51.25% Naruto - Light Ninja / Chapter 41: Chapter 41 - Escort Mission 03.

章 41: Chapter 41 - Escort Mission 03.

Some explanations that I found on the internet to understand the names, since the movie was hardly seen.

In the movie "Naruto Classic: Movie 1" the main character is Princess Yukie Fujikaze, who is also a famous actress known by the name Yuki. Her real name is Koyuki Kazahana.

Her uncle's name is Dotou Kazahana. He is the antagonist of the film, who wishes to take control of the Snow Country and uses a mechanical device to enhance his combat abilities.

The three ninjas accompanying Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi to protect the princess are:

Nadare Rouga - The leader of the trio, specialized in ice techniques.

Fubuki Kakuyoku - A kunoichi who also uses techniques based on ice and snow.

Mizore Fuyukuma - A ninja who has the ability to control ice and snow.

These characters play central roles in the film's plot, involving the protection of the princess and the confrontation against the ambitions of her uncle.

In the movie "Naruto Classic: Movie 1." the character wearing glasses who asks Kakashi to carry out the mission to protect Princess Yukie Fujikaze is named Sandayu Asama. He is Yukie's agent and representative, very concerned about her safety and plays an important role in revealing her true identity as Princess Koyuki Kazahana.

[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Country of Snow.



Naruto was quickly noticed by everyone at the location, Sandayu Asama saw this and rushed towards Naruto and the girl, while Naruto dropped her in the snow.

"Miss Yukie!" He ran up to the spot and checked if the actress was alright.

"You managed to find her quite fast..." Kimimaro commented alongside.

"I'm eager to finish this mission..." Naruto couldn't help but mention. Suddenly, train tracks started appearing on the spot, with the earth churning.

"That!" Sandayu exclaimed, startled by it, "Everyone run, he's coming!" he said, as a train began to emerge from the tunnel they had come from.

"What is this now?" Naruto murmured, joining the spot where he found several soldiers at a bit of a surprise distance.

"What's going on here?" Akame asked, surprised by it.

"The actress is actually an exiled princess from this country. Her name is Koyuki Kazahana. It seems the man who hired us was a soldier who wanted to take back his country. He deceived the princess into coming here so she could act and use this to try and restore the country again from her uncle, Dotou Kazahana. It seems he staged a coup and killed this princess's father." Naruto spoke calmly.

"Did you know this all along?" Kimimaro asked.

"Yes," Naruto replied with a sigh. "I overheard their conversation with the argument, but the princess is just a shell," he said, what kind of leader would a country have with that kind of person, the girl is haunted by her own past and doesn't even have the courage to die fighting.

The train emerged from the tunnel and started heading towards them on the tracks, it stopped aside while the soldiers, dressed as samurais, prepared to fight, the train opened its gates and equipment launching arrows and kunais aimed at them.

"Look at those, they have technology," Naruto couldn't help but comment. Then, a sound of a machine, all the launching equipment began to fire Kunais at them. However, at that moment, Akame was quick and made several hand seals, spitting fire on top of the attack, stopping it immediately.

The fireball started exploding the three and also spikes started being launched, which were bones from Kimimaro, destroying the wagons, while people looked astonished at Akame and Kimimaro and their powers.

Suddenly ice grew under their feet, A woman with pink hair appeared at that moment, launching ice jutsus.

"Is this... the Yuki clan?" Kimimaro couldn't help but ask.

He jumped and created a bone from his hand, hitting the woman aside while her face started bleeding from the scratch Kimimaro made with his projectile.

"This is impossible!! My armor should absorb all jutsus!" She exclaimed surprised.

"You didn't realize this is a Bone? It's something physical and not created entirely by Chakra." Kimimaro mocked.

Naruto watched with satisfaction as the cameramen began to film everything happening there.

Suddenly, Naruto felt something, and a huge airship appeared from the cliff. A large man opened a door and used a metallic hand to grab the actress, pulling her into the airship.

"Princess!" Sandayu shouted, alarmed.

Naruto just watched as the girl was taken inside the vehicle, and brought into a room where she finally met her uncle with a smile.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, Koyuki... You've become a beautiful woman..." Dotou Kazahana said with a smile, sitting in front of the princess.

Koyuki said nothing while she remained calmly seated. "Well, you knew I would find you eventually, but it's good that you've come home..." He spoke with a smile, while the princess stayed silent. "Anyway, I want the crystal around your neck," he requested, which made Koyuki look surprised. After all, this crystal was the last memory of her father.

"When I took over this country and saved it from the claws of your father the tyrant," he clearly lied. "I discovered that the Kazahana family keeps a secret and this was the key," he said. "Now, I would like you to give me the crystal." As soon as she heard this, she simply took the crystal from her neck and handed it over to her uncle without resistance.

"Finally!" He saw it and smiled, after all, it was the real one.

"What a disappointment," suddenly a voice appeared in the room and Naruto was there, without anyone noticing his presence the whole time, making everyone alarmed.

Naruto had a huge disgust for the princess at this moment, she had given up and even handed over what the enemy, responsible for her father's death, wanted so easily, she was just a puppet.

A deadly silence swept the area while Naruto stood silently in front of the corridor, watching everyone present who were looking at him at that moment, including two ninjas with strange armors in addition to Damayo himself and a group of men from this country who worked directly for Dotou.

"You?!" The princess exclaimed surprised to see Naruto there.

"A child?" Dotou Kazahana asked with narrowed eyes. "Since we have an intruder... let's use that on him as a test... Prepare the device, let's see if this boy can be a good test subject to see if it works," he said, as they grabbed a sort of device resembling a spider.

Naruto looked analytically, wondering what that thing did. Dotou, seeing this, smiled. "This is a prototype that has the function of draining all the chakra from the body," he said.

"Drains all the chakra... That sounds interesting..." Naruto commented with a smile behind the mask.

Naruto saw the ninja running towards him, he joined his hands performing a jutsu against Naruto, while the floor turned into ice, trapping him in a block of ice from the waist down.

Naruto was a bit surprised as he watched the man named Nadare Rouga approach and advance towards him with the device. He didn't move as he saw him place the device on his stomach. The device quickly started to move as it tried to drain all his chakra.

However, nothing happened. Nadare looked at the device surprised, after all it was not drawing any chakra energy and looked at Naruto, surprised, wrapped in ice.

"Let me tell you a secret: I don't have chakra in my body," said Naruto, before the man could react. Naruto broke the ice with his own body strength while launching a kick in the middle of the man's belly, making him fly across to the middle of a farm. The impact was so great that it started the wall was destroyed and the airship trembled.

"Well, it seems that my mission is just to kill them, and so be it," Naruto said calmly as he drew his sword.

A large man wearing armor and wielding a robotic hand, tried to stand in front of his lord, along with others, remained in front to fight with this dangerous child. Naruto simply moved quickly while his body turned into light, appearing in front of the man with his sword in hand while they made just one swing with it, separating the heads of all the men, even the warrior with the large arm.

Koyuki was alarmed by this and her uncle, Dotou jumped back quickly removing his cape and showed an armor like the other ninjas, he was terrified by this.

Nadare emerged from the destroyed wall slightly injured and made hand signs, launching an ice tiger at Naruto. Even Koyuki would be hit by the attack, but Naruto caught her before it reached them and vanished from the spot as the Tiger advanced.

Naruto appeared in the air holding the princess by her clothes and aimed his finger at the man; he fired a beam that flew towards the man. Initially, Nadare thought the armor would block it; however, the beam pierced his heart, creating a hole, and he immediately fell to his knees, feeling his chest burn.

"Impossible, this armor blocks any chakra," Dotou said, alarmed, as he too wore a similar armor.

"I don't know if you've realized, but there's no chakra in me, you fool," Naruto said, looking at the man now dead.

The girl beside him was stunned by this, not imagining that her bodyguard would be so unbeatable.

Dotou swallowed hard, now alone and afraid of the strange masked boy. "Please, what do you want? I'll give you anything, please don't kill me," the man practically begged, seeing that all his soldiers had died instantly by Naruto's hand.

He continued, "Think about it: I have an unbeatable offer for you. If we exploit the Kazahana Family Treasure, we can become so rich we could even rival the 5 nations. Imagine the power we'll have together," the man tried to entice Naruto.

Laughing at his words, Naruto responded: "Sorry, but that's not my job," after all, when he takes on a job, he finishes it, unless it becomes something against his principles.

Then, the desperate man began to circle and tried to run to the airship's cabin. Seeing him, Naruto raised his arm. As soon as he moved, he launched his sword, which flew towards the man. He didn't even have time to react, being nailed to the wall, the sword piercing his armor and destroying his heart with the blade.

"Well, well, that was quite quick," Naruto commented, looking at the bloodbath he had created. He looked at the girl beside him, who now looked at him with fear. "I believe we're done here. Do you have any more enemies I should know about?" he asked, and the girl just shook her head, still fearful.

She never imagined that her enemies would fall so easily to the boy who wore the cloak of justice and had even mocked him a short time ago; this boy, in reality, was a monster, and it was even stranger when he was just a child, after all, his size and voice betrayed his age.

"Let's go back," Naruto said as they blew up part of the airship, creating an exit, grabbing the girl before she could react and jumping out, using the ground as a platform with his geppo. He didn't fail to look back at the airship one last time, waiting for his sword that he had retrieved from the dead body of the girl's uncle.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the battle continued, the girl with pink hair now fighting against Akame, launching several ice birds while Akame quickly spat fire.

The woman named Fubuki, who wore armor to observe and protect from jutsus, wasn't afraid to approach Akame's flames, while Akame watched her approach with her armor protecting her from the flames.

"Ninjutsu doesn't work against me," she said mockingly. She didn't know that all her bosses had already died. But Akame remained silent, watching her approach and decided to act the next moment. Thanks to physical training, she wasn't a person who depended only on ninjutsu; her body was on another level and it didn't take long for her to kick the woman's chin, catching her off guard, making her break her neck with her strength.

"You shouldn't have approached me," Akame said, looking at the woman with eyes wide open falling dead to the ground.

Back in the air, Naruto pointed at the airship, launching a beam at it, causing a massive explosion in the sky, illuminating the entire area while the cameraman filmed everything.

The man looked stunned at this, watching Naruto approach with the princess of the kingdom. Landing on the ground, he threw her without any hesitation, making the girl fall directly into the snow. "Well, let's continue the mission," Naruto ordered. He felt that he was basically fed up with this country and just wanted to do this job to return to the Land of Hot Water.

The man from the mission looked incredulously at Naruto; they had to spend some time organizing and digesting everything that had happened, the current Damayo, or former Damayo, of the country had been killed by Naruto so easily that no one could believe it, with fearful looks towards the masked boy.

It was after some time that they continued their journey to the capital. The princess remained silent the entire time; when they finally arrived, they had to organize for the new Damayo, as there were no more enemies, Naruto and the others prepared to leave the country after collecting the money for the mission.

"Did he leave?" Koyuki couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Koyuki-Sama..." The man spoke.

"Damn... I wanted to apologize... I was wrong about him..." Koyuki said, perhaps she would never have a chance to apologize, after all, she might never see Naruto again. She wanted to say she was sorry, that she was weak and mocked his principles, but realized that in the end she was a coward, wanted to say he was right and she wanted to change that.

'There is injustice in the world because there are people like you.' These were the words of Naruto that had been running through her head in recent days, she thought and wanted to be different, maybe she could start by this country, taking the place of her father...


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  • アップデートの安定性
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  • 世界の背景

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