Two different sounds continued to repeat in the area filled with Ironwood Treants and regular trees.
Zhao Kai was completely immersed in his training exercise— to the point that he had forgotten about his entire surroundings except for his target.
On the Ironwood Treant, there were already numerous markings on its bark labeled with an X sign, an indication that he had shot that place. Every time he made a shot, he would start to mark it if he didn't notice any damage multiplier.
Additionally, to prevent any mistakes, Zhao Kai would purposely let the Ironwood Treant recover completely, without any scratch on its bark before shooting.
It was time-consuming, but this method guaranteed that sooner or later, he would locate the critical flesh points without fail.
And seeing his dedication and concentration in the training exercise, Xu Feng realized he had underestimated Zhao Kai's determination.