33.33% Reincarnated As Khalid Nassour / Chapter 1: Wishes And Reincarnation
Reincarnated As Khalid Nassour Reincarnated As Khalid Nassour original

Reincarnated As Khalid Nassour

作者: DeadCat5757

© WebNovel

章 1: Wishes And Reincarnation

( A/N I'm back for good this time but i'll only be posting new chapters every 1-2 weeks but I have a Patreon so I might have about 10 more chapters on there later anyway let's get on with the show) 

In a completely ''White Space'' a soul around 16-17 years old could be seen looking at an entity similar to The Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist with the only difference being that this entity did not have a smile on its face instead it just looked like a mappa employee who just got home from work 

The entity seemingly tired of the main character spacing out finally decided to speak ''You done thinking or do you want me to keep sitting here while you think of whatever the hell you people think about'' 

The main character seemingly just coming to their senses answers back by asking ''I am guessing that I have died and I am currently sitting in front of a being that we humans might refer to as ''God'' or ''R.O.B'' short for ''Random Omnipotent Being'' am I correct?''

''Yes you are any other questions?'' The soul ''Thought'' for awhile before asking another question ''Am I to assume I am in one of those situations where a person dies then gets isekai'd, reincarnated or transmigrated with wishes am I correct?''

The entity or R.O.B nodded at this before proceeding to say ''You are but there are going to be rules but first where would you like to go?'' to this the soul did not even have to think for long before saying ''I would like to go to the Young Justice universe but not one with others like me in it please'' 

Within an instant the being said ''Don't worry we don't do that anymore after all we really don't feel like dealing with the complaints of the other beings like us because you people decided you could overthrow those beings and become the new gods of that verse anyway would you like to know the restrictions of your wishes''

The soul ''nodded'' before saying ''go ahead I would like to know them'' after they said that the R.O.B created a small list before saying

''You cannot wish for the physique or powers of a Kryptonian or any variant of them same goes for saiyans from dbz nor can you wish for a system in any form you also cannot wish to be any race outside of humans all together no wishing for more wishes and no using a piece of paper to try and use a loophole that's pretty much all oh also you get 3 wishes''

The soul ''thought'' for a while before saying ''may I get a piece of paper so I can write down my wishes and extreme detail so you know what I'm referring to when I make my wishes'' 

After a bit of ''thought'' the R.O.B decided to grant their request and give them a piece of paper and once it came into the soul's ''hands'' along with a pen it wrote down it's wishes 

1. [ I wish for immortality to be specific I wish for all 6 types of immortality those being Eternal Life, Resilient Immortality, Immortality via regeneration, Immortality via reincarnation or resurrection, Deathless Immortality, and lastly Reliant Immortality and you should be aware of what should come with immortality

but since I want to be hyper-specific I shall tell you no pain for there would be no reason for me to feel pain the only reason why pain exists is because when you are in pain, it's because your nervous system thinks that a part of your body is injured or in danger of getting injured and that could lead to death but because i'm immortal I would have obviously have evolved to not feel pain because it would be useless due to my immortality you know what I don't have enough paper so I will just assume you know the other perks that should come with it]

2. [ Perfect Mind This one should be short it would or should come with perfect eidetic memory meaning I cannot forget anything infinite brain capacity or unlimited brain capacity Perfect Resistance to mind alteration or any form of alteration towards my mind this should apply to my soul as well because I know how DC works and I know the mind is intrinsically linked to the soul there 

As well as literally all of the Mind defenses and stuff and all the resistances and everything that should have come with this as well as all the ones that exist or don't exist at this current time just to be sure]

Right when our main character was about to write down his third wish he suddenly looked up and asked the R.O.B ''I nearly forgot to ask this will I be able to decide to reincarnated into the person of my choosing in the DC universe or is that a wish thing?''

The R.O.B glanced at him saying yes you will be able to choose nearly whoever you want I'm not a dick when it comes to wishes so don't worry about that'' after the R.O.B said that are main character let out a sigh of relief before continuing his writing 

3. [ I wish for all of the memories of my life from start to end please I am aware that most of the time when people don't ask for this most of their memories just end up going poof for some reason but if I get to keep them give me 1.5 times the magic potential of Black Alice] 

( A/N for those people who don't know Black Alice you should really read some stories about her I mean she is crazy powerful to the point where she can take and use the Spectors powers including their non magic ones I think)

After are main character was done writing his wishes he handed the paper over to the R.O.B and with a brief glanced over it they replied ''Granted though I am not one of those beings who messes with those memories good choice so you get your magic wish granted now then who will you choose to be?'' 

 The main character did not hesitate before saying ''Khalid Nassour'' the R.O.B raised his ''eyebrow'' before asking ''Why would you choose him out of every other character in DC or Young Justice why him I mean I know he is kind of good at magic but still why?'' 

The main character replied in an instant knowing they might ask just that ''Well that is very simple he is the great nephew of the previous Doctor Fate so I could learn some things about magic and lords of order and chaos that I don't have a clue about and the fact that they share a shared past with Zatanna Zatara does help as well though i'm curious will I be a full human or a ''Homo Magi'' like him?''

The R.O.B replied in an instant with ''No you will not become a Homo magi as previously stated you will stay a human no matter what when wishing because that is what you died as'' the main character curious asked 

''Is there a reason why I am not allowed to be anything other than human though you don't have to answer?'' the R.O.B nodded and said ''Yes there is you see since your body is practically perfectly intact we don't have to make a new one those are the rules the more intact you are the more you stay the same''

( A/N I might have not explained it in a way that you understand so let me say what he means basically you know the rules matter can neither be created nor destroyed well when they break those rules they basically have to use only the intact body and not something like the ashes because those parts are already supposed to become something new and since that is the case those parts of the body cannot be used as they are destined for something else anyway since the mc died human they can only use atoms assigned for humans when making them a body you know what this is getting a little bit to complicated so i'll stop here just think bullshit fanfiction reasons there done) 

''Anyway any request for your new body?'' are main character ''thought'' for a little bit before saying ''I would like to be around 6,8 in height also I want a guaranteed 8 pack and fuck it give me a penis around 10 inches in length and 3.4-3.6 inches in girth also even though I know they probably will cut the foreskin please make it so it is cut please I don't want any diseases''

The R.O.B looked surprised for a second before saying ''You know not a lot of people think about their inches when they get reincarnated but sure why not anything else before I send you off?'' the main character ''thought'' for a moment before saying ''Yes I want my body to be on autopilot till I turn 4 months old because I want to be able to talk also when it's on autopilot make it so the baby adapts super quick to pretty much everything please so it does not look weird when I start talking 

''Granted and goodbye also thanks for not trying to find a loophole in the rules like most people''



( A/N have a good night or day I'll post the next chapter after a little bit of shit nearly forgot Khalid Nassour power is kind of down played a lot so let me tell you a secret he can use his magic to kill Superman and Darkseid writers just ''forget'' he can do that anyways bye) 

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


