
It's Because Of You!

Chapter 48 - It's Because Of You!

Watching Mahiro and Akeno play around, Yuuto couldn't help but smile wryly.

Yuuto isn't someone who can't accept losing, but...

He knew very well that the result of this competition meant he had lost.

It was just that the loss was quite dramatic.

He remembered not long ago, when he had first met Mahiro, he had sworn he wouldn't lose to him.

However, less than a week had passed.

He lost.

Lost in a confrontation between swordsmen.

This was the field he was most proud of, yet Mahiro had completely surpassed him.

Moreover, Mahiro hadn't even used his Magic Eye.

In other words, Mahiro had defeated him using only an ordinary sword without exerting all of his strength.

Yuuto felt a bit bitter, realizing he had been too arrogant.

Despite feeling somewhat reluctant, his positive attitude quickly transformed this bitterness into motivation.

"Mahiro-san, please give me more guidance in the future."

Yuuto bowed to Mahiro.

"Why so formal all of a sudden?"

Mahiro, still enjoying Akeno's playful banter, was taken aback by Yuuto's serious attitude.

"Well, after all, I might trouble you from time to time."

Yuuto gave an embarrassed smile.


Seeing Yuuto's smile, Mahiro couldn't help but feel a chill.

Oh crap.

'This guy can't be gay.'

Mahiro secretly planned to keep his distance from him.

If Yuuto knew what Mahiro was thinking, he would be upset.

He simply wanted to ask Mahiro to practice with him to improve his swordsmanship.

He hoped Mahiro could give him some pointers.

This kind of request would bring some "trouble" to Mahiro, so Yuuto felt a bit embarrassed.

But Mahiro misinterpreted Yuuto's embarrassed look.

"Mahiro-kun, you don't seem to have any suitable weapons."

Rias pondered and asked.


Mahiro was also helpless. He wanted a good weapon too.

However, the items sold in the system mall were too expensive.

He couldn't afford it.

Therefore, the F-rank refined katana in his hand was already his best weapon.

"Your strength will be greatly reduced if you don't have a suitable weapon."

Rias frowned and thought for a while.

"It's okay."

"I should be able to find suitable weapons in the future besides my physical skills are not bad."

Mahiro smiled and shook his head.

"It's a pity that the demonic sword created by my Sacred Gear can't be lent to others."

Yuuto also said regretfully.

Rias suddenly asked, "Mahiro-kun, you should be using a katana, right?"

"I don't have any special requirements for weapons, as long as it's not a claymore."

He favored speed, and a large, heavy weapon like a claymore was unsuitable.

"Well, if I have time, I'll go back to the Underworld to see if there are suitable weapons in the clan."

Rias said.

"Rias, if this keeps up, I won't know how to repay your favor."

Mahiro smiled helplessly.

"In that case, join my peerage and become part of my clan."

Rias smiled playfully and blinked.


"I'm just joking."

Before Mahiro could speak, Rias smiled and said, "I want you to join my peerage willingly."

Mahiro breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, Mahiro-kun, a sword is nothing to me."

Rias's eyes were fixed on Mahiro.

"This time, you can't refuse because this is a gift from me as a friend to you, unless what you said that night was just a lie."


He's not hypocritical; he just doesn't want to owe any more favors.

Since Rias had already mentioned this, he had no reason to refuse.

"That night?"

Hearing this, Akeno held Mahiro's arm even tighter and glanced back and forth between the two of them vigilantly.

"There's something fishy here!"

"Rias, did something happen between you and Mahiro-kun that we don't know about?"

Akeno looked at Rias and asked.


Rias chuckled lightly, then pretended to look elsewhere, concealing the panic in her eyes.

"I met Mahiro-kun by chance. So, We just chatted for a while."

Rias said indifferently.


Akeno looked suspicious.

"What are you? A detective?" Mahiro said speechlessly.

"I just found out that I can't bear to share Mahiro-kun. He can only be mine."

Akeno said lightheartedly.

"Didn't you say before that you don't mind letting me have a harem?"

Mahiro also replied jokingly.

"I'm sorry, you can't?"


Hearing this, Rias turned and looked at Akeno, showing a meaningful smile, and said teasingly, "I'm sorry, Akeno? I also found that I have a certain affection for Mahiro. What should I do?"

"Even Rias wants Mahiro-kun!? But I won't give in without a fight!!"

Akeno said firmly.

"Really? But from what I recall, you've never defeated me even once."

Rias raised her eyebrows.

"Rias, are you going to bring up old scores with me?"

Akeno smiled slightly. "It's true that I never defeated you! However, you haven't either!"

"Then, do you want to try again?"

"Come on."

Akeno let go of Mahiro's arm.

After a while, the scene from Friday reappeared.

Lightning and P.O.D. filled the sky, and wild laughter echoed.

The sudden confrontation between the two was unexpected, so everyone else could only stand by.

"It's because of you!"

Koneko stood beside Mahiro and said calmly.


Read More With Pictures (20+ Chapters In Advance):



(PS: Give power stones to this fanfiction for more chapters. Also, don't forget to leave a review and comment below. If the results are not good, then I'll just drop it and start working on another project.)

heavenlydawn_ heavenlydawn_

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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