47.34% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 89: you need to rest

章 89: you need to rest

As Koyanskaya was walking thr halls if Chaldea, she entered Ritsuka room, as on his wall was picture and event in History each marked with Red string as he looked like he hadn't sleeped in weeks

This, this is not healthy. She said grabbing Ritsuka and dragged him out of the room. Alright no more

As Ritsuka was then dropped on the floor as he saw Mash, Ophelia, Koyanskaya, Maria alter, Olga BB and Jalter just looking at him, as this was his harem Jalter and BB had just join during the events of 6th and 7th singularity as all of them looked at him

"Ritsuka," Mash started, her voice firm yet gentle, "you need to rest. You've been pushing yourself too hard."

Ophelia nodded in agreement. "We're worried about you. You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone."

Koyanskaya crossed her arms, looking stern. "You need to take care of yourself if you want to keep taking care of everyone else."

Maria Alter, her expression softer than usual, added, "You've been there for us. Now it's our turn to be there for you."

BB grinned mischievously. "Besides, it's no fun if you're too tired to enjoy our company, Master."

Jalter smirked, her eyes blazing. "And if you don't listen, we'll just have to make you rest. Got it?"

Ritsuka sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, alright. I get it. I'll take a break."

**Morning: The Garden Walk with Mash**

Mash led Ritsuka through Chaldea's garden, pointing out different flowers and plants. They walked slowly, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. The fresh air and Mash's soothing presence helped Ritsuka relax.

"This is nice," Ritsuka said, taking a deep breath. "I should do this more often."

Mash smiled. "You deserve to relax, Senpai."

**Late Morning: Meditation with Ophelia**

Next, Ophelia took Ritsuka to a quiet room. They sat on comfortable cushions, and Ophelia guided him through a meditation session. The calmness of Ophelia's voice and the serene environment allowed Ritsuka to let go of his worries, if only for a moment.

"Just breathe and focus on the present," Ophelia instructed gently. "Feel the tension melt away."

Ritsuka closed his eyes, feeling a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time.

**Early Afternoon: Relaxation in the Library with Olga**

Olga led Ritsuka to the library, where she had set up a cozy reading nook. They spent the early afternoon reading quietly together. Olga chose a mix of light-hearted fiction and historical texts, creating a perfect balance of relaxation and engagement.

"You really know how to create a relaxing atmosphere," Ritsuka said, glancing up from his book.

Olga smiled softly. "It's important to take time for yourself, Ritsuka."

**Afternoon: Spa Session with Koyanskaya**

Koyanskaya's spa session was a luxurious treat. She had prepared a variety of soothing treatments, from massages to hot baths infused with calming herbs. Ritsuka felt his muscles relax under her expert touch.

"You really know how to take care of someone, Koyanskaya," Ritsuka said, feeling the stress melt away.

Koyanskaya smirked. "Of course. I know exactly what you need."

**Late Afternoon: Crafting with Maria Alter**

In the late afternoon, Maria Alter introduced Ritsuka to a crafting activity. They sat together, making simple yet beautiful creations. The focus on crafting allowed Ritsuka to clear his mind and enjoy the moment.

"This is really therapeutic," Ritsuka said, concentrating on his work.

Maria Alter nodded, her eyes gentle. "Sometimes, creating something with your hands can be the best way to unwind."

**Evening: Dinner and Conversation with Olga**

Olga prepared a special dinner for Ritsuka, complete with his favorite dishes. They ate together, enjoying each other's company and engaging in meaningful conversation.

"This is wonderful, Olga," Ritsuka said, savoring the food. "Thank you for this."

Olga smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure. I'm glad you're enjoying it."

**Night: Game Night with BB and Jalter**

As the night approached, BB and Jalter set up a game night. They chose a variety of board games and video games, ensuring there was something for everyone to enjoy. The room was filled with laughter and playful banter as they competed and collaborated in different games.

"Take that!" Jalter exclaimed, winning a round of a particularly intense game.

Ritsuka laughed, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. "Alright, alright, you win this round."

BB grinned. "This is fun. We should do this more often."

**Late Night: Final Relaxation**

After the game night, Ritsuka felt a sense of camaraderie and joy. His friends had gone out of their way to make sure he relaxed and enjoyed himself. As they all settled down for the night, Ritsuka felt grateful for their efforts.

"Thank you, everyone," Ritsuka said, his voice full of appreciation. "I really needed this."

Mash, Ophelia, Olga, Koyanskaya, Maria Alter, BB, and Jalter all gathered around him, smiling.

"We're always here for you," Mash said softly.

"Never forget that," Ophelia added.

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a warmth in his heart. "I won't. Thank you."

As he drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the comforting presence of his friends, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of hope and strength for the challenges ahead.

As the next day arrived, Ritsuka sat down with Dr. Romani in his office. The atmosphere was tense, both of them aware of the gravity of the situation.

"And you're not sure the Lostbelts will be the same?" Romani asked, looking at Ritsuka with concern.

"Why is that?"

Ritsuka took a deep breath, recalling the unexpected encounter. "Simple. The ice soldiers—they're not supposed to be there. It's clear that Kadoc's Lostbelt was different, and if that's the case, then the others will be as well."

Romani nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Alright, explain to me what the original Russian Lostbelt was."

Ritsuka began his explanation, outlining the key points. "In the original timeline, the Russian Lostbelt, also known as the 'Permafrost Empire: Anastasia,' was a harsh, frozen wasteland. It was ruled by the Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who had transformed into a monstrous being called Ivan the Terrible, or Ivan the Giant."

Romani listened intently, his fingers steepled under his chin.

"The Lostbelt was sustained by a tree called the Fantasy Tree, or 'Arbor Imaginarus,' which provided the energy to maintain the alternate reality," Ritsuka continued. "Anastasia, as a Caster, played a crucial role in maintaining the Lostbelt's order. It was a brutal place, where survival was a daily struggle due to the extreme cold and harsh conditions."

Romani nodded again, absorbing the information. "But now, with the ice soldiers and Kadoc's altered role, things have changed."

"Exactly," Ritsuka confirmed. "Kadoc's Lostbelt seems to have deviated significantly from what we originally encountered. This suggests that the other Lostbelts might also have undergone changes."

Romani sighed, leaning back in his chair. "This complicates things. We'll need to be prepared for anything."

Ritsuka nodded. "I agree. We can't rely on our previous knowledge of the Lostbelts. We'll need to adapt and be ready for any unexpected developments."

Romani looked at Ritsuka with a determined expression. "We'll need to gather as much information as possible and be prepared for anything. Chaldea's survival depends on it."

Ritsuka stood up, a renewed sense of purpose in his eyes. "I'll gather the team and start preparing for the next Lostbelt. We need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Romani smiled, a sense of pride in his gaze. "You're doing a great job, Ritsuka. Keep it up."

As Ritsuka left Romani's office, he felt a sense of determination settle over him. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with his friends and allies by his side, he knew they could face whatever came their way. The journey through the Lostbelts would be difficult, but Ritsuka was ready to lead Chaldea through it, no matter the cost.


Olga entered the room, catching the tail end of the explanation. "So, what's your theory, Ritsuka?"

"My theory is that these Lostbelts have been altered somehow," Ritsuka replied. "The changes might be due to interference from external forces—like the Alien God. This means we can't rely on our previous knowledge. Each Lostbelt could present completely new challenges."

Romani and Olga exchanged worried glances. "This complicates things," Romani muttered.

Olga turned to Ritsuka. "If the Lostbelts are different, how do we prepare for them?"

"We need to be adaptable and gather as much intelligence as possible before diving in," Ritsuka said. "We'll need to rely on our Servants and allies more than ever. The key will be to expect the unexpected."

Olga nodded. "Then we should start with reconnaissance and bolster our defenses. We need to be ready for anything."

Ritsuka smiled. "Exactly. And we can't afford to be complacent. Our enemies are likely planning their moves as we speak."

Romani stood up. "I'll coordinate with Da Vinci and the others to enhance our surveillance capabilities. We'll set up scouting missions to gather preliminary data on each Lostbelt."

"Good," Ritsuka said, feeling a surge of determination. "Let's get to work. We have a lot to do and not much time to do it."

As they left the office, Ritsuka felt a sense of unity among his comrades. They were facing an uncertain future, but they would face it together, prepared for whatever came their way.

"Not to mention," Ritsuka said, thinking to himself, "the 2nd and 6th Lostbelts will be the most different. Ophelia and I are here in Chaldea, and two members of Team B are not here."

Romani looked concerned. "You're right. The absence of key figures from the original timeline will likely cause significant deviations."

Olga nodded, deep in thought. "We need to anticipate these changes and prepare for the unexpected. Our prior knowledge will only be a starting point."

Ritsuka continued, "We should also consider that the dynamics within each Lostbelt could be altered. New alliances might form, and previously hostile entities could become potential allies—or vice versa."

Romani added, "I'll have Da Vinci work on updating our predictive models with this new information. We'll simulate various scenarios to prepare our Servants for different possibilities."

"Good idea," Ritsuka said. "We should also focus on strengthening our bonds with our current allies. Their insights and abilities will be crucial."

Ophelia, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up. "And we should prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for what we might face. The Lostbelts represent worlds where humanity's history took a drastically different turn. It won't be easy."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "You're right. But we've faced impossible odds before, and we've come out stronger each time. We just need to stay united and trust in each other."

Olga placed a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "We'll get through this, together."

With renewed determination, the group dispersed to their respective tasks. There was much to do, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance. But they were ready to face the challenges ahead, no matter how daunting.

As then Chaldea was attacked as Ritsuka eyes wident, as they in the monitor the same ice solder leading them was Kadoc and next to him was Anastasia, she was looking like an ice queen, with Black gloves white dress, shs also kinda looked at Esdeath, or that is what Ritsuka though

Shit. Ritsuka said looking at everyone. Let's go we can't handle them yeat, everyone to the shadoe border hopefully Da Vinci is finished with that

Ritsuka and the others rushed to the Shadow Border, their hearts pounding with urgency. They knew they were facing a formidable foe, one they couldn't confront head-on just yet. As they reached the control room, Da Vinci greeted them with a worried expression.

"I've been monitoring the situation," Da Vinci said, her voice tense. "It seems Kadoc and Anastasia are leading the attack. They're not holding back."

Ritsuka nodded grimly. "We need to buy time until we're ready to face them. Da Vinci, is the Shadow Border prepared for emergency relocation?"

Da Vinci nodded. "Yes, but we'll need a few minutes to calibrate the coordinates. We can't risk any mistakes."

Mash stepped forward, determination in her eyes. "Then let's hold them off as long as we can. We won't let them breach Chaldea."

The group nodded in agreement, their resolve unshaken. They prepared to defend Chaldea with everything they had, knowing that the fate of humanity depended on their actions.

Meanwhile, Kadoc and Anastasia stood together, strategizing their next move. Kadoc couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine as he met Anastasia's gaze. There was something unsettling about her, something that reminded him of the ruthless ice queens of legend.

Anastasia's voice cut through the tension, her tone sweet yet menacing. "Darling, where should we focus our attack?"

Kadoc swallowed hard, masking his unease with determination. "We'll target their defenses first, weaken their resolve. And then… we'll crush them."

Anastasia's lips curved into a cold smile. "Excellent choice, my darling. Let's show them the true power of our alliance."

With a nod, Kadoc and Anastasia set their plan into motion, their sights set on Chaldea and the precious future it protected.

As then the ice solder were attacked by Shadow solder, As Kadoc knew these were Ritsuka Umbrel summons. The Shadow Soldiers clashed with the Ice Soldiers in a fierce battle, the air crackling with magic and steel. Kadoc watched as his forces engaged the formidable Umbra Summons, knowing that this would be a crucial moment in their assault on Chaldea.

As the fight raged on, Aozaki's puppets joined the fray, their movements fluid and precise. Leading them was the Shadow Crimson Puppet, a masterpiece of dark magic and craftsmanship. Its crimson threads seemed to dance with malevolent energy as it struck with deadly precision.

Kadoc gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the battlefield. The Shadow Soldiers and puppets were formidable opponents, but he knew they couldn't hold out forever against Ritsuka's forces. He needed to find a way to break through their defenses and reach Chaldea's heart.

With a decisive gesture, Kadoc signaled to Anastasia, his expression determined. "We need to push forward. Focus our attack on their weak points and break through their lines. We can't afford to waste any more time."

Anastasia nodded, her eyes gleaming with icy resolve. "Agreed, my darling. Let's show them the true power of our alliance."

With renewed determination, Kadoc and Anastasia led their forces into the heart of the battle, their sights set on Chaldea and the destiny that awaited them.

To be continued

Hope people like this story and give me power stones

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C89
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


