4.25% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 8: There is more to the story then meet the eye

章 8: There is more to the story then meet the eye

In a different place, within the confines of a separate dimension, a figure of great significance observed the unfolding events with keen interest. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, renowned mage and wielder of unimaginable power, gazed upon the world through eyes that saw far more than mere mortals could comprehend.

As he studied the threads of fate that intertwined and unraveled before him, Zelretch's lips curled into a knowing smile. To the untrained eye, the events playing out may have seemed insignificant, but he knew better. There was always more to the story than met the eye, and he delighted in unraveling the intricacies of the cosmic tapestry.

With a flick of his wrist, Zelretch conjured a shimmering portal that allowed him to peer into other dimensions and alternate realities, each offering glimpses of their own unique narratives and divergent paths. For him, the pursuit of knowledge was an endless journey, one that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

As he continued his observations, Zelretch's mind buzzed with speculation and anticipation. What secrets lay hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered? What unseen forces lurked beneath the surface, shaping the destiny of worlds?

For Zelretch, the quest for truth was an eternal pursuit—one that would lead him down countless paths and through countless realms. And as he delved deeper into the mysteries of existence, he knew that there would always be more to discover, more to learn, and more to explore.

Let's see someone is changing everything. He said looking intotnrh portal. My god this is new I though it would be shiro Emiya not Ritsuka Fujimaru

Zelretch's keen eyes narrowed as he peered into the swirling depths of the portal, his mind racing with possibilities. The revelation that someone—someone unexpected—was altering the course of events sent a ripple of intrigue through the very fabric of his being.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru," he murmured, the name rolling off his tongue like a whisper carried on the wind. "An unlikely protagonist, but one with the potential to reshape destiny itself."

With a gesture, Zelretch manipulated the portal, focusing his attention on the figure of Ritsuka as he navigated the complexities of his newfound power and the challenges that lay ahead. There was something about the young mage, something that set him apart from the countless others who had crossed Zelretch's path.

As he watched Ritsuka's journey unfold, Zelretch felt a surge of anticipation building within him. The prospect of witnessing the emergence of a new hero, one whose actions would shape the course of history, filled him with a sense of exhilaration unlike anything he had experienced in centuries.

But beneath the excitement lay a lingering sense of caution. For every action had consequences, and every change rippled outward, altering the very fabric of reality itself. As Zelretch continued to observe, he vowed to keep a close watch on Ritsuka's progress, knowing that the fate of worlds hung in the balance.

As then he felt something looking up he saw a woman with no face, wearing a blue dress as she was something he knew well

Zelretch's voice carried a tone of familiarity and respect as he addressed the enigmatic figure before him. Despite her lack of a face, he could sense the presence of Alaya, the collective will of humanity, emanating from her form.

"Hello there, Alaya," Zelretch said, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment. "It has indeed been a long time since our last encounter."

As he spoke, Zelretch's gaze remained fixed on Alaya, his curiosity piqued by her unexpected appearance. In his long years of existence, he had learned to expect the unexpected, but even he found himself intrigued by the sudden presence of the embodiment of humanity's will.

"I trust that all is well with you," Zelretch continued, his words tinged with genuine concern. "What brings you to this place? Is there something you wish to discuss?"

Though he had conversed with Alaya many times before, each encounter was a reminder of the profound connection between mage and humanity, a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Alaya's form shifted subtly, a gentle breeze rustling the folds of her blue dress as she regarded Zelretch with an inscrutable gaze.

"It is good to see you again, Zelretch," she intoned, her voice resonating with a sense of solemnity and purpose. "I have come to speak with you about the events that are unfolding across the myriad dimensions."

Zelretch's interest was piqued at her words, his keen intellect already piecing together the implications of her visit. If Alaya had deemed it necessary to seek him out, then the situation must indeed be of great importance.

"What events do you speak of?" Zelretch inquired, his tone measured as he awaited her response.

Alaya's form seemed to shimmer slightly, as if in response to the gravity of the situation. "There is a disturbance in the balance of the multiverse," she explained. "A force unknown seeks to alter the course of fate, disrupting the delicate equilibrium that governs the flow of events."

Zelretch nodded thoughtfully, absorbing her words with a sense of solemn understanding. He had sensed the shifting tides of fate himself, but to hear Alaya confirm his suspicions only served to underscore the severity of the situation.

"What would you have me do?" Zelretch asked, his voice steady despite the weight of the moment.

Alaya's form grew fainter, as if receding into the depths of the ether. "Watch, observe, and if necessary, intervene," she replied. "The fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance, and it is up to you and others like you to ensure that the tapestry of existence remains intact."

With those cryptic words, Alaya began to fade from view, her presence dissipating like morning mist beneath the sun. Left alone once more, Zelretch pondered the significance of their conversation, knowing that the challenges ahead would test his abilities like never before.

My, my, my why are you always like this Alaya mad that your project is being fucked with. As another woman came this looking like she was made by plant life as this was Gaia the will of trh planet. And why don't you come back, you selfish child

Gaia's presence, as vibrant and vital as the verdant earth itself, brought a new energy to the ethereal realm where Zelretch stood. He regarded her with a mixture of respect and amusement, knowing well the dynamic between the will of the planet and the will of humanity.

"Ah, Gaia," Zelretch said, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Always so direct in your approach."

Gaia's form seemed to ripple with a mixture of exasperation and affection, her connection to the natural world palpable even in this ephemeral space.

"I am merely concerned for the well-being of this world and all who inhabit it," Gaia replied, her voice carrying the soothing tones of rustling leaves and babbling brooks. "The balance must be maintained, lest chaos reign unchecked."

Zelretch nodded in understanding, acknowledging the gravity of her words. Despite their occasional differences, he and Gaia shared a common goal: to safeguard the delicate harmony of existence.

"I assure you, Gaia, I am doing all that I can to address the situation," Zelretch said, his tone earnest. "But the forces at play are formidable, and the outcome remains uncertain."

Gaia regarded him with a mixture of sympathy and resolve, her presence a grounding force amidst the swirling currents of destiny.

"Remember, Zelretch," she said, her voice a gentle breeze caressing his senses. "The fate of this world—and countless others—rests in your hands. Do not falter in your duty."

With those words, Gaia's form began to fade, returning to the verdant embrace of the earth itself. Left alone once more, Zelretch contemplated the weight of his responsibility, knowing that the challenges ahead would test his mettle like never before.

The fact both came to me means he is involved. Zelretch though to him self. But why is he the creator getting into this situation

Zelretch pondered the implications of Gaia and Alaya's visit, their words echoing in his mind like the distant murmurs of a forgotten melody. The revelation that the creator himself was involved in the unfolding events added a new layer of complexity to an already intricate tapestry of fate.

"Curious indeed," Zelretch mused, his thoughts racing as he considered the significance of the creator's involvement. "What could have prompted him to intervene in such a manner? And to what end?"

As he delved deeper into the mysteries of the multiverse, Zelretch knew that he would need to tread carefully, lest he become ensnared in the machinations of powers far beyond his comprehension.

"Whatever the creator's intentions may be, I must remain vigilant," Zelretch resolved, his resolve steeling against the challenges that lay ahead. "For the fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance, and it falls to me to ensure that the threads of destiny remain unbroken."

With a sense of purpose renewed, Zelretch turned his gaze towards the horizon, knowing that the path ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty. But as a master of the mystic arts, he was prepared to face whatever trials awaited him, confident in his ability to shape the course of destiny itself.

As then Zelretch looked at the portal as his eyes wident as he saw Ritsuka. Zelretch's gaze lingered on Ritsuka, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes as he contemplated the possibilities that lay before him. The idea of manipulating the course of fate, even in the smallest of ways, had always held a certain appeal to the enigmatic mage.

"Ah, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Zelretch mused, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "A most intriguing choice indeed. To think that fate would bring us together in such unexpected circumstances."

As he observed Ritsuka, Zelretch couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of meddling in the affairs of Chaldea once more. The thought of ruffling a few feathers and stirring up chaos brought a mischievous grin to his lips.

"Now then, let us see what manner of mischief we can concoct," Zelretch said to himself, his mind already abuzz with countless possibilities. "After all, where's the fun in playing by the rules?"

With a flick of his wrist, Zelretch summoned forth his magic, the energies of the multiverse swirling around him like a tempest of possibility. As he prepared to weave his next move, a sense of anticipation filled the air, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in the grand tapestry of fate.

How about I give you limited less potential, no wait you already have that, I gess the creator gave you that, or maybe I can give you this. Zelretch smiles as looked at two eyes. The mystic eyes of death perception this will defently piss of bought Gaia and Alaya at the same time as well as making the god happy with me

Zelretch's smile widened at the prospect of wielding such formidable power, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he considered the ramifications of his next move.

"A most intriguing proposition indeed," he murmured to himself, the gears of his mind already turning with the possibilities. "The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception—a gift that promises to shake the very foundations of existence."

With a deft flourish of his hand, Zelretch channeled his magic, the energies of the multiverse coalescing around him in a dazzling display of arcane prowess. In an instant, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception materialized before him, their otherworldly glow casting eerie shadows across the chamber.

"Now then, let us see how the world reacts to this little twist of fate," Zelretch said, a playful glint in his eyes as he prepared to unleash his newfound power upon the unsuspecting cosmos.

With a flicker of his gaze, Zelretch locked onto Ritsuka, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception granting him insight into the very fabric of reality itself. As he beheld the world through their fathomless depths, a sense of exhilaration washed over him, the thrill of wielding such potent magic coursing through his veins like liquid fire.

"Ah, the possibilities are endless," Zelretch murmured, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Let us see where this little game of fate takes us."

And with that, he set his sights on the horizon, ready to embark on a journey that would reshape the very destiny of the cosmos.

Meanwhile in a different place, a place so high no one can enter seating in throne seeing the souls was god, as he felt as he smiles

Azrael I need you to visit my champion and unlock something for him. God said with a smile. The same thing you did for both of the shiki

Azrael, the Angel of Death, bowed before the divine presence, his form radiating with ethereal light as he stood in the presence of the Almighty.

"As you command, my Lord," Azrael replied, his voice echoing with a sense of solemn duty. "I shall journey forth and bestow upon your champion the gift of awakening."

With a graceful sweep of his wings, Azrael vanished from the celestial throne room, his mission clear and his purpose unwavering. Descending from the heavens, he set his course for the mortal realm, guided by the will of the divine.

Arriving before Ritsuka Fujimaru, Azrael extended his hand, a gentle aura of warmth and reassurance emanating from his being.

"Fear not, mortal," Azrael said, his voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos of existence. "For I am here to unlock the potential that lies dormant within you, granting you the strength to overcome any obstacle that may stand in your path."

With a flicker of divine light, Azrael bestowed upon Ritsuka the blessing of awakening, his touch infusing the young champion with newfound power and purpose.

"Go forth, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Azrael said, his gaze filled with a boundless compassion. "And may you fulfill the destiny that has been woven for you by the hand of the Almighty."

And with that, Azrael departed, leaving Ritsuka to embrace his newfound potential and embark on a journey that would shape the very fabric of reality itself.

As then he sees that Ritsuka was sleeping.

Oh I didn't need to do that. Azrael said. Will I gess I didn't need to give that speech of don't fear me

Azrael's gaze softened as he beheld the slumbering form of Ritsuka Fujimaru, a sense of reverence washing over him as he watched over the young champion.

"Sleep well, mortal," Azrael murmured, his voice a gentle whisper in the stillness of the night. "May the dreams of your awakening guide you on your journey, and may you find solace in the knowledge that you are never truly alone."

With a final glance at Ritsuka, Azrael spread his wings and ascended into the heavens once more, his presence a silent guardian watching over the mortal realm with unwavering vigilance.

Meanwhile Zelretch watch this as he had a smile.

I gess god like my idea giving him the eyes of death perception. He smirked as he said that. After all, he sent Azrael to help awaken them

Zelretch's smile widened as he observed the unfolding events, a sense of satisfaction washing over him at the successful implementation of his plan.

"Ah, to be a catalyst in the grand design of things," Zelretch mused, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Truly, it seems our dear champion is destined for greatness with such gifts bestowed upon him."

With a knowing nod, Zelretch turned his attention back to the swirling portal before him, his mind already plotting the next twist in the tale. For in the intricate tapestry of fate, every thread played its part, and Zelretch relished in the role of the weaver.

Oh wait his birthday is tomorrow will, I gess that is going one hell of a birthday gift. Zeldrick said looking at sleeping Ritsuka. And your going turn 8 as well

Zelretch chuckled softly, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he contemplated the impending celebration of Ritsuka's birthday.

"A most fortuitous coincidence, indeed," he remarked to himself, his voice tinged with amusement. "To receive such a gift on the eve of one's birth is a rare and wondrous thing. Ah, how the fates do love their little ironies."

With a final glance at the sleeping form of Ritsuka, Zelretch turned away, his mind already abuzz with plans for the coming day. For tomorrow would mark not only the passing of another year in the mortal's life but also the beginning of a new chapter filled with untold possibilities.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and don't forget to give my power stone

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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