/ Anime & Comics / Is it Wrong to Put Skyrim in Danmachi
Danmachi is a world in which it is sadly far too easy to butterfly effect the apocalypse into existence. Unfortunately for the world our protagonist doesn't have the patience or sense to stay out of the the way, so now he's trying to game his way into murdering said apocalypse
レビューを書く5/5/5/4/5 as of ch.4 you are doing well, I would like unique interactions between the magic of skyrim and danmachi to exist in both directions as in good or bad. if MC is dragonborn then there should be interactions between MC and the dragons that he kills even if they only give minor boosts given that they are made by the dungeon and not children of Akatosh like in Skyrim.
Absolutely amazing. I feel like this fan fiction is quite underrated Grammar is near flawless. But the most impressive thing is that the characters actually stick to their canon self- it is amazing how the author can flawlessly write character interactions who stay true to their personality. They also get expanded upon, but it just feels so natural that it makes them have more depth, without sacrifcing anything or making a character OOC even in the slightest I honestly have nothing much to say. The MC uses his powers quite well. In fact, he took advantage of Alchemy as soon as he learned what his powers were, and he also plans to take advantage of forging. It is great that the MC utilises his 'system' to the fullest potential- though I suppose he could also buy a lot of staff and then sell them, repeat the process and reach max level speech skill, but that is a bit unrealistic as he has just started. Of course, there is also the romance aspect- but not much is currently going on. His interactions with Hestia are great. But as my personal preference, I would hope this is a harem, as Danmachi is a harem anime and well... We have to stay true to the theme of this world, don't we? Anyway, just from what was shown- I believe in the author, and I have faith that whatever romance is written by him will be amazing.... Although I hope it will be a harem, it would be better to let nature take its course. If the MC has multiple partners interested in him, then the next course of action is obvious. And if not... well, as long as it seemed natural and not forced by any external circumstances, then that is fine too
Por ahora está muy bien. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend] ...............................................................
What a cool story idea! I really wish to see more of this. The MC feels real, and the characters actions also feel alive rather than an object.
great book unique story with interesting take on characters, make you really think of the world differently.
The writing quality and story pacing is great as of chapter 5 with ths main character not being needlessly powerful whule still having potential. The only thing there is to be said negatively is I have no clue how the mc is meant to look.
This is actually amazing. The grammer is superb and the storytelling is phenomenal. Keep going good sir!
your novel became a shining light in my depression field of finding no good novels, bringing me joy of reading a skyrim and danamci novel, I'm a hard core fan and not being able to play it kills me even more so then I already am on a daily basis, so thank you for filling that ever expanding void(or whole to play off some jokes)
I'd say just taking a peek at the first chapter should get you interested. Let's get to the review. Writing Quality: 5 I can easily tell that the author puts effort into his grammar and presentation not even mentioning how he corrects almost everything that's pointed out at QQ. Long chapters with very little to zero filler and fresh writing style. Story Development: 5 Fast, feels natural, detailed and there's even a good sprinkle of foreshadowing done tastefully. I can see for some it being a bit fast but I'm a guy who likes slow burn and fast paced storys. Overall, top notch stuff. It is early on though it could change, but if it continues to be of this quality it will be worthy of a five star even if it is bit fast. Character Design: 5 Characters aren't ooc and are quite spot on even expanding on what the anime missed on when adapting it. I really enjoyed it a whole lot. Updating Stability: 5 Seems to be 1 chapter every 2 days really crazy for the amount of quality each chapter has. World Background: it's danmachi's world the light novel version of it aka the better one. Always been a big fan of danmachi's dungeon myself though so, I'm a little biased.