8.57% Passive Collector / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Awakening(3)

章 3: Chapter 3 - Awakening(3)

It is currently 1 am. I'm going to leave school for a month or so. I already paid the nurse a visit for my hand. She healed my hands, gave me a lesser stamina pill, and sent me on my way. She probably thought I was over-masturbating or something.

The night nurse is not as well known as the one who treats the students during the day. I'm sure it's because of the time, but it could also be because she hates the hours and the patients. I would have everyone if I had to stay awake these odd hours to take care of entitled jackass students.

After being healed by the nurse and revelling in her hatred, I go to my room and apply for leave from the academy. While I can just leave without informing the teachers, I'd rather not since it affects my grades. If I inform them before I leave, they'll be able to send me the work. It's convenient and unlike most people, I don't think everyone is against me or trying to bring me down... I'm not important enough for a second thought.

It takes around two hours to get approved and along with an approval email I have all the information they will be teaching for the next month. The only problem with this is there won't be any teachers to explain the information and give me pointers, so the same thing apart from like 3 classes.

I order a taxi and tell them to take me to a motel. It will take a few days to reach my hometown, around three days, to be close to exact. We are currently in 'The Floating City Of Sirestir' and my home is in 'Ciethy'. It will take a day if I'm going by ship but I need time to think about what happened in the last day and what I need to do so I'm going to take the longer way. I already messaged my parents to tell them I'm going to be coming over for a few weeks. 

To get to Ciethy we have to go through Greywood Forest. There are monsters there so the trip will be more expensive. Luckily I'm already an adventurer. It's not too impressive, I'm an F-rank adventurer. There have been chances to raise my rank though I never saw the need to do so while in school. It was simply for a few extra credits to make my life easier and make Ka...


I applied for a quest! It involves protecting a merchant travelling to Igylex Tower. While it's not my hometown, it's pretty damn close so I'll just jump off there. This will be my first mission above E-rank. I usually take quests for collecting plants, providing information, and those sorts of quests. They are low-levelled and repeatable. 

I rent a room for a night and go to the meeting place before showering. I don't need to since I only slept for 3 hours. Yeah, those 3 am thoughts be hitting different for some reason. The Merchant is, surprisingly, not an overweight man covered in gold with an ugly face. It's a woman, she's wearing loose black slacks and a white shirt. Nothing too fancy, nothing too casual. 

She has the option to use a plane or truck to deliver her goods. She isn't doing that because she doesn't want to pay the tax or the goods she has in there are illegal. I don't know which it is and I'm not worried enough to find out. That's above my pay grade. As long as I get as close to my city as possible, then I'm good. 

"Alright. Everyone's here!" The woman speaks up and draws our attention. Apart from myself, there are three men and two women. All of them look rugged and have at least six scars. I'm the only inexperienced one here. "We're gonna be travelling for two days and will make four stops in the forest. While this is mostly for delivering my goods, I also want everyone here to hunt some monsters. Those who bring me usable corpses will have an extra 10 credits added to their pay." 

The credits can be stored in our Guild cards. It proves our identity as an Adventurer as well as acting as an untraceable bank account. However, it can only store the credits, you can't use them unless you transfer them to another account or physically remove them. Ten credits for a monster corpse is a bit below the normal pay rate but it's easier since we're already doing a quest. I don't plan on going after the money though. I'm positive I will die in my first encounter with a monster. I've never seen a monster apart from movies and figurines. I doubt I'm strong enough without awakening, I have been training for a while though so maybe just the weakest monsters??

After introducing ourselves we get on the carriage and start travelling. The carriage is metallic and shaped like a box with seats. There is one in the front for steering, and the rest are for passengers. There are also two seats above the carriage for lookouts. There are no wheels, the carriage connects to the magnetic field and produces the opposite effect allowing it to hover a few inches above the ground. 

The three men are Kaelen, Rodrick and Thorne. They are all D-rank adventurers. Kaelen specialises in ranged weapons so he's a ranger or mage. It depends on whether he uses normal weapons or throws magic. I haven't seen him fight yet so I'm unsure which class he is in.

Rodrick with his sword. I can see it in his scabbard. He is most likely a swordsman or warrior. A person can be more than a single class. They have their main class and secondary class. 

Thorne is a close combat fighter, so either a warrior or a berserker. I don't see any weapons on him apart from Gauntlets so he's most likely a beserker. 

The two women are Elara and Lydia. Elara is a mage or rogue while Lydia is a beserker or warrior. Elara has a grey robe that covers her figure. I don't know what she's wearing under so I'm unsure if her weapon is daggers or a staff. Rogues normally use daggers while mages use staffs. She did not show us any weapons so I have no idea which classes she specialises in. 

Lydia is more obvious about her class. Her muscles, athletic figure and sleeveless shirt tell me all I need to know. She is wearing knuckle dusters but there is also a shortsword on her waist. She is a warrior and beserker. I'm not sure which is secondary and which is her main class. 

And last but not least we have the merchant. Her name is Isadora. Her name is exotic, she isn't from these parts of the continent. Apart from the merchant class, I don't know. She simply throws her credits around and she hasn't shown us her skills. 

Classes are a bit weird. They won't officially show up on your status when you become awakened but you have a feeling for it. Once again, it depends on your specialisation, no one knows if these classes do anything but we have classes to distinguish members of a party and create groups that will put up a fight against monsters before being killed.


I'll add a map of this world in a few more chapters. Do y'all want it as a separate Aux chapter or just add it in the comments. I started my YT channel, I'll just add a few more videos there before sending the link everywhere I know. Still in the process of creating a Kofi and Buy me a coffee. I'll add my Paypal somewhere here too with the others.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


