2.85% Passive Collector / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Awakening(1)
Passive Collector Passive Collector original

Passive Collector

作者: Mobsjourney

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 - Awakening(1)

"You ever wonder if those novels with the power system scaling is real?" 


"Like, can you imagine having a system that allows you to just do whatever whenever without working as much as a regular person?" 

"Are you talking to me?" He looks around to make sure I'm talking to him, there's no one else on this table.

"And what kind of system would even work in the type of world we live in?" 

"Dude. I was trying to eat my lunch peacefully. I don't need your bullshit." 

"Think about it Ray!" 

"Fuck off Seth. You know those novels are just past fiction. None of them are logical or even make sense." 

"Woooowwwwww! Who would have thought fictional stories weren't real." 

"Why are we friends?" 

"We're both loners, but I'm the social loner."

"... That checks out. I think Kate's calling you." I look at where Ray is pointing and find my one-in-a-million, genius, beautiful, and sexy girlfriend, Kate. We've known each other since the first grade and have been together for four years! Can you believe it?! What did I do to deserve her?

I wave to her and she calls me over. She snarls at Ray before walking over to us, I don't know why these two have bad blood. Before she reaches I hear Ray mutter something under his breath. "She's gonna leave you heartbroken Seth. She's a whore"

"Hmm? You said something?" 

"Nothing. Nothing." He says before gobbling the last of his lunch. I don't know why but it feels like he's avoiding me a lot more than usual these days. He looks like he killed someone every time he looks at me. I wonder what that's about?

"Hey Hon. How was your day?" 

"Ugh, don't start. Mr Johnson gave us another three-page essay due tomorrow, he doesn't even care about the Practical classes we have after his. Can you believe the bastard? I think he gets off from seeing us suffer. Speaking of seeing me suffer, I can see something right here that enjoys my suffering." 

"Ooh," You can guess what she grabbed under the table by the noise I made. "Kate" My voice is calm, a tone too common for her. "I told you no. Not unt-" 

"Yeah, yeah, not until graduation or marriage. Such a prude." I can hear the playfulness in her voice but there's something else there, disappointment maybe? I'm not entirely sure. Am I a prude? Am I holding her back fr- No, don't think about it like that. Just calm down. "Why don't you propose already?" 

"Cause we're students?" 

"Is that really the only thing holding you back? I can drop out right now?" We both chuckle at her joke, I know she isn't being serious. She's work her ass off to get here. 

"Let's not focus on that. What's your potential?" 

"It's moved up to 74."

"That's close to five points! Congrats." 

"What about yours?" 

"Eh, you know me, it hasn't increased from 50 since we first tested." 

"You started with a higher potential than all of us but you still need to find a way to increase it. You won't develop a power if your potential is below 80 and you have the lowest potential." 

"We have two more years. I'm sure something will happen to increase my score." I don't say this without proof. I'm lucky, more lucky than should be possible for someone with a potential below 80. It started four years ago when I first tested. 

There are twelve grades of schooling. Grade 1 to 6 teaches you everything you need to know about the world. Common sense, general knowledge, etc. In Grade 7 onward you get tested for something called potential. 

There are various ways to test potential and no single method will be accurate. Potential indicates your chance of awakening an ability and becoming an Awakener. Once your potential reaches 80, there's no doubt you'll awaken. At that point, it's just a matter of your Ability manifesting. How powerful the ability depends entirely on luck. 

From the 7th to 12th grade you learn more complicated concepts and information such as mana, spells, support, history, wars, etc. This is information everyone will need to know in order to survive. Not everyone thinks it's important so they don't care about it and for others, this is their bread and butter, it is what they live by and the only thing that allows them to survive. 

Kate and I got together at the beginning of the 7th year and have been going strong since then. Sure we have arguments here and there, mostly because of my abstinence from intimate activities, mainly sex. We still kiss and I will even eat her out sometimes but I don't want to lose my virginity until I'm sure I can protect and provide for her. I know my thinking is backwards since men and women are now equally worthless until they awaken. The reason my thinking is different compared to others is because of the videos I watch. 

While most people are trying to get a hold of their powers or learn more about their origins and all that, I'm more focused on the old world. My great, great, grandmother left me an old sort of recording device. It was around 10 inches, touchscreen, plus a few other features. The battery is outdated and only lasts a day before dying. The quality is terrible and the only good thing about it is the videos stored on it. It was mostly motivational videos that helped me become who I am today. Helping others, pushing yourself to the peak, etc. There were a few figures such as the Hate Brothers, JB Hecterson and a few others. All of them are dead now. The arrival of Monsters made sure of that.

It is also one of the reason my potential hasn't increased. Potential is your specialization, I assume, I'm not 100% sure. I'm not specialized, I don't know everything but I know much more than the students in my school. They are mostly focused on combat while I'm trying to learn every skill I can to have a better chance at survival.

That's enough stroking my ego, Kate's been speaking this entire time. How did I land someone this perfect? She's a goddess. 

 "Oh, the bell! Class is about to start. See you later Seth!" We kiss each other and go to our respective classes. I'm in 11D while she's in 11A. School started three months ago. These two years are the most important for beginner Awakeners. During these two years, we awaken. Some awaken earlier or later, plus-minus three years. Never more than that. The earliest you can awaken is around 13 and the latest is 21. Once you reach 21 without an ability, you are thrown into the world and have to work yourself to the ground just to survive. 

"Later." I wave her off and start walking to my class. "Hmm?" 

I put my hands in my pocket and feel a folded piece of paper. Who even uses paper now?

"Did I put something in here?" I look at the paper and see writing on it. "18:00. Block B. 57. Is this a love letter? Or someone confessing? I don't know anyone though, I guess I'll have to let them down slowly" 

I pocket the letter and set a reminder on my watch. This school has three blocks not including the teachers building or recreational activities. This is Block B, the furthest block from the dorms. I guess I have an appointment today.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


