'" Fucking bastard" I cursed as we left Elisaria and trekked up the Glassy Mountains. The enforcers that had been sent to take us up the mountains looked feral and irritated.
" I wonder why they have to come at night to pick us up?" Fabian Alator, my best friend, whispered.
" I don't care why. I don't get why they have enslaved the people of Elisaria for this long " I grumbled in annoyance.
" Silence" One of the enforcers yelled at us and the rest of the journey was filled with the sound of our feet on the gravel and the horses they rode. Two hours later, we arrived at the entrance of Glassy Mountains and the big gates of the castle opened.
Fabian gasped as my jaw dropped at how lavish Sith Castle was. The compound was filled with gold statues and the lawns were mowed so well, that I wondered if anyone ever stepped on them. The foyer of the castle was so beautiful that it made me close my mouth and swallow hard.
" Are you seeing this Cedric?" Fabian whispered as we were guided to the east end of the castle.
" I am not blind " I whispered back. " How vain can they be? "
Moving to the east end of the castle, the large door opened and then we moved to a mini castle. I could only chuckle and shake my head in shock.
" What the fuck ?" Fabian cursed.
" Too much vanity, " I responded.
There was another castle, only smaller and there all our men were busy working. Washing clothes, washing mats, washing bed sheets, cleaning ornaments, and even further tending to the horses.
" Slavery " Fabin seethed through gritted teeth.
" Who was the one who scolded me and reminded me why we are here?" I raised one eyebrow with a smirk.
" I just never expected it to be this bad. How could they make men do chores?" Fabian spoke out loud.
" Because if it were women, they would be seduced, impregnated, and killed " One enforcer laughed cynically.
" What ?" Fabian's jaw dropped in shock.
" The lords of the castle hate the smell of women. Hence it's easier to work with men" Another enforcer chuckled.
" You have got to be kidding me ?" I muttered.
" No" The enforcer who escorted us to the castle shook his head " Now listen up all of you, you are going to take a shower in the open baths at the back, dress up in the clothes that will be placed in your rooms, and then go to the master enforcer for vetting. He will assess you before you meet the Sith guardian who will assign your duties. Now come on, I will show you to your quarters. "
An hour later, we had cleaned up and dressed up in the finest clothes I had ever worn. A pair of black trousers and a red silk shirt. The matron of the slave quarters guided us, newbies, on how our hair should be. Combed back and neatly done, and anyone with long hair was mandated to cut their hair. After grooming was done and he was sure that we were clean, he sent us off to the master enforcer who was waiting for us in the large hall of the mini castle.
The enforcer who escorted us from Elisaria took us to the hall. We arrived and found the Master enforcer seated at the center of the room and surrounded by four guards.
" Master, I brought the new bunch of slaves from Elisaria" He spoke up.
" Thank you, Enyo. " He responded to the enforcer. " Welcome newbies " He grinned and his front canine teeth appeared and we all halted in our steps. " My name is Master Amdis. I am the master enforcer of the Sith castle. Come closer, I would like to assess and look at you closely.
Fabian stared at me in annoyance and I shrugged my shoulders as we stepped forward. The man got up from the chair and then walked toward us. He stood before Fabian and nodded in pleasure. He moved to each one of us and at last he stood before me and then his eyes were filled with mischief.
" This is the best one of them. You sure are handsome and I have never seen an Elisera slave as handsome as you" He grinned and licked his lips.
" Master, if you are satisfied, then we should leave and go to the Sith guardian" Enyo interjected.
A flash of annoyance flashed on Master Admis but he covered it quickly and stated " Fine" He huffed and walked back to his chair. Enyo bowed and then said " Let us go" and we followed his command and walked away from the hall and took a corridor that I assumed led to the main castle. There were so many turns and corners that Fabian and I lost count before we appeared at a door that opened to a hall and I guessed we had arrived in the main castle by the number of guards that stood on the door.
The guard surrounded us and then the enforcer moved forward towards another door and the light in the rooms changed and they were brighter than the ones in the hall.
In the corner of the room was an old woman who sat by a large desk. She seemed glued to a book that she was reading and Enforcer Enyo spoke up and bowed " Greetings Guardian. We are here as you requested to present the slaves that Master Amdi has approved. "
She looked up from her book and then pushed it further away from her. She stood up and walked over to Enyo whose head was still bowed.
"It seems you never taught them how to bow Enyo, the fucking slaves are staring at me right in the eye. Who should I punish for this ?" She seethed as her eyes flashed in anger.
"I will take the punishment Guardian." Enyo's voice trembled and then he turned to us and commanded " Bow"
We all lowered our heads and bowed and then in seconds the Guardian of Sith punched Enyo so hard that he fell to the ground groaning in pain. She then kicked him in the face with her heel and blood oozed from his mouth as a result. Enyo remained docile as she laughed maniacally.
" That is what happens to those who disobey me" She seethed and our heads remained bowed as our eyes remained glued to the polished floor.
" Stand up " She commanded Enyo and he slowly stood up. "Rise," she added.
Enyo's voice croaked while he instructed us to rise and out of fear our heads remained bowed.
" Rise, you fucking slaves" The Guardian's voice boomed in the room and I could have sworn the room shook. We raised our heads hurriedly and then she slowly walked to each one of us, raking her eyes from head to toe, and then finally said " This is a sweet bunch, the lords will surely enjoy themselves this time"
Fabian and eye turned to each other in question and the Guardian only clapped her hands happily and her maniacal laughter filled the room.
" What the actual hell did the slaves go through ?" I thought to myself.
" Chop chop" She yelled " Follow me, time to meet the Lords of the castle."
We followed the Guardian obediently and arrived at the door that read "Inner court". The guard ushered us in and our heads remained bowed down as we walked to the center. Fabian and I listened in as they conversed with each other and then a voice rose from the center that made my body move to the state of high alert.
" Rise " One of the Lords spoke" Let us get over this and not waste any more of Niko's time. He is not in a good mood today."
" As you command your majesties" Guardian responded.
Irritation rose as the slaves introduced themselves one by one and then it was Fabian's turn. The minute his head rose and his hands trembled, I knew that the lords who sat at the center were not easy to deal with.
I stepped forward introduced myself and bowed. The minute my head rose and I stared at the three Lords of the castle before me, all the courage and pep talk I had given myself when I came to the castle vanished. The rumor that the three Lords of the castle were ugly disappeared into thin air.
The Lord that was seated on the right cursed out loud " What the fuck " as his eyes widened and his eyes raked over my body. I heard a power push through my mind and my body stiffened as I held on for control and pushed the power back.
" Lenora, how many slaves do we need in the inner court ?" The Lord who sat in the middle spoke up and I realized that I had never seen such a handsome human being. His eyes bore at me and I realized that he was the one that had pushed the power into my mind.
" Two, Your Majesty," The Guardian answered.
" The last two it is then " The Lord that sat on the left side hurriedly announced, and I noticed the intake of breath from everyone in the inner court.
" Your majesty, can I offer a word of advice?" The Enforcer names Warin
" Speak, " The Lord on the right hand snapped.
" I would not advise you to pick these two. They are not slaves who would be obedient at once. Hence It would be best to hand them over to me and let us ensure they are instructed well before they are placed in the inner court " He voiced his sentiments
" Your advice is noted. You are all dismissed" The Lord in the middle looked annoyed and irritated as he responded and raised his hands to dismiss us. Obediently we left the inner court and once the door closed Fabian and I turned to each other and both our eyes reflected with anger and annoyance.
" What in the shit name was that ?" He mouthed at me.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!