
章 10: Chapter 10

"I told you to stay at home, why did you follow after me... Where did you eat lunch, at home?" After class, the little girl naturally scolded him. However since, he is too cute and her anger subsided considerably. 


"Meow~" Takeshi called out softly. He would not say that Guy was treating him to lunch and Guy also wanted to treat him to spicy curry which Guy called "Curry of Life!", but he refused decisively.


Otherwise, he might be in the hospital now? No, there doesn't seem to be a dedicated veterinary hospital in Konoha, so he might have to go to the Inuzuka clan to receive treatment from canine doctors. He considered while having wild thoughts. 


"You can't sleep and snore again tomorrow. Besides, Obito, you really don't have to do this in the future." Rin turned around and faced Obito seriously. 


"Uh...hehehe." Obito stroked his hair, looking very honest and honest. 


"Forget it, you won't listen anyway." Rin sighed. The reason why she has helped Obito since she was in Academy is because she knows that Obito is a kind person.


Although he seems to have isn't talented, she feels that Obito will become a powerful ninja sooner or later. Compared to those in the class who ridicule and despise Obito, they may not be able to reach a high level in the future.


Of course, this is just her opinions. She walked a few steps with the little black cat in her arms, then turned back and asked: "Obito, the graduation exam will be held in a while. Is there anything you don't know how to do? I just have time in the afternoon to help you catch up." 


"This... Those theoretical classes this semester..." Obito lowered his head in confusion. 


"..." Rin knew that she had asked a stupid question. Obito's theory subjects have always been bad, and this year is no exception. She was about to say that she would help him get better in classes, but then she hesitated. 


"Rin, please teach me the theory. I really want to be a ninja. I won't be able to graduate this year if I..." Ninja Academy students must graduate at the latest when they are 12 years old.


However, there have been a lot of ninja casualties in recent years. The class is in urgent need of replenishment, so most Ninja Academy students graduate at around the age of nine.


If he can't graduate this year, he will fall behind everyone. Although he was always called a loser, Obito didn't want to become a repeater who was a year behind. He wants to graduate. 


Takeshi was thoughtful as he listened to the pleading in his ears. Obito mainly suffered in the theory class. If there was someone to teach him, it wouldn't be such a big hurdle if he had a few theoretical lessons, but according to what he learned after arriving in this world - Obito lost his parents when he was young and grew up dependent on his grandmother. 


Without the guidance of his parents, and because this Uchiha is eager to prove himself... This kid is still trying to compete with his as a orphan without support with other ninjas who have guidance and starting funds. 


How can he be a match for those people? It's a pity that he is just a cat. Firstly, he can't speak, and secondly, no one will listen to him. He complained secretly in his heart. 


"These are my notes. Take it back and read it first, and try to memorize the contents of the notes." Rin took out the notebook.


Here she noted key points of the lectures on various topics, which are so densely packed that even the useless students would shudder just looking at them.


"That's... okay." Obito obviously had a problem with rote memorization, but if he is stupid, he can only use stupid methods.


If he wants to graduate, he will have to memorize it. The two went home in separate ways. 


Rin hugged Takeshi and walked home worriedly. Halfway through the journey, she finally couldn't help but confide in Takeshi: 


"Takeshi, I was just thinking that it might be better for Obito to graduate three years later. Will it harm him if he takes notes? and he succeeds in graduating ?" 


Takeshi raised his head and stared with blank expression at Rin and blinked - He is just a "six-month-old" cat, how do you expect him to answer such a complicated question.


Although he has always acted very smart, he is only slightly smarter than his status, and as Rin asked, it is completely beyond his status. 


Just as he was thinking about how to answer, he saw a demon in green tights running towards him. He quickly shrank his head and tail in an attempt to make himself invisible, which kind of worked for a moment.


Guy really didn't pay attention at first. However, after running a few steps away, he returned back back and stared at Rin and called out: "Are you...is your name Nohara Rin?" 


"Aren't you Maito Guy?" Rin was stunned for a second, and then immediately recognized the person in front of her and his identity. Maito Guy. He was also quite popular in Academy back then. 


At first, he couldn't even enroll in Academy. He relied on using the tactic of circling the playground five hundred times to prove his determination and enroll in Academy, before he was able to join the ninja Academy and become a proper ninja.


However, it's been 2 years since he graduated. Maybe Obito can ask Guy for advice... Rin thought to herself. 


"As expected, I know you." Guy smiled proudly, and then locked his eyes on the little black cat in Rin's arms. Takeshi knew he couldn't hide.


Everyone has arrived, and it is no different to hiding himself with his head hidden. He raised his head and waved his paw feebly. 


"Do you know him?" Rin was a little surprised. 


"Some things happened this morning, and the two of us got along quite well. If I hadn't had a Summon animal, we might have had a bond of life and death by now." Guy said it naturally, with a sparkling smile and thumbs up. 


Takeshi felt aggrieved - 'Who the hell wants to share life and death bond with you!'


Rin then asked what happened. After learning what had happened, she apologized again and again, and then found it funny that this cat actually followed Kakashi on the way, and even encountered Guy... He attacked these two people, and this stupid cat deserved misfortune. 


Then, she mentioned Obito and hoped that Guy could help Obito. Guy agreed wholeheartedly and said that he would be happy to help his friends in the same village.


However, Takeshi couldn't help but worry about Obito. What a great heart Guy has? At this time, he already had a picture in his mind - Obito wearing a green tights, with a watermelon hairstyle, shouting "For Youth!" and "Duel with me Kakashi!". Hiss~ I feel sorry for Kakashi!


Takeshi shuddered a little, praying in his heart that Obito would have some brains. It's scary enough to have a blue beast in Konoha, but if there's a blue beast with a Sharingan, Madara will go crazy. 


Rin said goodbye to Guy and went home with Takeshi in her arms. That day, Takeshi didn't sleep well. He dreamed that he was blocking Obito's path as if it were their first meeting, and then being dragged around Konoha by Obito in green tights for a hundred times.


At the end, he just squatted down to rest, and he turned out that Guy went on a mission and returned to the village. "Meow!" Damn Obito! Takeshi, who woke up with a fright, was very tired. 


He lay there for a long time and could not fall back asleep. he looked outside, it was still dark. He lay down for a while and suddenly heard a burst of movement.


Mouse? Takeshi was startled and instinctively looked towards the source of the sound. When he looked over, the mouse saw him too. 


The two animals looked at each other for a second... The mouse did not run away because it saw that the cat in front of it was just a young kitten and might not have the ability to hunt.


However, Takeshi had already rushed out with a "whoosh". The poor mouse didn't know that there was a creature in the world called a ninja cat. It barely had time to turn around and run away before it was killed by Takeshi's claws. 


'I Got points for that? Did the rat contribute it before it died?' Although it's only a dozen or so, it's better than nothing. Takeshi became more energetic and slipped out through the gap in the window.


Although Konoha is a ninja village, rats cannot be eradicated. There are slightly fewer rats in the civilian area than in the slums, but he will definitely find them if he goes out to search...

8Ashes8 8Ashes8

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