55.33% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 56: Meta Essence CYOA 56

章 56: Meta Essence CYOA 56

Essence of Media Insertion

•From songs to video games, from fanfiction to porn movies, pictures cartoons and photos and everything in between you may enter any of these at any time either at that moment or being reborn/reincarnated into whichever character you choose and/or merging personalities or merely receiving a copy of theirs to better play your part.◦You gain all powers/knowledge/skills/talents/abilities/races/templates of the person.

◦When you choose a character you may choose instead of their powers/skills/knowledge being converted into a magic or power system you already know or getting theirs and a converted copy.◾You also gain copies of any items, pets, vehicles, slaves or dungeons they may own

◾You don't have to be reborn or take them over, if you wish you can merely be a helpful voice in the back of their head.◾They cannot harm or trap you in any way.

◾This still get you copies of their stuff and when they get finite resources such as points you do as well and when they spend them you get what they spent them on but yours don't disappear.

◾You can give them access to your stuff as well.

◾Allows you to bargain or make deals for anything. Even giving them a copy of your health or remaining lifespan.

◾This includes quests, quest rewards and copies of items they get.◾Those you join willingly only have to share what they agree to those you just jump in you can copy what you want,

◾Once in a setting you can jump to multiple people or just exist as yourself.

◦You can choose whether to awaken your previous personality immediately or choose a certain time or condition to do so. Your main personality will always have preference in control, integrating the one you grew up with if that is your wish.

◦These don't have to match exactly those canon settings you could go where things went a bit different such as someone being a different gender, never being born/arriving, or having a different personality.

•You can control and alter your age at will.

•You can choose to live the inserted life entirely and once the life is over you will just resurrect in your pocket reality.◦Your original personality will only be influenced in ways that you would consider positive and all previous friends and family will always recognize you for you.

•You gain a small pocket reality, say a copy of Hawaii if you wish or even something more exotic like the Mist Village from Chaos Seeds with all accompanying powers and buildings. Or even a mash up it's up to you. This is a place to rest or build up during and between your adventures.◦If you choose something more exotic if there is a magic or gamer system native you may choose if those you take there gain access to it and what if any skills/abilities/affinities they could gain from it.

◦You can never be trapped or prevented from returning here in any way.

◦It will grow in size as time passes or you can use willpower to speed things up.

◦You may split off portions to have completely private areas.

◦Comes with a personal Afterlife you control absolutely if you wish which you can self resurrect from at any time.

•You can bring people and things with you. Even conceptual thighs such as magic, souls, gamer/cultivation systems.

•Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

•You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

•Perfect fertility control and safe from all diseases, altering your size.◦This includes passing on any abilities/powers/knowledge/skills/affinities/memories that you choose to your progeny. These can have unlock conditions or be active at conception

•Neither you nor your powers can be copied without your permission.

Essence of Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

 Tastes a bit metallic

•You may choose to be reborn into this setting with your current looks or simply arrive her some time before the launch of the game. ◦You can choose to be the sole Heir of the Green God Corp either way.

•You gain the skills power and body of a Mental Grandmaster with full mastery of the Realms of Refinement and Realms of Truth

•A large villa in the top layer of the UpperZone

•50,000,000 regular gold, 5,000,000 Ancient Gold Coins and 90 trillion credits, 10,000 Green God Company's contribution points per month without collapsing the economy and lifetime top passes to Secret Pavilion internal, Dark Arena and Green God Auctions.

•Fluid Dispenser This fluid dispenser limitlessly all Nutrients and game pod fluids at the correct temperatures and in the correct containers that it creates. In the future you can add any form of liquid to dispense endlessly as well. No one will question where you got this or the fluids you get from it. 

•Useful Bribery schematics These are for use in the Real World and comes backed up with all the research and testing you could want and who to call to get the most benefit from them. Included but not limited to Mind/Soul digital upload and download tech, life extension tech ordering on the length of 1,000 years, genetic engineering, zero point energy and artificial vacuum energy production, FTL and space ship design and creation, mega structure creation ad design, data to matter/matter to data tech, and space expansion/miniaturization, quantum entanglement vr tech so across the universe can play at same time, stasis/medical vr pod tech and VR tech that lets you bring the powers you have ingame to the real world. What you share is up to you and you will face no questions on how you have these and no one will come after you, nor can they find out you have these or shared them. This also includes a complete tech database of the RotSSG universe

•Knowledge of ten years into the future 

•Ingame stuff◦City Hero Legendary Title A hero that has transcended time and has blazed the path of power. Wielder enjoys the benefits of a World Noble Duke in every city. At the same time, Personal Guards can accept five Epic Quests and one Legendary per week. In addition, Personal Guards receive a 75% increase to quest success rate. Can have up to 7 personal Guards. Can transport yourself and up to 25 others to any city, Otherworld, special city or special map such as Ancient Battlefield. Gains 90% discount on all interactions with NPC's

◦Free [Omniscient Eyes] A pair of eyes that can see through everything and find out all information. Nothing is capable of hiding from the Omniscient Eyes. The Omniscient Eyes have a perception range of 100 yards.

◦[Spirit Slayer] (Advanced title) The proof of vanquishing the Immortal. When equipped, this title suppresses nearby Dark Creatures. All Dark Creatures within 200 yards will fear the holder, preventing weak Dark Creatures from approaching. Dark Creatures within 100 yards will suffer a 50% decrease to their Basic Attributes. Holder of the title will also enjoy four-star treatment when interacting with the Adventurer's Association. 

◦Blueprint/recipe Creation Any blueprint/recipe you know you can create one others to use. This also gives you the ability to copy any other blueprint/recipe you get your hands on. This also gives you the ability that when you touch any item you gain the knowledge on how to make it. This can level the Magician subclass. As well any scroll or consumable item you use you now gain as a permanent spell.

◦Advanced legendary mana body and will be unlocked at 200% You will instinctively know your Mana Body's construction and be able to form it in under 10 min

◦Quadruple-speed-casting was a technique that many expert players found extremely difficult to accomplish, but once they could execute the technique, they'd undergo a qualitative transformation. Players would be able to enhance their offensive and defensive capabilities.

◦Grandmaster Craftsman You have the memories and skills of a Grandmaster Craftsman of all life style professions found here you also get a complete Moon God Secret Record , Moonlight Fruit Tree and Rainbow/Seven-colored-Fruit tree . As well as a tier 6 Mysterious Flame and sets of dark gold equipment for all of your professions

◦Personal City Your own personal main city 5x larger than a regular one with Advanced auction House connected to all NPC auction houses 5 Magic towers, Prison, Tower of summoning, 4 elements tower, Liberty Hotel, A full copy of the advanced Arena from stone forrest city. In a hidden section of the Lord's Manor you also have an advanced copy of the Tower of Realm of Truth from the Lost City that enables people to grasp the realms much much faster. As in noob to domain master in 2 weeks, also instills a major sense of loyalty to you in people trained here, it can also train NPC's. As well as being able to freely build/upgrade housing to 10 star. Same in any other places you own. A legion of 30,000 tier 3 knights, 5000 tier 4 knights, 250 Tier 5 knights and 3 Tier 6 Gods 1 Summoner, 1 AOE and 1 Melee all of which come complete with epic weapons and equipment. You never have to pay upkeep costs all that is paid by the system.This also makes you a City Lord. The teleportation array here is very special not only can it teleport between the east and west once they are opened you can teleport between planes, outer worlds and any city or town shown in gam, you may set any restriction on these functions as you desire.

◦A copy of every item, recipe and blueprint Shi Feng had by the end of story.

◦4 Legendary Guards

◦Growth Potential of 175 and automatically revives after 24 hours if killed.◾Do you desire a premade companion or how about a customised version of a real life or fictional being this is the option for you. They would have all the memories their original would have had. As well as the ingame memories they would need as NPC's

◦Mana Material Generation Directly into your ingame warehouse every ingame day you will gain 300,000 magic crystals, 1,000 magic stones, 1,000 mana stones, 1000 magic and advanced magic cores. This will also grant all types of the elemental sources and crystals at 100 per day. And 1 random Eternal Crystal per day.

◦Legendary Private Warehouse This warehouse is accessible from every bank across the entirety of God's Domain. It has unlimited storage space and costs nothing. Anyone who gets access will never share any kind of knowledge with what it contains.

◦Book of Immortal Crafting Increase chance of new item creation, Increase the success rate of crafting and research of:◾Common Equipment by 90%

◾Bronze Equipment by 80%

◾Mysterious-Iron Equipment by 70%

◾Secret-Silver Equipment by 60%

◾Fine-Gold Equipment by 30%

◾Dark-Gold Equipment by 30%

◾Epic Equipment by 25%

◾Fragmented Legendary 25%

◾Legendary 10%.

◦Ores and Herbs Collection This collection of mines and herb fields are located in a secret land that contains no monsters and that only you may grant access to and no one who gets access will ever share any kind of knowledge about it. It has bountiful mines and herb fields of every type and all mana source ores it also has; Seven Luminary Crystal mine that produces 1000 units per in game hour and a Sever-Color Fruit tree. This takes the form of a unique key that is unable to be dropped or traded that allows you to ope a portal to the secret land Flow of time: 10x of that of the outside world

◦Custom bloodline go wild

◦Custom Legendaries weapons/armor sets some ideas◾Custom Legendries 

◦Epic to Legendary Material collection Directly into your ingame warehouse every ingame day you will gain 1000 each of random Epic, Fragmentented Legendary and Legendary material from drops, harvested, and refined materials. 

◦Bag of Tokens, God Crystals and Star Crystals Generates a random amount of epic random promotion/transfer tokens including town/city/shop and 1 God crystal per 24 in game hours, this does stack so you may use/sell or just let them build up. Generates 5 Star Crystals/Magic Stars per 12 in game hours

◦Box of crafting Generates a selection 10 random city blueprints/forging/alchemy and engineering. As well as 1 war equipment and 3 mana weapon/equipment blueprints, per 12 in game hours

◦Ship Blueprints A collection of ship blueprints all Dark-Gold 1 each Airship, Speedboat, Sailing Ship, Flying War Fortress and 1 of each at Epic rank. You will gain a replenishing stock of all materials needed to craft them that will last until you successfully create one of each, these materials can only be used for these blueprints.

◦Titan Core The Ten Great Saints of Titan's greatest masterpiece. The Titan Core is capable of supplying a near-infinite amount of energy 1 per ingame day

◦Subclass Upgrade Design This design can upgrade any design, recipe or blueprint up to legendary rank and you may choose which rank at time of use. The new design will be a player-creation. This has unlimited uses any you may create a temporary copy for other to use.

◦Mutated Rainbow Tree Seeds Survival rate increased by 400%. Amount of Rainbow Fruit produced during each maturity cycle increased by 50%. There is a chance to produce Mutated Rainbow Fruit

◦Divine Tome 1 per ingame day Usage of the Divine Tome allows players to enter the Divine Library and learn the recipes and designs left behind by the Ancient Gods. Each Divine Tome would only have limited amounts of entry slots and each slot is worth roughly one Fragmented Legendary Item. When players are teleported to the Divine Library, they will have to exhibit a certain level of combat power to obtain the recipes and designs, otherwise one would waste the opportunity.

◦[Book of Gold] (Consumable) 1 each day does stack Permanently increases the proficiency of a single player's Lifestyle Skill and their abilities by one rank to a maximum of Master rank. Can also be used to increase the proficiency of 100 players' Lifestyle Skills by one rank to a maximum of Advanced Master for one week.

◦Haunted Recipe Once consumed, the PVP drop-rate increases from 100% to 300%. Meanwhile, if the user is killed by another player, their drop-rate increases from 200% to 600%. It is actually able to force a Red Name to drop every single piece of equipment they are wearing. Can force those killed to drop things from their bag.

◦Teleportation Magic Array, Magic Tower and Four Towers of Elements Design As long as one paid a certain price and constructed a Teleportation Magic Array at a grinding spot, players could easily teleport to that location. Of course, unlike the teleportation arrays one would normally find in the Teleportation Halls, which allowed teleportation between various large cities, the teleportation arrays one could construct with this forging design were the simplest version—a one-to-one teleportation array. These teleportation arrays only allowed teleportation between two locations. Even so, it was something many Guilds dreamed of obtaining. Also Magic Tower and Four Towers of Elements design, both of these can be used any number of times. Can be use to travel between east and west.

◦Shop Promotion Order 10 2star 8 3star 7 4star 6 5star 5 6star 4 7star 3 8star 2 9star 1 10star per in game week

◦Trial of God. Stone that activates it, you can send or go yourself up to 100 people cooldown 1 day

◦Golden Sands Exchange Shop Advanced membership Membership Benefits: The first benefit was that members were allowed to enter the second floor of the exchange shop and exchange for the items there. For the second benefit, members would receive a 70% discount on all items on the first floor. For the third benefit, members would receive a Teleportation Crystal. In the future, they could teleport directly to it. Though the crystal had a Cooldown of 12 hours, it would still provide great convenience. You'll receive a 50% discount on all purchases on the second-floor hall and a 70% discount on the first-floor hall. You'll also qualify to enter our exchange shop's main branch

◦[Book of Undying] (Item, Legendary Rank) Allows the player to resurrect both dead players and NPCs, up to Tier 6. Players will receive half the death penalty. Can be used indefinitely.

◦[Dark Ghost] (Tier 4 Skill)

◦Split yourself into four and attack simultaneously. Every doppelganger deals 150% of the main body's damage. Duration of 45 seconds. Cooldown: 2 minutes

◦Bag of Advanced Frost Grenades Generates 1 per ingame hour starts with 500 grenades. Stacks no limit

◦Flame Burst Tier 2, Level 5 Sure-kill Skill Skill book (Action-type) - When activated, fire-type mana gathers around the player's weapon and deals 16 attacks containing 1,400% damage to the target. Channeling time: 1 seconds. Attack Count: 16 times. Cooldown: 3 minutes

◦Ancient Document Ancient Documents held records of God's Domain. However, players that obtained an Ancient Document had only one chance to activate it. Upon activation, players could obtain one of God's Domain's secrets. They were so valued because an Ancient Document could unlock the whereabouts of a Legendary item, offering players a high chance of obtaining one for themselves. Of course, aside from Legendary items, one could also learn the whereabouts of powerful Super Skills or tools. However, with the goal of growing stronger, a Legendary item was undeniably the best choice. After using an Ancient Document, the information that flowed into the user's mind only offered a general summary, whereas the detailed information was recorded inside the Ancient Document. 1 Use per week. 

◦A Legendary land and air mount of your own design..

◦Resuscitation Scroll, a treasure obtained in an ancient ruin. The scroll would automatically revive a player and restore their HP to full upon death. The Scroll also spared the player from the typical death penalty reusable once per hour

◦[High Demon's Soul] (Epic Rank Consumable) 1 per week Sacrifice Magic Crystals to create a new body for High Demon Baphomet. Spend 2,000 Magic Crystals to create a Tier 3 body that is 10 Levels higher than the user; 5,000 Magic Crystals to create a Tier 4 body that is 15 Levels higher than the user.

◦Full ancient Sacred Tree of Life hidden in your city. No one will find out about it.

◦Spatial Bag (Legendary Rank Item) Can be stored inside a player's bag space and be used to store 3,000,000 slots' worth of items. The Spatial Bag has an Built-in Warehouse which allows it to store 30,000 non-bag space items such as Diamond Wood and Seven Luminaries Crystals. Nothing can detect what you have in this bag nor will anything inside drop on death.

◦Holy Grail Legendary Item Activate Skill - [Power of Evolution] Sacrifice Life Force for 1 day to evolve an item of the player's choice. However, there is a small possibility that the evolution process will fail. An evolved item's quality cannot exceed the Legendary rank. Cooldown: 12 in game hours.

Essence of Relaxation

Ahh merely by being in this Essence's presence you feel all of your worries and cares melting away.

●You gain a large pocket realm roughly the size of Luna.

○This place is very special in that it exists outside of Space and Time. Even should the infinite Omniverse itself cease to exist, this place alone and those within it would survive without worry or care.

○Within time passes as you wish.

○It has all environments that you might find relaxing, from an isolated mountain lodge to an all inclusive beach resort or even the ultimate theme/water park.

○They are all staffed by attractive and willing staffers.

○While here all you choose to be are immortal.

○While here you can exert your will over this place as if on over god.

○Has its own Afterlife of your design. That you rule if desired, and may step in and out of with others at will.

○With time and effort you may increase the physical size capping out at a planet the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

○You may choose during the drinking if there is any kind of magic or gamer systems running the place.

○Quality of eternal life.

○Nothing can harm you here, stop you from coming here, or enter without your leave.

○Has a complete copy of all forms of entertainment and should you wish to play multiplayer there will always be enough people online willing to play.

●All resources and other items such as food/drinks are never ending.

●You may invite family/pets or other people here even if they are long dead, you have never met or they are fictional.

○They can live here until removed though they don't become companions until imported into a jump.

●The staffers species are up to you; they can be a known but not encountered species such as Asari or a species you make up such as a custom shape shifting dragon species.

○You may even find analogs of famous, infamous and fictional people among them.

●Should you ever become disabled, permanently trapped, die or otherwise become incapacited you may choose to reform here instead.

●Once here you may open portals to wherever you desire in the Omniverse

○Only limitation is that none can enter a specific timeline before the last time you left it.

○Should you enter a reality that has powers/magic/psionics/gamer systems you will always find yourself gaining such abilities at a level with the top 0.01% and a cheat ability to help learn.

■These powers will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

○The size and shape of these can be as you desire even connecting 3-7 different places. Yes, that means you can weaponize them.

●Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

Essence of Santa Empowerment

Mmmm tastes like all that is good about christmas.

●The person empowered as Santa gains strength and power from the very Concept of Christmas gaining more strength and power the more people believe in Santa or Christmas. 1 Santa allowed per universe, though instead of empowering one in a new one you can give access to a previously empowered Santa to a new universe.

●Each Santa you Empower grants you.

○A portal to a place in the omniverse of your choice

○1 Magic or Gamer System of your choice your potential in this will be among the top 1%.

○1 Waifu if desired.

○As long as one of your Santa's exist you will have eternal youth and be able to alter your age at will.

○Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

○You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

○Adaptive prefect regeneration

●The North Pole is actually a rather large pocket universe that Santa can connect places.

○Generates materials on demand for toys.

○Those living here are immortal.

●Santa is not limited by species or world covering entire universes.

●If you choose when you empower the Santa he can cross universal and dimensional boundaries.

●As long as even one person or child believes in Santa or Christmas he is truly Immortal along with his Mrs. Claus.

●Naughty or Nice list.

●Comes with loyal Elves and can recruit more of any species they are ageless while in Santa Land once they reach adulthood.

●Any letter posted to Santa will reach him.

●Completely fluent in any language that a believer speaks or knows.

●Lesser Santa's such as mall and others can communicate with him as long as they truly believe.

●He does make all deliveries on time but how he is not allowed to tell.

Essence of SpellHeart

•You may choose to reincarnate as Theo before or after reaching the Ten Thousand Worlds.

◦Or you may just join them waking up with Theo or Sam and Dean

◦You are a Chaka/human with any implants desired for earth.

•You know the World Titian Feindbody as if it was imprinted on your soul.◦128 particular of zeal for body cultivation

•You may learn any type of cultivation and progressing in one means progress in others.

•You will have the perfect Aura fragments for your types for you of the rarest and most powerful types.

•A ship like the Wanderer that can travel the Omniverse. ◦This can be fully unlocked or you have to unlock upgrades like Theo. Or anything in between.

◦Your AI can take whatever form you like.

•A personal brothel of elves. Or staffed by indistinguishable synthetics of any desired species run by an AI designed to cater to kinks and fetishes of all kinds.◦Should you upload media of a character they have extreme personality and behavoir simulation protocols that can grow with time and can even customize to start with.

•You cannot be mind controlled. Master of the Inner Castle

•Affinity for all paths of cultivation and magic that you encounter

•You have an orb that has endless amounts of every kind of zeal.◦None can detect this orb except you which it is bound to.

•You can very easily understand other cultures such as the Orcs and blend in.

•You can endlessly reincarnate, keeping full memories and cultivation should you die you will reincarnate in a safe place.

•Cultivating takes a certain mindset and much motivation. Now you have as much motivation as you ever will need and can change your mindset as needed without changing your personality or who you are at your core.

•No matter what, you will always remain the same person at the core and will never forget a loved one's face even after countless millennia pass. As well giving you perfect memory, with perfect recall and organization and unlimited memory capacity storage. The ability to seal away parts of your memories, knowledge and skills, allowing you to experience the joy of learning it again is also yours.

◦You only change in way you would consider beneficial and can always go back to how you were at any time.

•A Sorcerer level 49 who will be able to break through easily. Of your preferred gender who loves you unconditionally and enjoys your kinks.

•You possess literally cosmic, reality-defying skills and talent with all aspects of xianxia cultivation, related martial arts and all types of magic. Your cultivation talent is at a level never before seen anywhere, exponentially better than even the most talented canon person from xianxia.

•You will always be able to continue to cultivate or use any of your magic and/or skills, no matter what the metaphysics or local cosmology says.

•You no longer have any limits to how far you can train your abilities. You can always get more powerful, more skilled, faster, or in some other way better. This applies to physical and mental abilities, skills, and anything else you put the time into training. What's more, you will never lose what you earn through time or disuse. Your skills will never get rusty, your strength and speed will never decrease, and your powers will never weaken. Even abilities that should be static and unchangeable can be trained up.

•You have a powerful Unknowable Primordial Essence and Pith of Iron aura fragments that are perfectly suited to you.

◦These can be exact copies of Theo's after using the Aura Condensing Talismans 

◦You will gain other aura fragments and similar things of similar rank for ways you cultivate or use magic when you need them.

•You have Spirit/Immortal sight and it works for any type of energy manipulation

•You can open portals to an instanced dungeon that drops loot in the theme with the dungeon selected.

◦This can be any theme you choose when opening each portal i.e. magic/zeal/cultivation/science of any types you want.

◦The loot will scale in difficulty of the dungeon which you can also choose.

•A personal Cultivation Chamber where to start time goes by a 1:1 ratio. That is 1 year inside to 1 hour outside. This can be upgraded.

•Complete knowledge and tech database of this Earth.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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