20.51% Strongest Extra Survival / Chapter 8: Awakened

章 8: Awakened

The morning sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow across the living room as William prepared for the day ahead. Merry, ever diligent, assisted him in selecting his attire, ensuring he looked his best for the occasion.

With his crisp white shirt and vibrant red tie neatly in place, William felt a sense of anticipation building within him. Today was no ordinary day; it was a day filled with significance and possibility.

Today is the day when he will awaken his special ability, which should have been inherited either from his mother or from his father's side.

But according to Sera, due to him having lived two different lifetimes, he might experience mutation, and it is now unknown what ability he will awaken.

Unlike his father, who believes he will awaken the Chronos King ability, a lineage ability passed down in the Chronos family, while his mother believes he will awaken her ability, the Nature Goddess.

William shook his head out of random thoughts and went to living room where his Mother is waiting for him.

As he entered the living room, he found his mother engaged in conversation with a distinguished-looking man. His violet hair added a unique flair to his appearance, while his piercing red eyes exuded both wisdom and authority.

The man turned to William with a warm smile, and in that moment, any sense of intimidation melted away. Despite his imposing presence, there was an air of approachability about him that put William at ease.

With a gentle yet firm grip, the man lifted William onto his shoulders, eliciting a delighted laugh from the young boy.

As they exchanged smiles, the man's voice rang out with reassurance, "Are you ready for the big day?" It was a simple question, but it carried the weight of anticipation and excitement for the journey that lay ahead.

William nodded with a big smile.

His father laughed and said, "That's my boy."

Lumia, his mother, looked at them and shook her head. To the outside world, her husband was a man who never smiled, but looking at this scene, he was playing with his son happily.

James von Chronos, this is the name of his father also the King of whole Riviera.

Under his rule, Riviera is even stronger than before, and Riviera now holds the position of the number one world among all the Nexus Alliance worlds, just because of this single man. He is not only formidable in strength but in wisdom too.

And that's why Lumia is worried for him.

"Please let William awaken a powerful ability," she prays to the gods. Today, many distinguished guests are going to come with their children to awaken their Sila, and if William's awakening turns out to be simple, they will mock James, which she doesn't want.

James looks at his wife and shakes his head. He understands her concern, but he is not worried in the least. After all, it's not like their mocking will change anything.

"People who run for praise and run away from mocking are nothing but underachievers," he remarks. "The only mocking that can stop him is from himself."

Lumia looks at her husband and nods, while William gazes at his father in awe and admiration.

"There is a reason he's called the Perfect King," Sear said, and William totally agreed with her.

"Let's go," he said, and then a royal guard from his side appeared in front of them. Drawing his sword, he slashed in front of him.

His slashes caused the space in front of him to get cut, forming a portal.

James looked at William and said " do you like it?" 

William nodded, 'This is like that time from D*M*C*V' 

The Royal guard owed and said " it is nothing young prince" 

And then James along with Lumia and others walked inside the portal.

As they walked in, they appeared inside a big hall.

As they entered the hall, its vastness seemed to stretch endlessly before them. The high ceilings towered overhead, adorned with intricate designs and embellishments that spoke of grandeur and majesty. The walls were lined with towering statues, each one a testament to the history and legacy of the kingdom. These statues depicted heroes, kings, and mythical creatures, their chiseled features illuminated by the soft glow of torchlight.

The floor beneath their feet was polished to a shine, reflecting the flickering light from the torches and adding to the sense of grandiosity. At the center of the hall stood a magnificent throne, its ornate design and regal presence commanding attention from all who entered.

The air was filled with a sense of solemnity and reverence, as if the very walls themselves whispered tales of triumph and glory. This hall was not just a physical space; it was a symbol of power, authority, and the enduring legacy of a kingdom forged through centuries of history.

As they entered, the people sitting inside the hall stood up and bowed towards James.

"We greet the Eternal Sun of Riviera!" their voices echoed in the vast hall.

James, on the other hand, nodded and proceeded to his throne, leaving William along with Lumia.

As he sat on the throne, others sat back, and then an old man stood up and bowed to James. "Should we start, Your Majesty?" he asked.

James looked at him and spat a single word" Proceed" 

The old man, his voice carrying a weight of authority and wisdom, stood tall before the assembled crowd. His weathered face bore the marks of countless years spent in service to the kingdom, and his eyes sparkled with a sense of anticipation for the events about to unfold.

"Today," he began, his voice resonating throughout the grand hall, "we have gathered to bear witness to a momentous occasion—the awakening of our kingdom's children and possibly the future heroes" As he spoke, his words seemed to hang in the air, filling the room with a sense of solemnity and purpose.

The audience, comprised of nobles, dignitaries, and common folk alike, listened with rapt attention, their eyes fixed on the platform at the center of the hall. This platform, adorned with intricate runes and symbols, symbolized the gateway to a new chapter in the lives of those who would stand upon it.

With a gesture from the First Minister, a hush fell over the crowd as they awaited the arrival of the chosen ones. Slowly, one by one, the young boys and girls of William's age rose from their seats and made their way to the platform.

As they approached, a sense of anticipation filled the air, mingled with a hint of apprehension. For many of them, this would be their first step into adulthood, their first glimpse of the powers that lay dormant within them.

With each step they took, the runes beneath their feet seemed to shimmer with a faint glow, as if acknowledging their presence and preparing to bestow upon them the gifts of destiny.

And so, as they stood upon the platform, bathed in the soft light of the runes, the audience watched with bated breath, eager to witness the awakening of their kingdom's future heroes.

William, along with the others, stepped onto the magical formation, feeling a tingling sensation beneath his feet as the runes reacted to his presence. As he stood there, surrounded by his peers, anticipation coursed through his veins. Although he knew what was going to happen, it still didn't kill the surprise of what was to come.

The First Minister, with a solemn expression on his face, raised his hands and began to channel his energy into the formation. With a whispered incantation, he activated the runes, and in an instant, the air crackled with Sila .

A blinding light flashed from the runes, illuminating the entire hall as if they had unleashed the very essence of magic within its walls. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the light enveloped the participants, blurring the boundaries between the mundane and the mystical.

And then they vanished in the blink of an eye. The hall fell silent, the echoes of their departure lingering in the air like whispers of a distant dream.

"now we wait" First Minister said and went back to his seat.

'William best of luck' Lumia looked at the position where Wiliam once stood and mumbled.


As William felt his feets touching the ground he opened his eyes.

Looking around he found himself in a white room.

'So, this is the place' William looked around as he thought to himself.

This is Soul realm, a place where one's soul will be sent while thiers bodies undergo awakening.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


