53.22% The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World (Paused) / Chapter 33: The Forest of Death

章 33: The Forest of Death

As the candidates showcased their abilities, time steadily ticked away, each passing minute weighing heavily on their nerves.

With just 15 minutes remaining from the original hour, the once bustling classroom now bore the absence of several groups, their dreams shattered in an instant.

Ibiki's scarred face twisted into a sinister smile, sending shivers down the spines of the remaining candidates.


"That's right, you worthless lot! Put down your pens and get ready to face the real challenge," he barked, his voice laced with authority.

Observing the scene with a mixture of boredom and amusement, Hayashi awaited the examiner's tactics, knowing them all too well. He waited patiently for the charade to unfold.

Ibiki wasted no time in unveiling the dreaded tenth question.

"It's up to you whether you want to take this tenth question," his voice reverberated with chilling authority.


One candidate dared to ask, "What happens if we don't choose?"

Ibiki's gaze pierced through them like icy daggers.

"Your score will be zero, and you will fail. The same fate awaits the two others in your team."

A tense silence hung in the air before Ibiki resumed speaking.

"And should you accept the challenge and fail to provide a correct answer," he declared, "you will forfeit your opportunity to participate in the Chunin Exam forever!"

"You have been warned," his voice echoed with a finality that allowed for no further debate.


For those lacking in confidence or fortitude, it proved to be the ultimate test of resolve—the final trial that would mercilessly separate the weak from the strong.

With the weight of their Chunin aspirations pressing down on them like a heavy burden, some candidates found themselves wavering under the immense pressure.

Faced with the prospect of failure, they chose to withdraw rather than risk everything in the last trial ahead.


As each candidate made their choice, the classroom witnessed a sharp decline in numbers, signaling the harsh reality of the first Chunin Exam.

As more and more candidates withdrew, doubt began to cloud the minds of those who had once felt confident in their abilities. The idea of giving up gradually took root.

But just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a voice pierced through the suffocating silence.


"I won't give up, not now, not ever!" Naruto declared boldly, his voice resonating with unwavering determination.

"Believe it! Even if I remain a Genin forever, I will become Hokage!"

Naruto's unexpected proclamation ignited a spark within his fellow candidates. Suddenly, morale surged to new heights, bolstered by his infectious enthusiasm.

Inspired by his unyielding resolve, they united together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

For Naruto, the dream of becoming Hokage burned brighter than ever before, driving him forward with unshakable determination.


Witnessing this unexpected turn of events, Ibiki couldn't help but admire Naruto's ability to ignite hope in those around him. It showcased his indomitable spirit and leadership qualities, which undoubtedly played a crucial role in the Fourth Shinobi World War.

Even Hayashi, typically stoic and reserved, found himself taken aback by the resilience displayed by this blond ninja. It was a reminder of the formidable power wielded by emotional strength in the face of seemingly overwhelming challenges.


In the end, despite Ibiki's psychological pressure, no new candidates yielded after Naruto ignited their morale. Thus, he declared that all candidates remaining in the room had passed.

This unexpected outcome left many who had braced themselves for difficult questions in disbelief.


Among the crowd, Hinata couldn't help but feel amazed as her gaze settled on Naruto. Despite his struggles and challenges, he had managed to overcome the odds and pass the exam.

Hinata couldn't shake the thought that he might have known the answer to the tenth question all along. Her mind drifted back to when she saw his blank test paper, and she couldn't help but wonder if Naruto's confidence was more than just luck.


As the Genin began to file out of the room, the sudden sound of shattering glass pierced the air, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks.

Through the broken windows, a shadowy figure shrouded in darkness leapt into the room, landing with an eerie control among the startled examinees.

"Attention, everyone," she declared, her voice carrying with it an air of authority.

"I am Mitarashi Anko, your examiner for the next stage of the Chunin Exam."


Her dramatic entrance paused abruptly as she surveyed the gathered Genin, noting the abundance of candidates inside.

"Wait... did I arrive too early?" Anko mused, a sly grin playing on her lips.

"Ah, well, no matter! It's never too soon to get this show on the road!"

Turning her attention to the first stage's proctor, Ibiki, Anko's expression shifted from amusement to mock severity.


"Ibiki, Ibiki, Ibiki," she chided, wagging a finger in his direction.

"You let quite a lot of them through, didn't you?"

Ibiki nodded solemnly.

"All candidates inside the room passed," he confirmed.

Upon hearing his report, Anko's mock severity softened into a smirk.

"Let's hope they're ready for what's coming! Meet me outside tomorrow!" she remarked, with a wink and a chuckle, smoothly redirecting the focus and setting the stage for the intense trials ahead.


As they made their way back from the exam venue, Hinata shared her encounter with Naruto to her teammates.

Listening intently, Hayashi's lips curled into a faint smile while Shino offered his insights into the blond boy's mysterious background and the village's treatment of him.

"Uzumaki Naruto is indeed an enigma," Shino remarked, his tone reflective.

"Born as an orphan and shunned by the villagers, his story remains shrouded in mystery. I don't understand why the villagers harbor such disdain for him." he mused quietly, his thoughts lingering on the peculiar darkness he sensed within Naruto's chakra.


Hayashi nodded thoughtfully but remained silent, processing Shino's words.

After departing from the exam building, the trio headed to the familiar open space where they had conducted their survival exercise. All of them had received a summons from Kurenai.

Upon arrival, Kurenai inquired about their experiences during the exam before revealing the venue for the second round—the infamous Forest of Death, also known as the 44th training ground.

A circular expanse for wilderness survival training, the Forest of Death boasted 44 entrances, each securely locked. Within its depths lay a myriad of obstacles—rivers to ford, forests to navigate, and a central tower looming on the horizon, approximately 10 kilometers away from each entrance.

After receiving this crucial information, the team dispersed, each member contemplating the challenges that lay ahead.


As they walked the familiar streets on their way home, Shino took the opportunity to analyze the situation.

"Ten thousand meters may seem daunting, but for trained ninjas like us, obstacles like rivers and forests pose little challenge."

"The second exam is unlikely to be a simple race," remarked Shino, adjusting his sunglasses with a knowing look.

"If my hunch is correct," Shino continued, "we'll likely be tasked with escorting something or gathering specific items and delivering them to the central tower."

Hayashi glanced at Shino, impressed by his insight. He nodded in agreement.

"We'll find out soon enough."

With their discussion concluded, the trio parted ways on the bustling street. Despite the early hour, Hayashi and Hinata fell into their usual routine seamlessly.


In the warmth of his home, the kitchen hummed with activity as the two worked in tandem. With the sizzle of vegetables on the stove and the aroma of spices filling the air, they engaged in lively conversation.

"I can't believe some of those cheating candidates," Hinata remarked, her hands skillfully maneuvering the ingredients.

"It's like they didn't even try to hide it," Hayashi agreed, a playful grin lighting up his face as he flipped the vegetables in the pan.

Hinata leaned against the counter, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

"So, did you see the look on Shikamaru's face when he realized he forgot his pencil case?" Hayashi continued, his movements fluid and precise as he tended to the cooking.

Hinata nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"I thought he was going to faint right there in the exam hall. He's lucky he managed to borrow one in time," Hayashi remarked, his tone laced with amusement, earning a laugh from Hinata.


As they shared a laugh, Hinata reached for the salt.

"Can you pass me the salt?" she asked, her gaze lingering on Hayashi before she resumed her cooking.

"Sure thing," Hayashi replied, effortlessly handing her the salt shaker.


As they resumed their conversation, Hinata's tone turned more serious.

"But what about those who left early?" she asked, her brow furrowing slightly as she considered the implications.

Hayashi paused, his movements slowing as he pondered her question. With a thoughtful expression, he added a splash of soy sauce to the dish.

"It's hard to say. But imagine how they would feel if they found out," he replied, his voice carrying a note of empathy.

These moments, though routine, only served to deepen their bond, strengthening the pure and genuine connection between them with each passing day.

Malphegor Malphegor

As I mentioned in the description, I won't upload on Saturday and Sunday, but you guys gave this novel more than 100 power stones. Shouldn't you get at least a bonus chapter? I took the time to write this chapter. In the beginning, it was easier to write chapters, but now, with adding a bit more life to this novel, I've realized that it takes quite a lot of time. It takes me 2 hours for one chapter because I write 4+ versions. Even days after uploading the chapter for you all, I still find errors. Perhaps I should trim down and settle for the first draft because nothing can be perfect.

For translators or novel writers reading this, do you guys have tips for me? Should I lower the quality to have more time for more chapters? I am quite inexperienced; any helpful tips are welcome.

I don't even know if receiving those stones will change the visibility of this novel. I can't even find this novel without typing the name. How did you guys find this novel in the first place? Have a nice weekend and see you next time. Please don't give me more power stones for this weekend. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and write a bonus chapter again...

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


