
new world

Ashborn felt his body is twisted and crushed and he opened his eyes to see himself in a passage of blinding lights and cosmic energy, his body is being bathed in that. He felt so much pain that he started to scream.

This continued for a few minutes before the end of passage reached and it threw him away into the land. Ashborn hit the ground hard and he felt his world is spinning, his body which is already aching from the pain started to hurt even more.

He groaned and shook his head before trying to stand but he is too exhausted and fell down. Meanwhile a woman in an armour looked at the man on the land and frowned, ashborn didn't know he is going to cause even more commotion. The system gave the notifications, it merged Zeus template with 5% initial progress.

The divinity of sun, time, space are also merged into his divinities. His body is now giving a blinding light while the woman saw this man with wide eyes and immediately got away from there. Ashborn meanwhile appeared in a white space and looked around.

He called out loudly and no appeared but then he gazed at the sky and saw his own self with his eyes shining with the colour of shadows. The white room became like a sea while he continued to drown.

Ashborn woke up with a loud roar and saw himself on a bed. He looked around at the unfamiliar place. Frowning he exited the room and saw a a beautiful woman. He awkwardly waved and said," uh, hello".

The woman looked at him up and down and gulped looking at his upper body as he has no shirt on, she said," hello, we found you on our land unconscious from big Strom of violent energy. Who are you exactly?".

Ashborn looked at her and said," I'm Ashborn Morson, third prince of Asgard. Can I know what is this place?", the blonde haired woman looked at him with a frown and asked again," I didn't know Asgard has anothed prince named ashborn and your last name says you're not his son".

Ashborn felt confused and said," can I know what is this realm? Midgard? Alfheim? Vnnirheim? Musfleheim?", the woman looked at him blankly and said," this mount olympus, the territory of Greek pantheon and the home of Olympic gods led by God king zeus".

Ashborn is stunned, if this mount olympus then they should definitely know him. What is this place? At this time anothr voice sounded," is the unknown god awake Aphrodite?", ashborn turned to see another woman who is equally beautiful as Aphrodite.

She moved forward and said," I'm Hestia, oner of the virgin goddesses and goddess of hearth. Who are you unknown new god?", ashborn mind went blank Hestia and Aphrodite, he met them and these woman are definitely not them so he asked when a bizzare thought appeared in him," um it looks like I'm in a different dimension or universe. Um, this is hard to believe but I'm Ashborn Morson from a parallel universe or timeline. Can I meet the god king now?".

This is one of the worst case scenarios he expected now. If this is a parallel world or timeline then he'll be in huge trouble, he can cause incursions. He needs to get out of here as soon as possible but his current strength isn't enough. He needs any help he needs he can get.

The two woman looked at each other and said," we'll report to the god king meanwhile you can get ready to meet him. Not like this in a half naked state", ashborn looked at himself and smiled wryly, then snapped his fingers while from gate of Babylon a set of clothes appeared on his body.

One of the women goes to tell zeus about this. While Aphrodite who is left there looked at him and asked," a parallel world? This is more bizarre than anything I ever heard. Honestly if it isn't for the violent gatew you appeared from we may not believe a word you say. Zeus thought you're some powerful entity or maybe related to one as the energy from that gate almost smashed a part of olympus to pieces".

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C24
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


