22.88% I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover) / Chapter 46: C46 Recap

章 46: C46 Recap

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In the quiet recesses of space, aboard their ship returning from the battlefield, Peter listened to music as his master meditated, quietly reflecting on their most recent battle. He knew Windu and most Jedi hated the war, but they volunteered anyway, determined to put an end to it.

'I don't like it very much either…' Peter thought, even though he was the one to advise the council to join in the first place. '…But sadly, some things have to be done.'

As thoughts of the war receded to the back of his mind, Peter began to stress over his upcoming evaluation. After all, he knew the council wouldn't make him a knight so easily, as a handful of their members aren't exactly big fans of his behavior.

'They can't really say no though…' Peter told himself. After all, his training was second to none. Not a single Padawan could ever boast of being as skilled and capable as he was.

🚨Play Stayin' Alive by Bee Gees🚨

🎶 Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk🎶

🎶I'm a woman's man, no time to talk🎶

🎶Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around🎶

🎶Since I was born🎶

🎶And now it's alright, it's okay🎶

🎶And you may look the other way🎶

🎶We can try to understand🎶

🎶The New York Times' effect on man🎶



Peter's training under both the Jedi and Sith had expanded his abilities across various dimensions of the Force. His skill in Energy Absorption evolved significantly, allowing him to draw in energy from external attacks with ease, not only mitigating damage but also repurposing this power for himself, fueling him in battle.

The art of self-healing, once a fairly quick process, had now become so swift that it bewildered most Jedi who witnessed it. Wounds that would have sidelined others for weeks merely slowed him momentarily, as he could mend his tissue and bone in a matter of seconds, depending on the severity of the wound, of course.

And thanks to the war, his mental and physical focus sharpened remarkably; during fights, this heightened concentration allowed him to perceive and react to threats almost as if he could see into the future.

Telekinesis, a cornerstone of his Force abilities, had grown from simple manipulation of objects to a formidable power that could steamroll dozens or even hundreds of enemies at a time. His strong affinity allowed him to wield his powers with both precision and devastating impact on the battlefield.

While still relatively new to the Jedi Mind Trick, Peter had made great strides in exploring and mastering this aspect of Force manipulation. Especially during war, as information is everything, and all it takes is one weak-minded Kree for him to get all sorts of information, which has helped the Nova Empire greatly.

Peter's journey into the dark practices of Sith Lightning proved both powerful and perilous, as the emotional repercussions of using such force risked his mental balance. However, Force Light offered a way to mitigate the darkness, enabling Peter to wield his Sith powers without much worry any more. The same goes for abilities like, Deadly Sight as well.

In terms of martial prowess, Peter had mastered both the Shii Cho and Niman forms of lightsaber combat, integrating them seamlessly into his unique fighting style.

Alongside his lightsaber, he wielded Ronan's staff-like hammer, the Universal Weapon, which he used with increasing proficiency. Its presence not only augmented his combat effectiveness but also served as a psychological tool against the Kree.

And that wasn't all. Peter didn't just enhance his abilities, he learned new ones as well.

Among the newer abilities that Peter practiced was Electric Judgment, or Emerald Lightning. This power was akin to the Sith lightning, yet he could use it in front of the Jedi without worrying about being burned at the stake, or whatever it is they'd do to a Sith these days.

Under Yoda's tutelage, Peter learned to manifest this energy in bursts of green-hued bolts, a less lethal form that could incapacitate without causing too much lasting harm. Though it could still kill someone if he were to shock them for a prolonged period of time.

One of the more simple yet profound abilities Peter had developed was Psychometry, the ability to perceive the history of anything through touch.

This skill had first manifested unintentionally during his first meeting with R'Klll, but now, after rigorous practice with Masters Yoda and Windu, it had become a tool at his command.

Each item that he touched whispered its past to him, from this very ship to the lightsaber on his hip, he could tap into their past, providing Peter with a deeper connection to the surrounding world.

And although he's still mastering the delicate art of Telepathic Communication, Peter has made significant strides in the past two years.

Previously, his attempts to forge mental links on the battlefield had faltered, but perseverance led to breakthroughs. Now, he could silently communicate with Windu, coordinating their strategies without uttering a single word, which is why he felt so comfortable using his Walkman during battle.

Another ability that helped on the battlefield was force track, a neutral ability that allowed him to follow the faintest trails left by others in the Force. Whether tracking a lost ally or a fleeing enemy, Peter could now sense the path his quarry had taken, a technique that he hoped would come in handy when he inevitably leaves the Jedi as well.

Of course, Peter didn't only learn Light side abilities. After all, the allure of the dark side was ever-present. Under Darth Revan's tutelage, Peter delved into the perilous waters of Dark Aura.

This dark side power allowed him to envelop himself in a cloak of dark energy, slowing and weakening any nearby opponents while shielding his own movements—a powerful yet dangerous tool, that he was still mastering.

Force Drain, another dark side ability, was still in its nascent stages for Peter. He could feel the life force of others, understand its flow, and on rare occasions, draw upon it, albeit hesitantly.

But this ability was a double-edged sword, offering strength at the potential cost of his own humanity, which he wasn't willing to give up so easily. 'Yeah, I'll just use this during emergencies…'

Perhaps the most exotic of his new skills was Mechu-deru, a dark side technique that granted an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems. Initially, Peter could only bind his datapad to respond to his thoughts, but the potential was much greater.

The power to control and manipulate mechanical constructs promised a new level of interaction with technology, something that Peter greatly needed, as he wasn't the most adept when it came to electronics. At most, he could build a lightsaber and fix a ship, if he had the manual and the parts of course.

But with Mechu-deru, his technological idiocy could be fixed, or at the very least mitigated, which is why he's been putting so much effort into it over these past years.

Suddenly, Peter perked up as the song changed.

🚨Play You're My Best Friend by Queen🚨

🎶Ooh, you make me live🎶

🎶Whatever this world can give to me🎶

🎶It's you, you're all I see🎶

🎶Ooh, you make me live now, honey🎶

🎶Ooh, you make me live🎶



Despite the ongoing conflict, and his absence from Coruscant, Peter has done his best to maintain his relationships with those back at the temple.

His interactions with Aayla have boiled down to long-distance messages and calls via datapads, which saddened both of them, but they still met up at the Temple when they could. They were both Padawans during a time of war, so it was hard, but they did their best.

Meanwhile, at the temple, Gamora and Nebula's dynamic had undergone a significant transformation. The sisters had reached a new phase of their relationship.

Through Peter's occasional mediation and their own efforts, they had learned to coexist peacefully, managing to engage in brief conversations without trying to kill each other. Of course, the progress was slow, extremely slow, but they seemed to be moving in the right direction.

And of course, since they weren't kicked out of the temple that means both Gamora and Nebula had become Jedi, overcoming initial skepticism about their age and backgrounds, though they aren't Padawans just yet.

Surprisingly, Nebula's midichlorian count surpassed Gamora's, a fact that Nebula weaponized as often as she could, constantly reminding her sister of her superiority. After all, she was never the better sister, so this was a new and wonderful experience for her.

'Hopefully, they haven't relapsed while I was gone…' Peter prayed, as the last time he left for a mission, both Gamora and Nebula had somehow turned against one another, leaving him to fix everything once again.

Outside of his Jedi friends and family, Peter has also been keeping in touch with R'Klll, the beautiful Skrull Empress. Their communication, once flirty and superficial, had matured over time.

Peter respected her wishes to keep things friendly for now, recognizing the importance of patience and timing in relationships, especially given their age difference, as Peter seemed to have a thing for mature women.

(A/N: Milfs…)

'Speaking of R'Klll…' Peter thought as he grabbed his datapad and sent her a message.



The thrum of the ship's engines provided a rhythmic backdrop as it cut through the star-speckled darkness of space, its destination appearing on the horizon. Peter sat in silent contemplation, his mind racing at the prospect of becoming a Jedi Knight.

'If they make me a Knight, I can finally leave whenever I want…' He thought, his goal just in sight.

As the temple came into view, a magnificent structure bathed in the light of Coruscant's suns, Peter's nerves tingled with anticipation. The journey from the battlefield to this moment seemed surreal, a path marked by both his achievements and the stark realities of war.

Upon landing, Peter and Master Windu proceeded directly to the council chamber, a vast room with towering windows and a semi-circle of seats that held the wise figures of the Jedi Council. The air was thick with tension as the council members' gazes fixed upon them, some not so welcoming as others.

'1, 2, 3…' Peter counted all of the Council members who seemed to dislike him, making up around a quarter of the room. 'That's not horrible…'

Master Windu began the briefing with a detailed account of their strategic collaboration with the Nova Corps. He spoke of the fierce skirmishes all the way to the ultimate withdrawal of Kree forces, emphasizing the critical role Peter played in each phase of the battle.

"His bravery and skill have not only turned the tides of battle but have also saved countless lives," Windu stated, his voice resonant in the quiet of the chamber.

As the council absorbed this information, Yoda's eyes, ever perceptive, rested on Peter. "Grown much, you have. See it, we can."

Peter smiled in return, but soon found himself shifting uncomfortably under the scrutiny of the rest of the council. The weight of their looks, filled with both judgment and expectation, was palpable.

Master Windu then took a deep breath before delivering his recommendation. "It is for these reasons, and more, that I believe Padawan Quill is ready to be knighted as a Jedi."

A murmur rippled through the council, some members nodding in agreement, while others seemed to frown, their brows furrowed in disapproval. The decision to elevate a Padawan from the battlefield directly to knighthood was rare and not without its controversies…

A/N: 1967 words :)



AlienWarlord AlienWarlord


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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