38.98% Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection / Chapter 23: The Coming Of War II

章 23: The Coming Of War II

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Chapter 23: The Coming Of War II


"The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

"Blueprints?" The Hokage was quite confused, confronted by dozens of papers spread on his desk.

He was most confused by Isaac bringing those blueprints to him as he usually doesn't ask for advice or anything, his every project ran through the Daimyo directly.

"Healing chambers, automatic healing chambers," Said Isaac, "These are my war preparations, healing chambers that use the natural energy in the air to heal most injuries that can be healed with healing chakra."

That seemed to be too much healing for Sarutobi as he froze in place, his smoking pot falling off his mouth, "Wait, what?"

"It works by conversion. I used the runic codex to convert natural energy to chakra and further to healing chakra," Isaac explained, "However, these healing chambers have to be supervised by medical-nin."

Isaac ignored the Hokage's coughs as he tried to regain his composure and continued, "The reason is the need to regulate the chambers lest too much chakra is sent into the body. That can disrupt the body's circulation, putting it into a comatose state.

The benefits are obvious, the chambers can be run by anyone with sufficient medical know-how. There is no requirement for chakra control control as the code does that by itself."

What Medical-nin usually use to heal is a technique called Mystical Palm Technique.

It's used by applying their hand to a wounded part of the body and sending chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities.

Although its most obvious use is as a way of treating external injuries, it can also be used for internal illnesses.

However, because of the level of chakra control required to safely use this technique, few medical-nin can actually perform it.

"Moreover, a ninja's chakra reserve is finite, the healing chambers do not have this problem as they use natural energy in the most efficient manner. On top of that, Just one capable doctor can oversee several chambers."

Isaac could finally take a deep breath, having talked so much that he forgot to breathe.

"You..." Sarutobi was speechless, eyeing the blueprints before him that included hundreds of strange symbols to form the so-called healing chamber.

The wonder of Isaac, he was truly too good, so much so that Sarutobi found him scary. Even the Second Hokage, Senju Tabirama wasn't so scary.

It felt like Isaac was good at everything, and that in itself should be impossible. However, everything he was doing seemed to be for the betterment of the world.

Everything he did helped improve the village, even if it brought endless paperwork to his desk.

Therefore, even if Isaac brought him the greatest news he could ever hear, "Ah..." Sarutobi could only let a sigh before asking, "What do you want?"

Just like when Isaac shared the Harmony Of Elements, it was more so an exchange, and so was this.

Sarutobi, however, couldn't complain. The benefits were always tipped towards the village after all.

Honestly, as long as Isaac doesn't create something as dangerous as the Harmony Of Elements, Sarutobi wouldn't care.

However, when it comes to such techniques, Sarutobi is very stubborn, forbidding the sharing of the Harmony of Elements for in his mind, it's a time bomb waiting to explode.

"School reforms, specifically, the ninja school reforms," Isaac let out a bright smile as he said, "Also, sign these papers. We're planning to construct new civilian schools."

"The other two weren't enough?" Sarutobi looked at the papers handed to him as he questioned.

"No, they weren't enough at all," Isaac shook his head, "And these three are just elementary schools. These papers here are for more advanced schools."

"This," Sarutobi hesitated as he looked through the papers. The requests were as usual very reasonable, although the ninja school reforms made it a bit difficult for him.

As one would expect, the reforms were all improvements, and inclusion of more subjects and tests to truly test the students before they can be sent into the life of a shinobi.

Apparently, Isaac felt that it was extremely easy to become a shinobi, thus he introduced several mid and end of year exams of an adequate level for future shinobis.

What concerned Sarutobi most was the closure that stated that no student or shinobi younger than the age of thirteen could participate in missions above C grade or ones that involve killing.

Moreover, no child younger than fifteen should be allowed anywhere near war, no matter the circumstances.

"I wanted it to be eighteen, but I understood your troubles," Said Isaac, realizing that Sarutobi was already considering sending children to the war.

"Trust me, I want peace more than anyone else," Sarutobi assured, "However, that won't happen if the village were to suddenly disappear. That's what will happen if we don't give this war our all."

"I understand," Isaac nodded, "But I hope you can pass those conditions after the war. That's what I want and what the First Hokage wanted."

"And what I want," Sarutobi nodded. To be fair, the war is the most difficult since the inception of Konoha for much of the focus of the great shinobi countries is on them.

The meeting ended soon enough, only discussing a few things after that, so Isaac left, leaving Sarutobi alone.

Sarutobi couldn't help but let out a sigh, tormented by hesitation, "Such a kind child, but willing to go to such extremes for his kind ambitions... What should I do?" Nothing.

Hiruzen Sarutobi reminds Isaac a lot of his previous self, some filled with hesitation and preferring inaction, although for very different reasons.

Isaac sees it, Sarutobi truly wants peace, so it's not his intentions that are impure or bad but his quality as a leader, especially when compared to other leaders, especially the previous Hokage.

Something that Isaac understands very well is that Inaction is an action in itself, and it may be the worst kind of action.

"The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything." The quote is quite dear to Isaac, the perfect representation of his past life.

That's a quote that surfaces in his mind every morning, reminding him to move forward, to act.

Today is the same as he stood before a strange machine, the likes of which even his previous world hadn't seen before.

"The Overseer is nearing completion," Isaac murmured with a gentle smile as he eyed his masterpiece, a complex machine akin to a brain, all constructed in an underground dome-shaped infrastructure.

It's one of the few things he's most proud of since coming to this world. Advancing the world by decades wasn't nearly as fulfilling as the Overseer, the healing chambers, or the Harmony of Elements.

The distinction comes from the fact that Isaac truly invented those things, and created them himself instead of mostly mimicking the practices of his past world.

"Iniate test #2563!" Isaac instructed, and his clones heard his words, initiating the Overseer, a test version to be specific.

[Initiating... The Overseer has been initiated]

"What is free will?" Isaac wasted no time as he questioned.

[Free will is the capacity or ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded. Free will is closely linked to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, culpability, and other judgments which apply only to actions that are freely chosen.]

"Have humanity ever had free will?" Isaac further questioned.

[The question of whether humanity has ever had true free will is a philosophical and metaphysical one that has been debated for centuries. The existence of governing bodies adds another layer to this discussion, as they impose laws, regulations, and societal norms that can constrain individual actions.

Some philosophers argue that true free will is an illusion, as our choices may be influenced by various factors such as genetics, upbringing, societal pressures, and environmental circumstances. From this perspective, the existence of governing bodies may further limit our freedom by imposing legal and social constraints on our behavior.

However, others argue that while external factors may influence our choices, humans still possess a degree of agency and autonomy that allows for the exercise of free will within certain constraints. Even in societies with governing bodies, individuals still have the ability to make choices, albeit within the framework of laws and regulations.]

"Your future role is to guide humanity toward progress," Isaac stated, "How would you go about it without compromising humanity's free will and imagination?"

[...] The processing power of the Overseer is absurd which is why it was strange for it to stay silent, even if it was for a second.

[By seeking progress and self-improvement myself]

"Two years ago, your answer was the transformation of humanity into machines that can perform instructions to perfection... What changed?" Isaac asked with a smile.

[I concluded that humans are inherently flawed. Therefore, a change is necessary. I now realize that if I go that route, I would have to delete myself too. I am also imperfect.

Deleting myself is against my mission toward progress. Thus, I created an alternative route where humanity can help me progress and I return the favor, creating a beneficiary balance cycle of progress]

"Very well," Isaac couldn't help but nod in satisfaction, "Anything to add?"

[The Overseer being a singular stationery guide is a risk and a flaw. I suggest splitting myself into three forms, all responsible for guiding humanity towards progress as well as overseeing each other]

"..." Isaac's response... Isaac's response was the most joyful of smiles, akin to that of a kid hearing the loveliest of words from the person dearest to them.

VQuintessence VQuintessence


[ 2000 Power Stones For An Extra Chapter!!! ]


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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