37.23% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 70: Round two

章 70: Round two

Guys. Drake called out. We found Columbus ship, everyone full force now

With a sense of urgency, the group rallied together, prepared to confront Columbus and his crew. They boarded their ship, setting sail towards their adversary with determination in their hearts.

As they neared Columbus's vessel, Ritsuka could feel the tension mounting. This encounter would be pivotal, determining the course of their journey through the singularity. With the power of the elemental shards at his disposal and the support of his allies, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Let's show them what we're made of," Ritsuka declared, his voice echoing with conviction. "For the future of humanity, and for all those who depend on us, we will prevail!"

With a resounding battle cry, they charged towards their foe, ready to fight for victory and forge their path through the turbulent waters of Okeanos.

Meanwhile in Columbus ship, he saw drake ship as it was coming close to them.

It looks they got moving again. Columbus said looking at his crew. You people know what to do, attack

Columbus's crew sprang into action, preparing for battle as they readied their weapons and manned their stations. They were determined to defend their captain's ship at all costs, even if it meant facing off against formidable opponents.

As Drake's ship drew nearer, Columbus's crew unleashed a volley of cannon fire, aiming to cripple their enemy's vessel and halt their advance. The sound of cannon blasts filled the air, echoing across the sea as the two ships closed in on each other.

Columbus watched the battle unfold with a steely gaze, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew that victory would not come easily, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to emerge triumphant and continue his quest in the mysterious waters of Okeanos.

As the cannon fire erupted between the two ships, chaos engulfed the waters surrounding them. Drake's crew swiftly retaliated, returning fire with precision as they maneuvered their ship to avoid the onslaught of cannonballs.

Onboard, Ritsuka and his allies prepared for the imminent clash. With determination in their hearts, they stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Mash stood at the forefront, her shield raised to deflect incoming attacks, while Ayaka channeled her magical prowess, casting protective spells to shield their ship from harm.

Blackbeard roared with excitement, brandishing his cutlass as he led a charge against Columbus's crew. His ferocity was matched only by the determination of his fellow pirates, who fought with unwavering resolve to defend their captain and their ship.

Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka stood tall, his gaze fixed on Columbus's ship. With a firm grip on his sword, he prepared to lead his allies into battle, knowing that the fate of their journey rested on their ability to emerge victorious against their formidable foes.

As Eruyale was frying a her arrows a spear almost hit her, as the Minatour blocked it and sent it flying, as they looked at someone

Nice to meet you. The man said. Name is hector, and I here to deal with you two

Meanwhile Hercules was moving talking done member left and right with him wa Atalante and Media, as then all three of them was attacked as they saw, it was man shirt less Holden a bloody red axe

Eric Blood axe. The servant said looking at them. I am the beserker do this crew.

As then before media can attack she was blocked as she saw another woman, who had attacked her.

Assassin. She says looking at Media. But there is no point hiding my name I am Chiyome.

Meanwhile Artemis, was moving thought rh water talking done pirate left and right as she was attacked jumping away she saw someone it was white/gray-silver hair young man, he was wearing a old lounden out fit, as his top hair formed a lighting bolt.

Hello there, I am ruler. The ruler servant said looking at her. My real and is James Moriarty, one of Solomon seven, I would deal with the master first, but I have something planned for that.

As a big powerful blast went as Ritsuka moved out of the way as he saw it was Theseus, but her looked different, his one proper yellow hair was darken, his skin was bit darker like that of an alter, his armour was more stronger, and his sword was bigger then before, as ok solder was two sides of a bull.

Theseus's transformation caught Ritsuka off guard, the alteration in his appearance and demeanor signaling a significant change within the Servant. As Ritsuka stared at the newly transformed Theseus, a sense of unease washed over him, the implications of the Servant's evolution weighing heavily on his mind.

"What happened to you?" Ritsuka's question hung in the air, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted within Theseus, transforming him into a more formidable adversary than before.

Theseus regarded Ritsuka with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine, the glint of determination in his eyes unmistakable. "I have embraced my true power," Theseus declared, his voice resonating with newfound strength. "I am no longer bound by the limitations of my former self. I am stronger, fiercer, and more determined than ever to achieve victory."

Ritsuka's grip tightened on his sword, a sense of foreboding settling over him as he prepared to face this formidable opponent. Whatever changes Theseus had undergone, Ritsuka knew that he would need to summon all of his courage and skill to emerge victorious in this battle.

Artemis stood tall, her bow drawn taut, ready to unleash the full force of her divine wrath upon her opponent. James Moriarty, the enigmatic Ruler, regarded her with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with a mix of cunning and calculation.

"You're a formidable opponent, Artemis," Moriarty remarked, his voice dripping with sardonic amusement. "But I'm afraid your divine powers won't be enough to best me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I think you'll find quite... electrifying."

Artemis narrowed her eyes, her expression steely as she prepared to face Moriarty's onslaught. "I fear no mortal, nor do I cower before any trickery," she declared, her voice ringing out with confidence. "I am the goddess of the hunt, and I will not falter in the face of your deceit."

With a flick of his wrist, Moriarty summoned bolts of crackling lightning, sending them hurtling towards Artemis with deadly accuracy. She leaped agilely out of the way, her reflexes honed by centuries of hunting prowess.

"The hunt begins," Moriarty taunted, his smirk widening as he launched another barrage of lightning towards Artemis, each bolt aimed with deadly precision.

Artemis gritted her teeth, determination burning bright in her eyes as she evaded Moriarty's attacks, her bow poised and ready to strike. She knew that victory would not come easily against such a cunning foe, but she was prepared to fight with all her divine strength until the bitter end.

As the lightning crackled around her, Artemis remained steadfast, her focus unwavering as she carefully assessed Moriarty's movements. With each strike, she deftly dodged and countered, her divine agility allowing her to evade the deadly bolts with grace.

Moriarty's attacks came relentlessly, each bolt aiming to ensnare Artemis in a web of electric fury. But Artemis was no ordinary opponent; she was a goddess, and her resolve was unyielding.

With a swift motion, Artemis drew her bow and let loose a volley of arrows, each arrow guided by her divine aim. Moriarty danced nimbly out of the way, his movements fluid and precise, dodging each arrow with practiced ease.

"You're quite skilled, goddess," Moriarty remarked, his voice carrying a note of admiration. "But skill alone won't save you from the storm I'm about to unleash."

With a flick of his wrist, Moriarty summoned a tempest of lightning, the crackling energy swirling around him like a malevolent storm. Artemis stood firm, her bow at the ready, prepared to weather whatever onslaught Moriarty could muster.

The air crackled with tension as the two opponents faced off, each determined to emerge victorious in this clash of divine power and mortal cunning. The outcome hung in the balance, and only time would tell which of them would emerge triumphant.

As the clash between Euryale, the divine archer, and Hector, the valiant warrior, began, arrows flew and spears clashed amidst the chaos of battle. Euryale's golden bow gleamed in the sunlight as she unleashed a volley of enchanted arrows, each one aimed with deadly precision at her formidable foe.

Hector, undeterred by the onslaught, brandished his massive shield and spear, his muscles tensed and ready for combat. With a mighty roar, he charged forward, his spear thrusting towards Euryale with formidable strength. But Euryale was no ordinary opponent; she danced gracefully out of the way, her movements fluid and precise as she continued to rain arrows down upon Hector.

As the battle raged on, Hector's attacks grew more relentless, each strike fueled by his unwavering determination to emerge victorious. But Euryale was equally determined, her divine prowess guiding her every move as she evaded Hector's blows and retaliated with devastating accuracy.

"Your strength is impressive, warrior," Euryale called out, her voice ringing clear above the din of battle. "But even the mightiest of warriors cannot withstand the power of a goddess's arrows."

With a final, well-aimed shot, Euryale unleashed her most potent arrow yet, its gleaming shaft infused with divine energy. The arrow soared through the air, finding its mark with unerring accuracy as it struck true, bringing Hector to his knees with a mighty roar of defeat.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Euryale stood victorious, her bow held high as a testament to her skill and determination. The valiant warrior had been vanquished, and once again, the divine archer had emerged triumphant.

As Hector desiperd, Eruyale saw Minatour, knowing will that she would have died if he didn't block some of the attacks and attack back

Thank you. Eruyale said looking at Minatour. Thanks you Asterion.

The Minotaur, Asterios, nodded silently in acknowledgment, his massive frame towering over Euryale. His presence had indeed been crucial in fending off Hector's relentless assaults. His eyes, though fierce in battle, now held a softer, protective gaze as he regarded Euryale.

Euryale smiled gently, feeling a rare moment of camaraderie. "We make a good team," she said softly, appreciating the silent strength that Asterios brought to their partnership.

The battlefield around them was still chaotic, but for a moment, they stood in a bubble of calm, recognizing the bond that had formed through their struggle. Asterios grunted in agreement, his eyes scanning the horizon for any new threats.

"We should regroup with the others," Euryale suggested, her voice regaining its determination. "There's still much to do."

Asterios nodded again, and together, they began making their way back to the main group, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile with Jason, Black beard and Drake, they were still busy fighting Columbus, as they were pushing him back.

Give up. Drake said as she looked at Columbus. Your not a fighter your an explorers, you use your ship to fight your a rider not a saber

Columbus, cornered and clearly outmatched, grinned despite the situation. "True enough, but I'm not alone, and I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve," he retorted, his eyes gleaming with a cunning light.

Jason, wielding his sword with renewed vigor, pressed the attack. "Your tricks won't save you this time, Columbus. We've come too far to be stopped now!"

Blackbeard, his laughter booming even amidst the clash of weapons, taunted Columbus as well. "Aye, matey! Time to surrender and face the music!"

Columbus' expression hardened, and he called out, "Then let's see if you can handle this!" With a swift motion, he signaled to his crew, and suddenly, the ship's cannons roared to life, bombarding the surrounding area with explosive force.

Drake, Jason, and Blackbeard ducked and weaved through the chaos, their determination undiminished. "We'll take you down, Columbus!" Drake shouted, firing her own pistols to counter the onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Jason seized an opening and lunged forward, his blade aimed directly at Columbus. "This ends now!"

Columbus, unable to evade in time, took the hit, his smirk faltering as Jason's sword found its mark. "Damn you... Argonauts..." he muttered, collapsing to the deck.

As the dust settled, Drake, Jason, and Blackbeard stood victorious, their breathing heavy but their spirits high. "One down," Blackbeard said, grinning. "Let's keep this momentum going!"

Drake nodded, her eyes scanning the battlefield for their next target. "Agreed. We've still got a lot of work to do."

Columbus, despite his injuries, began to laugh maniacally as he activated his Noble Phantasm. "You think you've won? I'll show you the true power of a conqueror of the seas!"

Jason, Drake, and Blackbeard braced themselves as a massive, spectral fleet began to materialize around Columbus, his Noble Phantasm, "Santa María: The Golden Hind," coming into full effect. Ghostly ships armed with cannons surrounded their vessel, ready to unleash a barrage of destruction.

"Prepare to be sunk!" Columbus roared, the cannons of his ghost fleet glowing ominously as they aimed at Drake's ship.

Drake, her eyes narrowing with determination, shouted, "All hands, brace for impact!"

Jason gritted his teeth, his mind racing for a strategy. "We need to take out those ships before they can fire!"

Blackbeard, ever the daring pirate, laughed wildly. "Aye, let's give 'em a taste of their own medicine!"

As the ghostly cannons fired, the three captains sprang into action. Drake, using her superior naval experience, maneuvered her ship to avoid the brunt of the attack, while firing back with her own cannons. Jason, calling upon the power of the Argonauts, summoned a protective barrier around their ship, deflecting some of the spectral cannonballs.

Blackbeard, with his unique flair, launched himself onto one of the ghost ships, cutting down phantom sailors with a terrifying efficiency. "Ye can't kill what's already dead, but I can sure as hell try!"

Despite their efforts, the sheer number of ghostly ships began to overwhelm them. Columbus, seeing their struggle, laughed even harder. "Witness the end of your futile resistance!"

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed across the battlefield. From the depths of the sea, a colossal shadow emerged. It was a giant sea serpent, summoned by one of the magical artifacts Columbus had acquired. The creature surged towards Drake's ship, its maw wide open.

Jason, thinking quickly, shouted, "Blackbeard, the serpent! Take it down before it destroys the ship!"

Blackbeard, ever the fearless pirate, leapt from the ghost ship he was on and landed on the serpent's back, driving his sword into its scales. The serpent thrashed in pain, but Blackbeard held on, continuing his assault.

Drake, taking advantage of the distraction, ordered her crew to focus all firepower on Columbus. "Target their leader! Take him down and the fleet will fall apart!"

Cannons roared, and Columbus, realizing the tide was turning against him, desperately tried to rally his spectral fleet. But it was too late. A well-placed cannonball from Drake's ship struck Columbus directly, causing him to stagger and lose control of his Noble Phantasm.

The ghost fleet began to dissipate, and the sea serpent, weakened by Blackbeard's relentless attacks, finally collapsed into the water.

Columbus, now alone and defeated, fell to his knees, gasping for breath. "Damn you... Argonauts... this isn't over..."

Jason approached him, sword at the ready. "It's over, Columbus. Surrender now."

Columbus, with the last of his strength, managed a defiant smirk. "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over."

With that, he collapsed, unconscious and defeated.

Drake, Jason, and Blackbeard stood victorious, their ship and crew battered but unbroken. "One more threat dealt with," Drake said, wiping sweat from her brow. "Let's keep moving forward."

Jason nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "We've got a singularity to fix and more enemies to face. We can't afford to rest now."

Blackbeard, ever the boisterous pirate, laughed heartily. "Aye, onward to the next adventure!"

With their spirits high and their resolve unshaken, the heroes prepared for the next stage of their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued

Hope people like this and give me power stones

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C70
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


