
Chapter 6, Zero

"Hiro Nakamura... What a pleasure seeing you here." I murmured, grabbing my chin with one hand and lowering the other that was previously raised.

"Ah! How do you know my name!" Hiro stuttered, looking at Ando in confusion.

"Go home kids! This isn't a place you should be. He is dangerous!" Iron Man yelled.

"No no, don't listen to the rich man. I am in fact not very dangerous." I spoke, appearing directly next to Hiro in a gust of wind.

"Holy shit!" 

The group was taken aback, Nathan involuntarily cursing. Everyone else taking a step away besides for Hiro himself.

"Ah! You are fast man!" The young man smiled, pushing up his glasses and looking straight up at me.

Calmly, I extended an arm, putting a finger on the Japanese man's shoulder.

It was instantaneous, and frankly, I didn't even need to touch him, it just felt better that way.

"Kid! Get away from him!" Iron Man shouted once more, raising his hand and charging up a blast.

"What is that you know about me, Hiro?" I asked, watching as Peter Petrelli broke off from the group, warily approaching the group of real Superheroes.

"I know you are a bad man! But only when people get in your way! So we have come here to stop you from fighting these people, so the world does not end!" Hiro said resolutely, raising a finger, acting quite mighty if I had to say myself.

Hearing his words, I could only nod.

It made sense to me after all.

I did not want any of these people dead, nor did I want to bring destruction to the world!

I just simply didn't care if either of those happened! 

If any of the figures present were to die, they were surely find a way to come back from death, or they would be forcefully brought back by a colleague. 

Hell, If I came to regret my act of killing them, I would likely be able to converse with death herself and bring them back, forcefully or not.

All I wanted was their abilities, and then once I was powerful enough to do things unperturbed, I would no longer fight with these people.

In fact, I wasn't even the one that started the fight!

Superman took the initiative to punch the ever-living shit out of me for absolutely no reason!

I mean sure, I was a huge green alien looking creature flying towards him with a not so heart-warming gaze, but I did not take action upon him first.

He did!

I was not the one that killed people in our fight, he was!

I made sure to send him flying through buildings in the locations I detected no life forces.

With the intellect and super senses from Kryptonian DNA alone, it was slightly difficult, but not unmanageable! 

Sure I may have leveled buildings, and destroyed homes but, that was better than taking lives.

Flash had made sure to get many people evacuated, and Stark had called for a city wide evacuation the moment Superman laid his hand on me.

In the end, it doesn't matter to me.

I was here for one thing and one thing only!


"Is that so..." I replied to Hiro, looking up and making eye contact with the Leaguers, Avengers, and X-Men before me.

"The boy whole heartedly believes that." Professor X said, turning to look at Batman, who had moved to the front with Stark.

"He's young, and obviously naïve." The Bat said.

"No. I would listen. I myself have been to multiple futures, and I can attest to what he's saying." Peter had gotten closer to the heroes, cautiously speaking.

"If you guys continue to provoke him, or end up on his bad side. You will be dead, or just flat out useless within the next month." He gulped, making all the heroes present, squint.

"And besides for that. The world has a bigger problem." Petrelli said, making even me raise an ear.

"Yeah! Monsta Zero! He is going to wake up!" Hearing those words come out of Hiro's mouth made me hesitate.

A small smile appeared on my face, and I was quick to let go of myself.

"Hahaha! As in King Ghidorah?" I said, letting go of Hiro, and walking past the small group of people.

Though, not before replicating Claire's immortality.

Most of the heroes raised their guards seeing me move, some getting ready to fire attacks at any moment.

Though, Martian Manhunter and Professor X did not seem to feel the same way.

They sat there calmly, letting me approach as Peter Petrelli looked my way.

"As in the huge, titanic three headed dragon." Peter confirmed, making me smile even harder.

"Oh wow... I didn't expect the Harbinger of Death to be such a threat in this universe! I'm sure even the Hulk would be capable of dealing with Ghidorah... Why would it pose a world-ending threat as you say?" I questioned, having come close to Peter, laying a hand on him.

My palm glowed a dim green, and I continued to speak.

"King Ghidorah, the extraterrestrial alien. Destroyer of Worlds. The Devil Incarnate! Sure, it's a threat to normal life, being capable of controlling weather, gravity, and being practically impervious to any form of normal human weaponry, but, Superman's frost breath should be capable of doing major amounts of damage..." I said, stopping in between Peter and the heroes.

"This group right here should be enough to stop him." I placed a hand on Professor X's shoulder, everyone present buckling.

Soundly, I assimilated his mental capabilities, and I nearly wanted to pass out from the amount of power I wielded.

"I don't know if you truly know what this... Ghidorah... Is capable of." Peter said, a serious look on his face. "It only took one laser beam to kill Superman. I personally witnessed it." 

My face dropped, turning back to Peter. Looking him in the eyes, and even scanning his mind telepathically, I could understand that he was telling the wholehearted truth.

"Gh-Ghidorah should not be that powerful." I said, looking down at the ground.

I could only sigh.

From the moment I discovered this universe was a mash-up of some sorts, I had feared that some things would exceed my expectations, and from what I had noticed, not many things did.

Superman seemed to be a little weaker than what he should be, and Thor was many times stronger than assumed, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Then again, I was only present for a day, and there are many things I was unaware of.

But... Ghidorah? The space alien, killing Superman in one shot?

"That's interesting." I smiled, stepping forward and grazing Martian Manhunter.

I walked through the crowd, making sure to tap Shazam and Scarlet Witch. Unsurprisingly, Billy Batson's powers were infinitely harder to replicate, being they came from the strength of Six separate entities.

But I still succeeded.

Truly, from Shazam all I attained was an incredible resistance to magic, and an incredible affinity for it.

From these little interactions, I had by far gained the most from J'onn J'onzz, and Wanda Maximoff. The ability to shapeshift, become intangible, insane telepathy, and even create biopolymers. 

From Wanda, I gained a significant boost to psionics, and the more coveted Chaos magic! My limits were pretty much removed with the addition of Chaos magic. With enough training, I could soundlessly warp reality, and or conjure, transmute, and create matter.

Though, that might take a little more time, as unfortunately experience was not something I could easily replicate.

Unfortunately, this Wanda was not as powerful as the version of herself when she acquired the Darkhold, so I would have to uncover the limits of Chaos magic myself.

But that was for a later time.

"You seem to know a lot about this Monster Zero." Batman spoke, glaring at me.

"I do. I know a lot about all of you actually." I replied, rubbing my chin, gazing down at all the people I towered over as I circled them.

"If we are to believe what these people say... that you are not dangerous... then what exactly is your purpose here? You engaged with Superman, and quite unnecessarily left him on the verge of death? If Supergirl had not transported him to the atmosphere, he might not have even been able to regenerate from the damage you dealt." 

I listened to the human bat's words, rubbing my chin and showing a look of contemplation.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Sir Bat, but your alien pal struck me first! I simply wanted an autograph..." I said, putting my hands behind my back, stopping in front of Bruce Wayne himself.

"But don't worry. He'll be fine! He is Kryptonian, all he needs is a little sunlight." I said. "In fact, if Ghidorah really does pose a threat, I recommend him and Kara over there get as much sunlight as possible!" 

My words seemed to strike a nerve.

Supergirl tensing up, and Batman even squinting.

"Oh... I didn't mean to expose you... I know a little too much for my own good." 

Of course I meant to expose her, I only wanted to have a little fun.

"Eh-hem. So then, you won't be helping in our conflict with Monster Zero?..." Batman inquired.

His hands had shifted behind his back, mimicking my posture.

"... We'll see how that pans out." I muttered, turning away, taking a few steps.

"We are not finished talking... We did not say you could leave yet." Batman spoke, making me pause right in my tracks.

I turned back, a look of confusion on my face.

"What makes you think you can stop me?" I questioned, fully turning and walking up to Batman.

The Bat looked up, holding direct eye contact with me as I slightly bent over, my thumbs in the pockets of the ripped pants which now more resembled shorts.

The man was silent, my gaze softening as a smile appeared on my face.

I turned once more, prepared to finally take my leave.

"Could you at least give us your name." Iron Man shouted.

"Hmm... Eramus will do." 




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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


