70.74% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 133: The Berserker is not a Beseker

章 133: The Berserker is not a Beseker

Kadoc looked at the group before he spoke. If it is Hercules, them what Class would be.

Ritsuka though about that as he looked at him. I don't know, Maybe he is a Beseker as normal, or archer, or Saber sense he has a sword, Assassin.

Ophelia then spoke looking at them. Didn't Hercules ever ride something, like what was Apollo Chariot

Ophelia's mention of Apollo's chariot sparked a realization among the group. Hercules, known for his myriad labors and feats, was indeed a hero with diverse capabilities, often depicted in different roles and classes.

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. In some versions of the myths, Hercules did have access to various vehicles or mounts, including the chariot of the sun. If we're considering a broader interpretation of his legend, he could potentially appear in different classes beyond the usual Berserker."

Kadoc added, "Considering his versatility, Hercules could indeed be summoned in classes other than Berserker. As a Rider, he could wield Apollo's chariot or any other divine vehicle he may have commandeered in myths. As an Archer, he could utilize the bow and arrows dipped in the blood of the Hydra. As a Saber, he could wield a sword with great skill, and as an Assassin, well... there are legends of his cunning and tactical prowess as well."

Ophelia continued, "The possibility of him being a Rider is particularly interesting. If this Lostbelt has been altered in a way that emphasizes certain aspects of his legend, a divine chariot or mount could play a significant role in his manifestation. This might also explain the city's grand, almost divine aura—if the Servant has a connection to a sun deity like Apollo."

Anastasia, considering the implications, remarked, "If Hercules—or someone embodying a similar legend—is indeed here, the class he manifests as could influence the type of territory or domain he controls. A Rider might command vast territories and have mobility advantages, while a Berserker might exert more raw, chaotic power."

Ritsuka glanced at the city around them. "We'll need to be careful and gather more information. If this Servant is a Rider and is using a divine vehicle or mount, it could mean he has considerable power and influence. It also means we might be dealing with a very different type of combat scenario than we're used to."

Xiang Yu, still processing the conversation, noted, "The influence of a divine chariot or similar artifact would also affect the city's infrastructure and defenses. We should observe for any signs of unique structures or mechanisms that could indicate such a presence."

Mash nodded in agreement. "It's also possible that the Servant's class could be affecting the local populace, either through direct influence or by instilling certain cultural elements. We should pay attention to any rituals, festivals, or even architectural styles that might hint at the Servant's identity and class."

As they continued to discuss, the group realized the complexity of their situation. The possibility of Hercules—or a similar figure—manifesting in an unexpected class added another layer of uncertainty. They needed to remain vigilant and open-minded, as the Lostbelt's altered state could mean that any assumptions they made could be quickly upended by new revelations.

The group then hurd something, as Mash then transformed into her mode Change.

Mash looked at everyone. Do you all hear that.

Ritsuka looked at her. Yes it sounds like something being driven.

As then the wall was broken opens, as they all turned there head to see who they fear Hercules, as he was seeing to ride a Golden Chariot, and holding a bow and arrows as he looked at them, this was no Beseker probably Rider or Archer.

Kadoc just looked at Hercules. Well we are fucked

The group stared in shock as Hercules, imposing and powerful, stood before them atop a magnificent golden chariot. The chariot itself was a sight to behold, gleaming with divine radiance, and the bow in his hands hinted at his potential class. His aura was intense, radiating an overwhelming presence that filled the space.

Ritsuka quickly assessed the situation, understanding the immediate danger they were in. "This isn't good. He's not a Berserker this time, which means he's in full control of his faculties and abilities. We have to be careful."

Mash, already in her defensive stance, nodded. "He looks like he's either a Rider, due to the chariot, or an Archer, with that bow. Either way, he's incredibly dangerous."

Hercules, in his Rider or Archer form, gazed at them with a calm yet intense expression, far removed from the madness of his Berserker incarnation. His presence alone was intimidating, and the fact that he was equipped with powerful divine artifacts only added to the threat.

Ophelia, keeping her composure, whispered, "We need to figure out his intentions. If he attacks, we have to defend ourselves, but if there's a chance to negotiate or at least understand his role here, we should take it."

Kadoc, still in a state of alarm, muttered, "Negotiation? With Hercules? This guy's known for his strength and wrath. If he's here, he's likely a major player in this Lostbelt's Holy Grail War. We can't afford to underestimate him."

Hercules didn't move, instead studying the group with an inscrutable expression. It was as if he were weighing his options or waiting for them to make the first move.

Ritsuka took a deep breath and stepped forward cautiously. "Hercules, or whichever name you go by in this form, we're not here to fight without cause. We want to understand what's happening in this Lostbelt and why things have changed so drastically."

The legendary hero's eyes narrowed slightly, a faint glimmer of recognition or consideration passing through them. For a moment, there was an uneasy silence, with the tension in the air palpable. It was clear that any misstep could lead to an immediate and devastating confrontation.

Hercules then spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "This place... it is no longer a simple Lostbelt. It has become a battlefield, shaped by the will of those who seek the Grail. I am here, as are others, to claim it."

The group exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. The Holy Grail War in this Lostbelt was not just a simple contest of mages and servants; it had become a full-scale conflict with the potential to reshape reality.

Mash tightened her grip on her shield. "Ritsuka, what should we do? He's clearly not hostile right now, but he could be dangerous if provoked."

Ritsuka, maintaining his calm, nodded. "We tread carefully. Our priority is to gather information and understand the dynamics at play. Hercules, if possible, we'd like to know more about the other participants and the rules governing this war. We're not here to disrupt the order but to ensure stability."

Hercules seemed to consider this, his expression remaining unreadable. The golden chariot and divine weapons suggested immense power, and any decision he made could have significant consequences for both sides. The group braced themselves for whatever came next, hoping for a chance to understand the situation and possibly find common ground.

Ritsuka looked at him. Why are we being hunted.

Hercules just looked at Ritsuka and lapped. You have guts kid, to bad I want the grail for my self to get my wish and my master told me to take care anyone from Chaldea.

Ritsuka turns into his God shift, his hair turning red, one eye golden and red mark on his body. Yeah No Sun Finally.

As he sent a orb of fire that looked like the sun, it covers Hercules body as he walked out the fire only a bit damges.

Hercules looked at him. A demigod, your a demgod, now your different descended of a demigod.

Ritsuka just looked at him. Yeam I am one, anwya everyone grab on to be I will shadow travel us

As everyone grabbed Ritsuka but noting happened, as the saw bounded filed has been activated, as they faces dropped.

Hercules just looked at them. Alright let's take care if this

As then he was attack being sent flying, as standing infront of was man, he had golden hair, he looked Asain as he holded a sword, he looked kinda like King Arthur, he was Holden a sword, it seemed to be glowing in the light.

Hercules looked at him. I see so you must be Saber of this war.

The sabe looked and lapped at that. Nope I am master less, I am ome of the extra 7, really if your going to make a holy grail war do it right.

Kadoc just looked at Ritsuka. Are you as confused as I am

The sudden appearance of the golden-haired man threw the group off guard. His aura was different, emanating a regal yet relaxed confidence that contrasted sharply with the intensity of Hercules. The man seemed almost amused by the situation, his eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Hercules, recovering from the unexpected attack, narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. "An extra Servant, then. Interesting. So you're not bound by the traditional rules of this war. That makes things... unpredictable."

The golden-haired man smiled casually, twirling his sword with ease. "Indeed. The usual constraints don't apply to me, which means I have a lot more freedom to do as I please. And right now, I don't feel like letting you harm these fine folks from Chaldea."

Ritsuka, still in his God Shift form, quickly assessed the situation. The appearance of this new Servant, claiming to be "extra," added another layer of complexity to an already chaotic scenario. He glanced at Kadoc, who looked equally bewildered.

Kadoc muttered under his breath, "Just when I thought things couldn't get any more complicated..."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like we're in some kind of twisted version of a Grail War, with extra rules and participants. But right now, we need to focus on getting out of this alive."

Mash, holding her shield defensively, addressed the golden-haired man. "Who are you, and why are you helping us?"

The man smiled warmly at Mash. "Name's Arthur. You could say I'm a wandering knight of sorts, here to keep things... interesting. As for why I'm helping you, let's just say I'm not a fan of bullies."

Hercules grunted, clearly irritated by Arthur's nonchalant attitude. "You talk too much, Saber. If you're not with them, you're against them."

Arthur shrugged. "That's one way to look at it. But why rush to conclusions? We could always just... chat."

With a sudden burst of speed, Hercules lunged at Arthur, who effortlessly parried the attack with his glowing sword. The clash of their weapons created a shockwave that rattled the surrounding area. The two heroes seemed evenly matched, each strike and counterstrike a demonstration of their immense power.

Ritsuka, Mash, Ophelia, Kadoc, Anastasia, Akuta, and Xiang Yu watched the battle in awe. The raw power on display was a stark reminder of the stakes they were facing. The bounded field prevented their escape, but Arthur's intervention had given them a sliver of hope.

Ritsuka quickly devised a plan. "While they're fighting, we need to find a way to disable the bounded field. If we can't escape, we're sitting ducks here."

Akuta, still looking a bit disoriented from the shadow travel attempt, nodded. "Agreed. But we need to act fast. If Hercules finishes off that Arthur lookalike, we'll be his next targets."

Ophelia focused her Mystic Eye, trying to pinpoint the source of the bounded field. "I think I can locate the anchor. It's somewhere nearby, but we'll need to split up to find it."

As the group split up to search for the bounded field's anchor, the battle between Hercules and Arthur continued to rage. Sparks flew and the ground shook with each clash of their weapons. It was a battle of titans, and the outcome was uncertain.

Ritsuka, keeping an eye on the fight, couldn't shake the feeling that they were dealing with forces far beyond their control. This Lostbelt, with its seven divided sections and unique Grail War, was unlike anything they'd faced before. And with extra Servants like Arthur complicating matters, their mission was only getting more dangerous.

For now, all they could do was find a way out of the bounded field and hope they could gather enough information to navigate the chaotic landscape of this altered reality.

Ophelia moved her mystic eyes as she smiled. Found it, 3 o clock.

Hearing that Ritsuka let out a blast of fire breaking it, Hercules tryed to stop them, but the Arthur lookalike blocked as he looked at him.

Arthur just looked at him. Rider, your not the archer of this war I already met him.

Hercules just looked at him. So you already meet the Archer of the Sun

Arthur, maintaining his stance, nodded with a slight smirk. "Indeed, a formidable Servant, but not the one I need to concern myself with at this moment." He kept his gaze locked on Hercules, whose expression remained stern and focused.

Hercules grunted, clearly irritated by the mention of the other Servant. "The Archer of the Sun is my ally, and together we'll secure the Grail. But first, I need to deal with these intruders." His grip tightened on his weapon as he prepared to make his move.

Ritsuka, now freed from the bounded field's constraints, quickly regrouped with the others. "Everyone, get ready! We need to take advantage of this moment and get some distance."

Mash, still in her defensive stance, nodded. "Right! Let's move while they're distracted."

As the group started to retreat, Hercules made a sudden, powerful leap towards them. However, Arthur swiftly intercepted him, their weapons clashing once more with a thunderous sound. Sparks flew as they exchanged blows, the sheer force of their combat sending shockwaves through the area.

Arthur, with a calm and focused demeanor, spoke over the din of battle. "Rider, you've chosen your path, but that doesn't mean I'll let you harm these people. Even if I'm not officially in this war, I won't stand by and watch."

Hercules sneered, clearly frustrated. "You're not even a true participant, yet you meddle. Stand aside, or I'll crush you along with them."

Arthur's eyes narrowed, his expression hardening. "I'm afraid I can't do that. Let's see just how strong you really are."

The two continued their fierce battle, creating a spectacle of strength and skill. Meanwhile, Ritsuka and his team used the opportunity to put some distance between themselves and the fight. They needed a moment to regroup and plan their next move.

As they ran, Ritsuka glanced back at the ongoing battle. "Whoever this Arthur lookalike is, he's giving us the chance we need. But we can't just leave him to fight alone."

Kadoc, catching his breath, added, "He's buying us time, but we still don't know what we're up against in this Lostbelt. We need more information."

Ophelia, her Mystic Eye still active, scanned the area. "Let's use this time to regroup and figure out what we're dealing with. This isn't just a standard Grail War, and we can't take any chances."

The group continued to move, determined to find a safe spot to regroup and strategize. The strange mix of Greek, Roman, and Chinese influences in the city was a constant reminder of the complexities they faced. The mysterious Archer of the Sun, the enigmatic Arthur lookalike, and the presence of powerful figures like Hercules all pointed to a tangled web of alliances and conflicts.

As they reached a relatively safe area, Ritsuka stopped and turned to his team. "Alright, let's gather our thoughts. We need to figure out what we're dealing with here, and fast. This Lostbelt is unlike any we've seen before, and we need to be ready for anything."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C133
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


