
Chapter 53 - World News 01.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

The Land of Sound.



A shocking news began to emerge around the world in the coming days. First, there was an update about Light and his team, stating that the Guild, an organization that performed cheaper missions that the great nations couldn't handle, was completely destroyed in a conflict with Light.

The update in Light's bingo book increased exponentially because of this, while the information about him taking down an entire village was not disclosed. The officials who received the bingo book information didn't believe a mysterious man could bring a guild, even one not part of the great nations, to its knees without real evidence.

Even so, the entire world viewed that news with some interest, discussing who this mysterious Light was, who not only killed all the members of the Guild in the northeast of the continent but also members of the village of Kiri, earning a bounty on their heads. Additionally, there was a photo of the enormous hole he left beside the city, questioning what Jutsu could do such a thing.

Other organizations also armed themselves against this group, trying to prevent them from getting close. Since there wasn't only the Guild performing such work, many similar organizations were spread across the continent.

In the Land of Wind, the fourth Kazekage looked at the information on his desk with a raised eyebrow. "A dangerous ninja emerging with no history?" he commented. After all, even though there was no information about him taking down the village of Hot Springs, taking down a number of jonin from Kiri along with an entire organization was quite alarming, and the whole news highlighted Naruto since he had destroyed all other evidence with his light explosions.

"Look at this hole... is he a Jinchuuriki?" An assistant of the Kazekage looked at the photo with a furrowed brow.

"No Kage can create such destruction... which means he could be one, but of which Bijuu..." The Kazekage murmured. Someone unknown without a history made anyone quite scared, even the Kages, as this ninja could be an enemy.

"What shall we do?" his assistant asked.

"We will consider him an enemy. Increase the bounty on his head and consider him an S-Rank ninja." He gave the order.


In the Village Hidden in the Stones.

Oonoki was floating while reading the information. "Another powerful ninja emerging...? I want you to find out everything about him." He requested while three assistants looked at him.

"Yes, Tsuchikage-Sama!" the Stone ninjas said before leaving.

"Should we increase his bounty?" another assistant, who had stayed in the room, asked.

"Yes..." Oonoki said. "Consider him an S-Rank ninja, and contribute to his bounty. We must consider him an enemy ninja until we know his origins," he said.

"Yes, Tsuchikage-Sama!" the assistant replied.

"Now that he's gone, I can rest my back... it hurts..." Oonoki couldn't help but complain as he massaged his back as best he could.

In the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Raikage A was looking at the same information in the bingo book while his secretary waited for him to finish reading.

"So, brother, what's up with this Light? He seems like a cool dude!" Bee rhymed beside the desk.

A looked at him, "Stop with those raps. I'm analyzing the situation here, it's serious. Our spies entered the Land of Waterhot and confirmed the crater left by this Light..." He said, as the country was close to his, he sent spies to investigate the situation.

"What shall we do, Raikage-Sama..." the secretary asked.

"We'll keep a close watch. He will be considered an S-Rank ninja, and if this Light enters the country, issue an order to report and detain him as an enemy," he said.

"That sounds cool, but I hope to face him since I can beat him!" Killer-Bee continued with his rhymes, and the Raikage frowned.

In Konoha, Minato looked at the information carefully.

"We must bring him to Konoha immediately, Hokage-Sama," Koharu requested immediately.

Minato looked at her with not very pleasant eyes. Even though these elders had lost their power, they had called an urgent meeting. Minato was in front of Koharu, Homura, and Hiruzen, asking to talk about Light. It wasn't difficult for them to discover he was his son after seeing the Hokage's actions with his missing son.

"I don't intend to demand that from him," Minato said.

"Look at his power, he has to ally with the village!" Homura demanded.

"Don't forget he has an Uchiha with him," Koharu spoke again, while Hiruzen remained silent.

"An Uchiha you agreed to destroy?" Minato asked, raising an eyebrow.

"..." None of them responded until Hiruzen decided to speak calmly.

"I think what my colleagues are saying is that Naruto should be linked to this village... he possesses too much power to be wandering around the world. It's even a form of protection for him. After all, he destroyed the only organization he worked with and doesn't seem to have anywhere else to go. You should invite him to return to Konoha," he said calmly.

"Jiraiya already invited him to return, but he refused," Minato said, though he didn't mention the real reason, as these old folks would become paranoid if Naruto said he intended to destroy the current ninja system.

"Even so, we can send a new invitation, send your wife," Homura suggested, and Minato got angry at the idea of using Kushina for this.

"She is not in a condition to travel, and she is taking care of the new Uzumaki sent by Naruto," he said in a not-so-friendly tone.

"You have to do something, you are the Kage of this village, your son possesses powers that no one knows about in a chakra body. We can learn a lot from this!" Koharu said.

"You want him in a laboratory, are you seeking revenge because he killed Danzo?" Minato raised his voice, looking as if he was about to attack them.

"I..." Koharu stammered as Minato raised his chakra, and Homura looked scared. The only calm one was Minato's predecessor.

"Calm down, Minato," Hiruzen requested, while Minato still looked defiant. He sighed in the end. "I think we should go, we'll leave this matter to the Kage to resolve," Hiruzen suggested as Minato finally calmed down, watching them leave.

When the door closed, he sighed. "It's been a tough time."

Jiraiya approached as soon as the meeting ended, but he didn't interfere or listen in, as it was forbidden for him to do so.

"Yes... They considered putting Naruto in an experiment room..." Minato said, tired.

"Maybe that's exactly why Naruto doesn't want to stay in this village..." Jiraiya said.

"Do you think I would do that to my son, Sensei?" Minato asked in an offended tone.

"No... but you would have to choose between the village and your son, which is not a difficult choice, Minato," Jiraiya said seriously.

Minato sighed and decided to change the subject, "Would he return home if we invited him again?" he asked.

"Maybe yes... but it's much more likely he won't. He doesn't seem afraid to be without a village to keep him safe. Did you see what he did in that image? I never imagined that harmless boy had so much power..." Jiraiya commented.

"..." Minato remained silent, thinking, as even he was shocked by what Naruto had done.

"I'm going home, we'll continue this conversation tomorrow," he requested, and Jiraiya nodded.

Using the Raijin, Minato appeared outside the door. As he opened it, he said, "I'm back," trying to sound cheerful.

"Minato!" Kushina shouted from the kitchen as he approached and saw four red-haired women sitting at the table. Kushina was placing something on the table while touching her slightly bulging belly at that moment.

"Hello, everyone," he smiled at his wife, daughters, and possibly his adoptive daughter. Kushina sat down and asked him to join them. Mizu smiled at her father with a cheerful smile, Sora maintained a not-so-joyful expression while smiling with closed eyes. Karen nodded carefully, not quite knowing how to deal with the Namikaze family she had been inserted into in recent days.

It was strange to be here after everything that had happened, but it was comforting to be with other Uzumaki women. When her mother died, Kushina had given her the privilege of burying her mother in the backyard, so she could visit her whenever she could.

Mizu was quite receptive to her, as was Kushina, who was excited about the girl. But Sora seemed quite distant. When Naruto's name was mentioned, Sora didn't seem to want to listen, distancing herself.

"How are you?" Minato asked Kushina.

"I'm fine... now that I'm on leave, resting, and Karin is helping me a lot!" she said cheerfully before turning back to Minato. "How was your day?" Kushina asked her husband.

"Tiring..." Minato admitted. "We received new information from the bingo book today, so I had many meetings," he said, as the atmosphere at the table seemed to darken.

"Some information about him?" Kushina asked immediately, wanting to know about her son.

"Yes..." he said in a tired tone.

"Naruto?! How is he, where is he?!" Mizu asked immediately.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Before anyone could answer Mizu, Sora simply spoke and got up from the table without looking at anyone.

"Sora!" Kushina called, but the girl just left without speaking to anyone.

"Let her go, I'll talk to her later..." Minato said as Kushina sighed. Mizu looked at her plate of food in silence while Karin seemed embarrassed to be in the middle of all that confusion.

"Don't feel like that, I know this situation has its problems... but we'll get through it and Naruto will soon return..." Kushina touched the girl's shoulder, speaking with hope that Naruto would soon be there.

"Look at this..." Minato handed the bingo book to his wife.

"!" Kushina was stunned by the information.

"What did those old people say?" Kushina immediately asked angrily.

"I think this is not the best time to talk about it..." Minato explained while Kushina looked at the other two girls who were looking at her with concern.

"Alright... We'll talk later..." she said as they returned to eating in silence.

As soon as the meal ended, the girls went back to their rooms, while Karin was in a guest room. Kushina never got rid of Naruto's room and his things.

"I'll put things away, you talk to Sora," Kushina requested, knowing they could tell that Sora was no longer in her room, where she had gone.

"Alright." Minato said as he disappeared and reappeared in their yard. In the middle of the trees, there was a girl training with a sword alone.

"Sora," Minato called, but the girl didn't respond as she struck the air with her blade.

"Sora," Minato called a bit louder.

"What is it, Dad?" she said in a rebellious tone.

Minato sighed; his daughter was entering adolescence, and knowing her temperament, she would soon be very difficult to handle. "I know you're upset with Naruto," he began.

"I'm not," she replied in a neutral tone.

"Sora, I still can't understand why he did all this, but he will come back," Minato said.

"..." Sora didn't respond.

"Will you act like this when he returns? I'm sure he still loves you," Minato commented, as Sora finally seemed to give in, her shoulders dropping along with her sword. She turned to look at her father, tears falling from her eyes.

"Then why did he leave?!" she exclaimed. "Why did he leave us and hide all his abilities? Doesn't he trust us?!" Sora cried out.

"..." Minato was silent. "I still don't understand, daughter... But I hope to understand when he returns," he said.

"He... abandoned us..." Tears still fell from her eyes. She felt betrayed since Naruto left. At first, she thought someone had taken him, but when they found out he had really left them, her heart had been hurt ever since.

"Come here, daughter. I know it's hard to accept... but we'll ask him personally," Minato said, approaching Sora as she dropped the sword and hugged her father while crying.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


