62.97% Douluo: I Am Unparalleled in the World / Chapter 296: Chapter 268: His Woman, Must Lose!_1

章 296: Chapter 268: His Woman, Must Lose!_1

In her eyes, these things were all useless.

They couldn't pose the slightest threat to her.

"First Soul Skill, Waist Attack!"

Xiaowu first used her First Soul Skill, Waist Attack, to strike at Dugu Yan.

"Third Soul Skill, Teleporting!"

Within five meters, Xiaowu could instantly reach any location.

That was the terrifying effect brought by her Waist Bow Soul Skill.

Xiaowu closed in.

Dugu Yan specialized in long-range attacks.

The former could win as long as she could get close to her opponent's body.

The latter had the advantage as long as she could maintain a distance from her opponent.

"Fourth Soul Skill, Invincible Golden Body!"

Obviously, Xiaowu couldn't make use of her Teleporting and Waist Bow.

At this moment, her opponent used the Invincible Golden Body to defend against Dugu Yan's soul skill.

This Soul Skill provided three seconds of God Rank Absolute Defense.

The strength could double, with every ten levels of increase adding one second, and the duration of invincibility and strength enhancement were the same.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Green Phosphorus Black Poison!!"

Dugu Yan instantly executed her Fifth Soul Skill.

Instantly, trails of black mist appeared.

This was Dugu Yan's strongest Soul Skill since ascending to the rank of Soul King.

A super toxin.

"Invincible Golden Body means invincibility!!"

Xiaowu charged directly into the poison fog.

After all, she had the Invincible Golden Body.

There was nothing to panic about at this moment.

She unleashed a barrage of attacks directly at Dugu Yan.


At this moment, a look of panic flashed across Dugu Yan's eyes.

The opponent had actually charged directly into her poison fog.

This shouldn't be happening!!

"What's going on, Yanzi!"

Yu Tianheng saw that Dugu Yan seemed like she was about to be injured.

He became agitated immediately.

"What's going on, didn't the deputy leader do her homework? This Xiaowu has a soul skill called Invincible Golden Body, and the instructor even specifically mentioned it before!"

The rest of the Dou Huang Battle Team saw that Dugu Yan had actually fallen into disadvantage.

Suddenly, a look of great confusion appeared in their eyes.

Why confuse it?

Because beforehand, they had conducted background checks on their opponents.

The instructor had organized the information for them.

It included what Soul Skills and abilities the opponents had.

They had even listed all of Tang San's hidden weapons.

That Invincible Golden Body had been specifically emphasized by the instructor.

Yet now, the deputy leader had still fallen for it.

This was not normal at all.

It was truly unclear what exactly was going on.

"To use this method? Well, she is indeed easy to fall for it,"

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment, revealing a distinct look.

He knew what method Dugu Yan was using right now.

Overall, the method was fine, of course, when dealing with Xiaowu.

If the opponent she was facing was Tang San, then the method would be utterly useless.

Because his experience was much broader than that of a rabbit that had only been human for just over a decade.

As for whether the opponent had forgotten what she had said before, Ye Feng did not believe that was the case at all.

Why is that?

Because Dugu Yan had always been seeking revenge.


Defeat Tang San.

After all, what Shrek Academy did to their Dugu Family, Dugu Yan still remembered like it was yesterday.

Therefore, she had to do the job of every team member.

Only then could she hang on until the end, and land a painful blow on Tang San.

In other words, the opponent had certainly been more serious than anyone else in preparing for battle, and even memorized everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

Naturally, she couldn't overlook Xiaowu.

Especially Xiaowu's invincible skill, which was so cautiously bizarre.

The reason the opponent did this was intentional.

They were deliberately luring the opponent into a trap.

"Are you going to win? Xiaowu truly is someone who came out of Notting Academy before."

At this moment, Grandmaster looked at Xiaowu, who seemed ready to pursue the victory, and immediately revealed a very satisfied smile.

In his eyes, although Xiaowu could be a bit temperamental at times,

she was still relatively reliable.

At least, she was stronger than that guy Dai Mubai.

"No, something's wrong."

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

It appeared smooth to everyone as well.

But Tang San felt something was off.

It was as if the opponent was deliberately drawing Xiaowu in.

"Something's wrong??"

All of Shrek were dumbfounded.

"Xiaosan, how could something be wrong, isn't everything fine? Xiaowu has the upper hand."

Grandmaster expressed his confusion at Tang San's words.

"Teacher, don't you think Xiaowu is having it too easy?"

At this moment, Tang San spoke.

"Too easy? Isn't it good to be a bit smooth, since Dugu Yan is a long-range attacking Soul Master and Xiaowu is a close-combat Soul Master?"

Dugu Yan is of the control class, while Xiaowu is of the direct-attack class.

The former would almost certainly end up like this once attacked up close by the latter.

"Xiaosan, are you saying this is a trap!"

At this moment, Liu Erlong, as if having realized something, asked Tang San.


Tang San nodded.

This was a trap!!

"Second Soul Skill, Green Phosphorus Blue Poison!"

A yellow light began to glow slowly beside Dugu Yan.

She was currently being attacked by Xiaowu, and was indeed losing badly, even injured.

But Dugu Yan was not worried in the slightest, as she now used her second soul skill, known as the paralyzing Green Phosphorus Blue Poison.

This toxin could help her eliminate the sensation of pain and increase her defense by 30%.

In the barricade of the Green Phosphorus Poison, Dugu Yan fought Xiaowu.

Soon, she used her first soul skill again.

Green Phosphorus Red Poison, Frenzied Poison.

This toxin could stimulate nerves and enhance attack power, speed, and others.

And all of these increased by 20%.

Don't underestimate this number.

An increase in everything is an extremely terrifying accumulation of power.

"You're not that great after all, I thought you were really powerful!"

Three seconds quickly passed, over two seconds in, and at this moment, Dugu Yan, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, spoke.

"Heh, let's see how long you can last, Fifth Soul Skill, Soft Bone Lock!"

Xiaowu used the Soft Bone Lock, attacking in the direction of Dugu Yan.

It restricted movements, locking the opponent with her body's flexibility—any Soul Power less than five levels higher couldn't break free.

Even if one could break free, it would take at least five seconds.

This was enough to defeat Dugu Yan!!

"Not good!!"

Seeing that black soul ring light up.


Dugu Yan's heart sank.

She knew this guy was trouble.

But running away was simply impossible!!

"Bi Phosphorus Snake!!"

Dugu Yan could only recall her Martial Soul.

And the black poison fog around her doubled in intensity.

All of it compressing towards the center!!


Dugu Yan felt as if her bones were about to shatter.

She had already been entangled by Xiaowu.

"Hold on!!"

Dugu Yan thought of her grandfather.

She thought of what Shrek Academy and Tang San's family had done to her family.

Her heart was choked with resentment!!

"Why hasn't she fainted yet!!"

Xiaowu's skin was burning hot.

This woman was truly like a venomous snake.

Her skin was imbued with lethal poison.

Moreover, waves of black poison fog attacked from all around, shrouding the entire arena in smoke.

If one couldn't hold their breath, accidentally inhaling a few mouthfuls would spell doom.

"Xiaowu will be alright, won't she!"

Ning Rongrong spoke up.

"The best outcome would be a tie, the worst would be both of them severely injured or even one of them losing their life!"

Liu Erlong said, her fists tightly clenched.

Every second felt like an entire century was passing by.

"You maniac! Let go!!"

Dugu Yan was grabbing Xiaowu's hands and feet.

Xiaowu's complexion gradually turned cyanotic black.

That was a sign of poisoning.

She had been poisoned.

Green Phosphorus Black Poison.

Dugu Yan's goal was to drag it out with her.

Then to make her inhale the poison into her body.

Damn it.

Xiaowu realized she had truly fallen into a trap this time.

"Want me to let go? Why didn't you think of letting go when you were locking me up just now?"

Blood flowed from the corner of Dugu Yan's mouth.

Her tone was icy cold!!

Gradually, time passed slowly.

On the arena, the two were tightly locked together.

Dugu Yan's mouth bled, appearing to be injured.

As for Xiaowu, she had already fainted.

Her face turned black.

This was Green Phosphorus Black Poison.

A very potent toxin.


At this moment, Tang San, seeing Xiaowu lying on the ground in the arena, couldn't help but cry out.

"It's unbelievable how powerful the poison released by Dugu Yan is!"

"The Dugu family is famous for their poisons, her grandfather is the world-renowned Poison Douluo!"

Although everyone was in disbelief,

they accepted the outcome.

After all, Dugu Yan was the granddaughter of Poison Douluo.

It's understandable that her poison was so strong, isn't it.

"It's incredible. The two competitors ended the fight in such a posture. I declare Dugu Yan from the Dou Huang Battle Team the winner. Now, Shrek has their final competitor remaining," the host announced!

"What, impossible! Xiaowu actually lost!!"

At this moment, the Master spoke.

He couldn't believe Xiaowu would fall to Dugu Yan, it was inconceivable!

Especially since they had the upper hand.

The Master looked hopeless, and for some reason, everyone found it very funny!

That's because in the later stages, those with combat experience all saw it was a trap.

Only the Master, who was only good at theory, didn't understand.

He was in disbelief here.

But everyone habitually didn't feel like talking to him.

As for Tang San, he rushed to check on Xiaowu.

He had no time to pay attention to the Master.

"Apologize, I will treat your woman's injuries," said Dugu Yan, looking at Tang San with a very cold tone.

He almost killed her grandfather, and now she just wanted an apology from him.

In her view, that was not too much to ask.

Really, not at all.

"Heh, no need for your treatment. In a moment, you will pay a bloody price for your actions!" Tang San picked up Xiaowu, unleashing the Eight-Spider Spear, and then stabbed towards Xiaowu's body.

Xiaowu's face, originally black, now slowly regained its natural color, as though it was being decolorized.

"You! Fine! Let's see what bloody price you want me to pay later!!"

Dugu Yan was enraged.

Her entire demeanor was very cold.

Is this the way the Tang family handles things?

Might is right.

The surname Tang rules supreme?

They devoured someone's entire medicinal garden, not only did they not apologize or compensate, they almost killed her grandfather.

To be precise, they had killed him, and he wouldn't have been able to revive if it wasn't for Instructor Ye.

"Aunt Er Long, Rongrong, Jiazhu, please take care of Xiaowu for now," said Tang San as he headed towards Shrek.


Liu Erlong nodded.

"Xiaosan, you're our last hope at Shrek Academy. The teacher doesn't ask much of you, just beat the Dou Huang Battle Team and win the advancement match. Do you understand? No matter what means you use!!" Master commanded.

"Rest assured, Teacher, I'll give it my all!" Tang San nodded and then walked towards the arena!

Dugu Yan, he would make her pay.

Because Xiaowu was the one he would protect forever!!

"The last contestant from Shrek Academy, Tang San, is now stepping up. Vice-captain, hold steady!"

The Dou Huang Battle Team members looked worried.

Tang San's combat power was freakish.

At that moment, Dugu Yan was already standing in the arena waiting for the last member of Shrek Academy, Tang San, to enter!

No matter the outcome, she was determined to teach him a lesson!!

To exert her full strength.

"Everyone, let's take a look at the last contestant from Shrek Academy, Tang San, a sixty-two-level Battle Soul Emperor!!" The big screen displayed Tang San's image.

Sixty-two-level Battle Soul Emperor!!

As soon as this title was announced, the whole place erupted in excitement!!

Fifty-two-level versus sixty-two-level.

Such a stark contrast!!

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C296
    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


