50% Yuta Okkotsu / Chapter 7: The end of fight celebration

章 7: The end of fight celebration

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city streets, four people gathered at a cafe.

They sat around a cozy table, the soft murmur of conversation mingling with the gentle clinking of glasses.

With smiles on their faces and laughter on the background, they raised their glasses in unison

"Kanpai!" They cheered for their successful mission

"Man, that thing is tough. I don't even think it was a curse. Probably a shikigami made by that corpse on the shrine," remarked the high school boy as he lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sip.

It was orange juice

"Yeah, who knew that the god of the mountain would be unkillable," remarked the man wearing an all-black robe and hat as he also took a sip of his drink.

"Whatever it was, it's gone now. There will be no more accidents like Miko's, and we have the Jujutsu high to thank for that," replied the grandma, and they all nodded in agreement, expressing their gratitude with a unified chorus of approval.

"Oh, by the way, Miko, are you still seeing the curses?" The teenage boy asked the girl, and she nodded fearfully, still haunted by the presence of the curses.

"Come on, none of them will attack us as long as I'm here anyway. What are you afraid of?" The boy mockingly smiled at her, causing her to lower her head in embarrassment.

"Excuse her, Yuta-sama. She used to live a normal life, and now she suddenly sees ghosts that only appear in horror movies. It's understandable that she's afraid of them," the grandma said to the boy and he slump back to his chair

"Hmm... Right. Well, if the ghosts ever try to haunt you again, just go to Jujutsu High this time and not a mysterious shrine in the middle of nowhere," Yuta jokingly said to the girl. Her face continued to burn red as he kept bringing up her mistake in the past.

"Can you stop me from seeing the curses?" Miko asked Yuta, and he looked at her puzzled by what she just said.

"How? Take your cursed energy? I can't do that, and it would also kill you if I somehow could.

My best advice is to try and control your cursed energy so you can exorcise them yourself if you want to," Yuta replied nonchalantly, opening up his phone to see a message incoming.

It was from Ijichi

"How?" The girl asked.

"Enroll in Jujutsu High, maybe to the Kyoto branch. They're more willing to let anyone enter as long as they have enough cursed energy, and I think you do have enough," Yuta said as he sent a reply to Ijichi.

"But doesn't that mean she's going to be sent on missions to fight curses?" the grandma asked, concern evident in her voice, and the boy nodded.

"Yup, that's the price to pay if you want to be a sorcerer. If you want my opinion, then just ignore the curses and live your life normally. Being a sorcerer is a tough job.

Unless you have a stupidly overpowered cursed technique like me, then don't do it if you're not ready to die," Yuta replied, his tone serious as he emphasized the risks involved in becoming a sorcerer.

"But anyway~ if you're not ready to fight curses but still want to live a normal life, then just buy some charms from the Jujutsu sorcerers directly.

Our cursed items are far stronger than what the normal espers would sell. No offense, grandma," Yuta suggested to the girl, and she nodded in agreement with his suggestion.

𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙠 𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙠

"Oh? My ride is here. Anyway, good luck dealing with the curses from now on. Here's my number if you want to chat. I gotta go back now. See ya!" Yuta put a piece of paper with his number on it and handed it to Miko as he gulped down the remaining orange juice from his glass and bid farewell to the others at the table.

"Yo, Ijichi-san, sorry it took so long. We had a celebration party for a while.

Anyway, let's go!" He entered the car driven by the man in a suit, and the car drove away.


"Hmmm, what time is it Ijichi san?" While looking outside of the window, Yuta ask the driver and Ijichi look at his wrist to confirm the time

"It's past 7 p.m" Ijichi replied

"Man, what an eventful day. A morning spar with Maki, followed by fighting Hakari until I'm beaten and bruised.

And then fighting a shikigami as strong as a Grade 1 curse. This world is the best," Yuta slumped back in his seat, trying to rest his body after the eventfull day.

Ijichi heard what Yuta said about the world, but he just ignored it and chalked it up to Yuta's quirk. After all, every Jujutsu sorcerer is weird in their own way.

Yuta pull up his phone, he look at the group chat of his old friends and their interaction

Red eyes : "hey have you heard about the new virtual Idol group?"

Straight face : "Virtual idol?"

Red eyes : "Yeah! They are like, that Kizuna Ai that use 2D persona on Youtube, it's like that"

Straight face : "never heard of her"

Red eyes : "@Yuta! You have heard of them right?"

Yuta : "what is this? Why are you calling for me?"

Red eyes : "Read the thread"

Yuta : "Nope, never heard of them, what are they called?"

Red eyes : "Hololive!"

'oh, that one'

Yuta : "and how many generation have they made?"

Red eyes : "what do you mean How many? They just debuted few months ago"

Yuta look at the date and it was 14th January, 2018

Yuta : "yeah i have heard of them, but i am too busy being a good sorcerer to watch their stream"

Straight face : "that remind me, how is your first day as an actual sorcerer? Is it different from the usual?"

Yuta : "not really, i just train and fight curses, oh. But i remember something, there is no actual lessons for me to take"

Red eyes : "what do you mean?"

Yuta : "like math or science, things like that are on the library but we are not gonna be teached that and they all just expect us to pass the test or something"

Red eyes : "No math?! Lucky"

Straight face : "and how are you gonna pass the test without studying? As a matter of fact where would you even take the test? the jujutsu highschool is not an actual school recognize by the goverment"

Yuta : "Idk, Probably the principal will pull some string for us and make us just pass on document or something, it's to make sure that if being a sorcerer didn't work out we can still join society. But most of us are gonna keep being a sorcerer after graduation anyway"

Blue eyes : "and if that didn't work out?"

Yuta : "then i am gonna be one of those scammer on Tv selling ghost repelling charms"

Red eyes : "is it a scam if it actually work?"

Yuta : "Idk"

Blue eyes : "so your career path is either keep fighting curses or selling voodoo charms?"

Yuta : "or both actually, i can also maybe try and fuck the higher ups by telling the world about Jujutsu, but that might lead to world war 3, so.... yeah not gonna do that"

Blue eyes : "yeah let's not do that"

Red eyes : "wouldn't it be funny if this group chat are leaked and suddenly the world war 3 happen?"

Straight face : "No"

Blue eyes : "No"

Yuta : "They'll probably just chuck this up to a case of chuunibyou kids and not taking it seriously"

Red eyes : "hmm mm anyway i am gonna watch some more stream on the new B-komachi, Bye bye~"

Yuta chuckled at his friends and turn off the phone too


"Stupid teddy bear," three people grumbled as they walked out of the classroom, their faces full of bruises from their last lesson.

It was a lesson on how to regulate their cursed energy better. Too much, and you get punched. Too little, and you get punched.

"Hey, what's wrong with you three?" the only girl in the class said, mockingly smiling at her classmates.

"Haha, yeah, laugh it up, b*tch. Soon as I know how to regulate my cursed energy better, then I'm gonna be stronger than Gojo-sensei," the black-haired boy said confidently as they all began to walk towards the cafeteria to get something to eat.

"Someone's cranky," the girl replied.

"Did you know that the teddy bear gets stronger every time you put too much cursed energy into it? Yeah, how strong do you think that bastard punched after I overcharged it with my bottomless cursed energy?" the boy grumbled in response, and she laughed again in the face of her friend's misery.

"Tuna" Inumaki said

"Exactly" Yuta replied

"Hey, that's technically Panda's sibling you all, show some respect" Maki said to them

"That is no brother of mine" Panda replied as he also feels cranky after being hit several time on the head by the teddy bear

"Oh? Yuta! Just the boy I am looking for." From behind the group, a boy and a... girl? – boy approached them as they walked towards the cafeteria.

"Hakari," Yuta recognized the boy, and he kept approaching the group.

"Hey there! Where are you going?" Hakari asked the group as he stopped walking when he reached them.

"Lunch. After that stupid lesson I'm gonna need something to eat," Yuta replied, and both Panda and Inumaki nodded in agreement.

"What lesson?" Hakari asked.

"The teddy one," Panda replied, and Hakari's face scrunched as he remembered those days of being punched in the face by a teddy bear.

"Yeah, those are not fun. Anyway! Wanna hear something? I have some genius business idea, and I'm sure you'll be interested," Hakari said, putting his arms around Yuta's neck as he tried to persuade the boy into his idea.

"What idea?" Yuta asked

Hakari smiled and put his finger infront of Yuta's face

"A jujutsu Fight club?" The group are now sitting on the table as they eat their meal after Hakari told them his idea

"Yup! Fight club! You know how it is, being a sorcerer is not very profitable as the local community usually pay so little and completely not worth our well-being.

Of course, we can sell charms and the like, but those looks like a scam, so why don't we follow the age of entertainment and make a jujutsu fight club?" Hakari laid out his plan, and they all listened to his explanation.

"So you're going to make jujutsu sorcerers fight each other? Like those UFC type of stuff?" Maki commented at Hakari, and he nodded in confirmation.

"And why would they? In UFC, you can sell tickets and let millions of people pay to watch, so they get money. You can't do that with Jujutsu sorcerer," Panda asked the second-year student, and he just kept grinning at him

"Wait, you are not telling me–"

"That's right Panda, we'll let normal people watch and bet for our fighters" Hakari interupt Panda before he can finish his sentence

"Tuna" Inumaki said in shock

"Of course we are not gonna allow them to use curse technique, we'll just tell them to fight with reinforcement and do a hand to hand combat like a normal fight club" Hakari explained his case trying to undermine his plan to make it seems to be not as bad

"Yeah but, the sound, The speed. how are you gonna explain that to the normal audience?" Panda questioned

"Just tell them that they are super humans, or just not tell them at all, let their imagination wonder,

Really, this will the most epic fight club ever, just imagine how many rich folks would want to see a battle between someone like me and Yuta"

"Wait wait hold on, i am not agreeing to this" Yuta quickly put a stop to Hakari's train of thought as he never tell him that he will join him

"You are not?" Hakari look at him as if he was betrayed

Yuta : "Dude, think about it. What if some important rich folk decide that they want to study us on how are we so strong? And also, is making a fight club really more profitable than just joining UFC all together?"

Hakari : "But it won't be fun if we know we'll win! Also i am not really gonna keep fighting on my club, i'll just probably be an opener and then i can sit back and let the others fight while rich folks gamble on them"

Maki : "so why are you telling us this? What do you want from us?"

Yuta : "if it was partnership, then no. I really can't have this on my record after i killed my parents"

Maki : "you what?!"

Yuta : "Oh yeah 5 years ago, Rika goes wild and murder them" 'also the time where i get my conciousness'

Hakari : "well, anyway i am just here to inform you guys about it and if you want to fight on my club sometime, just give me a call and i'll prepare it for ya"

Panda : "so uh, do the higher ups knows about this?"

Hakari : "pfft Of course not! They won't agree to this, but i trust you guys, you won't rat on me to those old folks right?"

Yuta : "well they won't hear a peep from me"

Inumaki : "Tuna"

Maki : "Same"

Panda : "your secret is safe with us"

Hakari smiled at them and pat Yuta on the back before leaving them to their lunch

The first years look at his retreated figure knowing that it won't end well for him even if they are not saying anything to the higher ups


"There, you're dead again," a boy and a girl sparred on the grass field of Jujutsu High, engaging in wooden weapons combat. The girl had the boy in a leg lock, and she tapped his forehead with her staff.

"My win again," the girl smugly smiled at the boy as he tried to stand up from the ground.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Damn, you're really good at this. Even with me being stronger than you, it still doesn't change the outcome," the boy grumbled at the girl, but she took it as a compliment instead.

"Maybe if you start using your brain more than your muscles, then you can fight me on equal footing," she mused.

"I know, I know, 'technique,' but really, will technique work against someone like Gojo sensei? I don't think so," Yuta said, dusting off his pants and picking up his wooden katana again.

"It works against me once!" On the side of the field, Gojo Satoru stood alongside Panda and Inumaki, observing the spar between the weapon masters.

"You lost against a freak of nature, that doesn't count!" Yuta retorted to his sensei.

"You bet your ass it doesn't count!" His sensei replied.

"It's been three months since Yuta came to this school, he can move a lot now," Panda remarked, observing how Yuta's movements had become sharper compared to his previous 'punch it until it dies' strategy.

"Syake," Inumaki replied.

"He has become accustomed to fighting in a team," Gojo chimed in.

"Sujiko" Inumaki said again

"Yeah. Maki seems to be having fun too. There weren't many chances for her to spar against another weapon user—!!!" *Shock! Panda finally realized what was happening, and his jaw dropped to the ground.

"Yuta! Come here!" Panda quickly tried to be a good wingman and decided to give Maki a little favor.

"What is it, Panda?" Yuta said as he walked towards him.

"So, boobs. Big or small?" Straight to the point, as expected of Panda

"Really?" Yuta looked at the fluffy animal that had stopped his sparring lesson just for this question.

"Well, if I have to choose... Medium, I guess? I like them big too, but if they're too massive, then it'll be more of a nuisance than anything. So, I guess medium.

"Oh, but I like thighs better," Yuta answered the weird question from Panda, and he quickly looked at Maki to inspect her.

Ample breast and thicc thigh, Panda conclude that Maki is his Type

"Maki!" So he decided to tell it to her face.

Maki looked at the adorable Panda after he called her, only to see his ridiculous face with his arms making an O shape on top of his head.

"You have a chaaaanceeee" is what Panda tried to say with that gesture

"What the hell kind of misunderstanding is that?! I'll kill you!"

"Don't get all shy! Are you a primary schooler?!"

"That's it! I am gonna kill you! Washington law be damned!"

The two of them began to brawl it out, while Yuta and Inumaki stood side by side, watching the spectacle happen.

"They are not talking about what i think they are talking about right?" Yuta ask the boy beside him, and he replied with "Konbu"

"Hmm.. yeah i thought so" Yuta look back to the two classmate that sre brawling each other out on the field

'i don't understand a single thing on what he said, but it's cool to pretend to understand him' Yuta thought

"Alright! Gather around, folks!" Gojo-sensei clapped his hands to get the attention of his class.

Unfortunately, two of his students decided that fighting each other was more important than trying to hear what he was going to say.

"Those two will continue training for a while, but Toge!" Gojo pointed at his two students who were trying to maul each other, and then to the other white-haired student.

"You've been assigned, it's a curse suitable for you so, go exorcise it in a jiffy," Gojo-sensei said to the white-haired student, and he replied with, "Shake."

"Alone?" Yuta asked his teacher. Don't get him wrong; he knows that Toge Inumaki is pretty strong, but his cursed technique has too many drawbacks that it might be a little troublesome if he is there alone.

"Toge is the only Grade 2 sorcerer among the first years, so he can take solo missions," Panda explained to Yuta right after Maki slammed him into the ground.

"Wait a second. You're not Grade 2, Panda?" Yuta asked in bewilderment, as he remembered how strong Panda was from his previous life, only to remember that THIS Panda is one year younger.

"I'm happy that you think so highly of me, but no, I am Grade 3," Panda replied to Yuta, and he tried to get back up, only for Maki to kick him again.

"So Toge is the strongest, huh," Yuta thought out loud, and everyone thought, 'No, you are,' to what he just said.

"Anyway! Yuta, you go and support him," Gojo-sensei chimed in, telling Yuta to go along with Toge.

"Support?" Yuta asked his Sensei, feeling a bit confused since he believed Toge could handle the task alone.

"Well, more like observe him. I want you to go and see how he handles his mission.

Your usual play for every situation is to punch it until it stops moving, but sometimes you need to use a different approach.

That's where Toge will come in and teach you how to exorcise curses without much of a brawl," Gojo explained, and the two students nodded in agreement, as what he said did make sense

this time at least.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

How?! We are 7 chapters in and i am not even half way through the second chapter of the actual story,

I am reading the manga as i write this story to make sure that there is no disimiliarities but. I am starting to think that my way of writing is too slow

But i think it's better, i can give more detail and also put in a few small story here and there to fill in the words

Anyway. See you later!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


