No, Rosalie didn't think Emmett was coordinated enough for that, especially when he wouldn't be able to see the kid's hands over his.

"Rose…" Emmett moaned, hoping his wonderful and brilliant wife would have an idea. At least, that's what he should be thinking.

Rosalie was going to respond but Edward jumped in, annoyed with situation. "Why don't you just throw the kid in the air like they do with babies. It wouldn't be far off considering he sheds tears quicker than I can run." The bronze haired vampire muttered darkly to himself, still upset that Bella had gotten in trouble over Harry's act at the mall.

Emmett grinned widely at the suggestion. "That's perfect! He can hover, so he must like being in the air."

And the matter was settled.

Chief Swan had arrived early in the morning, personally escorting Harry and Bella. He claimed that Demetri had left earlier, but Rosalie suspected that Charlie had insisted he drop them off. Charlie had done a quick sweep of the house, taking note that absence of Edward's car, and then told Carlisle that Harry didn't like fish, was allergic to peaches, and liked lots and lots of ketchup with his food. Then he pulled Carlisle over to the side for a whispered conversation. So naturally, the entire Cullen clans that were present listened in.

"Now, I know we have been at odds lately, but I hope to put that behind us. You're a good man, a good doctor, and a good father. I respect you for taking care of so many kids, and you have done a great job raising them. There have never been any complaints about your kids until Edward. I know y'all think the kids should be allowed to see each other, but please can you respect me on this. Bella has been acting out, becoming very irresponsible, and I fear too obsessed with your son. Edward isn't helping any by acting the same in return, and I want that to stop. I think the kids need space and time away from each other so that they can remember who they once were, before they got too wrapped up in the other.

"It was hard watching Bella after you moved away. She was a zombie, and I feared she would never recover. She had started to heal by hanging around Billy's boy, but then y'all came back and took her to Italy or wherever, and now she's worse than before. My daughter has the potential to be a strong, smart, and independent woman, but with Edward always around she can't reach that. She's too dependent on him. So please, respect my wish to keep them apart, until we know for sure that it is healthy for them to see each other. I just want what's best for my daughter, and I'm sure you feel the same towards Edward." Charlie spoke.

Carlisle has sighed deeply at that. The whole family knew that he wanted Edward and Bella together, certain that the time apart was harmful towards their relationship, but Charlie brought up some good points, and from a concerned human perspective Charlie was in the right.

"I understand. Edward won't come home until after Bella has left. I don't like seeing my son in pain from being unable to meet Bella, but I can't ignore your concern either. I'll talk to Edward and try to help him understand." Charlie clapped Carlisle lightly on the shoulder in thanks.

"I would have told you all this on the phone last night, but I feel like this is a conversation to be had in person." Charlie whispered.

Carlisle nodded. "Thank you, for coming over and explaining but also giving my family another chance."

"Right," Charlie coughed and turned away from the doctor. "You kids be good, and I'll see you at home. Demetri will be picking you up around 5 tonight." Charlie started to leave but he stopped by Rosalie. "If you wouldn't mind doing me a favour as well," he lowered his voice, "you're a strong and confident young woman, and Bella is a bit passive and indifferent. Could you… offer her some advice to become a more… well rounded individual?"

Rosalie wanted to scoff and say that there is no way she was going to teach anything to the dull human pet her brother picked up, but she didn't have the desire to hurt a caring father like Charlie. He reminded her a lot of Carlisle in that sense, so Rosalie nodded, not really agreeing, but not outright denying his request. It seemed her small action satisfied that man because he smiled at her and took his leave.

Once Chief Swan was gone, Emmett had scooped Harry up and ran outside. Jasper followed at a swift pace, and Carlisle left for work. Rosalie was about to make an excise to leave, but Esme stopped her. She claimed to need to go to the grocery store, and pick up some new drafting supplies for their next home, and left Rosalie to watch Bella. 40 minutes. It had been 40 minutes and the extent of Bella's interaction was "Edward's really not here?"

A squeal of happiness from outside caught Rosalie's attention.

"You're supposed to be here to learn child care right?" Rosalie asked waspishly.

"I guess. I don't think it matters really." Bella replied.

"Well the child is outside so we might as well go there." Rosalie suggested. She stood gracefully and walked outside, not bothering to check if Bella was following.

Outside it seemed the Emmett really had taken Edwards suggestion to heart. Only, it had an Emmett twist to it. Rosalie watched as Harry squealed again as Emmett lifted him in the air.

"Okay little guy, football!" Emmett called. Harry stretched his arms and legs out, to form a plank. Emmett lifted the little vampire up in a quarterback stance, and pulled his arm back. "Three, two, one…" Emmett threw Harry threw the air in a perfect spiral and the little Volturi member squealed some more as he spun through the air.

"Jasper!" Emmett called.

Jasper was already running through the trees, his arms stretched out ready to catch the vampire ball. Rosalie watched in amusement as Jasper jumped over roots fallen trees until he was out of sight. A second later he was back, carrying Harry in his arms and the little vampire was giggling insanely.

"Again!" Harry cheered. He squirmed out of Jaspers arms and ran to Emmett, holding his arms up ready to repeat the process.

"Yeah! Okay." Emmett quickly picked up the little vamp and readied him. Spotting Rosalie, Emmett grinned. "How about we see who is better? Jasper and Rosalie battle it out to catch the Harryball."

Rosalie raised a single sculpted brow and stared at her husband.

"Come on Rosie…" Emmett begged.

"Fine fine… but Jasper can't complain when I win." Rosalie boasted lightly while checking her nails.

Jasper snorted and sent a pointed look towards her shoes. "Like you will win in those heels." He stated.

Emmett let out a booming laugh. "The air of competition is perfect." He announced. "Ready, set, go!" he yelled and launched Harry through the air again.

Rosalie didn't hesitate to rush through the forest, Jasper running alongside her. They were both glancing up, trying to calculate the best time to catch Harry. At the same time the leapt in the air, arms outstretched, just barely grasping the child, but Harry pulled into himself and away from their hands. In one swift motion he grabbed a springy branch, spun himself around, and launched himself back towards Emmett.

Rosalie and Jasper stared in shock, before they snapped out of it and went chasing after their prey. Theirs eyes never left Harry as he flew through the air, and as they were about to reach for him again. Emmett came bursting into the scene and snatched the little guy from the sky.

"Touchdown McCarthy!!!" Emmett yelled. Together with Harry, who was floating in the air, the pair did a synchronized touchdown dance.

Rosalie didn't like losing. So as the pair's dance got more elaborate she pounced. She grabbed Harry out of the air and ran off with him, yelling taunts over her shoulder. Emmett recovered quickly and with a loud roar he took chase. Jasper smirked before also following, all three of the throwing insults back and forth. Harry laughed from Rosalie arms and sent funny faces over her shoulder to the other two. None of them realized they left Bella alone in the garden; they were having too much fun running through the forest and being free.


Demetri arrived at the Cullen residence early, he had grown bored without Harry around all day. He didn't bother knocking, because really, what were they going to do to him? Walking in, he knew something was off. Stretching his senses, Demetri had to laugh at what he found. It seemed that Edward had an accomplice.

Demetri chuckled darkly and stood in the middle of the living room. "So you came back early eh, Edward?" he asked.

The mind reader stiffened before pushing himself off Bella. Just as quick the smallest Cullen was standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked. Her stance was aggressive as she surveyed him.

Demetri sneered at her. "Picking up Harry and Bella obviously."

Alice frowned. "They're playing in the woods." She told him.

"Ah, ah, ah…. You can't lie to me little girl." Demetri goaded. "You used your sight and saw that they left Bella. Did you and Edward at least pretend to shop, or did you just wait around the corner until it was time? Another secret rendezvous, whatever will Charlie think?"

Edward joined them soon enough, Bella was slowly walking down the stairs. There was no point in trying to hide. "It's your fault I can't see her to start with. Why shouldn't I take any chance I get to meet her?" Edward asked.

Demetri shook his head sadly. "Because, when you do things like this… it's just gives me more ammunition to use against you. I'm sure Charlie will be happy to hear that Bella skipped out on her babysitting duties again to meet you. Only this time we can be happy that Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper were responsible enough to stay and watch Harry. He's only nine after all…. Too young to take care of himself."

Edward scowled at the Volturi guard. "Whatever, tell him. Then Bella can inform him that they ran away from her. Then it's those three that will get in trouble, not Bella."

Demetri smirked. "So you are going to sell out your own family for Bella? A human that you are not even properly bonded to. How long have you known her -surely not as long as you have been with your family, yet you would choose her over them? Interesting…" Demetri trailed off.

Edward floundered. "I didn't mean it like that!" He stated forcibly.

"I'm going to have to put this in my report to Aro. Edward Cullen lacks loyalty. It's a good thing you will never be put in a situation where loyalty could decide your fate." Demetri chuckled again, as he turned. "Well I'm going to hunt down Harry. I think you will have five more minutes alone before I'm back. Use them well."

"God damnit! Why are you so evil?" Edward yelled.

Demetri laughed when it looked like Edward was one step away from stomping his foot like a petulant child. "Well maybe we can compromise…"

Edward looked at Alice, but the pixie vampire shook her head negatively. Edward frowned, and looked at Demetri warily. "What kind of compromise?"

"It's hard making excuses to Charlie so Harry and I can hunt for ripe human prey…" He trailed off.

Alice gasped. "You are not asking us to hunt humans for you, are you?" She seemed completely disgusted at the thought.

Demetri waved his hand. "Of course not. But there is a blood bank nearby, and if two certain vampires stole some of the stored blood, well that would help greatly."

The Cullen's stared at the Volturi member blankly. Demetri huffed in annoyance. "Steal us some blood, and I won't tell Charlie and Carlisle about this little meeting." Demetri left the three staring after him, but he didn't care about them. Right now he had Harry to find, and see what he had been up to all day. If those three treated him well, then maybe he might suggest to Aro that they deserved to live. It was only fair after all.


Bad Joke of the Day

Q: What are a vampire's favorite snacks?

A: Adam's apples and neck-tarines.

Life is Like a Box of ProngsCharlie was in the backyard waiting near the barbeque to grill up some steaks for dinner, blue for the boys, well done for Bella, and a nice medium rare for himself. It was his own reward for how calm his household had been lately. Bella still moped around but it had lessened of late. She wasn't particularly warm towards the boys, but Charlie figured it an only-child thing. Bella never had to share her parents before and now there were two others in the picture and she must not know how to deal with it. Charlie wanted to help, he did, but Bella was a young woman now and she needed to learn to work through these things on her own. 

"Charlie, I finished preparing the corn," Harry called for his attention, a plate with a tin-foil corn pyramid in his hands.

"Good job sport. Let's grill these quickly and eat." Charlie took the plate and started placing the corn on the grill. "How is your brother doing with the salads?"

Harry giggled. "He's having trouble with the potato salad. He keeps saying that potato salad needs radishes but none of the recipes online call for them. I think he finally settled on a bacon potato salad though," Harry explained.

Charlie groaned at the sound of bacon. "Tell him everything is better with bacon." Charlie had yet to meet someone who didn't love bacon, well except for those vegetarians and vegans, or whatever they are called. "Have you seen Bella?"

Harry shook his head. "Not since she said you sent her to the store to get ice cream for dessert. She hasn't been back yet."

"Ah, maybe-" Charlie was cut off by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. It wasn't loud and clunky like Bella's truck, it had a newer smoother sound. "Well who could that be?"

Together Charlie and Harry walked around the house and to the front to see a sleek black car with tinted windows in the driveway parked beside Bella's red truck. The driver side door opened slowly and out stepped a large and sturdy looking gentleman in a grey three piece suit. He had short stylish black hair, and a pale olive complexion.

"Felix!" Harry cried and then launched himself across the yard and into the man's waiting arms.

"My Little Teddy Bear! How I missed you!" The man exclaimed as he spun Harry around and then pulled him close to cuddle. "Have you been missing me terribly? You best have." 

"I have! It's never the same without you around," Harry chirped.

"I can see you wasted no time in getting your claws on him," Demetri spoke from the front porch. Charlie looked up at his oldest nephew and frowned.

"Do you know this man?" The name sounded familiar, but he wanted to be sure.

Demetri gave a suffering sigh. "This is my friend Felix. He's a great guy really, bit of a flirt and as you can see, he tends to forget the outside world when he's playing with Harry." Charlie looked back at the new person and watched as he pulled a toy car from his pocket and explained to Harry that the next car he buys was going to look like this one. He did look completely immersed in talking to Harry.

"I see… well we better welcome him." Charlie walked forward and cleared his throat to gain the man's attention.

The man, Felix, looked towards him and smiled. "Sorry, sorry. I just missed my little Harry Berry. I'm Felix Austerlitz, pleasure to meet you." Felix held out his hand and Charlie grabbed it in a firm handshake.

"Charlie Swan, pleasure." Charlie squeezed the man's hand and was happy to feel an answering pressure. His father taught him how to judge a man from his handshake. Felix's skin was cold, but he applied the right amount of strength, and it wasn't slimy with sweat. It was a handshake of someone Charlie could get along with. "We're about to eat dinner, how 'bout you join us and catch up with the boys while I throw a steak on the grill for you. How do you take it?"

"Straight off the cow," Felix said with a smile.

Charlie's moustache twitched in amusement. "Just like the boys then."

Felix threw Harry over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and grinned. "I'll help. I've been told I have a way with meat."

"Wait!" Harry screamed. "Where are my presents?" The little guy started kicking his feet and flailing his arms for attention.

Felix laughed while Demetri was quick to reprimand Harry. "Don't be so presumptuous! What do you need presents for anyway? Felix visiting should be a present enough, don't be greedy."

Charlie laughed at the scene. "Be easy on him Demetri. Children always think there's a present hidden somewhere for them."

Demetri frowned. "Still…"

"Demi, do you really think I would come visit my favourite little guy and not shower him with gifts? They're all in my trunk!" Felix walked over to his car and with a press of a button on his keychain the trunk popped up revealing several wrapped boxes, and colourful bags. "Just wait to unwrap any red ones until later, yeah?"

Harry squealed and squirmed in Felix's arms. "I want to open them all now!" He cheered, his little hands trying to grab onto one.

"Harry, you can wait until later. Besides you haven't properly thanked Felix for bringing them," Demetri stated gently.

"No! I want to open them all now!" Harry yelled in a small fit while still wiggling every which way to get to the presents. "Now! Now! Now! Now!"

"Harry!" Demetri snapped. "Is that the proper way to act? How old are you now?"

Charlie was slightly taken aback from Demetri's harsh words. He had never seen the young man act like this with Harry. He was always very kind and caring, and used a light reprimand in the past. It was a completely new side and Charlie had no idea where it came from.

Harry went limp in Felix's arms and lowered his head. "I'm sorry Demetri. Thank you for the gifts Felix, but I think I should help finish dinner before opening any. Can I get down now?"

"Sure Harry Berry," Felix said as he placed the kid down. "Come on Demetri, you shouldn't be so hard on him."

Demetri ignored Felix in favour of stopping Harry as he walked towards the house. He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and turned him around to face him. "Harry, you know I don't like yelling at you but you know why you can't act like that right?"

Harry nodded silently.

"Can I have a hug?"

Harry nodded again and stepped into Demetri's arms.

Charlie felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder and turned to see Felix standing behind him. "Let's leave 'em be, yeah?"

Charlie nodded and led the new person back to the backyard. It was probably for the best, the corn was still on the grill and Charlie Swan had never overcooked corn before and he wasn't going to start now.

"Will they be okay? I've never seen either of them act like before," Charlie pointed out, fishing for answers.

Felix chuckled a little. "Years ago, yeah. When Harry was younger he tended to act out and throw temper tantrums that got really violent. Things would break you know, but the worst was seeing how Harry got hurt in the process. Once he started he just couldn't stop. No one blamed him, children and all… but no one could really calm him down except for Demetri. It took some time but eventually his mind calmed down, the tantrums stopped coming, and we got the Harry you probably see every day -a cute kid with a kind heart who occasionally steals cookies from the cookie jar."

"Oh…" Charlie's moustache shook anxiously. He didn't like the sound of the tantrums and he hoped they wouldn't return, because he didn't think he could handle seeing the little guy hurt himself like that.

"I don't think you need to worry. It's probably the new setting and everything that's affecting him, but as long as Harry is with Demetri everything will be fine," Felix reassured him.

Charlie could accept that. It was still a sad situation. Charlie decided to think on it later though, and changed the topic. "So how long have you known Demetri and Harry?" Charlie asked as he threw the steaks on.

Felix laughed, "Oh we go back a long way Demetri and I. I think I lost count of how many years we have known each other. I met Harry the same time that Demetri did though. Cute little guy."

Charlie was surprised. "You were at the hospital with Demetri when Harry was born?" He didn't think that Demetri and Felix had been that close before, but now he was rethinking it. He had gone to the hospital with Billy Black every time his wife gave birth, but everyone else he just sent some flowers and a stuffed bear. 

Felix gave him a mysterious little smirk. "Yes, I was there the night Harry was born."

Charlie's eyes narrowed. "Where about did you grow up? Your accent isn't American. And it's not like Demetri's or Harry's," Charlie pointed out.

"I travelled a lot with my family, seen many sights, but they mainly reside in Italy now. I spent much time there," Felix answered. Felix looked at his watch and smiled. "There now, enough time has passed; I believe Demetri and Harry should be joining us soon."

Charlie didn't know what to say to that so he went about testing the corn, making sure that it was cooked properly. Something niggled at the back of Charlie's mind though and he looked at his own watch. Seeing how long ago he sent Bella out, he was starting to get worried. "Felix, I hate to ask this of you since you are a guest, but could you watch the steaks as I go inside and call my daughter? She should be home by now."

"No problem," Felix agreed, taking the tongs from his hands.

Charlie nodded at the good fellow and walked inside. He picked up the receiver and dialed out Bella's cell number. He had returned her phone to her earlier when he sent her to the store, just in case. The phone rang twice before it clicked.

"Charlie," Bella's said on the other end.

"Bells! Where are ya? You didn't go to Seattle for ice cream did you?" Charlie joked, hoping to make it sound like he wasn't as worried as he was.

"Oh…I uh… decided to take a small walk before coming home," Bella answered.

Charlie frowned. "A walk? Wont the ice cream melt then?" He was not going to ask her if she was with the Cullen boy. He had to show her that he trusted her, even if he really didn't. She had lied to him a lot in the past and but he was willing to try and show her that he still thought her capable of making the right choices. Therefore, he could not ask if she was with the Cullen boy.

"Are you with Edward?" Harry's childish voice filtered through the line. Charlie jumped a little at the noise and quickly looked through the kitchen doorway to see Harry sitting on the couch beside Demetri with the wireless pressed against his ear. Bless that little boys' soul for asking such a question when Charlie couldn't.

"I-I.." Bella spluttered.

"Charlie I think she's with Edward. Are you allowing her to see him again?" Harry innocently asked.

"Bells dear, where are you exactly?" Charlie asked slowly.

Charlie listened as the line was flooded with wind. He looked out the window and was curious as to where it was coming from because it wasn't a windy day. Suddenly the wind stopped and Charlie could hear Bella again. "I'm in front of the house."

"Charlie come look, its Edward and Bella!" Harry called. Charlie peeked into the living room again and spotted Harry looking out the front bay window. Charlie hung up the phone and rushed to the living room. Outside the window stood Edward Cullen and he was glaring at Harry. Charlie definitely did not like that boy.

Charlie wasn't sure how it happened, but suddenly Demetri was on the front porch and talking to the pair.

"Well now, isn't this a surprise." Charlie jumped and turned around to see Felix standing behind him. The tall man was looking over his shoulder and holding a plate of steak with single strip hanging from the side of his mouth. "That your daughter? Looks like a daytime soap opera out there."

Charlie huffed and straightened himself. He was going to take care of this. Charlie marched over to the front door and opened it wide as he stepped out. He leveled Edward Cullen with a stern look, his moustache quirking to the left to show his disappointment. "Isabella, you have one minute to explain to me why Edward is here, and it better be a damn good explanation young lady!"

"We just ran into each other while I was out," Bella quickly rattled off quickly.

Charlie frowned deeply. "Bells, you are a terrible liar, and I have overlooked it in the past hoping that you were going to tell me the truth eventually, but not this time. I'm highly disappointed in you."

"You should lock her in a cell for the night. You're the police chief right?" Felix spoke up from behind him. Bella and Edward turned to look at the new person and both gasped. Charlie looked at the man and had to fight back a smile at the sight of Harry hanging off his back with his own strip of steak in his mouth.

"Felix!" they yelled at the same time.

"You know him?" Charlie asked.

Felix laughed and answered before Bell and Edward could. "I'm not surprised that the girl knows me," he sent a wink towards Bella, "I am a famous underwear model, but the guy is surprise. Unless he's hiding something from his little girlfriend there," Felix teased.

Charlie felt his ears go red at the insinuation that his daughter would look at such things. There were some things that went on in a young woman's bedroom that Charlie preferred not to think about, especially in connection with his daughter.

"I am not gay!" Edward protested right away.

A slow smirk spread across Felix's face. "Then why do you look like you want to eat me right up right now?"

Charlie coughed. "Well, that's neither here nor there. What is important right now is Bella's new punishment," Charlie steered the conversation back on course, but he couldn't help but throw a questioning look towards Edward. The boy was a bit… what was the word Jeanie used…metrosexual.

"I am not fucking gay!" Edward protested again.

"I think I will take Harry inside, he shouldn't be hearing such foul language. Shame on you Edward." Felix wagged a finger at the Cullen.

"Enough of this. Bella get into the back of my squad car. Apparently locking you up for the night is the only way to keep you away from Edward. While you're in there for the night, I'm going to call your mother," Charlie announced. He was going to put an end to this.

"Charlie!" Bella screeched.

"No Bells, it's for the best."

"But you can't just lock me up for seeing my boyfriend," Bella argued.

Charlie smirked. "I'm the Chief of police, sure I can."

Another small round of protests later, Bella was in the squad car and Charlie was waiting for Dr. Cullen to come by and collect his son. How had his nice barbeque plans turn into this mess?

He sincerely hoped things would become less hectic soon.


Bad Joke of the Day

Q: Why did Dracula flunk art class?

A: Because he could only draw blood!

 A/N: Every time I pick the bad joke of the day, I can't help but mentally go 'ZING!' after reading it.

Stop! Can't Prong this! 

"I'm honestly at my wit's end on what to do here Renee," Charlie spoke into the phone, one hand grabbing his hair in frustration. "No, I don't think this is a product of my parenting skills, and I am not blaming you. I called looking for answers and help not another argument."

Bella watched on dispassionately from her little cell. She could see all the happenings in the little police station and just sat back in boredom. She never seen the office part of the station since there was a wall and reception area that blocked the offices and overnight cells from the public, and she honestly thought she would never see this part of the station until now. She knew that Charlie wouldn't keep her here overnight. He had only locked her up to prove a small point, because now that he was talking to her mother, soon he would feel bad and they would go home together. Charlie was weak against Renee, and Belle just needed to wait for her mother to have her say.

"-being in love and dependent on another is completely different. I will not excuse our daughter from running to Italy without warning, because she in love. Renee, we need to lay down the law now or our daughter may grow up to be-" Charlie yelled at the phone before stopping suddenly. "No, I'm not trying to blame you… I don't see how I'm the one to blame here Renee, but if that's how you want to play this than it's my turn. It's always been about what you want to do and damn everything else. Well now look, our daughter is at the bottom of her class grade-wise, she spends more time plotting how to run to her boyfriend instead of studying or thinking of her future, and she shirks her responsibilities by leaving children alone in a crowded mall. She's starting to sound an awful lot like you."

Bella frowned. Her grades had been just fine when she arrived, and they might have dropped because of Edward leaving, but they were getting better. Surely she couldn't be the worst in her grade. Charlie was probably exaggerating.

"Why does it matter why she was watching a child to begin with? The issue is that she left a child alone in another town I might add," Charlie stated fiercely. Suddenly his shoulders stiffened and his voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "You are focusing on the wrong part of the conversation here. I am starting to see that I was wrong to allow you to raise our daughter."

The explosion of noise through the receiver made Bella wonder what her mother was saying. The louder words were quite crude, and Charlie himself had to hold the receiver away from his ear a little.

"Well what am I supposed to think when you defend our daughter's actions instead of being upset," Charlie yelled back. "No I will not send her back to you. Bella will stay here is Forks until she goes off to college, and hopefully by then she will be a better woman than you!"

Bella didn't mind that. She preferred to stay in Forks where Edward was. She already started on her plans for after school anyways. She would go to a university really far away where there wouldn't be a lot of sun and be turned into a vampire. No one would think it weird if she went to a university in Alaska or something. But then why should she care if they thought her weird or not? She was going to be a vampire and spend eternity with Edward. She probably wouldn't even remember them after she was turned anyways. All the Cullen's only remember little bits of their past before they were turned.

"I don't care if you come here Renee. Fine, come if you want but you are not taking Bella back with you. No you can't stay in the guest room. I changed the locks years ago so that key won't work. If you break in through the window I will have you charged with trespassing and as a police officer I will do the honours myself. Yes you used to live there but not anymore. It's my house and I don't want you to stay there. Besides, the guest room is being used so there's nowhere for you to sleep," Charlie pointed out.

"Some nephews are staying there. I'm not talking about this anymore Renee. I called you because it was the right thing to do, but you are more interested in playing the blame game rather than helping find a solution." Charlie paused to let Renee talk before he exploded again. "I don't care if you take me to court to gain full custody of Bella. I'm on the stations phone and this is being recorded. I can use this conversation against you and show that judge your serious lack of judgment when it came to raising our daughter." Charlie slammed the phone down and sighed heavily.

"Women! Never think anything is their fault," Charlie said before giving another heavy sigh. Looking over his shoulder, Charlie saw Doris, who was on phone duty that night, and quickly apologized. "Not you of course Doris, you are always in the right." Doris merely smiled and went back to reading a magazine, dismissing the former comment entirely.

Another officer by the name of Williamson stood up and handed Charlie a foam cup with coffee. "Why don't you head home Charlie. Me and the other boys can watch Bella tonight and book her for public disturbance of something. Go home and have a beer, I think you deserve one or two."

"Yeah, I might as well…" Charlie trailed off. Bella sat forward in concern. Charlie wasn't going to leave her here was he? He was her father he should feel bad and take her home, that's how it worked.

"Oh while you were talking to your ex, a message came in for you," Williamson said as he handed Charlie a note.

Charlie took the message and started laughing. "Oh that sweet sweet boy…Harry said that he was making me a bacon apple tart for when I get home."

Williamson smiled kindly. "I wondered if that was a real thing so I looked it up online and I must say, it sounds delicious."

"Right, home time. You know the drill, no visitors and no one but a parent or guardian can post bail. I'll be back tomorrow." Charlie gathered his jacket and keys in preparation to leave. "I'm sorry about all this," Charlie apologized.

Williamson waved him off. "No worries. We're already looking at it as a new way to take your kid to work day type thing. I might arrest my own boy if he keeps trying to smuggle my beer from the fridge."

Charlie laughed, and his shoulders loosened a little. "I'll see you soon."

Bella floundered as she watched Charlie walk away. He was actually going to leave her here? "Charlie!" She yelled. Charlie turned around and frowned at her. "You can't leave me like this. I get it okay? I shouldn't have gone to see Edward when you asked me to go to the store, but isn't this a little extreme of a punishment?"

"I'm sorry Isabella, but I have a bacon apple tart waiting for me at home made by a child that follows the rules and is kind and courteous to everyone he meets. A child like that doesn't get locked up. I never thought I would have to say this but I hope that your night here will help you act more like that child, even if he is only nine years old. I told Harry not to touch my gun and he never went near it again. I asked Harry to run to the store and get jam and he came back with two different kinds, bread and peanut butter. I told Harry that it was bedtime and he calmly turned off his video, brushed his teeth, and went to bed. If I told Harry to stay away from Edward, he would probably run in the other direction at the mere mention of his name. A nine-year old is better at following directions than you and that's just sad. So you will stay here and reflect on your past actions. Instead of being mad at me you should be disappointed in yourself for being less mature than a child who can only reach the low shelf in the cupboard." Charlie nodded his head at Bella and walked away.

Bella didn't know what to say.


Carlisle wished that vampires could get headaches, so that he would have a reason to take pills like his co-workers. But he couldn't so he straightened the buttons on the cuff on his shirt and walked into the Swan residence to meet with three Volturi members.

"Hello," he greeted them. The three were sitting on the couch, all relaxed and waiting for him.

"Carlisle, has Edward been returned home now?" Demetri asked.

"He has. Emmett and Jasper are keeping him there so that I may talk to you without interruption," Carlisle answered.

"Have a seat please," Harry offered, his young voice polite and light.

Carlisle sat down, and faced the three, waiting for them to talk first. He didn't need to wait long.

"I know what you must be thinking," Demetri started, "the Volturi are here solely to make my coven's life hell. Well you're wrong. We came here with pure intentions." Carlisle didn't believe they had completely pure intentions. He witnessed some of Demetri's and Harry's escapades to make Edward and Bella suffer. "You see, we learned that someone here in Forks had let a human in on our secret. That is bad. I mean it starts with one and then it spreads and soon the humans are back to their vampire hunting ways and our lives are in danger once again. You understand right Carlisle, you had a front row seat to some vampire killings."

Carlisle kept his face blank. Everyone in the Volturi knew his history.

"We just wanted to know who told dear sweet Bella. Nothing malicious in that," Felix added. The fake sincerity in his voice was so thick that Carlisle swore he could see it coating the man in black grime.

"We have been ever so courteous to you and your family while here, and even to the wolves that live nearby. We have respected the lives that you and your coven built here, and we don't want to endanger that, but it seems that you and yours have not extended us the same courtesy. Edward has been nothing but hostile to us, he seems intent of breaking the ground rules that Charlie has set up to protect his daughter, and recruited Alice to keep a constant watch on us with her gift," Demetri explained.

Carlisle bristled. "You can hardly proclaim to be the best visitors. You have had Edward and now Bella arrested, and ruined their reputations around the town," Carlisle pointed out.

Demetri tsked sadly. "But we didn't do that. They did that to themselves. Who's to say they wouldn't have been arrested even if we weren't here? You can't know that. Their actions are the cause for their sudden unpopularity."

"Actions which are a result of your meddling," Carlisle argued.

"We didn't tell Edward to climb trees and peep on Bella," Harry protested.

"True, but if you hadn't told Charlie, he wouldn't have known," Carlisle stated firmly.

"We didn't tell Charlie. Charlie came downstairs on his own and saw Harry hiding under the counter because we thought there was a burglar outside. Charlie left the house on his own and caught Edward." Demetri was completely relaxed as he explained everything away so simply, like he was merely discussing that he had to water the flowers in the garden.

Carlisle sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I didn't come here to fight with you. I just want to appeal to you and hope that you will leave my family in peace now. Bella discovered that we were vampires on her own. Edward never told her. Case solved. You didn't need to bring Felix here," Carlisle stated tiredly.

Felix scoffed. "Not everything the Volturi does is about your coven. When Demetri went the Seattle he sensed something off about the city. The next night Demetri and Harry snuck out of this little hovel and went to investigate and found signs of a newborn army being created. They estimated it was still in the early stages, so when informed Aro, Marcus and Caius only saw fit to send me. I came here purely to eliminate this possible army before it grows too big," Felix explained.

Carlisle was stunned. "A newborn army in Seattle?"

"Yes. Have you not seen the news reports? There's an increase of missing persons in the Seattle area of late," Demetri told him.

Carlisle pondered on the statement for a bit. He would freely admit to himself that he hadn't been paying attention to much outside of the Edward Bella situation; it was just something that appeared small at first but quickly grew to be you entire focus, consuming you time and energy like a plague. It was quite maddening really. If what they said was true and the Volturi really had no reason to lie about a newborn army, than Carlisle could only think of one vampire that passed through their area lately that might have cause for an army. "Victoria…"

"What was that?" Harry asked.

Carlisle eyed the Volturi guard and decided to tell them everything. "There is a vampire by the name of Victoria. We, the Cullen Coven, killed her mate when he tried to kill Bella. She has been by a few times attempting to get Bella, but we have been fortunate that Bella was with the werewolves. The only vampire nearby that would have a reason to create a newborn army would be Victoria."

Felix laughed. "Damn, so it really all does come back to you and yours doesn't it? Another mess and we have to clean it up."

"It's not like that!" Carlisle protested. "We tried to keep Bella safe but James, Victoria's mate, was a tracker and thought that killing Bella would give him a challenge. He managed to get her alone, but we found them and killed him. Victoria has been skirting around the area ever since."

"So Bella is in the centre of the issue again. I feel like we would have less tedious tasks if we just killed her," Harry threw out. "She's not nice or anything and she didn't appreciate the rat blood I offered her."

"You probably shouldn't have offered it to her after making her re-watch that Vampire High episode with the rat named Bella," Demetri explained.

"I thought it would be a nice Segway into the offer." Harry pouted.

"This isn't like the time you stole that sheep and its clone, hoping that it would help Alec and Jane get over their fight. Some people don't appreciate such gestures," Demetri lectured with a smile. 

Carlisle was about ready to scream at them to stay on topic. He remembered Demetri being a very serious and silent guard, a guard that used to stay in the shadows and followed orders. How did that guard become this vampire that spent majority of his time spoiling a little child vampire? The Volturi really had changed since his days with them.

"Tonight we will go to Seattle and survey the situation. If it is something we can handle the three of us, we will exterminate the army and all go home to Italy. If not, we will need to call in some other guards to help take care of the problem," Felix spoke over the other two Volturi members.

Carlisle felt relief. "So once this army problem is solved all three of you will leave?"

Felix smirked, "of course, but not before we tie up a few loose ends here. Demetri and Harry can't just disappear after establishing themselves so well, and there's the issue of Bella needing to be changed, and after killing an entire army, I feel like I would deserve a small vacation…"

Carlisle's ray of hope diminishes slightly, but there was still some there. "If you need help, Emmett and Jasper could go with you tonight, maybe Alice as well. Her gift can be quite useful in tracking down Victoria."

"We won't need Alice, plus her gift will be limited with Harry there. Vampire gifts seem to dim when used on him. The two boys will be fine though," Felix sat forward, eyeing Carlisle seriously.

"Dim? How so?" Carlisle as fascinated with discovering why Alice and Edward's gifts didn't seem to work. They had wondered, but now it seemed that the Volturi were going to unknowingly supply the Cullen's with an answer to a question that plagued them since the guard arrived.

Felix eyed him with a smirk. "Children, such innocent and mysterious little things aren't they?" He asked as he pet Harry's hair.

Carlisle was about to push for a more clear answer but Demetri sat up, and drew everyone's attention. "Charlie is almost home, I believe it's time for you to go," Demetri spoke up. "No need to send the boys, we will pick them up on our way."

Carlisle sighed as he stood up. He didn't bother pressing the issue anymore, especially with Charlie near. "I tell them to prepare."

Carlisle left quickly after that, anxiously waiting for the day that the Volturi left Forks for good.


Bad Joke of the Day

Q: Why don't vampires like mosquitoes?

A: Too much competition

Prong, I am your Fork! 

"All clear up from here," Harry's voice sounded through the radio. Felix grinned as he wandered the street of his designated area north of the newborn camp, content to casually look around while Harry was on look out. If there was one thing his gift was useful for it was as a scout. The little vampire could hover above the buildings and to high places to look out for any roaming enemies and warn others while strategizing counter measures. He was the Volturi's own personal floating control tower.

About two years after Harry had joined them, a small coven in Russia had attempted to start a revolution. They believed that vampires should be more known, more feared. Harry had been watching from a high up place when he saw a group waiting to ambush Demteri and Felix as they exited an old church. He had called out a warning but had been too far to hear. Felix had been impressed when he left the building and as the group jumped out to attack, the large old stone cross on top of the church fell and crushed them, with Harry sitting on top. Harry's strength had diminished since them, leaving the newborn faze, but he was still stronger than any human and could still float and look out. But since he couldn't push over any more stone crosses, they carried radios to always be in touch.

The trio had arrived at the Cullens and grabbed Emmett and Jasper while Edward and Alice sulked. Carlisle and his mate seemed worried while the blonde girlfriend just looked on in disinterest. Felix didn't care. They only reason they took the two were so they had extra manpower and so Demetri could tap into Victoria's tenor to track her down. It had been easy for Demetri to tap into Victoria's mind tenor since she had met both Emmett and Jasper before, and once they got a location the five had ran from the Cullen house and to their destination.

They split up, Harry taking the air over the camp, Felix to the north, Demetri to the south, and the Cullen boys coming in from the sides. Once they got the all clear from Harry they were going to rush in and kill. No declarations or warning, just pure slaughter.

"Jasper, can your gift help you tell how many people are inside?" Demetri asked through the radio.

"Newborns don't have many emotions apart from hunger, I can't get an accurate count. There's Victoria, a male, and 5 or more newborns…" Felix frowned. That wasn't fun. A few more newborns and it could have been a party.

"Alright, we can handle that. Don't worry if some of the newborns escape. We need to kill the leaders first, and then Harry can tell us which way they went and I can track them down," Demetri explained for the benefit of the two Cullen's. Felix knew the drill, and so did Harry. The little guy was floating around with pen and paper ready to record every single one of the escapee's.

"Can we get this started?" Felix asked, growing impatient.

"Ready…" Demetri started. They were to attack at the same time so they could trap the newborns without warning, and cut off their escape routes.

"Wait!" Harry whispered quickly. Felix stilled his movements, wondering what the kid saw. "I see two more approaching from Felix's direction."

Felix smirked, and leaned against a wall, trying to appear nonchalant. He was going to get some warm up fun. Soon enough a couple appeared before him, speeding around a corner and towards the camp.

"Steve, we don't need to go that fast, There's still an hour before the sun rises!" The woman said in exasperation.

"You know Riley likes us back early though. No chances," the man, Steve, responded.

"I know but-" the woman stopped running and stared straight at Felix. "Steve…" She whispered gaining her partners attention.

Steve stopped running and turned back to see Felix grinning at him. "Hello lovelies. Where might you be off to?" Felix asked.

The woman stepped towards Felix before flinching and stepping back. "Who are you? You don't smell like a newborn!" She accused.

"Are you part of that evil Cullen coven?" Steve asked, rushing to the woman's side to protect her.

Felix laughed out loud and very loudly at the question. "Oh…trust me, I am not a Cullen. I shudder at the thought really. No, I am from Italy, and I am here to kill you." Felix didn't waste any time before he rushed forward and grabbed both newborns by their necks. The pair started to struggle but Felix simply tightened his grip and crushed their necks in his hands. He slammed both bodies down on the ground and placed a knee on each other their chest, ignoring their clawing hands, and easily ripped both heads off.

Looking around Felix spotted a dumpster and dragged both bodies over to it. He opened the lid and tossed them inside before throwing in a match and lighting the entire thing on fire. Happy that the pair would burn, Felix closed the lid and walked away.

"Well that was fun," he announced over the radio.

"It's not over yet. Something strange is happening," Harry stated. "There's a newborn approaching Demetri and two coming in from behind Emmett. They all look to be rushing back to camp."

"What do you mean?" Emmett asked.

"Are they gathering for a meeting of some sort?" Jasper asked.

Something was niggling at Felix, something that the pair said before they died. "Harry, can you lower yourself down on top of the building and listen in. I think they are gathering but I don't think it's for a meeting."

"A-alright…" Harry answered. Felix knew the kid was still scared to go places and do important things without Demetri, but he Harry was the only one that could approach the building without getting noticed. Vampires were good at being aware of everything around them, whether left or right, front or back, but they all lacked the common sense to look above them. It was why Harry was such a good lookout, because vampires, like most humans, never looked above them.

"It's okay Harry. Turn off your radio so they don't hear it and just spy for a moment. You can float back up to safety when you're ready," Demetri soothed through the radio.

The radio went dead and Felix looked up to see a dark spot slowly descending from the sky above the camp. Felix could see it because he was looking for it, but any newborn wouldn't look up to see it. The dark spot dropped below the surrounding building roofs and Felix settled down to wait.

A minute and then two passed before he heard Harry through the radio again. "Riley, he seems to be the newborn leader, had told them that vampires burn in the sunlight. All the newborns are gathering back together before the sunrise to avoid death," Harry informed them.

Felix smiled at the news. It seemed if they waited a little bit longer they would get all the newborns together, trapped in one place.

"Good job Harry," Demetri praised his little imp.

"Two more things," Harry told them. "There seems to be four leaders outside of Victoria. And one of the newborns has a strong gift."

Felix raised an eyebrow in interest. "What kind of gift?" He asked.

"Repulsion. He can repel anyone away from himself. I heard a couple of them talking about it."

"Did you hear Victoria?" Demetri asked.

"Yes. She was talking to Riley about who was missing. Then she said that she felt something off. I left then," Harry replied.

"Felix, how useful do you think this gifted newborn would be?" Demetri asked him.

Felix took a moment to think about it. "I think Aro would be nauseated by him." Felix waited a moment but didn't get a response. "Demetri get it… nauseated… because that's like being repulsed by someone… and the newborn's gift is repulsion…" Felix explained.

"I got it, I just wasn't impressed," Demetri sighed through the radio.

A series of giggles broke through the line and Felix smiled. "I liked it," Harry said quietly.

"It was kinda corny though," Emmett stated.

Felix's smile dropped. "Shut it Cullen! And don't tell Carlisle about this conversation."

"Maybe we should come back another day. The sun will rise soon and Harry and I need to be back at Charlie's before he wakes up and notices us missing." Felix thought on the suggestion. It was true they needed to protect their cover, and it wasn't like the newborns weren't going to be gathered together again. They were terrified of sunlight which meant they would be stuck inside that building all day long, every day.

"Harry, did you keep track of how many newborns are in that building?"

"There's Victoria, the male Jasper identified that we can assume is Riley, and 13 newborns with another four coming in from Emmett's side."

"17 newborns… She has been a busy girl," Demetri stated is a small amount of amusement in his voice. "The gifted will probably repel us, but that's fine, because I don't think he will protect anyone else. Let's go kill!" Demetri whispered cruelly.

Felix felt his grin stretch to an impossible size in happiness. His fingers tingled as he leapt forward, leaving his secluded area to descend on the newborn army. He was in the Volturi Guard, an enforcer of vampire law, and one of God's undead angels of death. He loved it.

Felix used his advanced strength to smash through the buildings wall and straight into the vampire pit. Demetri entered the same time he did, kicking down the door, eyes blazing and murderous grin shining. The Cullen's chose to enter through the windows, but Felix didn't pay them anymore attention, because as soon as his presence registered in the minds of the newborns, they jumped up in a frenzy and attacked.

Felix couldn't keep the grin off his face as he tore down newborn after newborn. He loved fighting newborns for their advanced strength but no matter how strong they were, they were never a match for him. He was pure brawn. While Demetri could track around the world and use his cunning to find a newborns weak spot and attack it, Felix didn't need that. His hands were his power, and they never failed him.

Looking around, Felix grabbed a female newborn and ripped her head off, tossing the body to the other side of them and hitting a newborn that was trying to pounce on Jasper from behind. The blonde boy turned and sent Felix a grateful look, but the Volturi member was already turning away and shoving his hand through a male newborns body, right between the ribs and reaching inside and ripping the vampire in half.

"W-we have company," Harry stuttered through the radio.

Felix stilled, half way through ripping off a newborns arms, "Who?"

"Wizards," Harry stated simply.

"Fuck!" Felix swore as Demetri's own curses reached his ears. "Hold on Harry." Sweeping the building, Felix spotted a new born off on his own, a large area of free space around him. He must be the gifted one Harry mentioned.

Felix didn't waste time and started making his way over to the guy as he talked to Demetri. "Demetri, you need to get to Victoria and kill the bitch. I got things covered here," He told his long-time partner.

"On it," Demetri responded. Felix could see the trackers shadow speeding up the stairs, and he felt better knowing that they would at least complete their mission before the wizards arrived, the idiotic bastards.

As Felix neared the gifted boy, he felt his skin crawling, telling him not to touch the blonde curly haired one. But his desire to help Harry was stronger so he pressed on. The closer he got, the worse he felt but ignored it, needing to keep Harry safe. "You the bug repellant vampire?" he asked. He didn't need an answer so he pressed on. "Look I don't want to kill you but I need your help. You can turn away humans too right? There's a kid outside floating in the air that needs help keeping a bunch of bastards away. Can you go out there and help him repel the guys?"

The newborn stared at him with wide eyes and didn't respond.

"I said I wasn't going to kill you!" Felix yelled at the newborn as he elbowed another newborn in the face, crushing the face and sending the newborn to the ground.

"T-the s-sun…" Bug Repellant stuttered.

Felix forgot about that. "You won't burn in the sun so get your ass outside and help Harry, or I will kill you and no gift can stop be when I'm pissed and I will be pissed if anything happens to the child outside, got it?"

Repellant slowly got to his feet and his repulsion dropped a little before he fled outside. Felix sighed and turned back to the battle. Looking down he saw Crushed Face struggling to get to him, and Felix stomped down on his neck and twisted his foot to pop the newborns head off. Seeing that Jasper was getting cornered by three newborns, Felix ripped off Crushed Face's arms and threw them at the heads of the newborns, and used the rest of the body to hit the third.

Seeing that Jasper would be fine, Felix started running towards Emmett when he spotted something hiding behind some boxes. Peeking around them he saw a young newborn girl with long bushy black hair. The girl looked up at him with large scared eyes and Felix decided to me merciful. He placed a hand on the girls' head and squeezed his hand, crushing her brain completely. Another one out of the way.

"I killed Victoria but Riley got away," Demetri declared.

Felix sighed in relief and took in the situation. There were only two newborns left standing and some trying to reattach their limbs. He could hear the approaching steps of the wizards, and he rather not deal with them anymore than he needed to. Speeding towards the last two, Felix grabbed them by their necks and turned towards the Cullen's. "Okay brats, rip them up quickly and pile them together in the middle. We're going to burn them and then meet up with Demetri to find Harry and Bug Spray."

Not surprisingly the two beaten up Cullen's didn't say anything and merely listened to his instructions, quickly ripping the bodies and throwing them together. Felix finished off the last two and added them to the growing pile before taking out a box of matches and striking matches to throw at the newborns. He threw several before he deemed the fire big enough to leave.

"Let's go," he commanded as a wizard stepped into the broken doorway.


Bad Joke of The Day

Q: What does a vampire fear most?

A: Tooth decay

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


