
When Someone Is About To Die, They Reveal Their True Colors (IV)

"H-help!!! Someone, please help meee!!!" My scream pierced the air.

Thanks to that kind stranger, I had managed to buy some time to escape, but now I found myself facing even more monsters than before...

I-I... I don't want to die...

Sniff... sniff...

Why did this have to happen? It was supposed to be the best day ever... and then, out of nowhere, a strange panel appeared before us...

B-before my parents and I could even react, a horde of monsters descended upon us...

T-they... t-those monsters...! They... they killed my parents... hic..!


"N-no... t-they're getting closer...."

Behind me, there were three giant rat-like creatures following me, and our distance was gradually decreasing.

W-what should I do?

I-I already used my unique skill... and there's still over an hour for the cooldown to end...

I... I cannot kill them... only by using that skill...


Tears started forming in my eyes as I reached a dead end... It was just a big wall with nothing for me to be able to escape.

"N-no...no... N-NO! I-I D-DONT WANNA D-D-DIE!!!"


I screamed loudly, hoping that someone would be able to hear me.

However, only silence remained along with the steps of the giant rats that had been following me...


T-they f-finally reached me...


One of them immediately jumped towards me...

"F-father... m-mother, I-I'm coming to join you... I-I... sniff... sniff, I'm sorry for not being able to keep our promise..." I squeezed my eyes shut.


However, strangely, nothing happened...



"Ah...? So it was you screaming for help? I'm here, little lady." A deep yet oddly comforting voice reached my ears.

That voice... made me open my eyes...

And before me stood the most handsome man I had ever seen, with black hair and deep black eyes, extending his hand toward me.

On the ground lay countless frozen pieces of the monsters, while the man smiled, holding a frozen scythe in his other hand.

"...Hey? Don't worry, little lady, I'll protect you... you kind of remind me of my little sister." He smiled towards me.

Hearing his words, I hesitantly took his hand, and as I did, his smile seemed to grow wider as he pulled me into his embrace.

"A-ah...!" I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes.

"Don't worry, little lady. You can open your eyes; I'm just carrying you." His voice was soothing against my skin.

Tingly... but comforting...

As I opened my eyes, I saw his face, his smile still present as he gazed ahead...

Feeling his gentle embrace, all the exhaustion from running seemed to melt away, and then I heard him say...

"Little lady, sleep... I'll protect you, just like I promised." His hand gently patted my head.

Feeling him gently patting my head, I slowly closed my eyes... and it didn't take long until I was asleep...

Unknowingly, a smile graced my lips as I felt his gentle arms wrapped around me as if I were the most important thing in the world...





As I saw Bianca sleeping in my arms, my smile only seemed to grow wider.


[You have killed a Giant Rat!]

[You have killed a Giant Rat!]

[You have killed...]

Anyway, that guy that I killed before had ruined my plans, but I still had another idea.

I simply gathered more monsters and forced them to follow Bianca, so I could have another opportunity.

And it worked flawlessly...

It's a pity that I cannot see her favorability, just like in the games that Daniel played.

Either way, I'm already very satisfied with the result.

From her clothes, it seems that she belongs to the red house, which is the last flag that I need to take.

Maybe I should speed things up a bit and directly get the red flag; the only problem is that... I now have this little lady on my arms.

She won't be able to handle the cold...

"However... there's something very strange about her... She doesn't have an 'Authority'... it was as if... she only existed since the 2nd round."

"Another thing... she's absolutely clueless about her strength. She can easily punch these rats to hell."

"Anyways. I should make her a bit dependent on me... She's going to be a very valuable asset."

Well, now that I'm here... I should take a quick nap.

[The constellation "Frost Queen" finds your actions quite interesting.]


Oh, right.

I almost forgot that the "Frost Queen" should be an evil constellation.

Did she scare the "Demon Queen" away?

Well, not like I give a fuck.


Immediately, I waved my hand and created a bunch of thick ice walls to protect both me and the little lady...

Then, I brought out some sheets from my inventory and made a small spot so I could sleep...

It was nothing much, but I couldn't let the little lady get cold, could I?

I wrapped my arms around her thin body, bringing her close to my chest where she could feel my body warmth, and closed my eyes.

This position was quite comfortable, to be honest...

Her skin is so smooth...

Wait... What's this wrapping around my waist?




Was that a moan? And this feeling.... Is this her tail!?


I should stop playing with her tail...

Either way, I'll try to sleep now...






What is this?

Is someone touching my cheek...?



"Seriously? I'm not that scary, y'know?" I sighed as I lifted my upper body, while looking at Bianca, who was curiously touching my cheek.

Despite me saving her, her eyes were still very wary of me.

"Little lady?" I tapped her little head with a faint smile.

She was about to retract her head as I moved my hand, but when I touched her head, she simply stood still.

"What's your name?"

Upon hearing my words, she lifted her head to meet my eyes, but quickly averted her gaze, looking to the ground.


I kneeled in front of her and asked with a softer smile.

"If you don't tell me your name, I'll continue to call you Little Lady. Are you okay with that?"


Surprisingly, she simply nodded at my words, which made me sigh heavily. I was never good with children... What have I gotten myself into?

Well... she's an unseen case, and I'll need to keep her close to me because she will indeed get very strong easily.

Particularly that broken skill of hers that gives her mana every single fifteen minutes... but I suppose she needs to meditate or something to activate it.

"From your shirt, I can see that you're from the red house... so, we'll go there right now. I'll show you..."

"Some fireworks."

"F-fireworks...?" She tilted her head cutely.

"Yes... fireworks... Beautiful blue fireworks." I smiled as I patted her small head once again.

It's quite addicting, to be honest... ahem.

I picked her up once again, and this time she wasn't as scared as before. If anything, she seemed more comfortable than ever.

"Here we go..." I gathered mana around my foot and jumped towards the sky in a rapid motion.

That single jump was more than enough to put me exactly a few meters from the red house.

"W-woah... t-this... is beautiful." I suddenly heard Bianca mumble something in awe.

I took a look around and couldn't help but smile. We were a few hundreds of meters above the ground, and she could see anything...

However... what exactly is beautiful?

The buildings were completely ruined, with blood splattered all around, while monsters roamed around.

But as I looked in the direction she was looking, I finally noticed what was beautiful.

My giant ice spear had pierced the yellow house before, and I left it stuck there, after all, I wouldn't spend more mana to disperse it.

Anyway, I need to quickly end this game...

"Little lady, could you close your eyes?" I turned to her.

She tilted her head at my words, but as if she remembered something, she nodded her head and clung to my neck with her eyes closed.

With that... I could finally act.

Like I said before, I'd need to be careful because my attack could potentially freeze this little lady to a statue...

But I almost forgot that I could manipulate the ice magic particles, which meant that I could control them to not affect Bianca.


I let out a cold breath as I felt the magic spreading through my meridians and veins, causing my body's temperature to drop.

I raised my hand, and quickly, faint blue particles came out of them and immediately gathered in front of me.

Then I put them exactly on top of the red house, and with that, I increased their density.

And slowly, the particles started forming an ice spear that was gradually growing as I increased the density of the magic on them.


Immediately, I sprung almost all of the magic remaining on my body, and the ice spear quickly increased in size.



A huge noise exploded as a giant chill spread through the whole area, causing more buildings to turn into frozen statues.

However, this time I had a plan; after all, I needed to make some fireworks...

"Little lady, you can now open your eyes..." I smiled faintly.

And just as she stopped clinging to my neck and looked in the direction I was facing...


I snapped my fingers...




The buildings that had been frozen transformed into stunning ice fragments that resembled fireworks.

"A-ah... woahh... t-they're so pretty!" She finally smiled with excitement as she moved in my arms while looking at the fireworks.



And with that, as I heard her giggles, I continued making beautiful fireworks for her to enjoy.

I left her there, quickly grabbed the red flag, and came back, only to see a big smile on her face as she watched the fireworks.

[Congratulations, The Earth's second scenario has finally ended!]

[Calculating the overall situation...]

[The black house is the winner!]

[The player "Lucius Sirius" has been granted platinum-level rewards, while the other players have received iron-level rewards along with the penalty.]

[And because the player "Lucius Sirius" is the only person in the black house, his rewards will be tripled!]

[The third scenario is going to start in eight hours.]

Ahh... Just perfect.

[Calculating the rewards...]

I've benefited a lot from this scenario alone, not to mention... that my title still works with getting the player's coins.

Although its ability to get one tenth of the attributes is in cooldown until I get to level 25...

The ability to get the coins wasn't deactivated.

[Title—"Demon In Human Form" has been activated...]

[You have killed 255 players...]

[You've been granted... 195.490 Coins!]

And next is the batch of rewards... I'll probably get even more coins, and... what more?

I'm quite curious.


[Your clearance grade is... Platinum!]

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


