49.01% Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story / Chapter 50: Arc 5 - Ch 3: Monaco 

章 50: Arc 5 - Ch 3: Monaco 

Chapter 50

Arc 5 - Ch 3: Monaco 

Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011.

Location: Larvotto Beach, Principality of Monaco

Larvotto Beach was a postcard-perfect scene nestled between the sparkling Mediterranean waters and a line of stately hotels. The sun's golden rays bathed the soft, warm sands that stretched invitingly along the shoreline, where the clear, turquoise waves gently lapped. Amidst this vibrant scene, Tyson, Jubilee, and Illyana emerged from a shimmering portal, stepping onto the warm sands. The instantaneous transition from the institute to the beach left Jubilee's eyes sparkling with delight, her signature bubbly attitude amplified by the atmosphere. Even the usually reserved Illyana couldn't suppress a small, contented sigh as she absorbed the idyllic surroundings. They believed Tyson selected the perfect beach for a day trip and scanned the area for an ideal place to settle.

The group chose a spot not far from the water's edge, where the soothing sounds of the waves gently breaking on the shore provided a calming backdrop. Unfolding their towels, they claimed their small slice of paradise. The sun's warmth enveloped them, tempered by a pleasant breeze that offered a welcome respite from the heat.

Unable to contain her excitement, Jubilee exclaimed, "This is incredible!" turning to Tyson with wide-eyed wonder, she asked, "How did we even get here? I thought Illyana's portals had limited range, and that was all sparkly and gold, not shimmering and silver."

Tyson laughed then shrugged, casually replying, "Magic."

Illyana seemed to relax as she gazed out over the glistening water. "This is nice," she admitted.

The trio took a moment to immerse themselves in the warm glow of the sun and the feeling of sand under their toes.

Jubilee leaped to her feet. "Come on, let's hit the water!" she urged, already bounding towards the inviting waves, her enthusiasm infectious. Tyson rose to follow her lead.

Illyana stayed in the sand, watching them with an amused expression. "I'll join you shortly. Try not to drown each other," she called out playfully teasing.

Jubilee and Tyson plunged into the sea. They swam and frolicked like carefree teenagers, her laughter mingling with the crash of the waves.

Jubilee, radiant in her yellow swimsuit, flashed Tyson a mischievous grin. "Bet you can't catch me, Tyson!" she declared.

Tyson met her challenge with a boyish smirk. "You're on!" he exclaimed.

Jubilee believed that in the water, Tyson's immense strength and dexterity would be countered by his dense adamantium skeleton weighing him down. However, she quickly realized her miscalculation. Even while consciously moderating his superhuman abilities to maintain a fun and fair atmosphere, Tyson displayed astounding physical prowess. Jubilee gracefully darted through the water with skilled strokes, but Tyson effortlessly closed the distance between them.

Instead of simply catching her, Tyson veered ahead, positioning himself directly in her path. Jubilee came to an abrupt halt, finding herself mere inches from Tyson, their faces close enough to feel the warmth of each other's breath.

Amidst the charged moment, Illyana's voice cut through the tension. "Showing off a bit much, aren't we, Tyson?" she called from the shore teasingly, her tone light yet laced with amusement.

After an invigorating swim, Jubilee, Tyson, and Illyana found themselves lounging on the warm, golden sands.

Illyana reached for the sunscreen. She turned to Tyson, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Tyson, would you be a dear and apply this to our backs?" she asked, her voice dripping with playful sweetness.

Tyson raised his hands in a gesture of resignation, "Really? Think you could handle it?"

Illyana let out a dramatic sigh, "Your loss then," she declared, turning to Jubilee with a conspiratorial wink. "I suppose we'll just have to help each other."

Jubilee snatched up the sunscreen bottle. She squirted a generous dollop onto her palm. The creamy lotion was cool against her skin. She positioned herself behind Illyana, who had already swept her hair aside, revealing the smooth expanse of her back. Jubilee's hands, coated in the lotion, began their gentle ministrations. Her fingers moved in soothing, circular motions, gliding over Illyana's skin. The sunscreen glistened under the sun's rays, creating an eye-catching sheen as Jubilee's hands worked their magic, spreading the lotion evenly across Illyana's back. Illyana closed her eyes as she surrendered to the gentle ministrations. Jubilee's touch was both tender and attentive. Once she had completed her task, it was Illyana's turn to reciprocate. She took the sunscreen bottle from Jubilee, and she turned around, granting Illyana access to her own back. Illyana began applying the sunscreen in long, smooth strokes, her touch equally gentle and thorough.

Illyana, now lying face-down on her towel, spoke up, her voice laced with a playful, flirtatious tone. "You know, Jubilee's hands felt absolutely divine," she remarked. Jubilee's face gained a faint blush, but before she could formulate a response, Illyana continued, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Tyson, you should treat us both to a massage. Since your touch is off-limits, why not use your illusions instead?" She delivered the suggestion with a casual air.

Jubilee, caught up in Illyana's playful mood, chimed in enthusiastically. "Ooh, that sounds nice! With your illusions, you could probably do us both at the same time." She barely finished speaking when she realized the unintended implication. Her hands flew to her mouth, eyes wide with embarrassment. "You know what I mean!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of laughter and mortification.

Tyson raised an eyebrow. Illyana, not missing a beat, added, "Don't tease her, Tyson. You've been mean enough to her today. First trying to peek at her, then picking on her in the water, and now this. Just indulge us, and do it in an anime style to make amends." Her tone was light and teasing, yet there was an underlying hint of authority in her words.

Jubilee's enthusiasm was infectious, filling the air with a playful energy. "Yeah!" she exclaimed. She bounced up and down, as she jumped, her yellow swimsuit clung to her form in a flattering manner, accentuating her figure and highlighting the gentle curves of her toned legs and hips.

Tyson gestured for the girls to settle down on their towels. "I didn't do any of those things… But alright, one anime-style massage coming right up," he declared, his voice revealing his good-natured acceptance of the request.

As Jubilee watched, Tyson's appearance began to transform before her eyes.

Three lines appeared on each side of his face, resembling a blend of cat scratches and whiskers. His normally mismatched blue-green eyes now matched in a striking blue hue. His hair changed, taking on a spikier appearance and a more golden color.

Raising his hands, Tyson extended his pointer and middle fingers, crossing them in a t-position. "Shadow Clone Jutsu," he declared with a theatrical flair.

Puffs of smoke appeared, and suddenly two duplicates of Tyson stood beside him, each mirroring his transformed appearance.

Jubilee couldn't help but giggle at the sight, her eyes wide with delight. As one of the Tyson clones approached her, she felt a tickling sensation at her nose and reached up to touch it, only to find a small trickle of blood. Embarrassed, she mumbled, "Oiroke Gyaku Harem no Jutsu." Her hands slapped against her mouth as if to prevent the words from escaping.

"I didn't actually say that! You're using your illusion to mess with me! My nose isn't bleeding!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of mock annoyance and laughter. She quickly wiped away the imaginary blood, trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

All three Tysons laughed together, the sound echoing around them playfully. The lead Tyson illusion asked, "Are you going to lay down for a massage, or what?"

Jubilee pointed at him, trying to appear stern but unable to hide the sparkle in her eyes. "No more funny business," she declared, though the corners of her mouth betrayed her amusement.

She lay down on her towel, still chuckling, her eyes following the trio of Tysons as they prepared to start the illusionary massage. Illyana, who had been watching the whole exchange, shook her head in amusement. Tyson, or rather, his three illusionary clones, got to work. Jubilee let out a relaxed sigh, closing her eyes and allowing herself to sink into the sensation. Despite the playful and absurd nature of the scenario, the illusionary massage was surprisingly effective. The tension in her muscles seemed to melt away under the skillful, nonexistent touch of Tyson's clones.

Illyana observed Tyson masterfully wielding his powers to create a blissful experience for herself and Jubilee. Her thoughts wandered to Tyson's journey. His life had been a series of trials. Pursued by Magneto and later captured by Stryker, Tyson had endured more than his fair share of adversity. Illyana knew he deserved a break, a chance to live without constant danger and conflict. Yet, the past year had not been as simple for him as she'd imagined. Despite her hopes for normalcy, Tyson's days had still been punctuated by extraordinary events.

Jubilee sensed the shift in Illyana's demeanor. "You okay, Illyana?" she asked, her voice laced with gentle concern.

Turning her attention to Tyson, Illyana asked, "Hey, could you grab us some water and snacks from one of the vendors?"

Tyson, his clones dissipating into wisps of smoke, nodded in acknowledgment. "Sure thing," he replied, already rising to his feet.

Illyana's gaze followed him as he made his way toward the cluster of beach vendors lining the boardwalk. Once he was out of earshot, she turned to Jubilee, her expression turning more pensive. "Why didn't you ask Tyson out on any dates or anything during the past year?"

Jubilee's eyes widened slightly, her cheeks flushing with a hint of sheepishness. "I mean, I tried to drop hints here and there," she admitted, her voice trailing off. "But there just never seemed to be a good opportunity, you know? And with school, training, and all the supervillain stuff he was dealing with, I didn't want to add any extra pressure."

Illyana arched an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on Jubilee. "So, what, you were just going to wait around forever?"

Jubilee's expression turned defensive, her brow furrowing slightly. "Hey, it's not like he was exactly capitalizing on any of my hints, either," she retorted, her tone tinged with frustration. "I wanted to say something when we met up for the premiere of his show, but Jean was there, then we met Felicia, and his hot teacher Natalie showed up too! Besides, we were away from each other for most of the year. It's not exactly easy to go on dates when you're at different schools and I'm not living in the city."

"It's less than an hour by train." Jubilee shot her a glare. Illyana held up her hands in a placating gesture. "I'm just saying."

"But why are you trying to push this, anyway?" Jubilee's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I don't get it. He's your boyfriend?"

Illyana's expression grew somber, her gaze shifting towards the distant horizon. "He hasn't been my boyfriend for months," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jubilee's eyes widened, at her blatant admission. She knew of course that Tyson and Illyana hadn't been dating, but Jubilee assumed they would be getting back together.

Before she could formulate a response, Illyana continued, "Look, Jubilee, I care about Tyson deeply, but our relationship has been... complicated, to say the least. We've been through a lot together, and there's a bond there that won't ever truly go away. But I wasn't always the best girlfriend." Jubilee remained silent, her expression a mix of confusion and concern as she listened to Illyana. "I'm not trying to force you towards him or anything," Illyana clarified. "I just want him to be happy, and if that means finding happiness with someone else, then so be it. He deserves that much, after everything he's been through."

Jubilee's brow furrowed in confusion as she asked, "What do you mean you weren't the best girlfriend? You saved Tyson from Magneto, didn't you? That's pretty amazing."

Illyana let out a heavy sigh, her eyes downcast. "Yes, but I've also nearly killed him. Twice, in fact. Once that first day in Limbo, and again later with my soulsword when we fought Azazel." She paused, shaking her head ruefully. "And even before we started dating, I used him as fodder to hunt demons in Limbo. I was selfish and reckless with his life." Steeling herself, Illyana continued, "There won't be much time before Tyson leaves New York. Maybe for years. If I hadn't interfered at the institute, you two would have gotten together." She looked earnestly into Jubilee's eyes. "Tyson loves me, but I'm not sure it's for the right reasons. There's a piece of me inside him, a sliver of my dark soul that I passed to him."

Jubilee's eyes widened. "That can't be," she blurted out in denial. "Tyson doesn't hold onto other people's powers or personalities unless he kills them."

Illyana shook her head adamantly. "No. I don't care what he says, he's wrong. There is a piece of me inside him, I can feel it. I've always felt it." Her voice grew more intense. "Remember, you took that train and left the institute and were attacked by Magneto. How did the Professor know you were gone? Because I told him. Everyone else forgot, even Tyson. But how did I know you all were gone? It's because I can sense that shard of Limbo, that fragment of my soul that still resides within him. It never faded."

The revelation left Jubilee momentarily speechless as she processed everything Illyana had disclosed. Before she could formulate a response, Tyson returned, oblivious to the weighty conversation that had just taken place between the two girls. He carried bottles of water and sandwiches for the trio, a cheerful smile lighting up his face.

Keenly aware of Tyson's enhanced hearing, Illyana quickly shifted topics in hopes that he had not overheard too much of their private discussion. She turned her gaze towards the glittering ocean in an exaggerated gesture, hoping Jubilee would follow her lead. "Days like this remind me there's more to life than powers and problems," she said wistfully. "We can still have moments of normalcy, even with everything else going on."

Jubilee went along with the change in subject, also uninterested in Tyson catching on to the true nature of their conversation. She stretched her arms overhead with a contented smile, the warm sun washing over her skin. "Sun, sand, friends...and no supervillains in sight. I could definitely get used to this."

Tyson chuckled nervously at Jubilee's words. It was the sound of someone hiding a guilty secret. Illyana's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Oh no, I know that laugh. You're not telling us something. What's going on?"

Before Tyson could respond, the tranquil atmosphere was gradually disrupted by the growing rumble of engines in the distance. The noise increased in volume and distinction, drawing the trio's attention.

"What's happening out there?" Jubilee asked as she searched for the source of the commotion. "It sounds like Forza."

Tyson's eyes sparkled with excitement, even as his answer held a hint of hesitance like he was reluctantly revealing a secret. "Well, there is a Formula One race being held here today," he explained, unable to keep the enthusiasm from his voice. "Monaco is pretty famous for hosting it."

"Formula One? Here?" Jubilee's interest was ignited, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Yeah, the Monaco Grand Prix," Tyson continued. "One of the most prestigious car races in the world. Monaco may be small, but once a year, its streets transform into a racing circuit. The cars navigate through narrow roads, right by the harbor. It's incredible."

As the revving engines filled the air, Jubilee's face lit up with excitement. "That's pretty cool," she exclaimed, her attention drawn towards the commotion. "Can we check it out?"

Tyson chuckled, but there was a hint of nervousness in his laugh. Illyana noticed it immediately, sensing there was more to this race than met the eye.

The Principality of Monaco was not large, with the harbor and beach just a short walk from the streets that now served as the Formula One racetrack, the roar of the engines transformed the tiny country. As the cars whipped around the tight corners, engines screaming, Illyana decided her friends needed a better view of the iconic race. With a subtle gesture, she opened one of her portals, the glowing ring crackling with eldritch energy. In an instant, the trio stepped out onto a balcony overlooking the course, just as the race leaders came screaming around Casino Square.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Jubilee shouted, eyes wide as she took in the spectacle below. The cars streaked. Each driver exhibited extraordinary skill and precision with every turn.

The crowd packed along the barricades cheered wildly. Jubilee's grin was electric, reflecting the energy and excitement of the event unfolding before them. 

As the Monaco Grand Prix unfolded, an unexpected and dramatic scene played out on the track below. The crowd's cheers suddenly turned to gasps of shock as a man stepped onto the track with a determined and dangerous look in his eyes. Illyana leaned forward, "What's he doing?" she murmured.

The man, seemingly unfazed by the speeding cars, strode confidently onto the track. "He's going to get hit!" Jubilee cried out, fear lacing her words.

But the man showed no concern for the oncoming cars. Instead, he deployed a strange technology; a harness that unfolded around his body, creating glowing, electrically charged whips in each hand. It was a terrifying sight, the whips crackled with deadly energy, and the clothing around the man's chest disintegrated amid the scintillating electricity.

A massive crash erupted as the man swung his whips, slashing one of the cars which broke apart under the assault. The crowd erupted in panic, screams mixing with the sound of the crash.

On the track, Tony Stark, driving one of the racing cars, seemed to realize the danger too late. The man lashed out with his whips, aiming for Tony's car.

Illyana prepared to use her powers. "I'll get us down there," she said. But Tyson held out his hand, stalling her intervention. From their vantage point near the chaotic scene, Jubilee, Illyana, and Tyson watched intently as Tony Stark emerged from the wreckage of his car. Shaken but mostly unharmed, his eyes focused on the man, whom Tyson knew was Ivan Vanko. Vanko stood menacingly with his electric whips crackling in the air.

A black luxury car barreled down the track. Happy Hogan, Tony's bodyguard, maneuvered the car, slamming it into Vanko and pinning him against the barrier of the track. He backed the car up and rammed Vanko several more times. But Vanko began attacking the car with his electric whips. Sparks flew as the whips sliced through the metal, dangerously close to Happy and Pepper Potts who was also in the car.

Pepper reached out of the car and threw a metallic suitcase toward Tony. It skidded across the ground, coming to a stop at his feet.

Jubilee's eyes widened, "A suitcase? What?" she questioned.

Tony grabbed the suitcase, and in a matter of seconds, it transformed. It unfolded and attached itself around Tony, morphing into the iconic Iron Man suit. The transformation was a technological marvel, the suit wrapping around him, piece by piece until he stood fully clad as Iron Man. With the suit now on, Tony turned his attention to Vanko. He kicked the car, sliding Pepper and Happy away from danger. Vanko lashed out with his electric whips, deflecting Iron Man's attacks.

Jubilee, Illyana, and Tyson watched in awe as Iron Man and Vanko engaged in a fierce battle. Vanko swung his whips, wrapping Iron Man and flipping him through the air onto the hood of the car.

"Iron Man suit in a suitcase! I can't believe this is happening!" Jubilee shouted.

The battle raged on, with Iron Man using every tool at his disposal. Vanko wrapped his whips around Stark again, but instead of trying to escape, Tony stepped closer. Seizing the moment, he lunged forward, wrapping the whips around him as he closed in. Grappling with Vanko and using the suit's strength to overpower him, he unleashed a barrage of punches on Vanko's unarmed body.

The villain was left bloody and battered as Stark ripped the arc reactor from his chest.

Jubilee could barely contain her excitement, "Did you see that? It was unbelievable, like something straight out of an action movie!" She threw her arms wide, miming punches and slashes. "Iron Man versus... Steel Whip… The Whip Master... Cool Whip!" She grasped for the right name.

Tyson supplied the name tonelessly. "Whiplash."

Jubilee pointed at him, a grin splitting her face. "Yes! Whiplash! That's perfect!" She laughed, adrenaline and joy bubbling out of her. "Iron Man versus Whiplash!"

Tyson just shook his head. Jubilee was too caught up in the thrill of the moment to notice, gaze fixed on Iron Man where he stood surrounded by authorities and spectators, arc reactor clutched triumphantly in one metal gauntlet. The armored hero raised his other hand in a reassuring gesture, signaling that the danger had passed. The crowd roared their approval, but Jubilee's cheers rose above them all.

Beside her, Illyana turned to Tyson, suspicion written plainly on her face. "You knew something was going to happen, didn't you?" she accused, her gaze searching his face for any hint of confirmation.

Tyson shuffled his feet, looking slightly uncomfortable under Illyana's scrutiny. "Well, I had a hunch," he admitted reluctantly.

Jubilee's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean you sensed all this was going to happen? Like you did before the institute was invaded?" she asked, disbelief coloring her voice.

"I, uhh... Yeah. I had a feeling this week was going to be big," Tyson answered lamely, looking apologetically at both of them. He latched onto the explanation that Jubilee had conveniently offered. It was better than anything he came up with on the fly.

Illyana crossed her arms. "This week? I'm not here for a week, I only have the day," she said, concern evident in her tone.

"We should probably head back," Tyson said finally. With one last look at the beautiful vista behind them, he waved his arm, opening a portal back to the institute.

Jubilee stepped back into her room, still buzzing with excitement from the day's events. "Did you see how Tony Stark handled those whips? That suitcase suit is seriously cool," she gushed, her voice thick with awe.

In contrast, Illyana wasn't so easily impressed. She turned to Tyson, her eyes narrowing slightly. "This was supposed to be a relaxing day, Tyson. Instead, you took us straight into a showdown between Iron Man and some villain," she chided.

Tyson rubbed the back of his neck, looking a bit sheepish. "I know, I know."

Jubilee, ever the peacemaker, jumped in to ease the tension. "Hey, come on, Illyana. It was actually pretty awesome to see it all go down," she said, trying to lighten the mood with her usual cheerful demeanor. "For once it wasn't one of us fighting the bad guy. It was cool to just be a spectator."

But Illyana was firm. "That's not the point, Jubilee. Tyson, you need to make this up to us," she stated, looking expectantly at Tyson.

Caught off guard, Tyson asked, "Um, okay. How?"

Illyana pondered for a moment, then her eyes lit up with an idea. "How about you take us out again?"

Tyson shrugged. "Sure."

Illyana watched Tyson closely to gauge his reaction as she suggested, "You can take Jubilee out soon. I'll be expecting my night out when you join me."

Jubilee's words tumbled out in a rush, her eyes bright with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "It wouldn't be a date, date. Just us hanging out," she clarified hastily, her voice slightly higher pitched than usual. Her hands moved animatedly as she spoke. "Maybe we can go to a club after graduation. I'll plan it. It'll be fun." As she spoke, a blush crept up her cheeks, a rosy tint that betrayed her effort to downplay the outing as something casual. The idea of spending time with Tyson, alone on a date, filled her with a giddy kind of happiness.

Illyana couldn't help but agree encouragingly. There was a warm, knowing look in her eyes. "That sounds like a great idea, Jubes," she said supportively. Her words were meant to reassure, to make Jubilee feel more at ease with her proposal. Illyana was more than happy to give her friend the nudge she needed.

Tyson caught the nervous energy radiating from Jubilee and saw through her attempts to label the outing as just a friendly gathering. Yet, he chose not to call her out on it, finding her enthusiasm and the flutter of nerves endearing.

"That sounds like a plan," Tyson agreed, his tone light and teasing. "Even though I live next to a club, I haven't been to one. Might be fun to see what the fuss is all about."

Jubilee's eyes sparkled at his response, her heart skipping a beat. She quickly composed herself, though, not wanting to appear too eager. "Yeah, just something chill. Nothing fancy," she said, trying to sound nonchalant. Inside, however, she was already wondering what she would wear, what she should do with her hair, and how the night would unfold.

Illyana nodded, satisfied with the plan. "Alright, it's settled then. A night out to celebrate your graduation. And Tyson, you're paying," she declared.

Tyson laughed, accepting the friendly 'punishment'. "Deal. It's the least I can do after today's surprise adventure," he said, his tone light and friendly.

Jubilee clapped her hands in excitement. "This is going to be epic! Just wait, I'll find the perfect place for us to celebrate," she said, her mind already racing with ideas.

Tyson asked, "Hey, Jubes. Before we leave, I need a favor…" He began whispering conspiratorially.

— Rogue Replacement —

Jubilee strolled through the halls of the Xavier Institute, a mischievous gleam in her eye as she searched for her target. She found Logan lounging in the common room, idly flipping through a motorcycle magazine.

"Hey Logan, you've gotta come see this awesome new game I got!" Jubilee exclaimed.

Logan glanced up and muttered something unintelligible about teenagers. "This ain't another one of them Old West games, is it? I told you, I don't remember the 1800s. I don't know if it was actually like that."

Jubilee rolled her eyes. "Quit being such a grump and just come check it out. It'll be fun, I promise!" Her enthusiasm was infectious, wearing down Logan's gruff exterior. He sighed and tossed the magazine aside.

"Alright, I'm coming. But this better not be a waste of time." He pushed himself up and grudgingly followed the beaming girl. As they passed the gym, Jubilee called out, "Hey Colossus, you should come too! It's gonna be epic!"

Piotr glanced up from his weight bench, quirking an eyebrow. "Very well, I suppose a short break would be agreeable." He set down the barbell with a resounding clang and fell in step beside them.

Jubilee practically skipped back to her room, the two men trailing behind. "Prepare to be amazed!" She threw open her door with a flourish and gestured for Logan to enter.

He tilted his head as he caught a familiar scent. But no sooner had he crossed the threshold than the floor suddenly vanished beneath his feet. Logan barely had time to let out a startled curse before he found himself plummeting through a swirling portal, the Xavier Institute disappearing above him.

Disoriented, Logan landed hard on a craggy obsidian surface. He rolled to his feet, instantly alert, and took in his new surroundings. A crimson sky roiled with unnaturally dark clouds, split by jagged forks of purple lightning. Geysers of green flame erupted from fissures in the onyx ground, casting an eerie glow. The wind carried the distant shrieks of demons.


Logan extended his claws with a sharp snikt, adamantium gleaming. His eyes darted around the hellish landscape, seeking threats, but only one figure stood nearby.

The hulking silhouette stepped out from behind a crag, revealing a leering fanged smile and feline eyes glowing with malice.


"Happy birthday runt," the beast rumbled. "Time for your yearly ass-kicking."

Understanding dawned and a slow grin spread across Logan's face. Jubilee had set him up. He chuckled darkly and slid into a battle crouch, claws at the ready. "Bring it on, kid!"

They traded blows in a whirlwind of violence, blood spraying the shattered obsidian. Their wounds healed as quickly as they were opened.

During a break in the combat, they separated, staring each other down.

Suddenly, Sabretooth shimmered and vanished.

Tyson was revealed in his place. "I was nice this time old man, giving you a heads up. Next year won't be so easy!" He surged forward to renew the battle.

Logan's bark of laughter cut through Limbo's screaming winds as he met the charge head-on, his grin mirroring the younger mutant's. "You got stones, kid, I'll give you that! But you still got a lot to learn!"

They clashed again in a tornado of adamantium. Each man pushed the other's healing factors. Logan snarled, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of battle. He lunged forward, claws slicing through the air, but Tyson had spent the year training under Colleen. He twisted away from the deadly blades, his talons raking across Logan's chest, shredding flesh and drawing a grunt of pain from the older mutant.

"Not bad, kid," Logan growled, "But you're gonna have to do better than that!" He launched himself at Tyson, a whirlwind of adamantium and fury.

Tyson met him head-on, his fanged smile a mirror of Logan's savage joy. He parried the flurry of strikes with preternatural speed, his talons deflecting the adamantium claws in a dazzling display of skill. Sparks flew as the indestructible metals ground against each other, the screech of their collision rising above the wails of the demons. They danced back and forth across the blasted hellscape, neither giving quarter nor asking for it. Logan's experience and cunning were matched by Tyson's ferocity and fighting styles, the two mutants pushing each other to new heights.

Suddenly, Logan feinted left and then lunged right, his claws seeking to impale Tyson. But the younger mutant had anticipated the move. He sidestepped the deadly blades and seized Logan's wrist, his bare skin making contact with the other man's flesh.

Logan's eyes widened in shock as he felt his strength being drained away, his healing factor faltering. Tyson's power sapped his vitality and brought him to his knees. The adamantium claws retracted as Logan slumped forward.

Tyson released his grip. After a moment, he reached down and grasped Logan's hand, pulling the older mutant to his feet. "You almost had me there, old man," Tyson said, his voice tinged with respect. "But I've learned a few tricks since we fought in that bar."

Logan chuckled wearily, shaking his head. "Aye, you have at that, bub. I reckon I'm gonna have to up my game for next year." He clapped Tyson on the shoulder.

A slow clap echoed through the infernal realm, drawing their attention. Illyana stepped out from behind a towering spire of obsidian. "Boys will be boys," she drawled, her sapphire eyes glinting with mischief. "Always have to prove who's the alpha, don't you?"

Colossus emerged from the shadows behind her, his metallic form glinting in the eerie light. Tyson's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Piotr? What are you doing here?"

"What, you thought you were the only one I wanted to see? It's been nearly a year since I've laid eyes on my dear brother." Illyana walked over to Logan and enveloped him in a hug, "Thank you again, Logan, for your help with Azazel. I couldn't have done it without you."

Logan returned the embrace, a rare softness in his eyes. "Anytime, darlin'. You know I've always got your back." They separated, and he turned to Tyson, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "So, kid, how have you been getting along?"

Tyson's face split into a wide grin. "Pretty good. Stopped some supervillains, and started a business. You know… How are things going with Ororo these days?"

Logan's look of surprise was quickly masked. "Just fine, bub. Just fine indeed."

"I knew it!" Tyson crowed, pumping his fist in the air. He strode over to Illyana and took her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers briefly. With his other hand, he slashed through the air, opening a shimmering portal back to Jubilee's room. "Hey Jubes!" he called out, his voice echoing through the rift. "Logan and Ororo got together! I told you!"

Jubilee's peeked into the portal, her expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Doesn't change the fact that you're living vicariously through Logan, you big dork!" she retorted, sticking her tongue out at him.

Tyson scoffed and rolled his eyes, waving his hand dismissively. The portal collapsed in on itself, cutting off Jubilee's laughter. He turned back to the others, shaking his head. "Women. They just don't understand the sacred bonds of male friendship."

Illyana raised an eyebrow, her lips twitching with suppressed mirth. "Oh really? And what would you know about the sacred bonds of male friendship? You just proved your idea of male bonding involved beating each other senseless."

Tyson clutched his heart in mock affront. "You wound me, Lyana! I'll have you know that there's a rich tradition of men settling their differences through the time-honored method of pummeling each other into submission. It's a cornerstone of civilization! Etched into the stone of Guy Code."

Piotr chuckled, the deep rumble of his laughter echoing through the hellish landscape. "He's not wrong, sister." He clapped Tyson on the back, the heavy metal hand forcing him to stumble forward a small step to balance. "You fought well today, my friend. You have grown much since I last saw you."

Tyson grinned up at the metal giant, rubbing his shoulder ruefully. Tyson having to look up at someone was novel. "Thanks, big guy. You're not so bad yourself. We'll have to go a few rounds sometime, see if I can put a dent in that shiny hide of yours."

Logan watched the byplay, shaking his head. "Alright, runts, as much fun as this little reunion has been, what say we head back? I've got a birthday to celebrate, and I'm pretty sure Chuck's got a bottle of scotch with my name on it back at the mansion."

Illyana nodded, her eyes flashing with the silver of her power. "Agreed. As delightful as Limbo is this time of year, I think we've all had our fill for one day." She waved her hand, and a shimmering portal sprang into existence, offering a view of the Xavier Institute's lush grounds. "After you, birthday boy."

Logan sketched a mock bow, a grin playing on his rugged features. "Don't mind if I do, darlin'." He strode through the portal, followed closely by Piotr.

As the group emerged from the portal, Tyson turned to Logan, "Hey, old man, I almost forgot. For your birthday, you're welcome to bring Ororo to my show if she's interested and you're looking for a date night. VIP seating, on the house, of course."

Logan responded, "That's generous of you, kid. I might just take you up on that offer. 'Ro's been asking for a night out on the town."

Tyson's expression sobered slightly as he addressed the gathered mutants. "Listen, there's something you all should know. Yesterday, I was called into a Senate hearing as my Mirage identity, and I ended up admitting that I'm a mutant." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. We're going to be making our way into the spotlight, whether we like it or not. You should probably give Professor Xavier a heads up if he isn't already aware."

Illyana frowned, her sapphire eyes troubled. "The humans are always looking for an excuse to fear and hate us."

Piotr placed a comforting hand on his sister's shoulder, "We have faced adversity before, Illyana. We will weather this storm as we have all the others, together."

Tyson gathered his thoughts. "In my show, I tell Spider-Man's story. But I'd like to start including some mutant stories as well. Give people a glimpse into our world, help them see us as individuals, not just powers." He looked around at the group, "If any of you are interested in sharing your stories, I'd be honored to tell them. We can split the profits from the ticket sales, of course."

Illyana asked, "Why not tell your own story, Tyson? I'm sure it's far more interesting than any of ours."

Tyson chuckled, shaking his head. "I've considered it, but I'd have to leave out so much. As far as the world knows, I'm just an illusionist. Can't go giving away all my secrets now, can I?" His expression turned serious once more. "But if any of you want your story told, I'd hide any vulnerabilities, and focus on the person behind the powers. I want to change the narrative, make people see the human side of us."

Logan grunted in approval. "You know my story better than I do, kid. Feel free to use it if you think it'll help the cause. Just leave out the bits about the birthday beatdowns, eh?"

Tyson grinned, sketching a mock salute. "You got it, old man. Your sordid past is safe with me."

A flicker of discomfort crossed Illyana's features. "I'm sorry, Tyson. I'm not ready for my story to be told. Not yet." She wrapped her arms around herself as if warding off a chill despite the warm breeze.

Tyson's expression softened, and he reached out to take her hand, "Hey, it's okay. Your story isn't nearly written yet. There's still so much more to come, so much more for you." He pulled her close, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to help you tell it. But until then, you just keep writing it."

Piotr cleared his throat, "As touching as this moment is, perhaps we should continue it inside? I believe Jubilee is rallying the troops to create an impromptu birthday celebration, and it would be a shame to keep the others waiting."

Logan chuckled, clapping the metal giant on the back. "Aye, Petey's right. Let's head in and get this party started."

Tyson hesitated, uncertainty flickering across his features. "Sorry guys, I'm not ready to head back into the institute yet," he said apologetically.

Logan clapped him on the back. "I get it kid, I'll see you soon. Try to stay out of trouble."

Tyson laughed, ruefully. "You know how that goes."

Logan grunted in wry acknowledgment. Illyana commented dryly, "He's a trouble magnet."

Tyson shot the blonde mutant a sheepish look before turning back to Logan. "Happy birthday man," he said sincerely. Logan nodded.

Illyana shared a quick hug goodbye with her brother Colossus. The other mutants turned and walked back toward the institute. Tyson raised his hand and with a flick of his wrist, used the sling ring to open a glowing portal back to his suite.

"Lyana?" she asked, unprompted.

"It took me months, but I finally figured out a nickname for you," Tyson said as they stepped through the portal.

Illyana looked pleased. "You thought about me that much? I like it." The portal closed behind them, leaving the two alone together in Tyson's living room.

— Rogue Replacement —

AN: I finally finished writing Arc 6, just the outro left. So... Tyson's next power poll on the Patreon will close on Friday. Vote in that if you haven't yet, it's still pretty close, with only two votes separating the top two choices (as of this morning). Costs nothing to vote.

This chapter has an accompanying gallery if you want to check it out while you're there. Shameless plug: it's only a buck for the lowest tier to unlock the galleries, 5 bucks gets you one chapter ahead of public release and NSFW galleries, and 10 gets you that and two chapters ahead of public release.

If you're reading on WebNovel or Scribble Hub, you're now caught up on public releases, new chapters will be weekly instead of daily. If you made it this far, I'd really appreciate it if you took a minute to drop a review. Thanks!

Steatoda Steatoda

Behind the Scenes

- There were several callbacks to Arc 1 in this chapter

…Logan saying he didn’t remember the 1800s was a call back to Arc 1 when Tyson watched Jubilee playing Red Dead Redemption

… Illyana reminded Jubilee that she was the one who recognized Tyson was missing from the Institute

… Illyana’s retrospective on how she and Tyson’s relationship started

- Tyson speaks more about ambushing Logan on his birthday later in this Arc, but it has been nearly a year since Tyson arrived. Remember Sabertooth attacked Logan on his birthday annually; The dates don’t line up exactly, but for the purposes of this story Logan’s birthday is late May or Early June. According to my notes, he was born in 1832. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine we see a clip of Logan and Victor fighting in the Civil War, so he had to be an adult by the 1860s.

June 2, 2010: Tyson Arrived

May 29, 2011: This chapter

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


