25.53% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 48: singularty F part 2

章 48: singularty F part 2

Chu Chulainn nodded solemnly in response to Olga's summary. "That's correct," he confirmed. "It seems that even in this altered timeline, certain events remain consistent. The corruption of the Holy Grail and the subsequent chaos it brings are constants that we must contend with."

Ritsuka listened intently, his mind racing with thoughts. Despite the similarities to the original timeline, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "But if Medusa Alter is already defeated," he mused aloud, "then who's behind the corruption of the Holy Grail this time?"

"It's a good question," Chu Chulainn acknowledged with a furrowed brow. "We'll need to investigate further to uncover the truth. But for now, our priority is to restore stability to Singularity F and prevent any further damage."

Mash nodded in agreement. "Agreed," she said firmly. "Let's focus on locating the source of the corruption and putting an end to it before it's too late."

With renewed determination, the group set out once more, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in Singularity F.

Right now. Rituska said summoning the 3rd of the ten shadows toad. Olga get in, toad will keep you safe

Olga hesitated for a moment, eyeing the summoned creature warily. "Is it safe?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ritsuka nodded reassuringly. "Yes, the toad will protect you," he assured her. "It's one of my loyal servants. You'll be safe inside."

With a deep breath, Olga nodded and cautiously approached the toad. As she climbed inside, the creature's demeanor softened, and it gently enveloped her in its protective embrace.

"Thank you," Olga said, offering Ritsuka a grateful smile from within the toad's embrace. "I'll trust in your judgment."

Ritsuka returned the smile, relieved to see Olga safe and protected. "Just hang tight," he said, his tone filled with determination. "We'll get through this together."

So now we need to deal with Berserker. Chu Chulainn said looking at them. Unlucky for all of us it is the hero Hercules

Ritsuka's expression darkened at the mention of Hercules. "Hercules... he's a formidable opponent," he remarked grimly. "But we can't afford to back down now. We'll need to strategize and work together to defeat him."

Mash nodded in agreement, her resolve unwavering. "Right," she said firmly. "We've faced tough battles before, and we've always come out on top. We can do this."

Chu Chulainn nodded, his gaze steely. "Let's not waste any time," he said. "We need to confront Hercules head-on and put an end to this threat."

With their determination renewed, the group prepared themselves to face Hercules, knowing that the outcome of this battle could shape the course of the singularity.

As the group was informed for Hercules, as Ritsuka summoned Mahoraga, As Mahorage just looked at Hercules.

12 time huh. Ritsuka said looking at Mahoraga. Luckily I have power house that can deal with go-nuts Mahoraga

Mahoraga's imposing figure loomed over the battlefield, his presence radiating power and strength. With a nod from Ritsuka, the fierce guardian spirit unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks against Hercules, each strike fueled by Ritsuka's unwavering resolve.

As Hercules charged forward with unparalleled strength, Mahoraga met him head-on, their clash sending shockwaves rippling through the air. With each blow exchanged, the ground trembled beneath their feet, but Mahoraga stood firm, pushing back against the mighty Hercules with unmatched ferocity.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka coordinated the battle from the sidelines, analyzing Hercules' movements and strategizing their next move. With Mahoraga's formidable might on their side, they were determined to overcome this formidable opponent and restore peace to the singularity.

Alright only one left is saber. Olga said still inside of toad. Ok what the fuck.

As they all saw a full power Excalibur Morgan ready to hit, then as Mash activated her own np. Mash summoned forth her Noble Phantasm, the impenetrable shield known as Lord Camelot, to defend against the devastating power of Excalibur Morgan. As the two noble phantasms clashed, a blinding explosion engulfed the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

In the midst of the chaos, Ritsuka called upon his remaining strength to reinforce Mash's defense, channeling his magical energy to fortify the shield and withstand the onslaught of Excalibur Morgan. Together, they stood against the torrent of destruction, determined to protect their allies and emerge victorious.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, Mash's Lord Camelot stood strong, shielding them from harm and repelling the full force of Saber's devastating attack. With their combined efforts, they had successfully overcome the final obstacle in their path, securing victory in the face of overwhelming adversity.

With Saber's attack thwarted, the group seized the opportunity to launch a counteroffensive. Ritsuka, sensing an opening, commanded his summoned servants to unleash their most powerful attacks. Mahoraga unleashed torrents of attack, Sigurd charged forward with his legendary sword, and Brynhildr launched devastating spear thrusts.

Meanwhile, Chu Chulainn and Minamoto provided support from a distance, raining down arrows and magical projectiles upon the enemy. Mash, bolstered by Ritsuka's encouragement, pushed forward with unwavering determination, her shield raised high to deflect any incoming attacks.

As the battle raged on, the combined efforts of the group began to wear down Saber's defenses. With each strike and spell cast, they chipped away at her resolve, inching closer to victory with every passing moment. Despite the overwhelming odds, they fought on with courage and conviction, determined to emerge triumphant against the formidable foe before them.

Every. Ritsuka out it his servant. Np now.

As Ritsuka servants, Sigurd, Tametomo, Edmond, Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan unlsihe there No ay Saber alter, as saber alter can only think ome think, i am fucked

With the combined might of Ritsuka's summoned servants, a cascade of Noble Phantasms descended upon Saber Alter, each more powerful than the last. Sigurd's radiant blade cleaved through the darkness, Tametomo's arrows pierced through the shadows, Edmond's Count of Monte Cristo swept in with unstoppable force, Brynhildr's divine lance pierced through the enemy's defenses, and Tenochtitlan's divine powers surged forth in a blazing inferno.

The sheer intensity of the onslaught overwhelmed Saber Alter, pushing her to the brink of defeat. Caught off guard by the relentless barrage of attacks, she found herself unable to mount a proper defense. As the combined power of the Noble Phantasms converged upon her, she was consumed by the searing light, her form dissipating into nothingness.

With Saber Alter vanquished, the battlefield fell silent, the echoes of their victory ringing in the air. Ritsuka and his companions stood victorious, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. Yet, even as they celebrated their triumph, they knew that their journey was far from over. The challenges ahead would be numerous, but with their bond as masters and servants, they were ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the singularity.

Will looks my job is done. A Chu Chulainn caster started to desiperd. See you again.

As the group took a collective sigh, as they just seat down, as falling from the sky was holy grail as Rituska grabbed it

As Ritsuka caught the Holy Grail, a sense of solemnity washed over him. Holding such a powerful artifact in his hands, he knew that its influence could shape the fate of the world. Yet, he also understood the responsibility that came with wielding such power.

Gazing at the Grail, Ritsuka felt a sense of determination welling up within him. This was not merely an object of legend; it was a beacon of hope, a symbol of possibility. With the Grail in their possession, they had the potential to bring about great change, to right the wrongs of the past and forge a brighter future.

But even as Ritsuka contemplated the possibilities, he knew that the journey ahead would not be easy. The path of a master was fraught with danger and uncertainty, and there were many challenges yet to overcome. However, with his companions by his side, Ritsuka was confident that they could face whatever trials lay ahead.

With renewed resolve, Ritsuka stood up, the Holy Grail in hand, ready to continue their quest. As they prepared to depart from the singularity, they knew that their adventure was far from over. But whatever the future held, they would face it together, united in purpose and bound by their unbreakable bond.

As the they trio hurd it a evil and power lap, as they saw someone, Mash and Olga didn't recornised him but Ritsuka as standing on top of all of them was Goetia, in his Solamen form

To think even after what I did there is still people is chaldea. Goetia. And to see it we have a diginer baby, a going to orphan childe. Goetia said looking at Mash and Olga. And the annamali. Goetia said as he looked at Ritsuka with a gaze.

Ritsuka felt a chill run down his spine as he locked eyes with Goetia. The memories of their previous encounters flooded back, reminding him of the immense power and malevolence that the Beast of Calamity possessed.

Despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm him, Ritsuka stood his ground, his expression steely and determined. He refused to cower in the face of Goetia's taunts, knowing that showing weakness would only embolden the enemy.

"We may be just a diginer baby, an orphan, and an annamalai to you," Ritsuka said, his voice unwavering, "but we are also the ones who will stand against you. We will not let you harm anyone else."

Mash and Olga looked at Ritsuka with a mixture of awe and determination, drawing strength from his resolve. Together, they braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation with Goetia, knowing that the fate of Chaldea and perhaps the entire world hung in the balance.

Wait what do you mean Orphan? Olga said looking at Goatia. What do you mean

Oh right. As he create wa portal to Chaldea, as floating on the sky was Marisbury. After all, after I kill you will be fatherlesss.

Olga's eyes widened in shock and disbelief at Goetia's words. The revelation hit her like a physical blow, leaving her speechless and reeling with a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, and sorrow all swirling within her.

Ritsuka's expression darkened as he glared at Goetia, his fists clenched at his sides. The mention of Marisbury's fate only fueled his determination to defeat the Beast of Calamity and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

"You won't lay a finger on him," Ritsuka growled, his voice laced with righteous fury. "We'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

With renewed resolve, Ritsuka and his companions prepared themselves for the battle ahead, knowing that they faced their greatest challenge yet. But they also knew that they fought not just for themselves, but for the safety and future of all humanity.

As Ritsuka used his shadow trave but he was summond in different face as he sent him into the glove if Chaldea, and just like Olga he died, as the group was shocked, as this happened Ritsuka stopped working, Olga was holding her mouth and mash just saw it her eyes wident, Ritsuka told her about the future but it was Olga who died and Marisbury died before her, and yet it didn't happen, as then Ritsuka was Anger as his hair was turned red one of his eyes turned golden, as he moved in high-speed, As Goatia just loved his had as Albion with through his hole arm as he just bitch slapped Ritsuka away as he pulled out the sword and gave back to Ritsuka.

Hahahahahhahaa. Goetia lapped looking at Ritsuka. Are you really trying to attack me, just to let you know I allowed that, anyway say goodbye to this singularty and grand order is starting

Amidst the chaos and despair, the fate of humanity hung in the balance, as the battle against Goetia and the impending collapse of the Singularities threatened to plunge the world into darkness.

As then a blue box came with Dr Romani as he saw everything, he looked at the group

Mash, Olga grab Ritsuka Singularty is being destroyed. Dr Romani said looking at them. We are starting energy rayshift Now

With urgency, Dr. Romani's command spurred Mash and Olga into action. Despite the shock and grief, they swiftly moved to carry out his orders.

As the energy of the Singularity surged around them, threatening to tear reality apart, they grasped Ritsuka's unconscious form, their determination unwavering. With a final glance at the chaos around them, they braced themselves for the energy rayshift, their only hope of escaping the impending destruction.

In the blink of an eye, they vanished into the blue light, leaving behind the tumultuous battlefield and the looming threat of Goetia's wrath.

2 house 30 minutes and 40 seconds later

As Ritsuka's consciousness returned, he found himself surrounded by familiar faces, each bearing expressions of relief and concern. Mash and Ophelia, ever steadfast, were by his side, their presence a reassuring anchor in the wake of chaos.

With Olga nearby, resting after the ordeal, and Aozaki's arrival bringing a sense of authority to the room, Ritsuka began to piece together the events that had transpired. Though groggy from his awakening, a surge of determination coursed through him as he prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

Taking in the scene, Ritsuka braced himself for the challenges yet to come, knowing that the bonds forged in adversity would be their greatest strength.

Master tell me something. Ritsuka said looking at Aozkai. How the outside world.

How garbage. Aozkai said looking at him. Everything outside of Chaldea is destroyed, so even if wanted can't get help, so luckily we just need to take care of singularty and all of this is fixed

Aozaki's words painted a grim picture of the world beyond Chaldea's walls, confirming Ritsuka's fears about the devastation wrought by the singularities. Yet, amidst the despair, there was a glimmer of hope—a sense of purpose in their mission to restore order to the fractured timeline.

With determination burning bright within him, Ritsuka resolved to focus on the task at hand, knowing that their efforts within Chaldea were their best hope for a brighter future beyond its confines.

How are the master canadates. Ritsuka nowing this is probably the time Kirshtaria and the rest of team made there deal with aline god. Are they still in Cryo sleep, what am I saying they are aren't they

Aozaki nodded solemnly. "Yes, they are. All of the master candidates are still in cryo sleep. Given the state of the world outside, it's safer for them to remain in stasis until the singularities are resolved. We'll need all the help we can get once they wake up."

Ritsuka's heart sank at the thought of his fellow master candidates still in suspended animation, unaware of the trials unfolding within Chaldea. Yet, he understood the necessity of their situation and the importance of their eventual awakening in aiding their cause.

Unknown to anyone 5 master of team A woke, up by the help of the aline, god and went through there lost belt

So you never wanted me. Kirshtaria said to the aline god. You want Ritsuka, why

Idk. The aline god said to. For now I give this Lost belt to take care of

Yes right a lost belt when the Norse god never ended. Kirschtaria said looking at the aline god. What did you say the original idea was, I greek lost belt

The alien god's response was enigmatic. "The original plan was indeed a Greek Lostbelt, but plans change, as do circumstances. The emergence of the Norse gods presented an opportunity we couldn't ignore. As for why Ritsuka is favored, well, some things are best left to unfold naturally."

Kirschtaria couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the alien god's cryptic words. It seemed there were deeper layers to their agenda than he had initially realized.

As Ritsuka just looked into the sky he grabbed a star and was ready for what is to come, at this point what ever happens next he will be ready

Do you think we can still relay on future Knowledge Senpai. Mash said looking at Ritsuka. It looks like the butterfly effect have started

Ritsuka gazed back at Mash, a determined expression on his face. "Even if the future is uncertain and our knowledge isn't as reliable as we thought, we have to keep moving forward. We'll adapt, learn, and do everything we can to make things right. The butterfly effect may have started, but we'll find a way to navigate through it."

Mash nodded, her resolve strengthening. "Right, Senpai. We'll face whatever challenges come our way together, and we'll overcome them."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and Mash stood side by side, ready to confront the trials ahead and protect humanity's future, no matter what it might hold.

Meanwhile Kadoc enters his own lost belt, as he was at Russia, as he saw castle.

So that is where my servant is. Kadoc said as guards let him in. So your the lost belt king, not queen is a proper word.

Meanwhile Pepe was in his own lost belt, as he summoned his own servant

Archer class. The servant looked at him. My name is Ashwatthama are you my master

As Kadoc stood before the Lostbelt King, he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. "Yes, I'm here to challenge you," he declared, steeling himself for the coming battle.

Meanwhile, Pepe faced his own challenges as he encountered his summoned Archer servant. "Yes, I'm your Master," Pepe replied confidently. "Let's work together to navigate this Lostbelt and fulfill our objectives."

As the ice collar gripped Kadoc's neck, he gritted his teeth in pain but maintained his composure. "My plan was to challenge you and seize control of this Lostbelt," he admitted, staring defiantly at the Lostbelt Queen. "Even if I failed this time, I'll find another way to achieve my goals."

Meanwhile, Daybit faced his own encounter with his summoned Grand Berserker. "Tezcatlipoca, huh?" Daybit mused, sizing up his new servant. "Let's see what kind of power you bring to the table. Together, we'll carve our path through this Lostbelt."

To be continued

Should I open a Patreon, for you guys so yeah says yes or no

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C48
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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