60.63% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 114: Battle Royale

章 114: Battle Royale

Ritsuka blocked another attack by Charlemagne, the sheer force of the blow sending him skidding back. The realization struck him like a thunderbolt: they had lost the final trial of the soul. Charlemagne was now intent on killing them all, just as he had promised. As Ritsuka regained his footing, he noticed two new opponents: Pope Johanna and Constantine XI, both glaring at him with hostile intent.

Before he could react, Edmond Dantès and Minamoto no Tametomo emerged from Ritsuka's mind, ready to fight by his side. "Edmond, Tametomo, we need to hold them off. We can't let them overpower us."

Edmond smirked, his eyes filled with a dangerous gleam. "Leave it to us, Master. We'll give them a fight they'll never forget."

Tametomo nodded, his bow drawn and ready. "We stand with you, Master. Let's turn the tide."

The battlefield was a chaotic whirl of combat. Mash was engaged in a fierce duel with Oton, her Mode Shift form giving her an edge, but Oton was relentless. "You won't lay a hand on Ritsuka," she shouted, her spear flashing as she attacked.

Oton sneered, deflecting her strike with his sword. "You're just delaying the inevitable, Mash."

Nearby, Kadoc and Ophelia, in their Infinite Ice and Break Drive forms, were locked in combat with Roland and Bradamante. The air around them crackled with magical energy as their powerful attacks clashed. Kadoc's ice claws and Ophelia's enhanced abilities gave them a fighting chance, but Roland and Bradamante were fierce opponents.

"Kadoc, stay sharp!" Ophelia called out, her voice strained as she parried a blow from Roland.

"Don't worry about me," Kadoc replied, launching a flurry of ice shards at Bradamante. "Focus on the fight!"

Astolfo, astride his hippogriff, swooped down to attack Da Vinci, who was desperately activating her Magecraft to counter his assault. Anastasia joined the fray, adding her own spells to the mix. The sky above them lit up with bursts of magical energy.

"Da Vinci, hang on!" Anastasia shouted, her voice barely audible over the din of battle.

"I'm doing my best!" Da Vinci replied, her hands glowing with power as she cast another spell.

Back with Ritsuka, Charlemagne pressed his attack, his sword swinging with deadly precision. "You can't win, Ritsuka. This is the end for you and your friends."

Ritsuka gritted his teeth, parrying the blow and countering with a swift strike. "We'll see about that, Charlemagne."

The fight between Mash and Oton grew more intense. Mash, her golden eyes blazing with determination, thrust her spear forward, forcing Oton to retreat. "You're strong, but I won't let you win," she declared, her voice steady.

Oton's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that."

As the battle raged on, Kadoc and Ophelia found themselves evenly matched against Roland and Bradamante. Kadoc's ice claws clashed with Roland's sword, while Ophelia's enhanced abilities allowed her to hold her own against Bradamante's relentless assault.

"Keep pushing, Ophelia!" Kadoc urged, his voice strained.

"I'm with you," Ophelia replied, launching a powerful attack that sent Bradamante staggering back.

Astolfo and Ivon's aerial battle with Da Vinci continued, each side struggling for dominance. Astolfo's hippogriff darted through the air, evading Da Vinci's spells, while Ivon's magic provided cover.

"We can't let them win!" Astolfo shouted, his voice determined.

"We won't," Ivon replied, her eyes blazing with resolve.

Back on the ground, Ritsuka's duel with Charlemagne reached a fever pitch. Charlemagne's attacks were relentless, but Ritsuka held his ground, parrying each blow with skill and precision. "You're strong, Charlemagne, but we're stronger together," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with determination.

Charlemagne sneered. "Words won't save you, Ritsuka."

As the battle continued, Pope Johanna and Constantine XI advanced on Ritsuka, their expressions cold and determined. Edmond and Tametomo moved to intercept them, their weapons at the ready.

"Pope Johanna, Constantine XI, you won't get past us," Edmond declared, his voice firm.

"We stand with our Master," Tametomo added, his bow drawn and ready.

The fight shifted between each of the combatants, the battlefield a chaotic blur of clashing weapons and magical energy. Despite the overwhelming odds, Ritsuka and his allies fought with everything they had, their bond and determination giving them strength.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka felt a surge of hope. They had faced impossible odds before and come out victorious. With his friends by his side, he knew they could overcome any challenge. "Let's show them what we're made of!" he shouted, his voice filled with determination.

His companions responded with fierce resolve, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The battle was far from over, but with their united strength, they would fight to the very end.

As Ritsuka blocked another attack, Charlemagne's sword transformed into a spear. Seizing the moment, Ritsuka leaped back, his body shifting into his God Shift form. The shadows around him stirred, and with a swift motion, he summoned his Umbral Summons, his army of shadow soldiers emerging from the darkness.

Charlemagne watched with an appreciative smile. "That's quite impressive, Ritsuka. But you're not the only one who can command an army." He raised his spear high, and a brilliant rainbow light enveloped him. "Joyeuse Order of Death!"

From the radiant glow, the spirits of all the soldiers Charlemagne had killed in his past battles materialized, forming ranks beside him. The battlefield was now filled with the ghostly visages of warriors from countless eras, their spectral forms shimmering with deadly intent.

The armies of shadows and spirits clashed, filling the air with the sound of ethereal weapons meeting in combat. Ritsuka's shadow soldiers, though fierce, found themselves equally matched against the relentless spirits of Charlemagne's fallen foes.

Ritsuka gripped his swords tighter, feeling the weight of the battle pressing down on him. "This isn't over, Charlemagne," he declared, determination burning in his eyes.

Charlemagne met his gaze, his expression one of steely resolve. "Indeed, it's only just begun."

The battlefield erupted into chaos once more. Ritsuka and Charlemagne moved through the fray, their individual duels weaving a tapestry of high-stakes combat.

Mash, still in her Mode Shift form, continued her fierce duel with Oton. Her red spear clashed against his sword with sparks flying. "I won't let you harm Ritsuka," she vowed, her strikes growing more forceful.

Oton sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "You're strong, Mash, but not strong enough." He launched a powerful attack, forcing Mash to parry desperately.

Meanwhile, Kadoc and Ophelia, in their Infinite Ice and Break Drive forms, fought valiantly against Roland and Bradamante. Kadoc's ice claws slashed through the air, creating a deadly dance of frost and steel. "Ophelia, we need to push them back!" he shouted over the din.

Ophelia nodded, her enhanced abilities allowing her to keep up with Bradamante's relentless assault. "Let's give it everything we've got!" She unleashed a torrent of energy, momentarily staggering Bradamante.

Astolfo, mounted on his hippogriff, continued his aerial duel with Da Vinci and Ivon. The sky above them crackled with magical energy as spells collided. "We need to break through their defenses!" Astolfo called out, his voice filled with determination.

Da Vinci, her hands glowing with power, replied, "I won't let you get past me!" She cast another spell, narrowly missing Astolfo.

On the ground, Ritsuka found himself locked in an intense duel with Charlemage, the emperor's golden armor glinting menacingly. Charlemage spear thrusts were precise and deadly, forcing Ritsuka to stay on the defensive. "You're strong, but your resolve will falter," Constantine said, his voice cold and calculating.

Ritsuka met each attack with a parry or dodge, his mind racing for a strategy. "I won't let you break me," he retorted, his swords flashing as he countered.

Nearby, Edmond Dantès faced off against Pope Johanna, their battle a whirlwind of speed and finesse. Edmond's twin blades danced through the air, seeking openings in Johanna's defense. "You've chosen the wrong side, Johanna," Edmond taunted, his voice dripping with confidence.

Johanna's eyes blazed with conviction. "I fight for what I believe in," she replied, her staff glowing with holy light as she blocked Edmond's strikes.

Tametomo, his bow drawn and ready, provided cover fire for Ritsuka, his arrows striking with deadly accuracy. "Stay focused, Master. We'll get through this together," he encouraged, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the chaos around him.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka felt a surge of hope. Despite the overwhelming odds, the bond between him and his allies remained unbreakable. They had faced impossible challenges before and come out victorious. With his friends by his side, he knew they could overcome any obstacle.

"Let's show them what we're made of!" Ritsuka shouted, his voice ringing out over the battlefield. His companions responded with fierce resolve, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Charlemagne, seeing the determination in Ritsuka's eyes, felt a pang of respect. "You truly are a worthy adversary," he acknowledged, his grip tightening on his spear.

Ritsuka nodded, his expression resolute. "And you are a formidable opponent, Charlemagne. But we won't back down."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and his allies pressed forward, their hearts united in a common purpose. The battle was far from over, but with their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they would fight to the very end. Together, they would emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

Mash got up, blocking an attack by Oton and kicking him away. Oton came for another strike, but Mash jumped and they clashed again. They stood on opposite sides, both wounded. Oton's left arm dropped from his body, and he spat out blood before falling down, unconscious from the shock. Mash, also exhausted, transformed out of her Break Drive. She hadn't killed him, but the shock of losing an arm had knocked him out. Dr. Romani quickly rushed to her side, concerned for her well-being.

As Dr. Romani tended to Mash, the battle around them raged on.

Kadoc, in his Infinite Ice form, faced off against Roland. Ice and fire clashed as Roland's fiery attacks were met with Kadoc's freezing blasts. Kadoc used his ice claws to deflect Roland's sword strikes, their movements a blur of ice and flame.

Ophelia, in her Break Drive form, battled Bradamante. Ophelia's speed and agility were countered by Bradamante's strength and precision. Ophelia's Break Drive allowed her to create afterimages, confusing Bradamante, who struggled to land a solid hit.

Astolfo, on his Hippogriff, swooped down at Da Vinci and Ivon. Da Vinci activated her mechanical constructs to defend herself, while Ivon used her magecraft to launch magical projectiles. Astolfo deftly maneuvered through the attacks, using his Hippogriff's agility to evade and counter.

Ritsuka, now in his God Shift form, faced Charlemagne. Shadows swirled around him as he summoned his Umbral Summons. Charlemagne smiled and activated his Noble Phantasm, Joyeuse Order of Death. From the rainbow light, the spirits of fallen soldiers emerged, joining Charlemagne's side.

Ritsuka's shadow soldiers clashed with Charlemagne's spectral army. The battlefield was a chaotic mix of shadows and spirits, each side trying to gain the upper hand. Ritsuka's eyes glowed with determination as he commanded his soldiers, his voice steady and firm.

Charlemagne's spear glowed with power as he charged at Ritsuka. Ritsuka met him head-on, their weapons clashing with a thunderous impact. Sparks flew as they exchanged blows, neither giving an inch. Ritsuka's shadow soldiers and Charlemagne's spectral army continued to fight around them, the noise of battle deafening.

Edmond and Tametomo appeared beside Ritsuka, ready to assist. Edmond's agility and Tametomo's archery skills provided crucial support, allowing Ritsuka to focus on Charlemagne. The three of them coordinated their attacks, pressing Charlemagne on all fronts.

Charlemagne, realizing he was being overwhelmed, called for reinforcements. More spirits emerged from the rainbow light, bolstering his ranks. Ritsuka gritted his teeth, knowing they had to end this quickly. He signaled to Edmond and Tametomo, and they unleashed a coordinated barrage of attacks.

Edmond's swift strikes and Tametomo's precise arrows created openings for Ritsuka. With a final, powerful swing of his sword, Ritsuka managed to land a decisive blow on Charlemagne. Charlemagne staggered back, his spectral army wavering.

Mash, now recovered, rejoined the fight. She stood beside Ritsuka, her shield ready. Together, they launched a final, all-out assault on Charlemagne. Charlemagne, realizing he was defeated, let out a resigned sigh. The spirits of his fallen soldiers began to fade, their duty complete.

Charlemagne fell to his knees, looking up at Ritsuka. "You have proven yourself worthy," he said, his voice filled with respect. "But remember, the true challenge lies ahead."

With that, Charlemagne and his spectral army vanished, leaving the battlefield quiet. Ritsuka, Mash, and the others stood in the aftermath, breathing heavily but victorious. They knew their journey was far from over, but for now, they had overcome a significant hurdle.

Dr. Romani approached, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "We need to regroup and heal our wounds," he said. "The final trial is still ahead."

Ritsuka nodded, looking at his companions. "We've come this far together," he said. "We'll face whatever comes next as a united front."

With renewed determination, the group prepared to continue their journey, knowing that the challenges ahead would test their strength and resolve like never before.

Ritsuka then looked at Charlemagne. "Tell me, what made you change your mind from killing us? And why?"

Charlemagne paused, a contemplative look on his face. "Why?"

Ritsuka just looked at him. "I mean, why and how is this Lostbelt a Lostbelt? It makes no sense. It's kind of perfect even with you as a king of this world. It seems like a big error."

Charlemagne sighed, lowering his weapon. "This Lostbelt... it's a paradox. It was created from a wish, a desire to see a different path, one where I ruled and led my people to glory. But perfection is an illusion. Every utopia has its cracks, its hidden flaws."

He glanced around, the battlefield still echoing with the remnants of their clash. "The very nature of a Lostbelt is to be an anomaly, a divergence from proper human history. While this world might seem ideal on the surface, it exists at the cost of countless lives and realities. It's a world built on the sacrifices and dreams of those who were never meant to be here."

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes. "But you still fought to defend it, to kill us. What changed?"

Charlemagne looked at him, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I realized that my purpose here was twisted. I was meant to protect my people, to lead them, not to cling to a false paradise. Your determination, your willingness to fight for a future that isn't perfect but is real, made me see the truth. This world is a dream, and dreams must end for reality to continue."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, absorbing Charlemagne's words. "So, what now? Will you help us?"

Charlemagne nodded. "I will. We must end this Lostbelt and restore the proper timeline. It's the only way for true progress and hope to thrive."

Ritsuka extended his hand. "Then let's do this together."

Charlemagne shook his hand, a newfound resolve in his eyes. "For the future."

As they prepared to move forward, the bond between them strengthened, united by a common goal. The road ahead was uncertain, but with Charlemagne on their side, they felt a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Together, they would face whatever challenges awaited and work towards a better, more real future.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones that is it

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C114
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


