
章 40: Chapter 37 - The World on Fire Part 1

POV, Third Person.

Atlantic Ocean, 1943.

After the Declaration of War. 

Only a few seconds had passed since the grand declaration of war, which had even been heard by the vast Nazi navy. Unlike the formidable air power, the navy was nearly being destroyed by the Allies. As a last hope, the Nazi Admiral Karl Dönitz received a large number of submarines and vessels to offset the numerical disadvantage. Nevertheless, it won't be long before they are destroyed by the Allies. Unfortunately for them, Genosha will do it first.

In the calm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a woman with long blonde hair wearing a tight green outfit stands upon the water as if it were solid ground. She holds a rustic staff that appears to be a long branch torn from a tree, with a green crystal atop it. Amora is now laughing after listening to her husband's speech.

"He finally let loose," she says with an excited voice.

She loved it when her calm and gentle husband became bloodthirsty and relentless.

"Well, now it's my turn to get rid of this little nuisance."

Amora's mission is to rid the enemy navy. Due to Genosha's lack of maritime power, the only way for the enemy to get close to the island is by using ships, even though they wouldn't pose much danger if they managed to do so. The king is a cautious person.

(Better not give them the chance to surprise us), Baldur said during the creation of the plan.

"Well, let's get started," Amora says to herself.

She places her staff, made from Yggdrasil's branch, in front of her body and holds it with both hands before closing her eyes and concentrating.

Amora's magic depends on the energy emitted by Asgard. After she chose to stay with Baldur, she became very weakened by not having contact with her power source. However, after they settled on Earth and built their kingdom, things changed. Now, Amora is fueled by another power source, and her power is growing rapidly.

After completing her spell, she opens her eyes and speaks.

"I Amora, Queen of Genosha, curse all enemy vessels sailing the ocean. I curse them to be sunk by the very sea itself."

After her words, a green pulse surrounds her, enveloping the entire ocean and then disappearing, returning everything to its previous peace. Her voice seems to have been spread throughout the ocean, which remains calm. But the peace was only for her, not for her enemies. After the queen spoke her words, which were heard by everyone in the ocean, both allies and enemies alike, chaos reigned seconds later.

Gigantic hands formed from seawater grabbed the enemy ships, pulling them underwater as if they were made of toys. The enemy submarines were crushed by the rapidly increasing pressure around them.

Across the ocean, these scenes repeat themselves, leaving no enemy survivors.

Looking at one of the enemy ships that had recently attacked him, a French navy captain watches a gigantic hand effortlessly pull the enemy ship underwater. He and all the allied boats received a declaration of war from Genosha through their radios, only for a voice claiming to be the Queen of Genosha to curse their enemies shortly thereafter.

"It seems the foolish Germans have aroused the wrath of the ancient gods, haha!"

He didn't care about the misfortune of his enemies; he was celebrating.

"Make a report now for the admiral; he needs to know about this."

"Yes, sir."

Reports came from all points of the allied ships at sea, reporting the same thing: their enemies were being destroyed by the very sea itself. The leaders were even more frightened when they learned that the voice of the woman claiming to be the Queen of Genosha had declared that this would happen. They were all afraid.

What kind of power was hidden on this small island?

That was what everyone thought and feared.

Amora, who was still standing above the ocean, feeling her curse working, smiles.

"Well, job done perfectly. Time to go back; that girl Freyja must be having a lot of fun now. I'm really jealous."

She then teleports back to Genosha.

POV, Third Person.

Europe, 1943.

After the Declaration of War.

"Here is Lieutenant Joseph, requesting reinforcements, enemy ships are taking down my squadron, help!!"


The German bomber aircraft was shot down seconds after this warning, a scene that became common shortly after the declaration of war. German transport, attack, reconnaissance, and bomber aircraft are being attacked across the European continent.

The ships carrying out these attacks are like ghosts; they do not appear on any radar and seem to be able to remain invisible, revealing themselves only when making their shots.

Their first targets were the anti-aircraft weapons. It was a perfect attack, targeting each one of them. Intercepting and deciphering the Nazi communication code was not very difficult for Genosha; they have knowledge of the location of all their troops. Because of this, the powerful Luftwaffe is in flames.

In the clear sky of France, a large squadron of the Luftwaffe is traveling towards its target; everyone is very relaxed, knowing that the sky belongs to them, taking pride in it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three consecutive explosions draw everyone's attention; three aircraft are completely destroyed, raining debris down to the ground. Several golden ships bearing the flag of Genosha emerge from camouflage and begin firing at the enemy ships, which have no chance to retaliate. A few seconds later, all two hundred ships are destroyed.

"Hunter 01 to base, mission accomplished, moving to next target."

"Understood, Hunter 01."

The squadron leader of Genosha reports his success to command.

"Hunter 02 to 01, sir, I'm starting to feel sorry for them; they're like sitting ducks in the sky. There's no honor in fighting these guys."

One of the men speaks to his leader.

"Hunter 01 to 02. The king's orders are absolute; they can only curse their leaders for their stupidity in attacking us. In fact, they should thank the gods that the king did not come personally."

"Hunter 02 to 01. That's true!"

It took twelve hours to destroy all the enemy ships. This event was later referred to by historians as the "fire rain," due to the wreckage of the ships falling over a large part of Europe.

POV, Third Person.

Stalingrad, 1943.

After the Declaration of War.

The Battle of Stalingrad was considered one of the most brutal of World War II; it also marked the end of the Nazi advance on Soviet soil. The number of deaths for both armies was staggering, second only to the number of civilians killed who were caught between the two armies. At this moment, the Nazi army is on the verge of destruction by the Soviets, and if history follows, they would begin to be pushed back by the Soviet Union to Berlin, marking the end of the war.

These events would change today.

It was afternoon, and the city of Stalingrad is in flames and ruins, once an important industrial city for the Soviet Union. Now it was a battlefield, with trenches dug and buildings used by snipers. Several frozen bodies are still scattered everywhere, a frozen hell.

In the center of the city, the two armies are engaged in a more intense combat than ever, until a noise stops them. Unlike the expected sounds of gunfire and explosions, this noise draws the attention of the two armies that were killing each other just a short time ago.

"Look, right above us!"

Shouts a Soviet soldier who was hiding behind a building with his men.

From high above to the ground, a gigantic golden ship descends, the size of this ship is unique to them, such a large ship could easily transport an entire army.

Unaware of which side this ship belongs to, neither of the two armies attacks it.

Due to several days of combat, the ground is not in a condition for a landing, so the gigantic ship opens its rear, hovering just a few meters above the ground.


A loud marching noise begins, from inside the ship, a row of men wearing complete silver armor jumps out of the ship and walk until they are in front of the German army, all armed with long silver spears and small shields attached to their arms, then another row and another, the number of soldiers only increases. After the last row leaves the ship, they all stand in position without moving, waiting for something, looking at the German army that is still standing motionless.

Little do they know that two more ships like this have also landed in the east and west of the city, a few seconds later, another figure emerges from the ship, she has long golden hair with armor of a different color from the others, she wears golden armor. She calmly walks until she is in front of her men looking at the enemy.

"I have just received a report from command, they are men from the country that declared war on us, they are enemies! Fire at will!"

The Nazi radio officer speaks to everyone.


Everyone shouts, pointing their weapons at the enemy army in front of them.

"Shield wall!" The woman in golden armor shouts.

Like a well-trained army, they put their small shields in front of them, the shields release an energy that covers all the soldiers just in time to defend against the shots and explosions. The bullets hit the energy shield in vain, the men, in a frenzy, continue shooting and throwing grenades, which are easily defended. Shortly after, they stop and look in shock at the motionless enemy in front of them, their attack meant nothing to the enemy.

"Bring the tanks and air support here immediately." One of them shouted to the man with the radio.

"Yes sir!"

While the man was calling for support, the woman in front of the enemy army pulled out a sword from her hip and prepared to fight.

"As ordered by our King!"

After she spoke, everyone was surprised by her beautiful voice.

"All those who surrender will live as cowards, all others will die!"

After those words, the men behind the woman point their spears at the enemy, waiting for the order.

"Begin the attack!"


All the spears of the more than fifty thousand soldiers shoot an energy bullet that hits everything in front of them, the dust cloud rises, leaving the men who were ignored behind the silver army surprised.

After the dust settles, they could see the result of the first attack. all the enemy men were on the ground, those who were still alive were without limbs or blinded, the dead were in pieces.

"Advance!" the leader shouted.

Alongside her, all the men advance towards the city center. The other squads on the sides of the city also attack. it was a three-front attack with the sole purpose of annihilating the entire enemy army.

The battle lasted more than six hours, the army of Genosha attacked like a flood sweeping through the Nazi army, any soldier they targeted was killed on the spot. in the second hour, the Nazis finally managed to form a defensive line trying to contain the attack. while they were defending and attacking with mortars, a large fleet of aircraft came to bomb their enemies, unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived.

Even before entering the city, all the planes were shot down by the Genosha air force, after getting rid of the enemy planes, they changed their targets to the tanks and heavy artillery of the enemy, the city that was in ruins before now came down, and wherever the army passed, only destroyed bodies were left behind.

What caught the most attention about the men in armor was the golden figure leading the advance in the front, she wielded a blazing sword and cut through the enemy bodies as if they were butter, no one could stop her, at the most critical moment of the confrontation, her sword ignited completely with golden flames that burned all enemies to ashes just by direct contact.

To them, that woman was the devil incarnate. Because of the golden color of her armor, she received the highest number of attacks than her men, but none of them penetrated her defense, her armor was clearly far superior to that of her men.

After the end of the battle, Freyja is in a square in Stalingrad, around her hundreds of bodies cut in brutal ways, but none of them are bleeding.

"Report," she asks the soldier behind her.

"Yes, ma'am. We lost five thousand soldiers and have two thousand more wounded. We killed over two hundred thousand enemies and captured another fifty thousand who surrendered."

As the soldier spoke of those who surrendered, there was disgust in his voice. The army of Genosha was trained with the old idea that there is no glory in surrendering; they would all prefer to die rather than surrender to the enemy.

"Take care of the wounded."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"And what about the Soviet Union's army?"

Since the beginning of the battle, the Soviet army, which was behind Genosha's attack, had not made any moves. They were not foolish enough to confront such an enemy, and there was no reason to.

"They have not made any moves, but their leader wishes to speak with us."

"Let him come."

The soldier leaves and then brings back a man wearing a military uniform adorned with medals. Arrogance can be seen on his face, but it fades when he sees the bodies around the army leader.

"A woman?"

Freyja removes her helmet after the battle. It was an unprecedented shock to see a woman commanding armies at this time.

"Speak what you want," Freyja pays no attention to the shock of the general before her.

"I would like to request the release of my captured men."

During the attack, there were some soldiers from the Soviet Union who were previously engaged in combat against the Germans. Most of them surrendered and were taken prisoner.

"After reporting the situation to my king, he will decide their fate," she replied coldly.

"You cannot hold my men! Are you trying to declare war on the Soviet Union as well?"

The man's fear was overshadowed by his arrogance and anger at being treated so poorly by a mere woman.

The man's shout caused the soldiers near Freyja to point their spears at him.

"Are you threatening me?" she asks.

The general calms down and speaks.

"It's not wise to wage war against several countries. Your country and mine clearly have the same enemy; we could even unite, but you must release my men now."

Without giving a response, Freyja leaps towards the general and brandishes her sword, cutting the Soviet general in half.

"The king's orders are absolute. Anyone who stands in our way is our enemy, and enemies will be destroyed," Freyja speaks to her soldiers.


All the soldiers shout in response. This was only the first day of Genosha's battle in World War II.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C40
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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