50.78% Douluo: Unbeatable from Capturing a Goddess / Chapter 226: Chapter 222: Two Women Clash, Shura Field! The Whole Audience is Grateful!!_1

章 226: Chapter 222: Two Women Clash, Shura Field! The Whole Audience is Grateful!!_1

翻訳者: 549690339

The atmosphere in the arena was eerily strange.

Enshrouded in a black leather jacket and exuding a mature charm stood Liu Erlong, unmoving.

Clad in a tight red dress and high heels, and radiating the aura of an Empress, Bi Bidong walked over slowly.

The sound of high heels tapping on the floor echoed with a tap-tap rhythm.

The two women locked eyes, as if sparks were flying between them, and the air seemed to thicken.

The students from Blue Tyrant Academy held their breaths, clueless about what was happening.


It felt exhilarating.

Huang Yuan's mouth hung open. Could this be the legendary Shura Field?

Luo Yu's face appeared calm as an old dog on the surface, but inside, he was panicking, his back already drenched with cold sweat.

His mind was racing for a solution, but he couldn't come up with any good ideas at the moment.

He had the feeling he was about to screw up. Without even thinking about it, he knew Dong'er was jealous.

"Brother Yu, who is this woman?" Liu Erlong asked in a deep voice.


Luo Yu was frozen, truly at a loss for what to say.

What could he say? That this was his main wife, and actually, you're the mistress I've just found?

Wouldn't saying that be like waiting for a woman to explode and kill him on the spot?

By now, Bi Bidong had approached, smiling as she looked at Liu Erlong.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Luo Yu's maidservant."

"Ah ha? Maidservant???"

Luo Yu was stunned.

What act was Bi Bidong playing at?

The tension in Liu Erlong's beautiful face eased, and she smiled at Luo Yu: "Oh, so she is your maidservant."

"I thought she was your sister or something. You really scared me."

Luo Yu forced a smile, thinking to himself that Erlong's guess was quite accurate.

All he wanted now was to brush this off quickly and separate the two women.

Otherwise, if things kept going this way, trouble would ensue.

Liu Erlong clutched Luo Yu's arm, even intentionally rubbing her soft chest against him, and said affectionately:

"Brother Yu, with Erlong to serve you, you shouldn't need this little sister to toil as a maidservant any longer, right?"

Bi Bidong's slender phoenix eyes suddenly widened with anger due to Liu Erlong's action.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood.

"That won't do. Master Luo Yu has gotten used to my services, and he might not be able to do without me for a while."

Bi Bidong's gaze turned to Luo Yu.

"Master Luo Yu~ Say something."

The woman's voice was gentle and soft, yet Luo Yu felt a strong murderous intent emanating from her.

"Cough cough."

He turned to Liu Erlong.

"Erlong, Dong'er's services are pretty good, and since her family is poor, serving as my maidservant allows her to earn some money to help support her family."

"Oh, is that so"

Liu Erlong nodded, scanning Bi Bidong without detecting any soul power fluctuations.

"It seems the little sister has a hard life; she can continue to follow Brother Yu then."

Bi Bidong smiled: "Thank you, main wife."

This designation 'main wife' delighted Liu Erlong but made Luo Yu's heart quiver and his mouth bitter.

This was definitely a sign of a reckoning come autumn.

At this point, besides Luo Yu's unease,

The two young gatekeepers standing to the side were also sweating profusely.

Others might not know, but they had seen with their own eyes this woman, who claimed to be a maidservant, releasing Nine Soul Rings.

Could such a person really be a maidservant?

What a joke, they wouldn't believe it even if it killed them; it was clearly nonsense to fool their dean!

They tightly clamped their mouths shut, not daring to make a sound.

If they publicly exposed this Titled Douluo-level master while their dean was only at the Soul Sage cultivation level,

Wouldn't that be courting death? No one would be able to protect them.

At that moment, they saw Liu Erlong take out a purse and, with a rewarding gesture, hand it to Bi Bidong.

Fear gripped their hearts even more.

Luo Yu's mouth twitched in response; Liu Erlong actually treated Bi Bidong as a maidservant.

"Little sister, take this money. You call me 'main wife,' so I can't let you do it for nothing."

Bi Bidong looked at the purse in her hand, her temple veins throbbing, almost ready to jump up and hit someone.

She felt extremely aggrieved. After all, she was an Empress. When had she ever suffered such indignity?

She secretly glared at Luo Yu, as if to say,

It's all your fault. You just wait!

Liu Erlong kindly said, "Little sister, take it, this is your sister's gesture of goodwill."

Bi Bidong repeatedly waved her hands, pushing it back.

"No need, no need, Master Luo Yu has already given me enough."

Bi Bidong felt she couldn't stay any longer, a surge of anger within her threatening to explode if not vented soon.

"Master Luo Yu, Dong'er will step out for a bit."

"Go... go ahead." Luo Yu said faintly.

"Thank you, Master Luo Yu!"

The last two words Bi Bidong bit out particularly hard, and upon saying them, she hastily departed.

Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes glittered, and a meaningful smile appeared on her lips.

"Brother Yu, your maidservant is really something, refusing to take money."

"Indeed, she's something else."

Luo Yu feigned composure.

He was curious about where Bi Bidong had gone, but right now, there was no way to follow her.

He changed the subject: "Erlong, gather all the students."

Liu Erlong asked, puzzled, "Gather them for what?"

Luo Yu looked around and commented, "This batch of students might be lacking in talent, but their character is good, and they respect me, which I find pleasing."

"You're my woman, so naturally, your students are also related to me. Today, I might as well offer them an opportunity."

Liu Erlong shook her head, "Brother Yu, keep whatever treasures you have for yourself. With so many students, it'll cost you a lot of resources."

"No problem."

Soon, Liu Erlong had all the students lined up in formation, standing in front of Luo Yu, ready for his inspection.

Luo Yu scanned the young faces before him and said aloud, "Do you know who I am?"

"Respected Teacher!" "Respected Teacher!!"

"Respected Teacher!!!" × 254

Everyone answered in unison, their voices powerful and resounding like a roaring river.

Since he was the man chosen by the dean, they naturally held him in the highest respect.

Liu Erlong blushed.

Luo Yu rolled his eyes, "Respected Teacher sounds too awkward, just call me Brother from now on."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Luo Yu nodded in acknowledgment.


He took out a jade vat from his storage space and dropped it onto the ground.

The vat was filled with a milky liquid.

Instantly, the entire field was suffused with an invigorating fragrance that refreshed the mind and spirit.

Seeing the look of bewilderment on everyone's faces, Luo Yu said, "Come here, each person take a sip."


The students eyed the vat hungrily; without Luo Yu having to say anything, they knew it was the rare Spiritual Liquid.

They had only ever heard of it, never tasted it themselves.

Luo Yu had thought they would all rush forward.

But to his surprise, although they were all visibly eager, no one moved.

"Come on, what are you all thinking about?"

Huang Yuan stepped forward with a wry smile and said, "Luo Yu, kind sir, this treasure seems too precious just by looking at it, and it's wasteful for us commoners to use."

"Moreover, we can't justify accepting such a reward without having done anything to earn it. We don't have such thick skin."

The voices of the students followed suit.

"Brother Luo Yu, we deeply appreciate your kindness, but please take back this treasure."

Luo Yu looked at the group in surprise.

Every single one of them drooled with yearning, yet they still restrained their desires.

Liu Erlong approached him with a look of pride on her face.

"Isn't it surprising? My students may not have the best talents, but their character is impeccable—not the same breed as those noble students from the other elite academies."

Luo Yu waved his hand at the students.

"Stop dawdling, just take it. Honestly, this stuff is my bathwater."

"If you don't mind, then it's all good."

The students didn't believe him at all.

Joking aside, who would use such a treasure as bathwater?

That would be the height of extravagance.

One after another, they looked at Luo Yu with even more gratitude, truly feeling he was extraordinary.

To willingly give them such a treasure... what a generous spirit.

Luo Yu shook his head, "If no one drinks, I'll pour it away. Honestly, this really is my bathwater."

Still, no one believed.

Luo Yu tilted the vat, and the milky liquid threatened to spill onto the ground.

"Don't pour it out."

"I'll drink it, we'll drink it!"

Huang Yuan's breathing grew intense; even the thought of a single drop hitting the ground was enough to make his heart ache.

Quickly, each student took a sip, dividing the vat of Spiritual Liquid amongst themselves.

Feeling the Spiritual Liquid entering their bodies and cleansing them, it seemed as though their talents had been enhanced.

Exclamations of wonder continuously erupted from the group.

The light of surprise burst forth in every pair of eyes, as they felt the tangible benefits it brought.

It was hard to imagine Luo Yu would be willing to share such a treasure with them.

What a vast and selfless heart he must have.

One by one, they looked at Luo Yu with profound gratitude, their eyes filled with indescribable reverence.

Under Huang Yuan's lead, they bowed deeply to express their thanks.

At the same time, they swore in their hearts to repay Luo Yu's kindness one day.

Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes sparkled with admiration. Already harboring affection for Luo Yu, her feelings for him now penetrated deep into her bones.

She understood that it must have been for her sake that the man had sacrificed so much.

Where else could one find a man so grand and selfless?

At that moment, she felt she could give everything for this man.

No matter the sacrifice, she was willing.

Recalling the whispers she had shared with Luo Yu before, her cheeks flushed with color.

Luo Yu watched the excited pairs of eyes around him, as well as Liu Erlong's adoring gaze.

He touched his nose, his expression a bit weird.

He really wanted to say, I'm not lying to you, that vat really did contain my bathwater.

All that was water from the Lake of Life in the Aquipeia Forest.

While invaluable to others, it was as plentiful as he wished for him.

For years, he would bathe in this water whenever he pleased.

No other reason but comfort.

Looking at everyone excitedly howling, Luo Yu wanted to explain.

But he guessed that even if he did, no one would believe him.

Seeing Liu Erlong's passionate and infatuated gaze, Luo Yu suddenly felt the night ahead held promise.

Meanwhile, he couldn't help but worry about where Bi Bidong had gone.


In a narrow alley within Tiandou City,

Yu Xiaogang looked at the woman in the red dress with fear.

"Who are you, and why are you blocking my way!"

"Do you know who my father is?"

"Touch me, and my disciple won't let you off the hook."

The woman in the red dress raised her phoenix eyes, her voice icy cold.

"Come on, let's play a game. Guess who I am?"

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C226
    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


