27.77% Marvel: I've got the Omnitrix / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Heatblast

章 5: Chapter 5: Heatblast

I want to thank Axel Gerard for the first subscription on Patreon! Thank you 😁.

I'm here again! I will let yall know that the updates from now on will be irregular since less than two months of school remain and i need to study.


Come to my Patreon for advanced chapters.

You can search: Kqro's works


Momo nodded: "i understand, i will keep that in mind. What about the time limit." Grey 1 explained: "we took care of that, now you will be able to transform for longer period of time but it varies depending from the synchronization."

"Synchronization?" Momo asked interested.

"Yes that, if you are transformed into an alien that is compatible with you, you will be able to stay in that form longer, like if the alien is humanoid, or has a similar build to yours." Grey 1 continued.

"For example your high human transformation, since it will be identical to you, you will be able to stay in that transformation for a long period of time. For how much your genetic structure will be able to hold without changing permanentely" Grey 2 explained.

"So if i'm stronger i will be able last longer while transformed." Momo concluded, this was pretty reasonable because this wasn't a fanfiction but a real world so he couldn't stay transformed indefinitely.

Grey 2 added advising: "True, and if you use the same transformation too much the duration will shorten, so it's better to vary." Momo nodded.

"Okay so what are you two working on right now?" He asked seeing that the two geniuses were focused on the watch.

"We are learning how the watch is able to alter your Dna without damaging it permanently." Grey 1 responded.

"I understand, how much will it take?" He needed to go to the city and purchase the necessary materials.

"A lil bit but we can continue later if you're in a hurry." Grey 2 said.

"Good so let's continue another time." He said and the two aliens stopped and closed everything making the watch turn back to normal. They all transformed into Ditto and became one. They did this to update the clones watches.

After becoming human again and retransforming into Ditto and duplicating, the original said to the clone: "Perfect, you stay here and work on a program for making games, a game engine." The human needed money so he decided to let a clone work on it.

"Okay." The alien directed himself on the computer and transformed into Grey Matter and begun working. While Ditto walked towards the garage, not before becoming human again.

He took a gun and looked at it: 'Hmm.. since i'm already here i might upgrade it, who knows what i might encounter.' with the decision made he transformed into Upgrade.


Upgrade is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Galvanic Mechamorph from Galvan Prime's moon Galvan B.

Height - 6 Ft 5 In Body - Ammorphis Humanoid

Powers & Abilities:

Technology Possession - Upgrade can use his nanotechnology to merge with and possess any technology and machinery no matter how big or small.

Technology Enhancement - Whilst he merges, he upgrades the technology to be far more advanced and futuristic, causing new features to form such as weapons and unique functions.

Shapeshifting - His liquid-solid body allows him to deform his body like goo. He can use this to shift his limbs into weapons he has upgraded before.

Laser Projection - He can also shoot laser beams from those very weapons, including launching a powerful one from his eye.

Space Survivability - Since he doesn't need to breathe, he can survive in the vacuum of space and underwater.


Electrical Attacks - Upgrade is weak against electricity and electromagnetic fields as they can cause him great pain.

Stretching Limits - Whilst he can stretch very far, he feels pain if he's forcibly pulled and stretched.

Hacking - He is susceptible to being hacked and controlled in a computerised form, but he is capable of fighting it.]

The now Galvanic Mechamorph merged the weapon into himself and a new gun was espelled from his body, the exterior design simple but the interior workings were another story. After turning back to a human Momo got into the car and departed.


(New York shopping center)

We can see a young black man walking into the shopping center and taking the moving stairs, his face relaxed and at peace while sipping a fruit juice: "Hahh, i needed that." he said with satisfaction after eating at a food stall and taking a juice too, he didn't eat nothing since he came in this world so having something on the stomach was really relieving.

Looking around and entering the shops while purchasing the necessary he saw a suspicius man that screamed 'I AM TROUBLE!' So what did he do? he turned around and headed the opposite way. 'Fuck that, i'm not doing allat.' he refused to deal with anything that might slow down his plans.


But the author had other plans, the previous man took of his coat revealing the explosives attacked on his body and with a look of resignation he pressed the hidden button, causing the explosives to detonate, taking with himself nearly half of the floor.

Momo turned back in time to see the after effects of the explosion, burned bodies, destroyed things and complete caos.



Screams and wails where everywere with people mourning the lost ones and others trying to escape the flames. Momo looked at everything and signed, activating the Omnitrix and transforming in a hidden place.

"HEELLLP MOOM!! IT'S TOO HOT!" a crying child called desperately for her mother while a debris was falling towards her, but before she coud be crushed a ball of fire melted the dangerous debris, the little girl looked up and saw a humanoid being covered in flames that was absorbing the nearby fire.


Heatblast is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Pyronite from the Planet Pyros.

Height - 6 Ft Body - Humanoid

Powers & Abilities:

Pyrokinesis - Heatblast has the ability to generate and manipulate intense amounts heat and fire from any point of his body. He can form fire into any shape that he chooses for effective attacks (blades, balls, bombs) and even breathe fire like a dragon. His fire can be hot enough to melt metal in seconds.

Fire Immunity - Being made of fire and hot rocks, Heatblast is immune to flames, magma, and other forms of heat.

Heat Absorption- Heatblast can absorb fire or heat that comes in contact with him, building up his own power whilst minimising the surrounding fire as well.

Flight - Through jet-propulsion, he can fly by shooting powerful streams of fire below him and fly like a rocket. As well as ride on a firey comet.


Fire Extinguishment - As he is a being made of fire, any extinguishable material (such as loads of water, fire extinguishers and strong winds) will put out his fire for a short amount of time.

Durability Limit - Despite having rock-like armour plating, he does have limits and can be hurt with enough physical force.

Enemy with Fire Immunity - Opponents or objects that are fire proof can be difficult for Heatblast to burn.]

Heatblast while absorbing all the flames nearby to him looked at the child, "Don't worry child Heatblast is here!" he tried to cheer up the kid but she bursted into tears: "Waaaahh don't eat mee!" The fire alien shook his head and decided to not waste time, so he took of flying ad absorbing all the flames caused by the explosion.

He helped some wounded too cause this incident is partly his fault, if he did stop that guy all of this would not have happend.

After minutes of absorbing here an there the floor wasn't on fire anymore, some survivors that weren't that wounded already noticed the alien and took photos and videos, filming everything.

Heatblast stopped and lifted some big bouders to rescue some civilians that were trapped while cauterizing the wounds caused by debris. The civilians looked at him with caution and vigilance but seying that he was helping they begun to come closer. 

"W-who are you?" a middle aged man asked while coming closer, Heatblast looked at him and thought about a good response because the news about all of this will travel fast, so he needed to give a good immage. "I am a Pyronite. but you can call me Heatblast." he said with a calm voice.

"Are you an alien?" a woman asked making the fire being turn towards her while he was thinking about revealing that he is human but transformed or make a facade but he didn't respond, he turned and walked away, he didn't want to be like some dumb protagonists that revealed information just because someone asked.

'I will let them make their own assumption. The less they know the better it is.' With his decision made he took off and disappeared by turning into smoke. To reappear where there were no eyes and turned back to a human and took the things he bought.


Leave some comments even if they aren't serious, i like to read them!

End of the Chapter.

Let me know in the comments if you like this novel.

Authorrrr Out!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


