17.41% I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover) / Chapter 35: C35 Attack on the Jedi Temple!

章 35: C35 Attack on the Jedi Temple!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 10 chapters ahead!



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Nebula, the fierce daughter of Thanos, the Mad Titan, now a prospective Jedi apprentice, stood silently in the corner of the Bear Clans training hall, her eyes tracking the movements of the younglings with intense focus.

She mimicked each graceful motion and controlled stance with precision, her unwavering resolve causing her to learn at an astounding speed. The younglings, too caught up in their own studies and training to notice her, continued their practice, their laughter and chatter filling the air with innocence and joy.

It's been exactly two days since Nebula practically begged to join the Jedi Order. Her request, though filled with desperation, had been met with a kindness she was unaccustomed to.

When she stopped Grandmaster Yoda in the halls, asking if she could become a Jedi, or at the very least learn from them as a normal person, he didn't outright dismiss her plea.

Instead, he had offered a sliver of hope, a chance that was as fragile as it was precious. The promise of testing her midichlorian count and the possibility of advocating for her in the Jedi Council had lit a fire within her. She knew the odds were stacked against her, as even Yoda warned of the slim chances she had, yet she clung to hope as if it were a lifeline.

As she stood there, mimicking the youngling's every move and absorbing everything the teachers said, her mind was not on the techniques or the Force, but on the looming specter of the council's judgment. Would her efforts be enough? Could she truly belong to this world of peace and happiness?

'Will they accept me?' She wondered when, suddenly, her musings were abruptly shattered by a deafening explosion.


The ground beneath her feet trembled, as shockwaves tore through the temple. Panic ensued as the younglings stumbled, their laughter replaced by cries of confusion and fear. With her heart racing, Nebula scanned her surroundings, looking for the source of the disturbance, her instincts kicking into overdrive.

The Jedi teachers, once gentle instructors, transformed in an instant. Lightsabers appeared in their hands and ignited, casting an eerie glow across their determined figures. The room, filled with the sound of humming blades, became a fortress, with each Jedi ready to protect the Younglings, their gazes all turning in the same direction, the front of the temple.

Unarmed, Nebula felt a familiar dread creeping into her heart. The peace of the Jedi Temple, her newfound sanctuary, was under threat. Rushing out of the room, and toward the sound of the explosion, she hoped it wasn't who she thought it was…


Moments earlier…

Outside the temple, Count Dooku, a figure of elegance and authority, appeared on the horizon. His approach to the Jedi Temple was measured, his presence alone commanding attention. Standing beside Master Yoda, Peter watched intently, curious about the man whose words had stirred the Senate and the Galaxy into a frenzy.

As Dooku neared, his gaze fell upon Yoda, and he bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. "Master Yoda," he greeted with a reverence that contradicted his recent provocations. His attention then shifted to Peter, a spark of recognition in his eyes. "Ah, the young Jedi from the holonet. Your actions have caused quite the stir."

Peter, maintaining his usual laid-back demeanor, offered a hand and a grin. "Peter Quill, unprovoked Kree murderer, as you so eloquently put it during your speech."

Dooku's smile faltered for a split second before returning. "Count Dooku…"

Yoda watched the tense moment in amusement before finally speaking, "Impressive, your speech was. Agree with your points on the Republic, I do."

"Well, I appreciate your support," Dooku seemed happy to hear this, turning his attention toward Yoda and away from Peter, doing his best to ignore his presence altogether.

Peter smirked as he saw this, 'I need to keep pushing his buttons…' He thought, hoping to assess Dooku's emotions by provoking him.

"But, agree with your statement about the Jedi, I do not." Yoda continues, causing Dooku to frown.

"I knew you wouldn't…" He replied.

"Your concerns, valid, they are," Yoda added, "even so, believe your views on the Jedi to be overly harsh, I do. Well-meaning, in their own ways, most Jedi are."

Dooku's expression hardened. "With all due respect, Master Yoda, nothing you say will change my mind on this." He explained, "The Order's rigidity and adherence to outdated principles have caused nothing but harm to both themselves and the Galaxy as a whole."

Peter, sensing the tension, saw his chance. "Isn't it a bit much to blame the Jedi for everything wrong in the Galaxy? I mean, I agree that they have their problems, but they aren't the government. It's the Republic that makes the real decisions, decisions that could cause entire solar systems to either thrive or die out."

Dooku's eyes narrowed at Peter's words. "And what would you know of such matters, Padawan Quill?"

Peter leaned in, his every word empowered by a small sliver of the force, prodding Dooku over and over. "Well for one, I've been here. Can you say the same? No, you can't, can you? After all, you ran away from the order like a disgruntled child. What happened? Did Daddy Yoda not give you enough love and affection?"

Yoda glanced at Peter, puzzled by his confrontational tone, something uncharacteristic of him.

Peter continued, noticing a twitch in Dooku's eyebrow as he spoke, "Tell me, what are the Jedi guilty of exactly? You know what? Why don't I list it off for you…" Yoda raised a brow, though he waited to hear Peter's opinion on the matter.

"They're elitist, uptight, rigid know-it-alls, each of them more stuck in their ways than the last. They misdefine attachment and emotions to a concerning degree, and even ban them as if suddenly emotions won't exist anymore just because they decreed it. And finally, they spend all of their time in their actual ivory towers, ignoring the Galaxy's problems, unless of course, the Republic calls upon them for help."

Both Yoda and Dooku were shocked, neither expecting Peter to go into such detail, hitting the nail right on the head with every word that left his mouth.

"Am I wrong?" Peter asked, staring straight into Dooku's eyes.

"Yes…" He replied, unwilling to admit defeat. "The Jedi are an extension of the Republic, whether they like it or not. Defend them all you like, but as long as the Republic is corrupt, then so are the Jedi."

Peter nodded. "And I agree, but that sounds like it's a Senate problem, not a Jedi one. The Jedi merely follow orders and do their best to mediate the Senate's decisions. If you want to change the Republic and the Jedi, then you first have to start in the Senate. But you already know this don't you? So why is it that you're so keen to tear down the Jedi? Was I right? Did your little green daddy not love you back?"

Instantly, the air crackled with tension, as Dooku's face momentarily twisted in a flash of pure rage, giving both Peter and Yoda a glimpse of the darkness within. It wasn't much, just a tiny slip from a novice Sith, but it was more than enough to raise suspicion.

But before any more words could be exchanged, a sudden, ominous shadow drew their gaze upward.

A huge bug-like ship emerged on the horizon, its approach swift and purposeful towards the Jedi Temple. Peter's eyes widened as he recognized the design, a Chitauri ship similar to the ones that attacked New York in the Avengers movie.

Completely forgetting their little squabble, at least for the time being, the trio watched in disbelief as the ship's central plasma cannon activated, a bright light gathering energy at its core, aiming directly at them.

'Oh, sh*t…' Peter thought as the cannon fired, sending a thick beam of red energy shooting towards the Jedi Temples front gate, exactly where they stood.

The moment the Chitauri ship unleashed its deadly payload, the air around the Jedi Temple tensed with the anticipation of destruction. But as the bright beam of plasma hurtled toward them, Peter, Yoda, and even Count Dooku found themselves united by a singular goal: the defense of themselves and the temple.

With barely a second to spare, the trio simultaneously reached out with the Force, their powers intertwining and amplifying as they sought to counter the onslaught with a mighty telekinetic push. The air vibrated with the power of their combined wills, a testament to the strength of the Force when wielded in unison.

As the beam neared, it met an invisible barrier created by their collective effort. Straining against the immense power, they managed to deflect the beam away from the temple, redirecting it towards the open square. The impact was monumental, the ground shaking violently as the beam exploded upon contact, leaving a gaping crater in its wake.

Amid the settling dust, Yoda's expression was uncharacteristically severe, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a fierce determination. Without a word, he raised his hand toward the looming ship, his fist tightening, his intent clear.

Peter, seeing Yoda's stance, instinctively joined him. Together, their power in the force intertwined, focusing on dragging the alien craft down from the sky. The ship groaned and creaked, its descent inevitable under their combined might.

Dooku, however, stood off to the side, observing but not assisting, his reasons known only to himself.

With a final, concerted effort, the ship tilted, nosediving toward the crater it had just created. The impact sent another shockwave through the area, shaking the temple once again, dust and debris clouding the air.

As the dust began to settle, the temple's front doors swung open, and Nebula emerged, her face a mask of concern that quickly morphed into outright panic at the sight of the downed ship.

Her worry deepened as three figures emerged from the wreckage, their outlines becoming clearer through the dissipating smoke. Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight stepped into view, their intentions unreadable but undoubtedly ominous.

Nebula's heart raced, fear setting in as she knew why they had come here. 'They're here for me…' And just as she realized this, suddenly, a small, green figure came climbing out of the wreckage, taking her place beside Corvus and Proxima.

"Hey, Nebula…"

A/N: 1765 words :)



AlienWarlord AlienWarlord


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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