0.81% Quick Transmigration: the Host is Crazy and Wild / Chapter 3: The Treacherous Minister Who Helps the People 3

章 3: The Treacherous Minister Who Helps the People 3

After much hesitation, Grand Preceptor Shen finally opened the letter: “Dear father, your unfilial son Shen Qi humbly reports: I am deeply ashamed for not paying my respects to you for the past two years, which is the first act of unfilial piety. I have also burdened your reputation, which is the second act of unfilial piety… I beg for forgiveness for my grave sins as I return to the Residence tonight.”

Grand Preceptor Shen’s brows gradually furrowed.

His extensive experience as an official allowed him to quickly and sensitively realize that this belated meeting tonight might explain the reason behind Shen Qi’s drastic change in temperament.

Suddenly, he thought of the incident involving Gu Qing during the morning court session.

The Emperor had clearly intended to execute Gu Qing, but Shen Qi unexpectedly changed his stance.

Although she seemed to cause trouble for Gu Qing, she ultimately saved his life.

Furthermore, Minister Xu had clearly angered the Emperor at that time, but it was Shen Qi who spoke up and diverted the Emperor’s anger…

Grand Preceptor Shen lightly tapped the tabletop, pondering whether there were hidden circumstances that he had been unaware of.

He ordered someone to open the side door and waited in the study until the moon hung high in the sky. It was only then that Shen Qi, dressed in a dark robe, appeared at the door.

“Unfilial son pays respects to his father.”

Shen Qi knelt before Grand Preceptor Shen with a straight back. The servants in the Residence quietly closed the room’s door, providing them with a quiet and secluded space for conversation.

Grand Preceptor Shen did not ask him to rise, but simply observed him in the flickering candlelight; his eyes slightly red.

After a long while, he sarcastically chuckled and his voice was hoarse, “You, the esteemed Minister Shen, hold great influence in the Emperor’s heart, while I, a mere Grand Preceptor with a superficial reputation, how can I bear your kneeling?”

“It’s my fault.”

Shen Qi quickly admitted her mistake and remained kneeling on the ground as if she was ready to endure any punishment.

It pained Grand Preceptor Shen to see her like this. “Tell me, what do you want from me?”

“I have a request. General Gu is in trouble, and the military officials in the court will undoubtedly be disappointed with Da Liang. I know that father once taught North Frontier General, so I hope you can write a letter to him, asking him to step forward and appease the soldiers.”

Upon hearing this, Grand Preceptor Shen stood up in anger, pointing at Shen Qi sternly, “If you knew the consequences, why did you submit to execute Gu Qing in the first place?”


Shen Qi lowered her head in pain, displaying a look of “I have my reasons, but I can’t say them.”

Despite repeated questioning from Grand Preceptor Shen, she remained tight-lipped, keeping her mouth shut.

Annoyed, Grand Preceptor Shen paced around her two or three times before taking out a ruler and slamming it on the table. “Speak! Tell me everything in detail! Otherwise, from this day forward, you shall no longer recognize me as your father!”

“Father, please… don’t ask anymore.”

Shen Qi looked at Grand Preceptor Shen with a face full of bitterness. “Do you want me to resort to disciplinary measures?”

Grand Preceptor Shen grew impatient, and he forcefully struck Shen Qi’s arm with the ruler. Shen Qi cried out in pain, seemingly driven to desperation, and almost blurted out, “But how do you expect me to say it? Chengfeng is under someone’s control, and I am not powerful enough to save him, so I could only…”

Shen’s heart sank. Chengfeng, the current Emperor’s courtesy name, was bestowed by Shen himself. How could he not know?

“Explain it to me,” Grand Preceptor Shen steadied himself against the table, his mind becoming clearer. “Who is controlling the Emperor? Is it Zhao Baiyue or the Zhao family?”

Shen Qi began to play dumb and denied, “I didn’t say anything.”

The more she denied, the more certain Grand Preceptor Shen became.

No wonder the Emperor’s temperament had drastically changed in the past two years.

No wonder his son had suddenly taken the path of treachery. He knew things were not that simple! “What does the Zhao family want? How is the Emperor being controlled? Are all the physicians and guards in the palace dead? How dare they let you investigate such dangerous matter alone?”

Grand Preceptor Shen’s voice thundered with anger, his gaze unwavering.

Today, he would extract the answers from Shen Qi’s mouth! Shen Qi and he locked eyes for a long time before she sighed as if surrendering.

“Zhao Baiyue has somehow gained control over Chengfeng, making him obedient and compliant to her every wish. This matter cannot be made public, so I can only attach myself to her in order to extract information from her.”


“The Zhao family has allied with iron cavalry of the grasslands, seeking to overthrow Da Liang. That’s why Zhao Baiyue has been targeting the loyal ministers of Da Liang. I can only protect a few individuals.”

As Shen Qi spoke, she pulled out a piece of paper from her sleeve, on which several names were written.

“I knew that these people are wise and capable. In the past two years, I intentionally sent them away from the capital, and I’m asking you, father, to secretly rescue them and provide proper arrangements.”

Grand Preceptor Shen’s hand trembled as he took the paper, his eyes moist. “You have done… exceptionally well!”

How much injustice had his son suffered behind his back?

How much humiliation had she endured to obtain this information and protect these courtiers? He had been completely unaware!

Others might have turned a blind eye but as a father, not only had he failed to assist his son, but he had also spoken ill of him on more than one occasion!

Grand Preceptor Shen deeply regretted his actions.

Shen Qi glanced at Grand Preceptor Shen’s expression and felt satisfied.

Yes. She, Shen Qi, was the top spy of Da Liang, infiltrating enemy ranks to secretly protect Da Liang, enduring humiliation and sacrificing her own reputation!

She manipulated and corrupted, she abused power and accepted bribes, she was corrupt and unjust. But she truly was a good person!

“This matter is complicated, and I didn’t want to involve you, father. However, the danger concerning Gu Qing is too great, so I had no choice but to seek your help. If one day the situation goes beyond my control, please banish me from the family.” Shen Qi lowered her head and spoke again.

“What nonsense are you talking?” Grand Preceptor Shen, usually refined, suddenly cursed, “I have served three dynasties as an official. Am I still afraid of such matters? You are my son, and you always will be!”

Grand Preceptor Shen trembled as he half-crouched down, embracing Shen Qi’s head and sobbing uncontrollably.

He cried, and Shen Qi cried with him. When their throats were hoarse from crying, Grand Preceptor Shen spoke again, “Don’t be afraid, father will help you.”

What could be worse than death?

If his son had the courage, how could he not?

Grand Preceptor Shen helped Shen Qi sit on a chair; his hand gently touching the spot where she had been struck by a ruler. “Does it hurt?”

Shen Qi had always been outstanding and had never been struck before. Grand Preceptor Shen had been too angry earlier, and the force had been too strong. He hoped he hadn’t caused any serious harm.

“It’s nothing.”

Shen Qi shook her head slightly and whispered, “Currently, Da Liang is in a critical state of survival. Chengfeng is beyond saving. Our only hope lies with the Crown Prince.”

Depose the Emperor and support the Crown Prince.

This act was tantamount to treason, but at present, it was the only path they could take. Grand Preceptor Shen’s lips moved slightly and his expression was grave.

“As for North Frontier General, I will write to him and ask him to stabilize the military’s morale. But Gu Qing… what's your plan?”

“It’s inevitable that I will have to humiliate General Gu Qing to some extent, to make them believe. Once everything is settled, I will personally apologize to him and beg for forgiveness.”

“Gu Qing is not one to hold grudges. When he hears the reasons, he won’t blame you.”

Grand Preceptor Shen asked with a hint of worry, “But how will you explain intentionally saving Gu Qing today to the Zhao family?”

“I have a fondness for males. I like Gu Qing.”

Cough... What? Grand Preceptor Shen choked and began to cough violently.

What kind of ridiculous nonsense was this?

Shen Qi shrugged slightly, helplessly spreading her hands.

“Do you really want me to humiliate General Gu Qing?”

Grand Preceptor Shen: …

Feeling weary, he closed his eyes slightly.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

The amount of information tonight was too overwhelming. He was exhausted!

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