9.04% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 17: The church part 2

章 17: The church part 2

As Ritsuka was sleeping once again having the same nightmare but as he did it all Changed

Who knew we will meet again master. A voice said destroying he room. Your nightmare have gotten less will depressing.

As standing Infront of Ritsuka was someone he knew and someone the makes sense for why he was here it was Edmond Dantes, one his many avenge class servents

As Ritsuka looked up at Edmond Dantes, a mix of surprise and confusion clouded his expression.

"What are you doing here?" Ritsuka asked, trying to make sense of the unexpected appearance of his Servant.

Edmond Dantes regarded him with a steady gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of concern beneath their usual stoic facade. "I'm here because you summoned me, Master," he replied evenly. "It seems your nightmares have intensified, and I couldn't ignore your call for aid."

Ritsuka's mind raced as he tried to process the situation. The nightmares had plagued him for weeks, but this was the first time a Servant had manifested within them. "I... I didn't realize I could summon you like this," he admitted, feeling a sense of gratitude mixed with apprehension.

"It's not a conventional summoning, but in moments of great distress, the bond between Master and Servant can transcend the boundaries of reality," Edmond explained. "Now, tell me, what troubles you? Why do these nightmares haunt you so?"

As Ritsuka hesitated, unsure of where to begin, the dream shifted, surrounding them with darkness as memories of past battles and lost friends flooded his mind. Through the haze of confusion and fear, one thing became clear: he couldn't face this alone.

"I... I don't know," Ritsuka finally confessed, his voice wavering. "But I'm afraid. Afraid of what's to come, of the choices I'll have to make, and of failing those who depend on me."

Edmond placed a reassuring hand on Ritsuka's shoulder, his presence a comforting anchor in the tumult of emotions. "You are not alone, Master," he said firmly. "Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead, and emerge stronger for it. Trust in yourself, and trust in your allies. That is the key to overcoming any obstacle."

With those words, the darkness began to recede, replaced by a glimmer of light on the horizon. Ritsuka felt a sense of clarity and determination wash over him, buoyed by the unwavering support of his Servant.

"Thank you, Dantes," Ritsuka said, gratitude filling his voice. "I'll remember your words."

As the dream faded away, Ritsuka awoke with a newfound sense of resolve. Though the challenges ahead remained daunting, he knew he wasn't alone in facing them. With his Servants by his side, he would forge ahead, ready to confront whatever trials fate had in store.

So um how do you remember me. Ritsuka said to Edmond. But then again seeing your power and lore it makes sense I mean even Time is like a prison

Edmond Dantès regarded Ritsuka with a thoughtful expression, his gaze piercing yet compassionate.

"I remember you because our destinies are intertwined," he replied, his voice steady. "In the endless tapestry of time, certain threads are bound together, weaving a story of struggle and redemption. Your journey, though fraught with hardship, is one of hope and resilience."

He paused, as if considering his next words carefully. "As for time being a prison, you are not wrong," Edmond continued. "For some, time is an inexorable force, trapping them in the past or binding them to an uncertain future. But for others, time is a tool, a means to shape their own destiny and defy the constraints of fate."

Ritsuka listened intently, captivated by his Servant's wisdom. It was as if Edmond Dantès held a deeper understanding of the world, one that transcended the bounds of mortal comprehension.

"I may be a Servant bound by the laws of the Holy Grail War, but even I can see the threads of fate that bind us together," Edmond concluded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "And in this moment, I am here to stand by your side, Master, for as long as you need me."

With those words, Ritsuka felt a surge of gratitude and determination. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew he could face them with Edmond Dantès at his side. Together, they would defy the constraints of time and forge their own path forward.

As Ritsuka woke up as he said the mirror his body didn't Change and he didn't grow up, he was still 9, but he can hear a Lapp.

Oh my god I didn't think you will sent this far back. Edmond said looking at Ritsuka. Like what was the creator thinking

Ritsuka, realizing he was still in the midst of a dream, felt a surge of frustration at Edmond's cryptic remarks. "Cut the theatrics, Edmond," he snapped, his patience wearing thin. "I know I've been sent back into the past, but what I don't understand is why and how you're here."

Edmond's laughter echoed in the room, a maddening sound that grated on Ritsuka's nerves. "Ah, always the impatient one, aren't you?" Edmond said with a smirk. "But fear not, Master. All will be revealed in due time. For now, embrace the journey laid out before you."

Ritsuka clenched his fists, a mixture of anger and determination coursing through him. He knew he couldn't trust everything in his dreams, but there was an undeniable urgency to uncover the truth behind this bizarre experience. With a steely resolve, he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, both in the dream world and in reality.

As Ritsuka then finally woke up as he saw in his hand was a command shilde..

Ritsuka pondered the implications of the command seal in his hand. The weight of its significance settled heavily on his mind as he considered the potential repercussions. Would Chaldea be aware of his newfound connection to the Holy Grail War? And what about Aozaki, his mentor—did she have any knowledge of these clandestine affairs? The questions swirled in his thoughts, a tangled web of uncertainty and apprehension.

With a deep breath, Ritsuka pushed aside his doubts and resolved to confront these mysteries head-on. Whatever the answers may be, he knew he couldn't afford to dwell on them for long. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he was determined to face them with courage and resolve. As he rose from his bed, the command seal glimmering faintly in his hand, Ritsuka steeled himself for the trials that awaited him.

How have you become like this master. Edmond said in Ritsuka head. What happened to the head strong and Neve giving up mater that I was contracted too

That was before the 5th, 6th and 7th lost belt and even the first. Ritsuka said to Edmond. Plush being attacked by type which attacked and took your servents use the data to created it's own throne of hero and then summons it self as grand foreigner like how

Ritsuka's response echoed in the recesses of his mind, a solemn acknowledgment of the trials and tribulations he had faced. Memories of battles fought and losses endured flooded his thoughts, each one leaving its mark on his spirit.

"I've seen things that have changed me, Edmond," Ritsuka replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "The weight of each struggle, each sacrifice—it's shaped me in ways I never could have imagined. But through it all, I've learned to adapt, to persevere."

As he spoke, Ritsuka's gaze hardened with determination, a flicker of resolve burning bright within him. "I may not be the same master you once knew, but I refuse to let despair consume me. There's still so much left to fight for, so much that I must protect. That's what keeps me going, even in the darkest of times."

Hey kid are you up. Aozaki said to Ritsuka. Beacuse lunch is ready

"Yeah, I'm awake," Ritsuka replied, pushing himself up from his bed. The echoes of his conversation with Edmond still lingered in his mind, but he pushed them aside for now. "I'll be right there for lunch, Master Aozaki."

As Ritsuka joined Aozaki for lunch, he couldn't shake off the strange encounter he had in his dream. Despite trying to focus on the present moment, the thoughts kept creeping back, casting a shadow over his meal.

So I think we should go over the list the church gave us. Aozaki said it Ritsuka. And let's see which fraction you wanna be trained by.

Hearing the name of the Church, Edmond's mind raced with memories of past conflicts and betrayals. He couldn't shake the distrust and resentment he harbored towards the organization.

As Aozaki and Ritsuka discussed the options presented by the Church, Edmond remained silent within Ritsuka's mind, contemplating the implications of aligning with an institution he deeply mistrusted. Despite his reservations, he knew that Ritsuka's decision would shape their path forward.

The Executors, the Exorcists, and the Templars. Ritsuka said to Aozaki. These are the one I chose

Aozaki nodded, acknowledging Ritsuka's choices. "Those are respectable choices, each with their own unique strengths and philosophies," she remarked. "Now, let's focus on your training regimen. We have much to prepare for." " And let call thr cruch after all they need to know which one chose". Aozaki then picked up her phone and called a number. " Yeah I am here to tell you guys what Ritsuka he chose 3"

After a brief conversation over the phone, Aozaki nodded. "Alright, they've been informed," she said to Ritsuka. "Now, let's continue with your training. We'll need to tailor it to match the specialization of the faction you've chosen."

Unthle there teacher arrive, let's fouces on rune and sun mage crafts and you mystic eyes. Aozaki said looking at him. And let's not waste anymore time

Ritsuka nodded eagerly. "Yeah, let's get started," he said, ready to dive into his training with renewed determination. With Aozaki's guidance, he delved into honing his skills in rune and sun magecraft, as well as mastering the use of his mystic eyes. Each session brought him closer to unlocking his full potential, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity for growth.

As the days passed, Ritsuka threw himself into his training with unwavering dedication. Under Aozaki's guidance, he delved deeper into the intricacies of rune magecraft, learning to weave complex patterns of symbols and unleash their potent effects. With each passing day, his control over his magical abilities grew stronger, and he began to unlock new techniques and spells.

In addition to his studies in magecraft, Ritsuka also devoted himself to mastering the use of his mystic eyes. Through rigorous practice and experimentation, he learned to harness the full extent of their power, honing his ability to perceive and analyze magical phenomena with unparalleled precision.

Meanwhile, Aozaki continued to monitor his progress closely, providing guidance and encouragement every step of the way. She pushed him to his limits, challenging him to overcome obstacles and strive for excellence in everything he did.

As Ritsuka's skills continued to improve, he felt a sense of fulfillment and purpose unlike anything he had experienced before. With each passing day, he grew more confident in his abilities and more determined to fulfill his destiny as a mage of extraordinary potential.

As Aozaki got a call from the church.

We have decided the people to send. The man on the phone said. There name are ciel she is from the Executors, Caren Hortensia she is from the Exorcist and the last one is Ayato he is for the Templates they will coming tomorrow for the training

Aozaki listened intently to the voice on the other end of the line, taking note of the names and affiliations of the individuals selected by the church. As she processed the information, she felt a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension. These individuals would play a crucial role in Ritsuka's training, and she hoped they would prove to be capable mentors.

"Understood," Aozaki replied, her voice steady. "We'll be ready to receive them tomorrow. Thank you for arranging their arrival."

With that, she ended the call and turned to Ritsuka, a determined expression on her face.

"We have guests coming tomorrow," she said, her tone serious. "It's time to step up our training regimen and show them what you're capable of. Are you ready?"

So my church master are coming Tomorrow. Ritsuka said already knew who the guests were going to be. But for know lets partice mage craft

"Indeed, they'll be here soon," Aozaki acknowledged, noting Ritsuka's awareness. "Let's make the most of today and ensure you're prepared to impress them tomorrow."

With a nod of agreement, Ritsuka and Aozaki delved into their training session, focusing on honing Ritsuka's skills in magecraft, rune magic, and mastering his mystic eyes. As they immersed themselves in their practice, the anticipation for the arrival of the church mentors heightened, adding an extra layer of motivation to their efforts.

Meanwhile in a different place in France Berly was seen torturing, a member of the church using his witch craft to active curse after curse.

Now tell where is Ritsuka Fujimaru. Berly said annoyed he has been doing this for a few hours. Tell and you will get a quick death

Go to hell.The man said.

Beryl's frustration grew as the man remained defiant. With a sinister grin, he intensified the torture, unleashing even more powerful curses upon his captive.

"You have no idea what hell truly is," Beryl snarled, his voice dripping with malice. "But you're about to find out unless you start talking. Where. Is. Ritsuka. Fujimaru?"

5 minutes later.

As Beryl called again, as his phone rang before the same voice spoke again.

What is it. The voice said. You better have results.

Beryl's voice carried a note of frustration as he relayed the grim news to his contact. "I've hit a roadblock. I couldn't extract any information from this one, and I can't afford to keep leaving a trail of bodies. The church won't hesitate to send their Executors after me if I keep this up."

The voice on the other end remained composed, albeit with a hint of impatience. "You were supposed to handle this discreetly, Beryl. We can't afford any unnecessary attention. Find another way to track down Ritsuka Fujimaru, but do it quietly this time. We'll discuss your failure in person."

With a heavy sigh, Beryl ended the call and pondered his next move, knowing that time was running out and the stakes were growing higher with each passing moment.

Seciresly what with this kid. Beryl said to him self. From the files he is being trained by Aozaki of all people and then he keeps moving country from count and now the fucking Church is protecting him and why does this guy want him dead so badly there is something I am missing

Beryl mulled over the situation, trying to piece together the puzzle of Ritsuka Fujimaru's importance. His mind raced with possibilities and potential motives, but one thing was certain: the more he delved into the mystery surrounding Ritsuka, the more questions seemed to arise. With a determined expression, Beryl resolved to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

To be continued

Explaining, Edmond remember beacuse I am using the logic of time is prison and sense his first np allows him to escape anything does time and memories as well, for how Ritsuka summons him will, his sun mage craft is connect to a demi god, which is connected to a god, and sense Ritsuka made Contact with the creators the holy energy inside of the sun mage craft turned him into a temporary hoody grail, also he was living on top of laylin so yeah that is how, anyway domt forget my power stones

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


