95.74% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 180: Information

章 180: Information

As Ritsuka and group just looked at eachother as they blinked as Kadoc just looked at around

Kadoc then spoke. "Why do I feel a lot things change"

Pepe just looked at them. "Anyway as I said Duryodhana has absorbed the Viyu The win god"

Bhima then spoke. "We know that's he absorbed my father when we fought him".

Arjuna then spoke. "We also fought and kill Dushasana so he is no longer the god of dharma"

Pepe looked at them in shocked. "Are you for real"

Ritsuka noded. "Yeah, I Basically blasted him out of exgistion".

Pepe raised an eyebrow. "Blasted him out of existence? That's impressive."

Ritsuka shrugged. "Just doing what had to be done. But now we need to focus on Duryodhana and the rest of the Kuravas."

Kadoc crossed his arms, deep in thought. "If he has the Wind God's powers, we need to be strategic. We can't go in recklessly."

Bhima nodded. "Agreed. We need a plan that takes into account his new abilities."

Pepe chimed in, "If he's absorbed more gods, his strength will be formidable. We need intel on his current state."

Kama looked at Ritsuka, her expression serious. "Do you think we can handle him?"

Ritsuka met her gaze. "We have to. We can't let him continue like this."

Aozaki stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "I can work on a bounded field to suppress his powers. It might give us an edge."

Mash nodded in agreement. "And I can enhance my shield for added protection."

Ritsuka smiled at his friends' determination. "Let's regroup, gather all the information we can, and then hit him hard."

Just then, a shadow flickered at the edge of their vision. From it emerged Jack, panting. "I overheard something! The Kuravas are planning a surprise attack!"

Ritsuka's expression hardened. "Then we need to move now. Everyone, prepare yourselves."

As they geared up, Pepe looked at Ritsuka, a sly grin on his face. "Ready for round two?"

Ritsuka smirked back. "Always."

With that, they set off, determined to confront the threat looming over them.

Ritsuka was going to shadow travel as then BB poped out of his head, Ready to say something but do that happening everything went wack as d everyone crashed into Everyone, as Ritsuka crashed in BB as his faces was Barried between her Big Boob

BB looking at the sky just smiled as she Mentally spoke. 'thank your Auther Sama"

Ritsuka looked at her. "BB what the hell was that, you desiper after the fight with Dushasana and now your back"

BB just giggle. "I was gathering Information, anyway with the Death of Dushasana there is only 4 Kauravas left 5 if we count Karna, I even found out who the God they absorbed are"

Jack just looked at her. "Bullshit".

Ritsuka pushed himself away, flustered. "BB, can you not do that?"

BB chuckled, enjoying the moment. "But it's so much fun! Besides, I have valuable intel."

Arjuna crossed his arms. "What do you mean there are only four Kuravas left?"

BB's smile faded slightly as she began. "With Dushasana gone, the remaining Kuravas are Duryodhana, Shakuni, and a few others. But Karna… he's a wildcard. He absorbed the Sun God's essence."

Kadoc frowned. "That makes him dangerous. We need a plan to deal with him specifically."

Ritsuka nodded, focusing on the information. "What about Duryodhana?"

BB's expression turned serious. "He's powerful now, but he's also reckless. If we can exploit that, we might have a chance."

Mash stepped forward, her determination evident. "We need to use everything we have learned so far to defeat them."

Ritsuka looked around at his friends. "Alright, let's gather what we know and prepare. We need to take them down before they can strike again."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "And what about BB? Can she help with her… unique talents?"

BB grinned. "I can definitely be of assistance, but I'd prefer to be in the spotlight, of course!"

Ritsuka sighed, a small smile breaking through. "Let's just focus on the task at hand first."

With that, they gathered their strategies and prepared for the battle ahead, the weight of their mission pressing upon them.

Ritsuka then spoke. "Thanks to BB we know who the Four remaining Kauravas are, Here are the ones we knew, Duryodhana and Vikarna and Dushasana, we cut our Dushasana sense we killed him, the remaining are Duryodhana the new Wind god, Vikarna and Shakuni who are the new twin gods of Medicine, and Finally Chitrasena who Absorbed Indra"

Arjuna then spoke. "Basically the same Gods, that are our parent's"

Kadoc then spoke. "So BB how did you get this Information"

BB laughed, remebring hee conversation with Me, as she looked at Kadoc. "I have my way"

Ritsuka looked at BB. "How ever she got it doesn't matters".

Kadoc then spoke. "That is good and everything but why"

As the Camera moved as it shows a the full screen, as it shows. Flustered Ritsuka as BB was seating on his lap, as Kama, Mash, Ophelia were jealous of BB and how close she was to Ritsuka.

Ritsuka just spoke. "I have zero idea why she is being so lovey duvy our of no where"

BB smirked, leaning closer to Ritsuka. "Maybe I just enjoy your company a little too much, Senpai."

Kama crossed her arms, a pout forming on her face. "You could at least share the spotlight, you know."

Mash stepped forward, trying to keep her composure. "This isn't the time for this, BB. We have a serious situation to deal with."

Ophelia nodded in agreement, her expression fierce. "Exactly. Focus, everyone. We need to strategise our next move against the Kuravas."

Ritsuka cleared his throat, regaining his focus. "Right, back to business. We know Duryodhana has absorbed the Wind God, which means he has a significant boost in power. Vikarna and Shakuni as the new twin gods of Medicine could mean they have healing abilities that will complicate our battle."

Arjuna added, "And Chitrasena with Indra's power? That's a game changer. We'll need to find a way to counter that."

Kadoc frowned. "We have to split our efforts. Someone needs to take on Duryodhana directly, while another team focuses on the others."

BB chimed in, "I can provide distractions and support from the sidelines. Just keep me close to Ritsuka, and I'll be even more effective."

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow. "Let's not get carried away with the distractions, BB."

As they discussed their strategy, tensions flared between the girls, each determined to prove themselves worthy of Ritsuka's attention. But the looming threat of the Kuravas weighed heavily on their minds, forcing them to stay focused on the task ahead.

Ritsuka finally said, "We'll need to prepare for a multi-front battle. Let's gather supplies and finalize our plan. We meet back here in an hour."

Bhima then spoke. "If anyone is going to deal with Duryodhana then I will be the one to take him on"

Arjuna then spoke. "Then I will fight Karna"

Aozkai then spoke. "That leaves other, the Kauravas will have army"

Kadoc then spoke. "Me, Ophelia, My darling Anastasia, Rama and Sita will handle any Amry of will anything"

Mash then spoken. "So what about Vikarna, who will deal with him"

Ritsuka just sighed. "That would be me, he is interested in me". Everyone just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, as BB was giving him a smirk. "Oh for the love of everything not like that".

Kama couldn't help but chuckle. "Sure, Ritsuka, just admit you have a fan."

BB leaned in closer, her grin widening. "Sounds like someone's got a crush!"

Ritsuka sighed, rubbing his temples. "Can we focus, please? Vikarna's interest in me could be a tactic to distract us. We can't underestimate him."

Arjuna nodded, serious now. "You're right. Vikarna is clever. If he sees you as a threat, he might try to play mind games."

Aozaki added, "Mind games or not, we need to be prepared for anything. I'll create a barrier to protect us from any surprise attacks while you confront him."

Kadoc chimed in, "And with our combined strengths, we should be able to counter any strategies he throws our way."

Ritsuka straightened, a newfound determination in his voice. "Then it's settled. We regroup, finalize our plans, and hit them hard. We have to take advantage of the element of surprise."

As they organized their tactics, the atmosphere shifted from playful banter to a serious focus. Each member knew the stakes were high, and the upcoming battles would test their strength and resolve like never before.

BB, still on Ritsuka's lap, leaned back slightly, her expression turning serious. "Remember, Ritsuka, we've got your back. No matter what happens, you're not alone in this."

Ritsuka met her gaze, grateful for the support. "Thanks, BB. Let's make this count."

With their plans in motion, they prepared to face the Kuravas, ready to confront their fears and fight for their future.

Ritsuka turned to the group, his voice steady. "Alright, everyone knows their roles. We'll regroup at the old temple before dawn. It's secluded and will give us the element of surprise."

Kadoc nodded, adjusting his ice armor. "I'll set up a defensive perimeter around the temple. If any Kuravas come sniffing around, they won't get past my barriers."

Mash tightened her grip on her spear. "And I'll be ready to defend everyone if they break through. We can't let them disrupt our plans."

Arjuna added, "Once we deal with Vikarna, the rest of the Kuravas will fall like dominoes. We just need to stick to the plan."

BB smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "And I'll keep things entertaining. Can't have you all getting too serious, right?"

As they shared a few more strategies, Ritsuka felt a sense of camaraderie growing among them. They were more than just allies; they were friends fighting for a common cause.


Meanwhile, in the depths of the Kuravas' hideout:

Duryodhana sat on his throne, fuming. "They think they can come at us? After everything we've absorbed?"

Vikarna leaned forward, intrigued. "We know Ritsuka is planning something. He believes he can take us down one by one."

Shakuni smirked, "Let him come. We'll use his confidence against him. The moment he steps into our territory, we will crush him."

Chitrasena, silent until now, spoke up. "We can't underestimate Ritsuka. He has powerful allies, and they'll be gunning for us. We should prepare our forces."

Duryodhana slammed his fist on the table. "We'll show them the full extent of our power! Prepare the armies! We will teach them what it means to challenge the Kuravas!"


Back at the temple:

As dawn broke, Ritsuka and his group gathered, readying themselves for the confrontation. The air was thick with tension and anticipation. Ritsuka looked around at his friends, feeling a mixture of nervousness and determination.

"Remember, we stick to the plan. Focus on your targets, and don't let emotions cloud your judgment," he reminded them.

As they set off toward the Kuravas' hideout, the landscape shifted from tranquil forests to ominous mountains. The once inviting scenery felt foreboding, a stark reminder of the battles that lay ahead.

Kadoc raised an eyebrow. "You all feel that? It's like the atmosphere has changed."

Ritsuka nodded. "They know we're coming. They're readying for a fight."

BB, riding on Ritsuka's shoulder, giggled. "Oh, this is going to be fun! Let's see what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves!"


As they approached the Kuravas' fortress, a massive shadow loomed overhead.

Duryodhana's forces had set up a defensive perimeter, the silhouettes of warriors stretching across the landscape. Ritsuka and his group exchanged glances.

"We can't back down now. This is it," Ritsuka declared, gripping Albion tightly.

Arjuna prepared his bow, eyes scanning the enemy ranks. "Focus on breaking through their defenses. Once we're in, we'll split up to deal with Duryodhana and Vikarna."

The sound of war horns echoed through the valley, signaling the Kuravas' readiness. Ritsuka felt his heart race; the time for talk was over.

"Let's do this!"

With that battle cry, Ritsuka charged forward, followed by his allies. The clash of weapons rang out as they collided with the Kuravas' forces, the battlefield erupting into chaos.

Ritsuka's Amaterasu flames blazed, creating a path through the enemy ranks. He felt the power surge within him as he unleashed his abilities, the shadows swirling around him, amplifying his strikes.

Kama flanked him, her arrows raining down on enemies. "Keep pushing forward! We can't let them regroup!"

Kadoc unleashed blasts of icy energy, freezing enemies in their tracks. "I've got your back!"

Ritsuka felt a surge of energy, knowing they were all fighting for the same cause. Together, they were unstoppable.


Meanwhile, inside the fortress, Duryodhana watched the battle unfold.

His expression darkened. "They're stronger than I expected. Vikarna, you know what to do."

Vikarna nodded, stepping forward, ready to unleash his own powers. "Let's show them the true meaning of despair."

As he began to summon his abilities, the ground shook, and a wave of energy surged from the fortress, colliding with Ritsuka's group.

Ritsuka steadied himself, sensing the impending attack. "Get ready! We have to counter whatever they throw at us!"

The battlefield erupted into an all-out war, and the fight for their future had only just begun.

As then BB stopped time breaking the fourth wall

BB just looked around. "Oh really epic battles right now Auther san".

I just looked at her. "Why"

BB just looked at him. "Where is my R18 with Ritsuka"

I just looked at him. "I hate you will get that Next Ch, it takes place before this battle, I am guessing your going to end this Ch here".

BB grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You know me so well! Just think of the chaos I could cause in this battle if I had that chapter right now."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "You're impossible. But yes, let's wrap this up for now. The next chapter will be... interesting, to say the least."

BB giggled, winking. "Can't wait! Just make sure Ritsuka knows how much I appreciate him."

With a snap of her fingers, time resumed, the chaotic battle continuing around them. Ritsuka and his allies were still fighting fiercely, unaware of the brief interlude.

As the dust settled, the next chapter awaited, filled with battles, revelations, and perhaps a bit of romance.

"Until next time, dear readers!" BB waved, her voice echoing as the scene shifted back to the clash on the battlefield.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C180
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


